CIB Form Corporate

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Form Type




Customer Name* Customer ID*

DETAILS OF CORPORATE INTERNET BANKING ( if existing CIB customer, Corporate ID is mandatory. New customer may optionally fill preferred Corporate ID)

Corporate ID Preferred Corporate ID (Subject to availability)

PER DAY TRANSACTION LIMIT FOR CORPORATE* (Please fill as “UNLIMITED” if limit not specified)

In Figures ` In Words Rupees

USER DETAILS User 01 User 02 User 03

Request Type* New user Modification New user Modification New user Modification
Deletion Mobile/Email updation Deletion Mobile/Email updation Deletion Mobile/Email updation

Name of User*

Customer ID (If not Available, fill form CAS01)

Login ID (only if existing user)

Mobile Number^ (with country code)*

Official email ID^* @ ______________________ @ ______________________ @ ______________________

(Kindly advise your IT team to whitelist the sender email ID*, to avail online password reset facility)

^Mobile Number & email ID should be UNIQUE for each user

User Profile (Select any one) User 01 User 02 User 03

Can ONLY initiate transactions Enterer Enterer Enterer

Can ONLY authorise transactions Approver Approver Approver

Can enter & authorise transactions Enterer & approver Enterer & approver Enterer & approver

Can ONLY view transactions Viewer Viewer Viewer

Channel for OTP SMS One Touch Device** SMS One Touch Device** SMS One Touch Device**
OTP One time password for 2-factor authentication. (For enabling OTP via SMS, mobile no. validation is mandatory during first login in to CIB)
**Charges are applicable per User for one-touch device issuance.

Transaction Type (Select any one;

User 01 User 02 User 03

Only between own linked accounts A A A

Own/Third party account, tax payment, EPF,
ESIC, power transfer & online payments

Tax Payments Only (includes EPF & ESIC) C C C

Credit Connect TFConnect Credit Connect TFConnect Credit Connect TFConnect

Other applications
<Please specify> <Please specify> <Please specify>
Transaction Limit (`) User 01 User 02 User 03
Per Day*

Per Transaction
No. of Approver(s) required
Applicable only if user is Enterer or Enterer-cum-Approver. Eg. “02” means 2 Approvers need to approve the transaction posted by this user.

Account(s) to be linked / delinked User 01 User 02 User 03

Account No 1 Link Delink

Account No 2 Link Delink

Account No 3 Link Delink

Account No 4 Link Delink

Account No 5 Link Delink

Commercial Cards


Name: _______________________________________ Name: _______________________________________ Name: _______________________________________

Place: ___________________ Date: ______________ Place: ___________________ Date: ______________ Place: ___________________ Date: ______________

Seal & Sigature Seal & Sigature Seal & Sigature

I / We accept that I/ We are empowered by the Board Resolution (or equivalent) conditions will be available on the website only
dated___________________ to authorise users to operate accounts mentioned in the
application form. I / We hereby request Axis Bank Limited ("Bank") to activate Netsecure offered by the Bank
to carry out transactions using Corproate Internet Banking in my/our account stated
I / We confirm that the details mentioned in the application form are correct and the email above to the stated Mobile Number of Authorized official. I/we give my/our consent to
ID provided is official. receive such information on the said Mobile numbers of the authorized user. I/We agree
to provide any further information required and demanded by the Bank, from time-to-
I / We are aware of the fact that the facility of Corporate Internet Banking / TFConnect is time, for providing this Netsecure facility.
granted solely at our request and that the Bank shall in no way be responsible for any kind
of hacking and / or phishing attacks and / or cyber related crime, which may take place or I / We shall advise the Bank immediately in case of any change in the above details
happen in the account during the pendency of the facility and which may result in a loss including the addition and deletion of user and the information given in the Application
due to the transfer of the funds from my / our account to the third party's account. I / We form.
are also aware of the fact that while Bank has taken all necessary available precautions
the chances of such attacks by third parties cannot be ruled out in any view of the matter I/We accept & are aware that the CIB users will have option to generate/reset their
the Bank shall stand indemnified from any such claims from our side. password online

I / We have read and agree to abide by the terms and conditions governing Corporate I/we understand and agree that the Bank charges one time cost for issuance or
Internet Banking / TFConnect and understand that any changes to the terms and replacement of one touch device


Name: _______________________________________ Name: _______________________________________ Name: _______________________________________

Place: ___________________ Date: ______________ Place: ___________________ Date: ______________ Place: ___________________ Date: ______________

Seal & Sigature Seal & Sigature Seal & Sigature


CIB access to be provided for: (select only one)

Current Account Trust Account Vostro Overdraft Cash Credit Commercial Cards

Rural Lending (Agri) TFConnect (Online Trade Portal)

Salary (without Current Account) C o m p a n y L a b e l Other

Certification by Verifying Authority
I hereby confirm that the mode of operation of the account(s) and signature(s) of the client are verified and limits assigned to each user for transacting through
Corporate Internet Banking are in conformity with the Board Resolution for operating the account (s).

Date D D M M Y Y Y Y Sol ID Branch Name ______________________________

Name _______________________________________________________________ Name _______________________________________________________________

SS Number _______________________________________________________________ SS Number _______________________________________________________________
Designation _______________________________________________________________ Designation _______________________________________________________________
Role ID _______________________________________________________________ Role ID _______________________________________________________________
In case of TFConnect facility specify following additional details:

Corporate Limits Parked at (Br. Name & Sol) (In case of limits parked Details of Credit RM Details of Branch TxB Services
at multiple branches pls provide the Br. wise / Product wise details for
transaction execution)

Emp Name: Emp Name:

Linked Cat B Br. (Br. Name & Sol) (Corporate to submit / collect
Emp Number: Emp Number:
transactions docs from this br.)

Email ID: Email ID:

a) Details of Limit IDs to be used (Specify Product wise): _______________________________________________________________________________

b) Details of applicable charges as per sanction terms (Specify Product wise): ____________________________________________________________

Signature of Verifying Authority (Account Manager at CBB/MCMC/CCOH): _______________________________________________________________

Email ID: ________________________________________ Branch: _________________________________________ Date: ______________________


This form can be used for following requests:
1. New CORP ID/LOGIN ID creation.
2. Existing CIB user rights modification. viz.,Limit, Profile, Account Linking etc.
3. Mobile No./Email ID Registration/Modification (NETSECURE).
4. Linking/de-linking of Accounts/Commercial card.
5. All * marked fields are mandatory for new CIB requests/TF connect/Credit connect access
6. For modification requests, fill only relevant fields that need to be modified. (for eg. to increase a User Limit, fill only Corp ID, Login ID and Limit).

Form Type


*Existing Customer Y N If Yes, Customer ID

If Not an existing customer, I confirm, if found otherwise, Bank reserves the right to consolidate the customer IDs as it may decide, without any prior notice to me
Authorised Signatory #CIB Viewer #CIB Approver/Initiator #CIB Super Admin
^Senior Managing Official LOA POA ^Beneficial Owner

*Designation *Gender M F T *Date of Birth D D M M Y Y Y Y *Marital Status
*Nationality *PAN or FORM 60/61 ***If PAN No. is not available, please fill up ADD-ON Form 60 or 61

Mother's Maiden Name

*Communication Address


*City *Pin code *State

*Country Residence Type* Owned Rented/ Leased Ancestral/ Parental Company Provided
*Mobile No *Email Address

*Permanent Address Same as Communication Address


*City *Pin code *State

*Country Residence Type* Owned Rented/ Leased Ancestral/ Parental Company Provided
*Mobile No *Email Address

**Constitution code **Occupation code ** Constitution Code and Occupation Code to be filled by Branch official
*Identity Proof Document Type *ID No. *Issuing Authority *Place of Issue
*Address Proof Document Type *ID No. *Issuing Authority *Place of Issue
#Corporate Internet Banking (CIB)

^Additional details in case of Beneficial Owner/Senior Managing Official:

Percentage of Shareholding or Capital Profits, if applicable

Controlling person type code refer instructions - (refer Fatca Declaration Form)

City of Birth Country of Birth

Father’s Name (if PAN not available)

Address type for Purpose of Tax Communication Permanent Other

*Other Address

*Landmark *City *Pin code

State* Country
Please tick the applicable tax resident declaration: (Any one)*

I am a tax resident of India and not resident of any other country or I am a tax resident of the country/ies mentioned in the table below

Country# Tax Identification Number% Identification Type (TIN or Other%, please specify)

#To also include USA, where the individual is a citizen/green card holder of USA
%In case Tax Identification No. is not available, kindly provide functional equivalent$


Name of Authorised Signatory Signature of Authorised Signatory

35mm X 35mm
Terms and Conditions for Corporate Internet Banking
1. Definitions: including the password used to encrypt the private key, confidential and well
1 .1 . ‘Account/s' refers to the account/s of the Customer, with AXIS Bank, mutually protected and should not reveal the same to any unauthorized person, including to
designated for Corporate Internet Banking from time to time and means all any employees and representatives of AXIS Bank. AXIS Bank shall in no way be held
existing, new and future accounts of the customer with AXIS Bank. These accounts responsible, if the Customer incurs any loss as a result of the password being
will have to be eligible account(s) for operations through Internet Banking Services disclosed by the Customer or User to any third party.
and should be in the name of the client. 5.3. The Customer shall ensure that each User who avails of digital signatures for the
1 .2. ‘Customer' shall mean the person / entity availing the Internet Banking Services purpose of using the Services shall generate the private key and the public key by
under these Terms and conditions. following the instructions prescribed by AXIS Bank, and the Customer shall be
1 .3. 'Internet Banking Services' or 'Corporate Internet Banking' or 'Services' or TF bound by the private key and the public key so downloaded/generated by the
Connect wherever used in these terms and conditions shall mean services offered Users. The Customer shall be responsible for the safe custody of the private key and
by AXIS Bank to its Customers under these terms and conditions including fund the Customer would be responsible for, and bound by, any and all instructions
transfer / payment services, cheque/ demand draft/ pay order facility, activities given and/or transactions carried out by the members of its organization by using
related to Letters of Credit, Bank Guarantees, Bills & other Trade services & Foreign the private key and the public key. AXIS Bank shall be entitled to presume as
Exchange Services, and any other services being made available from time to time, genuine all Instructions given by using the Security Procedure.
and shall also include all modifications of such services as AXIS Bank may make 5.4. AXIS Bank shall endeavour to adopt appropriate security measures as available in
from time to time. the industry from time to time. However, the Customer acknowledges that the
1 .4. 'Instruction' shall mean and include all communications made or instructions given technology used including the Internet, as well as the use of public/ shared facilities
by the Customer to AXIS Bank by following the Security Procedure for carrying out is susceptible to a number of risks, such as misuse, hacking, virus, malicious,
activities covered under the Services, including any payment instructions for destructive or corrupting code, programme or macro which could affect the
making a remittance or transfer of funds. Services. AXIS Bank will not be responsible for any loss, delays or failures in the
1 .5. 'RBI' shall mean The Reserve Bank of India. processing of instructions on account of such risks.
1 .6. ‘Regulations' or 'Guidelines' shall mean all rules, regulations and/ or guidelines
issued by the RBI or any other governmental or statutory authority from time to time 6. Instructions:
in relation to the Services 6.1. All Instructions received from the Customer by AXIS Bank shall only be processed
1 .7. 'Security Procedure' means such procedure prescribed by AXIS Bank, from time to during banking hours on working days. An Instruction will only be accepted by AXIS
time, for the purpose of verifying that an Instruction or a communication amending Bank if it has been transmitted to AXIS Bank in the manner mentioned in these
or cancelling an Instruction is that of the Customer or for detecting error in the Terms and Conditions, by using the Security Procedure prescribed hereunder. AXIS
transmission for the content of the Instruction. Bank may, in its absolute discretion but without being under any obligation, make
1 .8. 'Terms and Conditions' shall mean these terms and conditions as modified and further checks as to the authenticity of an Instruction.
supplemented, as set out herein. 6.2. The Customer is solely responsible for the accuracy and authenticity of the
1 .9. 'Users' shall mean the representatives of the Customer who have the rights to Instructions provided to AXIS Bank and will be bound by any and all Instructions
access the Accounts of the Customer through the Internet Banking Services and given and/ or transactions carried out by any User authorized by it. AXIS Bank shall
shall include both Users with viewing rights and Users having inputting, uploading, be entitled to rely upon all Instructions given by the Customer and act on such
verification, confirmation and/or authorization rights. Where such authorisation Instructions. The Customer acknowledges and agrees that in the event of any
rights are given by the Customer on a joint basis, then this term shall mean such inaccuracy in any information and/ or Instruction, there could be consequent
joint Users with authorization rights, as the context or meaning may require. erroneous transfers. All such Instructions shall be final and binding on the
1 .10. 'Website/Site' shall mean the web-site <> or such other web- Customer. In the event of any dispute on the actual Instructions given to AXIS Bank,
site as may be notified by AXIS Bank from time to time. the records of AXIS Bank would be final and binding on the Customer.
6.3. An Instruction shall remain effective till such time the same is countermanded by
2. Applicability of Terms further instructions by the Customer or effectuated by AXIS Bank. If the Customer
2.1. The use of Internet Banking Services is governed by these Terms and Conditions. notices an error in the information supplied to AXIS Bank in any communication, it
These Terms and Conditions are in addition to and not in derogation of any other shall immediately notify AXIS Bank, and AXIS Bank will endeavour to rectify the error
terms and conditions applicable to the Customer as prescribed by AXIS Bank. wherever possible on a 'reasonable efforts' basis. In the event of Customer's account
receiving an incorrect credit by reason of a mistake committed by any other person,
3. Services: the Customer authorises AXIS Bank to reverse the incorrect credit at any time
3.1. Subject to these Terms and Conditions, applicable laws, and other terms and whatsoever by debiting his account. The Customer shall be liable and continue to
conditions as may be specified on AXIS Bank's Website, AXIS Bank shall provide the remain liable to AXIS Bank for any unfair or unjust gain obtained as a result of the
Services to the Customer. AXIS Bank shall be entitled to modify, upgrade and/or same.
suspend the Services, or the mode manner and extent of the Services from time to 6.4. If AXIS Bank is of the opinion that (i) an Instruction received by it may not have been
time, and shall endeavour to inform the Customer of such change in Services. AXIS properly authorized by the Customer; or (ii) is conflicting, inconsistent, unclear,
Bank reserves the right to suspend all or any of the Services provided to the incomplete, deficient, contrary to any law or policy, or (iii) AXIS Bank has reason to
Customer without being required to provide any prior notice and without assigning believe that the Instruction is issued to carry out an unlawful transaction; or (iv) the
any reason therefore. Instruction is attached with notice of any special circumstances, AXIS Bank may,
3.2. For availing of, or ceasing to avail of the Services, or any part thereof, the Customer (without being bound to do so) seek clarification from the Customer before acting
shall make a separate application to AXIS Bank in the prescribed format and the on any such Instruction or act or refuse to act upon any such Instruction in the
Customer shall be governed by the such additional terms and conditions as manner as it deems fit. AXIS Bank will not be responsible or liable for any loss to the
prescribed by AXIS Bank for this purpose, as well as subject to the applicable laws. Customer or any third party that results from the carrying out or refusal to carry out
3.3. AXIS Bank may, at the request of the Customer, extend the Services to any other any Instructions or from any delay in effecting any Instructions in the above
existing/ new Accounts, and these Terms and Conditions shall automatically apply circumstances.
to such further use of the Services by the Customer. 6.5. AXIS Bank shall not be responsible for any delay in carrying on the Instructions due
to any reason whatsoever, including due to any circumstances beyond its
4. Amendment to Terms and Conditions: reasonable control or any requirement of law or on account of any shortcoming by
4.1 . Not with standing anything contained elsewhere in these Terms and Conditions, any third party, howsoever caused.
where AXIS Bank decides to upgrade or modify the Services or provide new services 6.6. If any Instruction cannot be given effect unless it is affected by requisite
to the Customers, such upgrades, modifications and new services shall by subject documentation, AXIS Bank shall not be required to act on such Instruction until it
to such terms and conditions as may be stipulated by AXIS Bank, and AXIS Bank receives such documentation.
shall amend or supplement any of these Terms and Conditions, at any time, if such 6.7. AXIS Bank shall not be liable for any consequences arising out of its failure to carry
amendment is required, which amendment shall be binding on the Customer. AXIS out the instructions due to inadequacy of funds and/or credit facilities available in
bank shall endeavour to inform the Customer of such changes. the Account of the Customer; provided that AXIS Bank may at its sole discretion be
entitled to carry out any Instructions notwithstanding such inadequacy of funds
5. Security Procedure: without seeking the prior approval from or notice to the Customer, and, without
5.1. The Customer shall, at its own risk and consequences, access the Services by prejudice to any other rights of AXIS Bank including the right of set-off and lien, the
following the Security Procedure prescribed by AXIS Bank from time to time, Customer shall be responsible to repay with interest the resulting overdraft,
including user-ID and password(s) or any other suitable means of authentication as advance or credit thereby created and for all related costs and charges.
decided by AXIS Bank. In addition, AXIS Bank may advise the Customer to adopt 6.8. In case of any Instruction relating to any foreign currency transaction made by the
such other Security Procedure and means of authentication as AXIS Bank may Customer, the exchange rates quoted by AXIS Bank, if any (whether through its
require, and the Customer agrees to abide by such security procedure. Website or otherwise), shall only be provisional and shall be subject to future
5.2. The Customer and the Users authorized by the Customer shall keep all passwords, variations in the exchange rate. The rate at which the transaction is given effect to


Name: __________________________________________________________________
Seal & Sigature
Place: _________________________ Date: ______________

Name: __________________________________________________________________
Seal & Sigature
Place: _________________________ Date: ______________

Name: __________________________________________________________________
Seal & Sigature
Place: _________________________ Date: ______________
would be the effective rate for all intents and purposes. amount debited to its Account if it fails to report the discrepancy within the
6.9. Any Instructions given by the Customer should not contravene the provisions of the aforesaid period.
applicable law including, without limitation, the Regulations, various regulations 13.2. All the records of AXIS Bank generated by the transactions arising out of the
framed under Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999, and other rules and Instructions, including the time the transaction recorded shall be conclusive proof
regulations laid down by Reserve Bank of India including Exchange Control of the genuineness and accuracy of the Instructions received by AXIS Bank and the
Regulations. consequent transaction.
13.3. The Customer agrees not to object to the admission of AXIS Bank's records as
7. Authority to AXIS Bank for Internet Banking Services: evidence in any legal proceedings because such records are not originals, are not
7.1. The Customer irrevocably and unconditionally authorises AXIS Bank to access all in writing or are documents produced by a computer.
its Accounts) registered for the Services, for effecting banking or other transactions 13.4. AXIS Bank is permitted to utilize all information received by it from the Customer as
performed by the Customer through the Internet Banking Services by giving evidence against the Customer before any competent Court of law or Judicial or
Instructions. Quasi-Judicial Authority or Tribunal or any other statutory or government
8. Transaction Limits:
AXIS Bank may, from time to time, specify maximum and minimum transaction 14. Termination:
limits for its various services. The Customer shall be bound to comply with such 14.1. Subject to this Clause 14, AXIS Bank reserves the right to discontinue all or any of
limits imposed by AXIS Bank. the Services at any point of time with 30 days prior notice, save and except in
circumstances where AXIS Bank has discontinued all or any of the Services as a
9. Changes in Information: consequence of the Customer committing any breach of the Terms and Conditions
9.1. Any changes in the information provided by the Customer shall be communicated or if it learns of the death, bankruptcy or lack of legal capacity of the user.
by the Customer to AXIS Bank in the manner stipulated by AXIS Bank, along with 14.2. Closure of Accounts of the Customer will terminate the Service.
accompanying corporate resolutions. The Customer shall be entitled, to modify its 14.3. The Customer is entitled to cancel the Services provided herein by giving a 15 days
list of Users from time to time, by giving a letter to this effect to AXIS Bank, along prior notice to the other party in this regard.
with accompanying corporate resolutions. Any such change shall be effective only 14.4. AXIS Bank shall not be liable for any damages, claims of any nature whatsoever by
after the Customer has been intimated of the implementation of the changes by reason of such termination or discontinuation of the Services.
AXIS Bank, and till such time AXIS Bank shall continue to accept and carry out
Instructions received from any of the representatives of the Customer whose 15. Force Majeure:
names are mentioned in the list of Users then available with AXIS Bank. AXIS Bank shall not be liable for any failure to perform any of its obligations under
these Terms and Conditions if the performance is prevented, hindered or delayed
10. Confidentiality & Disclosure: by a Force Majeure Event and in such case its obligations shall be suspended for so
The Customer hereby authorises the use of confidential information of the long as the Force Majeure Event continues (provided that this shall not prevent the
Customer by AXIS Bank and the transfer by AXIS Bank of any information relating accrual of interest on a principal amount which would have been payable but for
to the Customer to and between the branches, subsidiaries, representative offices, this provision). 'Force Majeure Event' means any event due to any cause beyond the
affiliates, auditors and agents of AXIS Bank, wherever situated, for confidential use control of the AXIS Bank, including without limitation, network failure, faults in
in connection with the provision of the Services to the Customer, and further computer systems, storage devices natural calamities, legal restraints or any other
acknowledges that any such branch, subsidiary, representative office, affiliate or reason.
agent shall be entitled to transfer any such information as required by any law,
court, regulatory or legal process. 16. Charges:
The Customer hereby agrees to bear all the charges/fees along with all taxes
11 . Disclaimer of Warranties: applicable to the Services as may be stipulated by the AXIS Bank from time to time,
Except as warranted herein and in the Terms and Conditions, AXIS Bank makes no or rates/charges mutually agreed from time to time for availing of the Services and
other express or implied warranty with respect to the Services provided hereunder, intimated to the Customer through the Website or through any other medium, as
and hereby expressly disclaims all warranties of any kind, whether express or AXIS Bank may deem fit. AXIS Bank shall have the right to set-off and lien,
implied or statutory, including, but not limited to the implied warranties of irrespective of any other lien or charge, present as well as future, on the deposits
uninterrupted, error-free, timely or secure performance of the Internet Banking held in the Customer’s accounts, to the extent of all the outstanding dues, arising
systems/ Services, title, satisfactory quality, merchantability, fitness for a particular as a result of usage of internet banking services by the customer/regulatory
purpose, data accuracy and completeness, and any warranties relating to non- compliance.
infringement in Internet Banking or any transmission of information from AXIS
Bank to the Customer being virus free. 17. Non- Transferability and Non-Assignability:
The grant of the Services to a Customer is not transferable under any circumstance
12. Indemnity: and shall be used only by the Customer. The Customer shall not assign its rights
12.1. The Customer agrees that the Customer shall indemnify and hold AXIS Bank, its and / or obligations in relation to the Services or any part thereof to any other
officers, director, agents and employees harmless against all actions, claims, person. AXIS Bank may subcontract and employ agents to carry out any of its
demands, proceedings, losses, damages, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever obligations in relation to the Services.
which AXIS Bank may at any time incur, sustain, suffer or be put to as a
consequence of or by reason of or arising out of providing any of the Services or 18. Governing Law and Jurisdiction:
due to any negligence / mistake / misconduct on the part of the Customer or The construction, validity and performance of the Services and these Terms and
breach or non-compliance by the Customer of any of the Terms and Conditions Conditions shall be governed in all respects by the laws of India. The parties hereby
stipulated herein relating to any of the Services or by reason of AXIS Bank in good submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts at Mumbai. The customer
faith taking or refusing to take action on any instruction given by the Customer shall demonstrate his knowledge and acceptance of the aforesaid terms and
conditions by logging onto or otherwise accessing or using AXIS Bank's Corporate
13 Internet Banking Records and Transaction Terms: Internet Banking services. If the customer does not agree with any of the terms or
13.1. AXIS Bank shall issue to the Customer a statement of Accounts through online / conditions as aforesaid, the customer should not use or attempt to use AXIS Bank's
offline mode for verification at the Customer's end. The Customer shall within a corporate internet banking services in any manner whatsoever including by
period of 7 (seven) days from date of transaction report to AXIS Bank any logging onto the Website.
discrepancy in the execution of an Instruction. The Customer agrees that it shall not
be entitled to dispute the correctness of the execution of an Instruction or the


Name: __________________________________________________________________
Seal & Sigature
Place: _________________________ Date: ______________

Name: __________________________________________________________________
Seal & Sigature
Place: _________________________ Date: ______________

Name: __________________________________________________________________
Seal & Sigature
Place: _________________________ Date: ______________

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