Earth Science Reviewer
Earth Science Reviewer
Earth Science Reviewer
- naturally occurring, usually inorganic, crystalline solid with a strictly defined chemical
composition and characteristic physical properties
I. Properties of a Mineral
Crystal Habit - characteristic external shape of a crystal individual or crystal group (aggregate)
crystal - single grain of a mineral in which the structural planes of atoms extend in the same
direction throughout the grain
- minerals with higher hardness will scratch minerals of lower hardness (Moh’s scale)
- includes the cleavage direction and the expression of the angles between planes
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Density - mass per unit volume
- specific gravity: ratio of the weight of a mineral to the weight of an equal volume of water
Special Properties:
• Effervescence - a fizzing or bubbling that occurs when a dilute solution of hydrochloric acid
(HCl) is applied; often seen in carbonates
• Fluorescence - short-waved radiation of the UV is absorbed and by the mineral and radiated
back as a longer-wave visible radiation
• Double Refraction - occurs when light entering a crystal is broken into two rays
• Taste - Few minerals have a characteristic taste such as halite (salty) and sylvite (bitter).
Mineral Classes:
Igneous Rocks
- form by solidification of magma into volcanic rocks above or plutonic rocks below Earth’s
- mostly silicates
Igneous rocks are subdivided into two groups: felsic (light-colored) and mafic (dark-colored)
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Mafic - high in iron and magnesium
* iron tends to darken the overall shade of the minerals and rocks containing it
Magma composition suggests the chemical nature of Earth’s internal process and the
interactions of lithospheric plates that generate magma.
Magma Composition
Mineral Content Mafic Mafic > Felsic Mafic = Felsic Mafic < Felsic
• When more felsic magma has a combination of high viscosity and high gas content, explosive
eruptions may result.
Plutonic rocks - intrusive rocks; cool very slowly underground allowing the crystals to become
large and well-formed
Volcanic rocks - extrusive rocks; cools quickly at the Earth’s surface that its crystals are invisible
to the unaided eye or that crystals do not grow at all
A. Phaneritic - coarse-grained texture; typical of plutonic rocks; visible crystals of the same size;
slow cooling of magma deep in the Earth
B. Pegmatitic - extreme igneous rocks formed during the final stage of a magma's
crystallization; minerals grow large until they become massive (size ranging to several metres)
C. Porphyritic - cooled at different rates; slow followed by rapid cooling; finer groundmass
crystals grow around the larger grains; more common in volcanic than plutonic rocks
D. Aphanitic - fine-grained texture; typical of volcanic rocks; rapid cooling; crystals are too fine-
grained to be seen without a hand lens
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E. Hyaline - glassy texture with vitreous luster; lava cooled so quickly that minerals had no
opportunity to form; frequently forms from highly felsic lava — atoms are less mobile (viscous)
F. Vesicular - characterised by the presence of small cavities called vesicles — gas bubbles in
the liquid magma originally dissolved but came out of solution due to the pressure decrease
during eruption
• amygdaloidal texture - secondary minerals fill in the vesicles (filled area is called amygdule)
after the solidification of the original rock
G. Pyroclastic - more “powdery” texture of rocks formed from tephra, volcanic ash and larger
rock fragments, violently ejected from volcanoes during eruptions; more commonly
intermediate to felsic
a. Rhyolite
c. Basalt - abundant on the ocean floor beneath any sediment; major rock of shield volcanoes
f. Scoria
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• Lava flows - extruded magma that has solidified in tongue shapes and as sheets
flood basalts - extensive, flat lava sheets framed from fluid lava
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Intrusive Rock Masses - plutons; intrusions
• Stocks - intrusions of relatively small size; outcrop area less than 100 km2
• Batholiths - intrusions of large size; outcrop area greater than 100 km2; often a composite of
smaller plutons
Sedimentary Rocks
- form on the Earth’s surface by the lithification of sediment
Lithification - bring grains together by compaction and gluing them together by cementation
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I. Types of Sediment
- forms when mechanical weathering breaks rocks and minerals into loose grains or
fragments called clasts and then eroded, transported and deposited
*Sediments with rock fragments and mafic minerals have not traveled far from their source.
common minerals in clastic rocks are silicates = clastic rocks are siliclastic
• crystalline texture - no space between grains where interlocking crystals fit together closely
Fossils - natural remains or traces of life preserved at the time the rock lithified
- likely to form in an environment where sediment has traveled only a very short distance
(rockslide or landslide)
Quartz sandstone - common along passive continental margins; sandstone with a high
percentage of quartz is mature.
*Quartz - resistant to physical and chemical weathering; lasts a long time at the Earth’s surface
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Graywacke - “dirty” or impure sandstone characterised by angular grains of quartz, feldspar, and
rock sediments; immature
- common along active continental margins where transport distances tend to be short
Shale - soft, fine-grained clastic rocks made of clay and silt compacted together; fissile (may split
into stabs)
Mudstone - same texture with shale hut does not split into layers;
*both shale and mudstone may contain well-preserved fossils and form in quiet
environments such as lakes, lagoons, estuaries, and the deep sea
V. Carbonates
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VI. Fossil Fuels
VII. Evaporites
- rock salt
Metamorphic Rocks
- forms metamorphic rocks and changes both the minerals and the texture of the rock
- takes place entirely underground caused by the heat and high pressure from the earth’s interior
* temperatures in the earth increase about 25 degrees Celsius for every kilometer of depth
• tectonic activity subjects the rocks to substantial increases in temperature and pressure
Confining pressure - caused by the weight of overlying mass of rock art depth, squeezing the
rock in all directions
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Regional Metamorphism - produced by mountain building and plate tectonic processes acting
over large regions deep within Earth’s crust
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Volcano - may be built entirely of lava flows, entirely of pyroclastic deposits, or a mixture of both
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Shield volcano - made of basaltic lava flows and very little ash
Cinder cone - small volcano made up entirely of pyroclastic material, ash, and cinders
Caldera - large round depression formed after a major eruption when rocks above collapse into
the emptied magma chamber
ring dike - form where some remaining magma push upward into the ring of cracks around
the caldera rim
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- only for the most recent portion of the geologic time scale because older rocks have been
buried deeply, intensely deformed and severely modified by long-term earth processes
Plate Tectonics
- Theory of Plate Tectonics states that the Earth’s lithosphere is divided into separate
plates, each of which moves as a unit over the asthenosphere relative to the other plates
asthenosphere - soft, weak layer that deforms readily allowing the lithosphere to move
across the surface
Divergent Plate Boundary - occurs where plates move away from each other and magma,
molten rock, forms and solidifies between the two plates that moved away
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• magnetic stripes on the seafloor - As rocks form, they capture a remnant of the magnetic field
called paleomagnetism.
Repeated discontinuities in the divergent plate boundary may result to transform faults.
Convergent Plate Boundary - exist where plates move toward each other
A. ocean-ocean - denser (usually older) oceanic plate subjects beneath the less dense
B. ocean-continent - as oceanic plate subjects, magma rises forming volcanoes contained within
mountain ranges
Transform Plate Boundary - strike-slip; occurs where plates slide past each other
oceanic transform faults - fracture zones that occur as dislocations in oceanic divergent
plate boundaries
Stratigraphic Laws
Principle of Original Horizontality
• Oldest rocks are at the bottom of the sequence and the youngest rocks are on top since
sedimentary rock layers are deposited in sequence one on top of the other.
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Principle of Inclusions
• The presence of a particular fossil species indicates that the rock containing the fossil was
formed at a time between the evolution and extinction of that species.
Climate - average weather pattern in a particular place over an extensive span of time
I. Earth-Sun Relationship
vernal and autumnal equinox - day and night are the same length
• As air heats, it expands, causing it to have lower density; thus, creating less pressure.
• As air cools, it contracts, causing it to have higher density. Denser air creates more pressure
due to the force of gravity.
Air moves from regions of high atmospheric pressure with cool, sinking air to regions of low
atmospheric pressure with warm, rising air.
convection - process of air rising and sinking because of difference in density due to heating and
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Coriolis effect - apparent deflection in the movement of wind from high to low pressure
- results from Earth’s rotation causing moving objects to turn relative to the Earth’s surface
marine influence - Proximity to oceans and seas influences the climate because water has high
heat capacity. This means water requires a lot of energy to warm it up and it gives off a lot of
energy when it cools.
sea breeze - wind blows from the sea toward the land; land warms faster than the sea
land breeze - wind blows from the land toward the ocean; land cools faster than the sea
Eccentricity - measure of how much the orbit varies from a perfect circle
- more circular = effects are less pronounced; causes more yearly total influx of solar energy
- changes the timing of the seasons relative to when Earth is closest to sun
- tilt controls the seasons; hence, obliquity causes changes in seasonal contrast
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