The Art of Gambling
The Art of Gambling
The Art of Gambling
Editor’s note: Christatos Aristad is a recently retired professional gambler. He has most
graciously volunteered to write a series of posts for AoM on the ins and out of gambling in
general and the basics of various games for the education and enjoyment of those AoM readers
who are interested in this subject.
Gambling is probably a different thing to everyone who takes the time to form an opinion on the
matter. Job, diversion, hobby, glamorous lifestyle, addiction, sin, vampyric drain on the economy
and the body politic, half hearted restitution to the indigenous population of a wealthy country,
mob business, diversion of royalty and the wealthy, social occasion, or legitimate business. What
you, the reader thinks, I do not know. What I do know is this. As a man, gambling, the skill, the
art, the technique, the manners and the etiquette, are not just a way of making money, but an
effective tool for building your social, political and business circle, as well as mingling with the
highest echelons of society in a manner that will display your class and dignity. But how can you
learn this lost art when every book on the subject today is written to teach you how to make
money, or in such a way that no one who isn’t already in these circles could possibly ascend to
them? There is no simple answer, and in truth, there is no guide. To rise up through gambling is
one part training, and five parts nature, but that one part can be possessed by the soul of brevity,
so without further ado, allow me to present the first part of a series of articles on the heart of
gambling, the purpose of which is to separate the wheat from the chaff, and the shark from the
Explanation: This fallacy is appropriately called the “Gambler’s Fallacy.” It is the belief that
based solely on a previous run of bad luck, you are certain this time to get a good hand or a good
roll. This is nonsense. The failure in reasoning here is the belief in a certain outcome, the positive
benefit, without actual evidence. This fallacy is the logic behind slot machines and the
marketing genius behind the gigantic boards advertising how long its been since the last jackpot.
Solution: Recognize the nature of the situation. Each game has a set of controls you can employ
to alter your outcome. In the absence of your use of one of those controls, expect nothing except
an even game.
Explanation: This saying is also called the “Gambler’s Conceit.” This is also the little voice that
tells us, “just one more drink.” The problem with this saying is that if you are ahead, your
capacity to predict when you will stop being ahead is likely zero unless you possess
clairvoyance. And if you are behind and therefore waiting to get ahead, there is most likely a
very good reason you are behind, and you are therefore unlikely to get ahead at all on a
meaningful basis within any reasonable time frame.
Solution: QUIT NOW! As soon as you think or say this phrase, or any phrase that sounds like it,
that is an immediate sign from God, Allah, Buddha, or whoever you pray to to stop playing. If
you have to justify why you are playing, you shouldn’t be playing.
Explanation: This saying is rather appropriately called “Gambler’s Ruin,” for it is the rocky,
mist clad shore upon which Viking ships full of gamblers are wrecked. Now I know what you are
saying, “Plenty of people beat the house. You beat the house.” This is true, for a little while, but
play the House long enough, and they will win. And not just win, but break you. Why? Because
they have unlimited cash and you don’t, and given enough time, the player with unlimited cash
in any fair game will beat the player with limited cash.
Solution: Don’t play the house. The object of the game is not to beat the house, it is to make
money. The house has the most money, but they also have the advantage. They make the rules,
and they have every edge. But the other players at the table have money too, and they can’t close
the table or kick you out. Go for them, and while people may hate you and flee the table like rats
from a sinking ship, you will last a lot longer in the long run.
The Basic Tells
The key to gambling with class once you have control of yourself and the situation is the lie. Not
just the bluff, but the construction of an entire table facade that allows you to deceive and
obfuscate your opponent so that whenever you wish, you may drop it and produce confusion and
fear in your enemies. Unfortunately, this skill can not be taught. To learn how to hide who you
are with absolute effectiveness, you must first gain a certain level of self-awareness, and then
apply the basics of obfuscation to yourself in the specific. However, there are three basic tells
that the observer can use to identify the great liar from the poor liar, and to learn the craft
The Eyes
Many gamblers will tell you that there is a magic to the eyes, that every gambler is different, that
when you lie you look one direction and when you tell the truth you look the other, that every
person has a different pattern of how they move their eyes, and that by reading it, a skilled
gambler can divine complex truths about a player and predict their every move. These gamblers
are either stupid, lying or both. Allow me to pull back the curtain on hundreds of years of
gambling magic, and reveal the conscious or subconscious trick to the biggest tell in gambling.
When people have a good hand, their pupils dilate. When they have a bad hand, their pupils
contract. Now the reasons behind this are some fairly complicated neurochemical ones that
escape me at the moment, but this is the basic truth of it. Watch the pupils. If they are too small
to follow, watch the iris’s.
The Smile
There are two kinds of smiles. One is genuine and one is fake. A fake smile involves only the
muscle of the mouth and expresses little if any genuine joy or happiness. A genuine smile
involve the muscles around the corners of the eyes, causing crows feet to temporarily develop,
and is an expression of genuine joy. Now human testing has determined that a genuine smile is
difficult but not impossible to fake. Observe your opponent and his smile and its relationship to
the cards. If he can only fake a smile, then he is a passable liar. But if he can produce a genuine
smile on command, then he is a liar of respectable skill.
The Hands
Always watch the hands. Busy hands means someone is bored. If someone is bored and winning,
they are good. If someone is bored and losing, they are bad. But how does that affect their status
as a liar? The key is to pay attention to how busy they are when they bluff. If someone stays busy
even when they bluff, then they have it. But if they have to focus to keep everything together for
the bluff, then you have a perfect way to identify the quality of their hand beyond their bet. Now
almost all gamblers fiddle, but the key is to pay attention to the exceptional fiddlers, especially
the people that bother the other players. They are either really bored, cheating, or they have a
Casinos today are an eyesore. Built to distract from the ugly cities they sit in, they follow no
known design law other than the kind used to keep in Minotaurs, and generally use a color
scheme that appeals more to the human psychology that deals with spending money than with
staying sane. To add to the problem, the inhabitants of these ugly places are poorly dressed, foul
smelling, and ill-mannered. That in mind, today is the day you become a part of the solution
rather than a part of the problem. So here we go gentlemen.
While a trip to Las Vegas or Atlantic City is, in the United States, a way for young men to blow
off steam and make an ass of themselves in a number of different ways, the instant you step into
my world, the gambling world, I expect you to dress for success. So before you head to the table,
always think of your manner of dress in this light: If you wouldn’t wear it to take a young lady
out to a nice dinner out on the town, don’t wear it gambling. If you wouldn’t wear it to a funeral,
don’t wear it gambling. If you wouldn’t wear it to a wedding, don’t wear it gambling. If you
wouldn’t wear it in front of your significant other’s parents the first time you met them, don’t
wear it gambling!If the kinds of people you see on those occasions don’t want to see it, we
don’t either.
2. Button up
Now that you’ve put on a button up shirt, a nice pair of slacks, a decent pair of shoes, and a
respectable belt, you’re ready for the tables. Except for one thing. You’ve made a rookie
mistake. You have assumed, as does every young man these days, that because you have good
muscles, or a decent chest thatch, that the world wants to share. You’re wrong. We don’t. You
don’t have to button the top button and wear a tie, but for goodness sake, leave something to the
imagination. Remember, class. Show some.
3. Hair
I’m not going to lecture you on hair. But let me be clear. If your hair identifies you with any
group, subculture, region, ideology or idea, then it’s wrong for gambling. The idea is to be
presentable, and hopefully slightly attractive. But if the latter is impossible, go for the first.
1. Keep it quiet.
Don’t shout, scream or yell. I recognize that this might seem a little robotic of me, but this is for
the dealer’s sake. I recognize you just hit 21 and made a ton of money. I recognize you just were
totally bluffing about your straight flush and got the other guy to fold. I recognize you just rolled
a 2 to 12 World in craps, but these people listen to players for a living. They don’t need more ear
2. Keep it polite.
This is not personal. If it ever gets personal, leave the table. If you win, be sincerely sorry. And
you are. If you lose, be sincerely happy for the winner, and you are. And never get uppity with
the dealer. They do not cheat, they do not play favorites, they call it like they see it, and if you
mess up, you mess up. Do not blame other people for your problems. You chose to sit at that
table, and that means everything that happens to you is your fault. Period.
3. Keep it light.
No crying, no politics, no religion, none of that nonsense. You keep it light and happy. The
dealer doesn’t want to hear about your problems, and just because they are forced to listen
doesn’t mean they like it. This also applies to bartenders. If you have a problem, get a therapist.
Otherwise, stop complaining. You got a problem with another player, you get a new table, not
the other player, even if you sat down first.
If you win, there is absolutely no excuse not to. None. I have lost and tipped, but I am
professional. These people put up with extremely unbearable people all day, and have put up
with you, and your odd behavior. They deserve a share of the winnings. In my opinion, there are
no hard and fast rules for tipping dealers, but as your winnings go up, your tip should
exponentially rise as well.
Don’t have your girlfriend blow on your dice. Don’t carry a good luck charm. Don’t act like this
is a movie. You are not Robert Downey Jr. or Daniel Craig. Chances are if you meet a beautiful
woman in a casino who wants to gamble with you, she just wants a piece of the action. There is
nothing wrong with this. These women are called con artists. Respect and fear these women as
they deserve. If you take them to your room and spend the night with them, you deserve every
chip or dollar they take from your wallet before you wake up. Lesson? Be who you are at the
tables, not who you want to be.
3. Don’t drink.
It makes you look like a cad. The guy with the glass of wine or glass of tequila or
whatever at the table is very hard to respect and is displaying a lack of respect for the
others at the table. Now if someone shows up with a bottle of gin and proceeds to pound
the entire thing back without swaying even a little, that is a man to be feared, but unless
you have the constitution of a pirate or a Russian conscript from the Second World War,
you will run into the second reason not to drink.
It will destroy your technique. Very few gamblers can gamble with alcohol in their
system. Unless you are both an experienced drinker and an experienced gambler, you are
not one of these people. Being a steady drinker is not enough. Absolute resistance to
alcohol is required.
In conclusion, to gamble like a man, all that is required is that you act like a man. Don’t lose
your head; act like an adult. Dress and behave like one, and you will be treated like one by others
and by the game. Now this is not to say that every game is the same. Indeed, each game has its
own rules, and we will get to them in time, but for now, play by the rules I have given you, and
you will be all right. See you next time, kid. Don’t forget to tip your waitress.