Micro Content With Tiddlywiki
Micro Content With Tiddlywiki
Micro Content With Tiddlywiki
Paper PD02
The last year has seen a revolutionary tool emerge in the space of personal information management
and information dissemination. Developed out of the WikiWiki it offers a must-have tool for all of us,
right now. Who knows what it can become? I will demonstrate TiddlyWiki and some things in your
professional life it can help you with. You can use it for building rich hyperlinked documents, for
managing simple lists, technical documentation, personal blogs and up to a full PIM system. It can replace
Word and Excel for many jobs. And it is extensible, and did I mention it – free!
If you cannot attend this introduction then visit http://www.tiddlywiki.com/ and other links in the
REFERENCES section and scattered through the text to discover more.
This paper aims to bring TiddlyWiki to your attention if you have not already heard of it. I am going
to explain what a TiddlyWiki is, give examples of what it can be used for and finally, recommend some
sources for further information. We deal a lot in our professional lives with the so-called paperless
office. This means reading large manuals, documenting our programs, making and signing validation
records, scanning SAS logs for errors, planning projects, scheduling our daily tasks, searching for
information, and communicating some of this work to others.
The computer tools we use for this have not changed much in 15 years. We now have Google and the
web but we don’t write much HTML and many documents are still written without hyperlinks or any
internal navigation at all. We use mailing lists for asking our peers about technical issues, we may have
internal bulletin boards and the intranet, we have e-mail, and we have text files holding our technical
A new development in the content management stakes has been the WikiWikiWeb; these are easy to
edit web sites that can be built from the contributions of individuals, gradually. The Wikipedia is an
example and has long ago progressed beyond being merely interesting. Wikis have marked advantages
over other ways of information sharing: they are more permanent and structured than e-mail threads
or bulletin boards but they do require a web server (even the personal ones). They do not all support
categorization of pages and generally the category structure is somewhat rigid and ‘top-down’. Many
implementations have a rather poor interface and appearance. All the ones I have seen navigate a page
at a time, regardless of how much information is on the page.
TiddlyWiki is a new implementation of a WikiWiki as a local, single HTML file with an interface run by
client-side JavaScript. It is a non-linear, personal, web notebook filled with micro-content and it has
created a new niche in the web and in the paperless office.
The purpose of building systems around micro content is to free paragraphs from their prisons;
enable easier linking of information, and provide an better environment for storing and retrieving
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information. Another more practical reason is to reduce the marginal cost of adding information and
preparing it for publication. The unit of micro-content is called a tiddler1 .
The tiddler is a unit because it is the smallest piece of text: with its own name, that can be tagged
and that can form the destination and source of links.
Most of the tools we use to deliver information are delivering macro-content. This Word document,
for example, acts as a unit in many contexts. It is implemented as a single file and has to be treated as
such when read, downloaded or opened. But all the contents are not uniquely tied together. A good
example in this document is the abstract. It is extractable by copy and paste and can then be published
separately. But that separate thing is really a different copy in a different macro-content document.
They can easily get out of step. And we cannot call or open the macro-document with an argument that
says, “just show me the abstract”. The common ways to make (even electronic) documents are
navigation tools that have not changed since the invention of the index and the table of contents.
A subtle problem with macro-content is that putting everything in one document means the document
must have a ‘reader level’. Because a unitary document cannot fulfill more than one purpose because all
its content is visible.
To take an example, if we include technical reference material in a Quick start user guide then
beginning user cannot turn that content off and has to bear the cost of looking at those sections and
disregarding them. Therefore, the existence of a macro document entails an audience and implies that
we must design (which means, restrict) the content, and so we have to make several documents: a
quick start guide, a users’ guide, a reference manual, a technical reference…, and so on. None of these
documents can easily share content – they must copy it. And someone needs to maintain these multiple
destinations and this does not always happen. Furthermore, the division is done by the authors and how
can they know exactly how to classify this information? If a piece of information is called technical, it
may be relegated to the detailed manual; but what if the user is prepared to learn enough about that
piece because the problem it solves is worth it to them? These problems with the single document model
are issues we do not even see because we accept implicitly that that is what a document is.
But a micro-content based system breaks this mould forever because it can both hide irrelevant
material and make it all available: in one document.
Personal – A Tiddlywiki is a single HTML file. You can transport it with you via USB stick, keep it on
your web site for download or browsing anywhere, and edit it locally using a file:// URL. It is not a
server side tool2 , it needs no IT department permission or involvement to set one up, and you need no
additional tool except a modern web browser (Firefox, Internet Explorer 6, or Safari). TiddlyWiki is
free and open source; there is no license to expire; your data will stay yours.
Web Notebook - A TiddlyWiki is a single HTML file containing about 300k of JavaScript which manages
the display and addition of tiddlers. Not all tiddlers are displayed initially3 . Links and searching facilities
are included. The formatting is controlled by an included CSS stylesheet and is freely editable. It is easy
to copy and clip notes from other sources and links.
Non-Linear – there is no fixed order to the tiddlers in a TiddlyWiki. They are displayed in the order
you, the reader, chooses. From a table of contents you can skip to the abstract, then open the
references, or just read the section on personal diaries…. it is all up to you. Structure is given in
several ways:
1. links between tiddlers,
Linking is very easy, so easy you can do it while typing, safe in the knowledge you can find
missing tiddlers later and fill them in. You can easily get a list of all the tiddlers linking to a
2. tags you give each tiddler.
Tags are words, or phrases, related to the tiddlers content. Tags can be explored themselves so
they also can form paths through the tiddlers. Tags can also be used to generate clickable,
dynamic, lists showing what tiddlers match.
3. by constructing tiddlers for summaries, tables of content or topic lists
You can build a tiddler with content from other tiddlers without copying it. To make a tiddler
that appears as a single long text. There are various ways to do this (see Aggregating Tiddlers
below). You can also implement such a page as a nested disclosable list making it look like a
document outline. As of the time of writing TiddlyWiki does not have a way to impose an outline
order on your tiddlers4 .
A tiddler is British word for a small fish, the kind so small that even small boys will throw back if
they ever do catch one.
There are several server-side implementations available and for situations where more than a few
people will be contributing they have definite advantages. There is also the new GroupEditplugin and
the hosted TiddlySpot service
DefaultTiddlers holds a list of what tiddlers should be displayed at start up.
Discovering this was a moment like the one when I realized that the Korn shell has no string
functions. I thought ‘then, programming is not possible at all!’ But as I used it I realized the methods it
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4. opening defined groups of tiddlers as a unit
this is a new method made possible by the TiddlerGroups (http://www.tiddlytools.com/)
plugin. A drop down box lets the user access named groups. The lists are held in a special
Extensible and customizable. There is a growing community of developers working with TiddlyWiki
and they are exploiting its plugin architecture with a huge array of modifications and extensions.
Adding a plugin to a tiddlywiki is so simple it is almost cruel (for us software developers). Extensions
include the taggly-tagging (at http://mptw.tiddlyspot.com/) variant, and many presentation and
content developing tools, fun plugins such as a Sudoku assistant
(http://danielbaird.com/tiddlywinks/sudoku09.html), image plugins, slideshows, encryption, data
storage the list is almost endless. You can write your own macros, for example, I made this one for my
Unix tutorial (http://daveg.tiddlyspot.com/#PhUSE-Talks2006%20%5B%5BGnit%20your%20own%20-
%20creative%20Unix%20solutions%20for%20SAS%20programmers%5D%5D) and Tutorial stream TU 04) to
create links to Unix man pages on the web by altering the Wikipedia link generator macro
config.macros.man = {};
config.macros.man.handler= function(place,macroName,params) {
var key=params[0];
To install and use it (or any plugin) place it in a new tiddler, tag the tiddler systemConfig, save the
TiddlyWiki, reload into the browser. Add this to your tiddler about the awk command: <<man awk>>
and this link is generated: awk. (http://unixhelp.ed.ac.uk/CGI/man-cgi?awk)
To add new information, click the New tiddler button (generally on the right-hand-side side bar). An
edit box opens with three fields: the title, tags and content.
Tiddlers generally contain just text, not HTML. They are edited via a normal HTML text box. The
sidebar (on the right) displays tabs that list all tiddlers alphabetically, by date, and also all the tags. Open
the tiddler, tag it. Done.
TiddlyWiki is dynamic and lists etc. are updated automatically. Pretty well the entire content is held in
editable tiddlers. This includes plugins (in JavaScript) and dynamically loadable CSS stylesheets.
There is a special syntax of text indicators for formatting. Some formatting codes must be at the
start of a line, for example
! is a header1 line,
!! is a level 2 header
# is a numbered list
## is a numbered sub list (of numbers or bullets)
* is a bullet point
** is a bulleted sub point (of a numbered or bulleted list)
> is a quote (indented, with a left bar)
These start of line codes apply to blocks of lines:
| begins a | table|
| first col| line2|
<<< to <<< marks a block quote
{{{ to }}} marks a block of fixed pitch text
Other formatting codes can be in-line.
text enclosed in {{{text}}} is rendered in a fixed pitch font.
@@ encloses highlighted@@ text
The sparkline macro draws a word-sized in-line graphic.
All the formatting is controlled by CSS style sheets they are dynamically loaded so changes take effect
immediately. There are many different style sheets available and you can customize your own. Any
changes are shown immediately. You don’t need to be a CSS guru to guess that font-family: Arial,
Verdana; can be changed to font-family: “Trebuchet MS”; to change the font.
used worked were much simpler to use, more flexible and more powerful than the string functions a
typical 3GL uses.
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You make links in two ways: by enclosing the tiddler’s name in double square brackets [[…]] or by
using CamelCaseWords. This convention feels strange at first, but then becomes very liberating, because
it is easy to type and create future links to be filled later in as you go. For ease of use there is no
comparison to Word and other programs where you must open a dialogue box, highlight the text, copy
the link and the text, and so on…, this a major distraction from writing, whereas I find
TypingAPhraseWithExtraCapitals is not. Even [[typing a phrase like this]] is relatively easy.
Easily added links might seem like a minor advantage, but it is not. It is a common story in computing
and interface design: what matters to the user is the marginal cost of adding value. If it is so easy that
it doesn’t make typing the content ‘harder’, then it will get done. If it is not ‘easy’ then it will not be
Links can be prettied up by adding a label and | as in [[how? |How do I hide the name of a long tiddler
from my text?]] will appear as just how?.
Informal tagging is emerging as an alternative to pre-determined hierarchical organization. Its great
advantage is that you can let the organization emerge out of the sea of tiddlers, and so you don’t have
to commit to a structure before you begin. This works very well for writing, technical writing and
personal information. First because there are many ways people think and talk about the same thing. T
ambiguity is a feature of human languages in general, and our brains can handle it from an early age.
Children make puns almost as soon as they learn to speak. Second because you spend a long time
gathering and sifting information before ‘writing’. With a TiddlyWiki you can gather and sift, and then
later structure and publish, in the sense of determining if the reader will see that topic. It can remain
in the document.
Tagging can create structure content ‘free’.
For example consider tiddlers with Unix programming tips. Tag each tip as you create it with the Unix
commands used in it.
Now you can look for examples of awk by simply opening the awk tag and checking for where it is used.
It could be said that this is covered by a search facility, and it is once you form the idea to look for
tiddlers containing the string awk. And you do not know to look for that unless you already know
roughly what awk is. Before you know that though you could look for tiddlers tagged ‘Unix commands’
or ‘processing text’ and then find the names of commands you did not know about. And all possible
because the author spent 10 extra seconds adding the tag ‘Unix commands’ to tiddler awk. I suppose
this is not completely free. But is there anything nearer?
It is possible to use tagging to implement hierarchical content organization, but this is not the
strength of TiddlyWiki. I believe that once we get used to navigating a few TiddlyWiki documents we will
see more clearly the limitations that hierarchically organized documents have and know to ask for
There are various ways to display tags in TiddlyWiki the sidebar list is always there, and for including
in a tiddler the built in macros <<tag mytag>> (dropdown box) and <<tagger mytag>> (rendered as a
list) are the primary ways, other ways using plugins with TagglyTagging, the tagAdder macro, the
SiteMap macro and the TagCloud deserve special mention.
TiddlyWikis are structured with tags, links, and by adding tiddlers that serve as starting points for
exploration. There is always an alphabetical index available, a list of all tags, a timeline, and a whole
TiddlyWiki search facility.
There are also tabs showing all missing tiddlers (referred to with a link but not yet created),
orphaned (no tiddlers refer to them) and shadowed tiddlers. Shadowed tiddlers have default content and
are critical to the TiddlyWiki in some way. The lists of Missing and Orphaned tiddlers locate the places
where there is editing work to do.
Aggregating tiddlers
When entering information into a TiddlyWiki from scratch it is easy to build small tiddlers as you go,
consequently the most common need is to aggregate tiddlers. The built in <<tiddler>> and the <<slider>>
macros and the widely used plugin containing the <<nestedSlider>> macros are simple way to
concatenate tiddler content. Another approach is to create a list of tiddlers to act as clickable entries in
a content page. Other list methods are the TagCloud and the SiteMap plugins already mentioned. There
is also a plugin that gives a way to render content (or a named tiddler) as a pop-up box.
The need for disaggregating comes when moving already written tiddlers into a TiddlyWiki splitting the
content can be make it all accessible to re-use. The TiddlerSplitter macro is one of the few tools for
moving information in this direction. It allows large tiddlers to be separated into smaller tiddlers using
a variety of cues. The partTiddler plugin allows the labeling of parts of a tiddler so they can be linked to
separately, and aggregated elsewhere if needed.
It is perhaps true that the lack of a simple way to make a sequence of tiddlers go in a specific order
makes TiddlyWiki better for reference documents, but I think this is also a question of planning and
mapping out paths for the reader.
Adding tags
This is done in edit mode into the tag box. A drop down list is provided but for large documents with
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many different tags the Intellitagger and tagadder plugins are recommended.
Authoring tools
Lists showing missing tiddlers, untagged tiddlers and orphaned tiddlers (tiddlers with no links to them)
are always available. I find that tagging a partially completed tiddler with (say) ?? or adding link to the ??
tiddler (by adding [[??]] to your text) works well for labeling items to be completed. This flexibility
means you can add things when the ideas strike you and help you check your document for completeness
in those moments when inspiration has tiddled off.
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| 19|./pgm_a/mk_dmg.sas | | | |
| 20|./pgm_a/mk_tr2.sas | | | |
| 21|./pgm_a/mk_aev.sas | | | |
Copy and paste this text into a tiddler and close, to get a rendered table:
I certainly thought about 5 years ago that JavaScript was a great idea but hopeless for real work, it
was too slow and many of the implementations were buggy and crashed by browser strangeness. But
now we have personal computers with 4-5 times the power and memory and more importantly
browsers have matured and the implementation differences are not so great anymore. In short, it is
now a practicable platform for implementing a document based GUI5 . Byte for byte a 1.5 MB TiddlyWiki
out performs a same sized Word document.
Privacy: Unless you install the encryption plugin or keep your TiddlyWiki where no one else can open it,
it is not secure.
Safety of typing investment:
All your information can be extracted from a TiddlyWiki using a text editor, and it is in any case an
open system where you can modify the source code. But the real issue is that the text information is in
a unique format so it would require re-formatting. This is indeed the case, but other WikiWikis use
very similar commands and could be programmed to support the TiddlyWiki format.
There are backup and autosave options on the TiddlyWiki side bar. Enable them.
The import plugin allows you to easily copy tiddlers from other TiddlyWikis either on the web or as
local files. Highly recommended.
Conversion to other formats (eg Word)
PDF files can be generated from TiddlyWiki with ease (using Acrobat PDF writer and similar tools)
however links are not created. Copy and paste of rendered output looks good and works well into e-
mails and Word.
In my opinion for many of the above sample uses it is simply the best tool available now. Try it yourself.
http://www.tiddlywiki.com/ For other examples see my presentations at PhUSE in TiddlyWiki form at
http://DaveG.tiddlyspot.com/ (http://daveg.tiddlyspot.com/#PhUSE-
There some strange similarities between what you can do with TiddlyWiki and what was envisioned
for OpenDoc.
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I cannot claim any responsibility for TiddlyWiki. Thanks to Jeremy Ruston for creating a ground-breaking
tool, and thanks to the community of Tiddlywiki developers for putting in so much creativity and energy in
the last year and a half to bring it to where it is now.
First check the links already mentioned, second for training and an introduction try here. Do not miss the
google group and the Plugin repositories, here, and here among others.
For more recent reading on MicroContent and TiddlyWiki developments see Jeremy Ruston’s Blog at
Your comments and questions are valued and encouraged. Contact the author at:
David J Garbutt
Täfernstrasse 16A
Baden-Dättwil / CH – 5405
Work phone +41 56 484 1920
Personal Phone: +41 79 32 68970
Fax: +41 56 484 1930
Email: D.Garbutt@bsiag.com
Web: DaveG , BSI AG
SAS and all other SAS Institute Inc. product or service names are registered trademarks or trademarks of
SAS Institute Inc. in the USA and other countries. ® indicates USA registration.
Other brand and product names are trademarks of their respective companies.