Science and Technology in Modern Ages
Science and Technology in Modern Ages
Science and Technology in Modern Ages
I. Introduction
The Modern Ages
The modern era includes the early period, called the early modern period,
which lasted from present. The Modern Period covers human history from the
creation of a more global network (i.e. the discovery of the Americas
Europeans) to present day.
C. Contemporary Period
The 1940s saw the beginning of the Atomic Age, where modern physics saw
new applications such as the atomic bomb, the first computers, and the
Postmodernity is the state or condition of being postmodern after or in
reaction to that which is modern, as in postmodern art. Postmodernism
a style and concept in the arts, architecture, and criticism that
represents a departure from modernism and has at its heart a general
distrust of grand theories and ideologies as well as a problematical
relationship with any notion of “art”.
World War I was a situation where defensive technologies were far
superior to offensive ones trenches, bunkers and machine guns were
far superior to artillery and infantry running while defended a thin layer
of uniform made out of cotton. The mobile technology of the day cavalry
was rendered irrelevant. The first replacements (tanks) were introduced
toward the end of the war. Air power did not play a major role. Atomic
Age or World War II.
The Atomic Age, also known as the Atomic Era, is the period of history
following the detonation of the first nuclear bomb, Trinity, on July 16,
1945, during World War II. New weapons made warfare much more
mobile mainly tanks but also air power. That made World War II much
more about maneuvering than about fortification and concentration of
firepower to one thin defensive line. As the Germans learned first and
the Allies learned next, tactics, intelligence, and maneuvering ruled the
battlefield of the 1940s, not trenches and barbed wire.
Rene Laennec invented the stethoscope.
William Beaumont found out how the stomach works out through
looking at the hole of a stomach.
A cholera outbreak happened in Britain. John Snow showed that
cholera is transmitted in water, but they were not sure how.
Louis Pasteur is a very famous until now. He proved that microscopic
organisms caused diseases. He also introduced the process of
sterilizing liquids through heating, pasteurization.
Several germs that caused diseases like leprosy, typhoid, diphteria,
tetanus and pneumonia were discovered in this era.
Humphry Davy realized that inhaling can relieve the pain.
Joseph Lister discovered antiseptic surgery.
Rubber Gloves were first used in surgery.
Herman von Helmholtz invented the ophtalmoscope.
Clifford Allbut invented the clinical thermometer.
X-rays were discovered Wilhelm Roentgen.
In this era, aspirin was invented.
20th Century
Salvarsan, a drug used to treat syphilis was finally discovered.
Antibiotics were discovered.
Alexander Fleming discovered the penicillin.
Streptomycin was used to treat tuberculosis.
Iron lung was invented.
Willem Kolff built the first artificial kidney machine.
Jonas Salk had a vaccine for poliomyelitis.
Rune Elmqvist invented the first implantable pacemaker.
Laser was invented.
First test tube baby was born.
Computerized Axial Scanning (CAT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging
(MRI), synthetic skin and Gene therapy were introduced during this era.
21st Century
The first full face transplant.
A bionic eye (visual prosthetics), the Argus II Retinal Stimulation System
was created.
TeleSurgery was done.
The Human Genome Project (HGP)