Intermediate Project: 7. One-Wire Intercom

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Aseries of projects for the not-so-experienced constructor. Although each article

will describe in detail the operation, use, construction and, where relevant, the
underlying theory of the project, constructors will, none the less, require an
elementary knowledge of electronic engineering. Each project in the series will be
based on inexpensive and commonly available parts.

7. One-wire intercom
J. Bareford

This month's project ls a long-distance intercom system that can be

set up very quickly for outdoor events because a large number of
extensions can communicate via a single, light-duty wire.

The intercom is intended for outdoor required for each extension. base of Tl via pole 'a' of 51. In the "listen'
events and games such as rallies, camping With the switch positioned as shown, mode, the three transistors form a kind of
parties, scrambles, etc., where a simple the intercom is set to 'listen". Signals from super emitter follower with a very high
means of communication is required be- other extensions are taken from the field input impedance (several Mn) to compen-
tween extensions 'in the Held'. Contrary commu nica tion line, j-k, and arrive at the sate the resistance formed by the earth
to most other intercom systems, the circuit
presented here is uncr itical of the wire
type used. Furthermore, the current con-
sumption of each extension is remarkably
low when none of the other posts is speak-
ing, so that batteries may be used to sup-
ply the power. The system is open, that is,
.--_.~------~~---. + 4V5 ...6V

a11 extensions receive a11 communication

on the line. r-----~--~--~----~--~~--~~+
The remarkable thing about the inter-
eom is. of course, that it reguires a single
wire only. The secret is that the return h
connection (normallyaseparate ground
wlre), is formed by the soil between the
extensions, or, more precisely, the res ist-
anee formed by the soil. Depending on the
soil structure, a resistance of between
10 kQ and 100 kQ may be measured be-
tween two metal pins pushed approxi-
mately 30 em into the ground at a distance
of few metres. Interestingly, this resist-
ance does not rise in direct proportion to
the pin d istance.

The circuit
For obvious reasons, the design of the in-
tercom is based on the presence of a rela-
nvely high resistance of the ground return
path between the extensions. This means
that the transmitter part of the cireuit

must provide sufficient volta ge gain,

while the receiver must have a relatively 896098X • 11
high Input impedance. A circuit that
meets these requirements while remain-
ing as simple as possible is shown in
Pig. L Only three transistors, a small
loudspeaker, a three-pole rotary switch Fig. 1. Circuit diagram of an intercom extension.
and a handful of passive components are
AF signals are decoupled by Cl at the base
of TI, the transistor operates in a
grounded-base configuration that pro-

• • • vides considerable amplification of the

• • • • • •• microphone signal applied to the emitter.

T2 and T3 raise the signal to a level suitable
•• • • • •• for applying to line j-k .

•• •• ••••
Negative feedback required to ensure

• stable gain with acceptable distortion is

• • • • • • •• • provided
by resistor R4, which is con-
between the amplifier output
• •• • •~ • (ernitter of T3) and the amplifier Input
• (emitter of TI). The total voltage gain is,
therefore, determined by the ratio R4/ZLS-
1, which works out at about 850.
The amplifier output is coupled direct
to line j-k, and the resultant direct voltage
serves as the previously mentioned base
voltage for Tl in every extension switched
to the "listen' mode. The direct voltage is
about equal to the forward drop across
01-02-03 (about 1.8 V), minus the base
volta ge of Tl, and plus the voltage on R4.
ONE:"WIRE In alt this works out at about 1.5 V, inde-
pendent of the supply voltage. This volt-
INTERCOM age is sufficient to make Tl in the
extension(s) conduct, while preventing
unduly high Ioudspeaker currents.

Let's build it
A suggested construction of the intercom
return path. Switch contact SIe connects circuit on Universal Prototyping Board
the loudspeaker between the emitter of T3 Size-I (UPBS-l) is shown in Fig. 2. Stick
Fig. 2. Suggested construction of an in-
and ground. closely to the Parts List and the compo- tercom extension on ready-made prototyp-
Same readers may object at this stage nent mounting plan, and you will find ing board UPBS-1.
by saying that the amplifier cornposed of that construction is straightforward. 00
Tl-T2-T3 can ne ver work because there is not forget the wire links, and be sure to
no base volta ge on Tl. This is correct, but observe the polarity of the electrolytie ea-
only as lang as there is no signal on the pacitors and the orienta ti on of the transis- Parts list
Hne. Hence, the unit draws Cl very low tors. Fit power transistor T3 with a small
stand-by current. beat-sink. Resistors:
Tl does not receive base voltage from Rl = 2k2
The loudspeaker and the rotary switch
R, = 15k
the line until one of the other extensions are external components, which are con-
R3 = 680Q
starts transmitting when SI is operated. nected to the board via short wires and R4 = 6k8
Let's look at wh at happens at the transmit- sold er pins with letter codes in the ca se of R5 = 220Q
ting extension. Effectively, the three tran- the switch. Cut the field communieation
sistors still funetion as an amplifier, but line at the Ioeation of the extension, and Capacltors:
with the loudspeaker acting as a micro- connect the wire ends to points 'j' and 'k' Cl=100~;4V
phone. In the 'receive' mode, Tl functions on the peB. C,;C3 = 47~; 6 V
as an emitter folIower. In the 'transmit' As already stated, the intercom exten-
modc. however, its base is held at a flxed sion has a modest current eonsumption, Semlconductors:
potential provided by Rl-Ol-02-03. Since so that it may be powered from three or 01;02;0, = 1N4148
Tl = BC550C
T, = BC560C
T, = B0139

8, '" three-pole changeover switch,
Loudspeaker 8Q; 1 W.
Heat-sink 10rT3.
PCB Type UPBS-1 (see Readers Services

four series-connected penlight batteries,

or a single 4.5 V type. The completed
board and the battery or batteries are
fitted into a suitably sized ABS enclosure
with a listen/talk switeh and two wander
sockets for the speech line and the earth
conneetion .


._..." ,"0

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