Matisse Paper Cut Outs: Instructive Objective

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Mirtha Funcia

ARE 4316
Cutting & Pasting


Instructive Objective
Students will learn about the artist Henri Matisse. Recognize Henri Matisse's cut-
out style. The student will cut freehand shapes with scissors while using positive
and negative shapes. The student will learn to arrange shapes in a pleasing
composition and glue shapes onto paper using proper gluing technique.

CBC Objectives and Competencies

See attached CBC connection sheet.

The room is organized into workstations with all the materials needed for the
assignment in the center of each station; scissors, glue, and a scrap box, if
available. The different sheets of construction paper are handed out by the
teacher as needed. There are 2 students seated at each side of the table
creating a workstation of 4 students.

I will create interest by showing the students visual reproductions of Henri
Matisse’s work. Also by discussing the life of Henri Matisse prior to the
assignment thus empowering the students.


Session 1: 15 minutes
We will begin by discussing the life and important works of the artist Henri

1. Discussion about the artist Henri Matisse and his work.

2. Show the students visual reproductions of Matisse’s work.
3. Discuss the use of color, shape, line and symbols.
4. Ask the students opinion on the work of Matisse.

Session 2: 60 minutes
Have students sitting at their workstations.
1. Pass out the 9”x12” Green construction paper.
2. We want to cut out a leaf shape like the ones used often by
Matisse. Show students how they can draw with their scissors.
Usually we cut following a line. Today we have to imagine the line
in our mind as we cut. Keep the cutting hand still (except for the
cutting motion) and move the paper with the other hand. Cut out
toward the edge, turn and cut to the middle of the page, turn and
cut back out toward the edge, turn etc. Look both at your leaf (the
positive shape) and the scrap (the negative shape). We can still
see the leaf shape in the scrap because the space surrounding the
leaf is left.
3. Pass out the large paper. Arrange these shapes on the large
paper. Glue the pieces down with proper gluing technique. Hold
the bottle in one hand. Hold the paper being glued with the other
hand. Touch the orange nozzle of the bottle to the paper. Squeeze
very softly until the glue just barely comes out. Draw a skinny line
with the glue near the edge of the shape. Turn over and smooth
down in place.
4. Pass out the small paper. Use this paper to cut out any shapes
that you want. Try to use shapes like Matisse used. Use scraps or
swap colors for more colors. Arrange the shapes on the page.
Glue in place. Write student's name on the back of paper.

Session 3: 25 minutes
1. Using the TAG method the students will each stand up and critique
their work and that of other students.

Who was Henri Matisse?
What is cutout art?
What is the proper gluing technique?
When you cut out a positive shape, what is left behind?

Interdisciplinary Uses
The students can name the shapes they see in Matisse’s painting that they are
also learning in their math classes. Students can also make an entry in their
writing journals on their feelings and reactions to one of the Matisse paintings
shown during the lesson.

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