Save Decoder: Part 1: Operation and Technical Background
Save Decoder: Part 1: Operation and Technical Background
Save Decoder: Part 1: Operation and Technical Background
The scrambling system employed tor the BBC-TV Europe and the
now detunct Premiere channel on the Intelsat-VF11 TV satellite is
generally classitied as a low-Ievel video encoding scheme. Based on
controlled interterence in the video spectrum it is, however, not so
simple to deteat with traditional filter designs that have already
caused much hair-pulling and teeth-gnashing among technically
inclined dish owners. The decoder discussed here leaves traditional
filters tor what they are, yet ofters a pertectly decoded picture at a
cost ot E25 or so.
uses inexpensive components, and works Video
at 94 kHz. A number of special tech-
niques, combined with 'all-analogue' sig- 0-
amplilier l-o
nal processing have resulted in a
stop-band filter (notctt) whose perfor- + Video
mance in respect of selectivity comes elose unclamped Decoded
video video
to that of a crystal filter.
Synchronous VCXO
Tlie low-cost decoder presented here detector -+- 6MHz
features automatie processing of any
SAVE-encoded video signal that contains .I. -#v-
an interfering carrier between about Sinewave
93 kHz and 94.5 kHz, so that BBC-TV Eu-
rope <[,=93,275 Hz) is reliably recognized
and decoded, irrespective of the current
interference frequency. J.
94kHz 94kHz
Spectral analysis
elliptic IiIler
-+-- -:-4 f- lew-pass
elliplic filter
a b
I _20
t )
----,., (kHz1
" " .- - --
['r'J -"
, ->0
-" !l7SO ....
-~ -~
---+. I {kHz]
• ~ '00 rsc
asc sec
I (kHz]
". '00 .~ ecc
890165 -12b
Fig. 2. Frequency spectrum of a SAVE-encoded video signal with no picture content (2a); theoretical pass-band of the pre-emphasis filter
(2b); and the result of the pre-emphasis operation on the original spectrum (2c). It should be noted that the spectra shown are theoretical
and purposely simplified.
curve of this filter is shown in Fig. 2b, and r-r- AMPLIFIER I---+- EMPHASIS
its effect on the spectrum of Pig. 2a is ap-
parent frorn Fig. 2c. The interference stg- '-----
nal has the highest amplitude in the latter
spectrum. ~
The control principle adopted for the
SAVE decoder requires the seeond pass- PHASE LOOP LOOP
the amplitude of the interference signal. width, and the output signal of the de-em- The pre-emphasis L-C filter in the col-
The controlloop perfonns automatie cor- phasis network is fed to the video buffer lector line of Tl supplies a video signal
rections to the amplitude of the VCO stg- with associated clamping circuit. The with a 94 kHz component of about 3 Vpp
nal until a stable condition Is reached. decoded video signal has an amplitude of when the receiver is tuned to a SAVE-en-
Once aligned, the decoder is, therefore, about 1 Vpp at a load impedance of 75 n, coded TV channel. The transistor works as
insensitive to small amplitude variations and is suitable for direct connection to a an inverting amplifier. Capaeiter C7 feeds
of the input signal, and other forms of monitor or remodulator. the signal with the 94 kHz component to
instability. the phase comparator in Iu, where it is
The integrator that shifts the phase of multiplied with the VCO signal applied
the VCO signal by 90" gives a frequency-
Fromtheory to practice via CIS.
independent phase shift, and is located The previously discussed functions are Phase centrot
after the amplitude contral circuit. An ad- easily found back in the circuit diagram of The 94 kHz Colpitts VCO built around
ditional benefit of the integrator is its Fig. 4. The unciamped video signal from FET Ta is tuned by means of a direct volt-
ability to suppress harmonics genera ted the satellite- TV receiver must have an am- age applied to dual variable capacitance
by light distortion. These harmonics are plitude of at least 0.5 Vpp. Components PI, diode 07. The circuit around 06 and T9 is
suppressed at 6 dB per octave. Cl, R3and ESl take the non-encoded video an amplitude stabilizer. When the ampli-
The contra I volta ge for the amplitude signal to amplifier Ts. From there, it is tude of the oscillator signal exceeds a cer-
controller is used to light a LED that indi- passed through clamping circui t 01-02-T6 ta in level, T9 conducts via D6, and draws
cates the decoding of a SAVE signal. be fore it is applied to output buffer Tz. The current through R44.This causes the drain
When the LED lights, the loop filter is output amplitude is set to ] Vpp into 75 Q current of the oscillator FET to drop to a
automatically switched to reduced band- with the aid of preset PI. level at which the feedback gain in the
Theoretical background
1. Pre- and de-emphaels When pre-emphasis network L4-C9 (Z) resonates at 94 kHz, it forms
a very high impedance. R13alone then determines the impedance of
Current souree T1 uses pre-emphasis impedanee Ztormed by L1-L2- Z. With R13 = 2700il:
C4-Cs-R6 to generate a signal voltage at TP1:
Uo = ~1.23 Uvideo+ 0.09 Ures
U8(T1) = Ui
UE(Tl):;; Ui Correctly aligned, the pre- and de-ernphasis networks yield more than
20 dB suppression of the 94 kHz component, without distorting the
fC{T1l:;; ~/8,T1J = -Ui/ R5 video signal.
Since T3 offers high current ampllflcatlon. Zis hardly loaded. The frequency of the amplitude control voltage, Ureg, is 0 Hz if the
regenerated frequency equals the frequency of the interference volt-
The regenerated 94 kHz sine-wave ls added in anti-phase to the video age, Ui:
signal. Emitter touower T4 torms a virtually ideal voltaqe source for
the de-emphasis impedance, Z
Ureg= r o
sin(oot)[( u- Ureg)sin(oot)] dt
ro = 2 TI 94000 [rad/51 The integrator gives virtually complete suppression of the 188 kHz
component, so that:
The decoded video signal across R15 may be written as
UR15=Uo Ureg"" r o
0.5( Ui- Ureg) dt
Uo = R15/( R 15+ Z) UE(T4)
This equation can be solved if Ui= Ureg, which corresponds to com-
plete compensation.
Owing to noise in the Input signal, the residual 94 kHz component, 10= ipcos(ro t)
Ures, has to be taken into account:
UC29=1 /c[ o Iodt
Uo=- R 15/( R 15+ Z) (~Uv;deo( Z+ Rn IR5 + Ures)
UC29 = 1 1 C [ ip cos (00 t) d t
R15(Z+R7) R15
Uo=~Uv;deoR5( Z+ R 15) I Z+ R15 Ures io .
UC29= 00 CSln{oo t)
With R7 "" R1S:
rc = 2 TI 94000 [rad/51
Uo=~R 151 R5 Uvsäeo+ R 15/( Z + R 15) Ures
The phase is shifted 90" independently of frequency.
o, = -1.23 Uvideo+ R 15/( Z+ R15) Ures
1[;";';;:' h---"'I"
IG-n-f-t'l' -
..... ,."
oscillator ISuruty. The result isa clean and locked or not, the bandwidth of the loop part, which has the same amplitude but
stable oscillator signal that is coupled out filter is changed by ES2 connecting R27in the opposite phese.
inductively via Ls. Transistors TlOand 111 parallel with Rz8, and ES3 selecting a dif- The summation signal is taken through
amplify the oscillator signal and convert ferent R-C network at the output of the the de-emphasis network in the emitter
it into a symmetricaI current that is fed to opamp in the XR2208. The contral voltage line of Te. The first of the two L-C sections
the pair of diodes at each of the parallel- is passed to the varica p via R41and R46. removes residual 94 kHz Ievels. and the
connected OTA inputs oe,). This closes the phase-Iocked loop. second ensures sufftcient suppression of
The aTA inputs are also connected to Amplitude control the 188 kHz component. The decoded sig-
TI2 and 113to form a gain-cell. In principle, The amplitude of the regenerated 94 kHz nal is fed to the clamping circuit via ES1-
a gain-cell provides linear conversion of sine-wave is determined with the aid of a The amplitude control circuit receives
an input signal into an output stgnal. The current sent into pin 1 of OTAL This cur- its errar signal from the summation point,
ga in of the cell is determined by a current rent is supplied by OTA2, which works as via R65.Components C33,R64,R6S,C30and
supplied by an extern al source. In the a multiplier. The result is that pin 5 of RS9shift the phase of the errar signal by
present case, this control current ema- OTAI supplies a sinusoidal current to in- 900 so that it can be used for driving multi-
nates frorn Rsz. while the basic gain of the tegrator C29.The mathematical deduction plier OTA2. This supplies a current tha t is
cell is defined by the ratio RS2:Rs8. in the "Theoretical background' inset dem- integrated by C31.The resulting voltage on
The 94 kHz signal is taken asymmetri- onstrates that the phase is shifted 90° in- this capacitor is buffered by the darling-
cally from the collector of T12 and fed to dependently of frequency. The volta ge ton transistor in the 01A, and serves to
the phase comparator via C18. The dif- developed across C29 is fed back into the supply the control current to the pre-
ference frequency is available as a bal- IC via pin 7, and reappears buffered at viously mentioned gain ceIl (OTAI) via
anced signal between pins 1 and 2 of the pin 8. The regenerated, amplitude-con- RS7.This closes the amplitude-controlled
XR220B. The balanced difference signal is trolled and 90° phase-shifted 94 kHz sig- loop.
passed to the opamp in the XR2208, by nal is fed to T2 via C6, and from there to
means of networks R28-R38-C21and R36- summation point T2-R12. This forms the
R37-C22. nuc1eus of the circuit: the interference d is- Tue construction und aligllll1el1t of the deccder
Depending on wh ether the PLL ts appears against its regenerated counter- will be described in Part 2 of this article.
March 1990
CONTENTS Number 176
C n ~ i i p r e ~ ~techn~iluc\
io~i rcvolulioni~evidcc,
1'RO.IECI': Rrplacernen~for TC.A2XO.A supply and design difficulties
Code locking circuit Tcmpe~~ture compensation for L C D modules have made i t necessary to
Line allocation tester by M. Clarkson postpone "Sinewave invert-
* The multi-MAC chip
. --
wires and devices like simple
transistor switches. In the 50 R Kr D: kchnote of club life at H3rweII
optical equivalent, light trav- hy H. Cole, senior scientist at Harwell Laboratory
els down planar optical ---v ,. ~-=-.
waveguides through 'molecu- TEST MEASURE ME^^
lar' switches. These switches 36 PROJECT: Digital trigger tor o\cilloscopes
can be made by coating by A. Righy
glass substrates with a Ye- 61 PROJECT: Square-wave generator
cial polymer. In the picture it by M. Clarkson
is being studied with a new
technique known as lime- MORMATION
~ C E L L A ~ O U S
resolved evanescent wave-
inducedfluorescencespec- Elec~rnnicficene12 &13: Eventh 18; Corrections 43:
troscopy. Letters 58: Switchboard 59; Readers services 63: Terms 64;
Buyers guide 74: Classified ads 74: Index o f advertisers 74 Power line mi~nitor.p. 41