1:00pm- coming out coming out coming out coming out coming I'm heading 1:00 I help my
2:00pm of class i'm of class i'm of class i'm of class i'm out of home to help pm- mother's
heading heading heading heading class i'm 11:00 my parents 5:00 work until
home ah home ah home ah home ah heading am- with the pm the
cooking for cooking for cooking for cooking for home ah 1:00p chores. afternoon.
my lunch my lunch my lunch my lunch cooking m
for my
2:00pm- i wash my I check my i wash my i wash my i wash my lunch and 5:00 I start doing
10:00p uniform schedule uniform uniform uniform 1:00p after lunch I pm- my
m and then i and start and then i and then i and then i m- go for a run 10:0 homework
get ah to doing my get ah to get ah to get ah to 10:00 or to play 0pm for the next
do my homework, do my do my do my pm football day.
homework finish and homework homework homework
until i fall take a until i fall until i fall until i fall
asleep or i break and asleep or i asleep or i asleep or i
get sleepy then sleep get sleepy get sleepy get sleepy
sleep sleep sleep sleep