Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee: Electronics and Computer Engineering

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NAME OF DEPT./CENTRE: Electronics and Computer Engineering

1. Subject Code: EC – 101A Course Title: Computer Systems & Programming

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 0 3 Practical 0 0

4. Relative Weight: CWS 115 PRS 15 MTE 30 ETE 40 PRE 00


5. Credits: 0 4 6. Semester √
Autumn Spring Both
7. Pre-requisite: NIL

8. Subject Area: ESC

9. Objective: To introduce the fundamental concepts of Computer Systems hardware and software and
to develop basic skills in programming, to prepare for the use of Information
Technology tools and techniques.

10. Details of the Course:

Sl. Contents Contact

No. Hours
1. Basic Computer Fundamentals: Introduction to computer systems; 7
number system, integer, signed integer, fixed and floating point
representations; IEEE standards integer and floating point arithmetic;
CPU organization, ALU, registers, memory, the idea of program
execution at micro level; concept of flow chart and algorithms,
algorithms to programs.
2. Basic Programming Elements in C++: Input/Output: Constants, 8
variables, expressions and operations; Naming conventions and styles;
Conditions and selection statements; Looping and control structures;
File I/O, header files, string processing; Pre-processor directives such
as #include, #define, #ifdef, #ifndef; Compiling and linking.
3. Programming Through Functional Decomposition: Functions 8
(void and value returning), parameters, scope and lifetime of
variables, passing by value, passing by reference, passing by constant
reference; Design of functions and their interfaces (concept of
functional decomposition), recursive functions, function overloading
and default arguments; Library functions.
4. Aggregate Data-types: Arrays and Pointers, structures, dynamic data 7
and pointers, dynamic arrays; Introduction to data structures, use of
pointers in linked structures.
5. Object Oriented Programming: Data hiding, abstract data types, 12
classes, access control; Class implementation – default constructor,
constructors, copy constructor, destructor, operator overloading, friend
function; Object oriented design, inheritance and composition;
Dynamic binding and virtual functions; Polymorphism; Dynamic data
in classes.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

Sl. Name of Books / Authors Year of

No. Publication
1. Dietel, H.M. and Dietel, P.J., “C++ How to Program”, Prentice Hall. 2004
2. Nell Date, Chip Weema and Mark Headington, “Programming and 2000
Problem Solving with C++”, CBS Publishers and Distribution.
3. Cohoon, J.P. and Davidson, J.W., “C++ Program Design”, Tata 2005
McGraw Hill.

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