The Midlife: Henrietta V. Cabado-Española, MD, FPPA
The Midlife: Henrietta V. Cabado-Española, MD, FPPA
The Midlife: Henrietta V. Cabado-Española, MD, FPPA
LIFE It is wonderful that our body has such vast resources and
• God-given gift powers of adaptations that it does not let us feel old in spite of
• Dynamic Process age, provided we do not misuse those powers or abuse its
continuum of change, adaptations and resources.
compromises Healthy habits and attitudes based on common sense principles
certain unavoidable things happen although and the will to live a long and healthy life along with the
each one plans and implements a scheme for a readiness to act if and when problems (e.g. illnesses, death)
happy, productive and satisfying existence, or even arise, are all that is necessary to be able to lead a richer, fuller
take steps to alter or correct quirks along the way and more rewarding life!
• Worth living
for each one to nurture and cherish
- men may develop qualities enabling them to express there may be unique financial burdens
their emotions and recognize their dependence lesser turbulent time
needs.( They become nurturing.) Adulthood = expansionary stage
• Reduction in lean muscle mass and muscle strength
• Increase in body fat
• Loss of bone matrix leading to osteoporosis
• Degeneration of joint surfaces producing osteoarthritis
Respiratory System
• Decreased vital capacity of lungs
• Diminished cough reflex
• Decreased bronchial epithelium ciliary action
Nervous System
• Decrease in gross brain weight
• Neuronal degeneration
• Decreased cerebral flow and oxygenation
• Receptor site sensitively altered
Urogenital System
• Decreased glomerular filtration rate and renal blood
• Urinary incontinence
• Loss of ovarian and testicular function
• Decreased vaginal lubrication
• Enlargement of the prostate
• Decreased hardness of erection
Women o drugs
reach their sexual prime at mid-30s such as hypotensive medications
greater capacity for orgasm in middle than young o stress with fatigue
adulthood o anxiety
freed of possibility of pregnancy at late 40s o disease
such as DM
MENOPAUSE = CLIMACTERIUM 90% of chronic impotence cases in middle adulthood
may start from the 40s to early 50s, may extend over a are due to psychological rather than organic causes
period of several years
more often a gradual process, rather than sudden or ANDROPAUSE = CLIMACTERIUM
radical psychophysiological experience, except when ‘Male Climacteric’
surgically induced ‘Male Menopause’
PADAM (Partial Androgen Deficiency in Aging Men)
o no clear demarcation
o longer span of time from middle to late adulthood
o level of testosterone stay fairly constant from 40s to
50s when it begins to decline until 70s or 80s
no dramatic onset and usually longer compared to
Physical Psychological
Impotence Fatigue
Premature ejaculation Irritability
Menopause: Effects and Symptoms Osteoporosis Depression
Crisis at 40 MEDICATIONS
There are issues specially with losing youth Non-hormonal medications
o Vitamins
Emotional or Psychological Disorder Characterized by o Minerals
o Sedatives
Trigger Factors: o Other prescribed medications
• sudden drastic change in work or loss of a job Hormonal medications
• death of a spouse or strained marital relationships o ERT (Estrogen Replacement Therapy)/HRT
• feeling of emptiness or loneliness in unmarried (Hormonal Replacement Therapy)
individuals o TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy)
• serious illness
Predisposing Factors: o Information giving
• parental discord o Correction of myths and misconceptions
withdrawal by the same sex parent o Sexual counseling
especially during adolescence Sexual Practices
• impulsive parents with low sense of responsibility o Adequate rest prior to sex play
• anxious parents. o Lengthen foreplay
It connects with parents and children. o Adopt less physically demanding sexual positions
o Use lubricants
Signs of Depression Saliva
The person… Water
may be morose, irritable, unusually quiet, fagged out, KY jelly
pessimistic, listless, desperate and without zest for life NEVER USE… Cooking oil, petroleum jelly
may lose interest or pleasure in normal activities and More intense stimulation of genitals
may be preoccupied with worries over small matters
which may cause worry to no one When Should You Consult Your Doctor?
may have feelings of guilt and self-reproach, lapses in General
concentration and may have suicidal thoughts • persistent headache
• feelings of despondency or persecution
The Normal Turning Points During The Middle Age Are Usually • deterioration of memory
Mastered Without Distress! • unnatural tiredness
• giddiness
CRUISING THROUGH MIDLIFE • unsteadiness and tendency to fall
Midlife is… • formation of lumps
MORE than A CRISIS! • widespread itching
It is also a summon to grow and a challenge to change. • spots and sores which bleed easily
It is an opportunity to turn towards greater life or wholeness. • irritation or dryness of skin
It is a passage to the deeper places in us where we discover Chest
Our authenticity and we realize our limitations and grandeur. • breathlessness on exertion or at rest
• chest pain, worse on coughing or deep inspiration
LIFESTYLE MODIFICATIONS • persistent cough with or without sputum
Stress Management: • coughing blood
o Exercise • persistent hoarseness of voice
o Nutrition • pain in center of the chest, arm, neck or throat
o Avoidance of smoking and alcohol • sudden severe weakness accompanied by
• cold sweats
• pain in or above the eye
• seeing double images
• seeing halos around objects
• flashes of light
• blurring of vision
• failing eyesight
• loss of hearing in one or both ears
• loss of effective hearing – words not clear
• ringing in the ears
• persistent loss of appetite
• difficulty in swallowing
• excessive thirst
• unexplained loss of weight
• persistent indigestion
• persistent or increasing constipation or diarrhea
• vomiting blood or coffee-ground material
• passing fresh blood
• black tarry stools
• bloody urine
• difficulty or pain in urination
• increased frequency and urgency of urination
• uncontrolled urination
• passing large amounts or scanty urine
• ants attracted to urine
• irregular or unusual vaginal bleeding
• pelvic pain or discomfort
• unusual genital discharge
• itching around genitals
• erectile dysfunction
• loss of power and sensation
• persistent trembling or shaking
• pain, stiffness or swelling of joint or bone
• pain in the calf muscles
• sensations of pins and needles or crawling ants
• numbness
• pain or discoloration of toes and fingers
• painless or painful swelling of feet or legs
-previous notes