branch=master) ![Image](
Dynamo is a visual programming tool that aims to be accessible to both non-
programmers and programmers alike. It gives users the ability to visually script
behavior, define custom pieces of logic, and script using various textual
programming languages.
## Get Dynamo ##
## Develop ###
### Create a Node Library for Dynamo ###
If you're interested in developing a Node library for Dynamo, the easiest place to
start is by browsing the [DynamoSamples]
These samples use the [Dynamo NuGet packages](
q=DynamoVisualProgramming) which can be installed using the NuGet package manager
in Visual Studio.
You can learn more about developing libraries for Dynamo on the [Dynamo wiki]
Directions for building Dynamo on other platforms (e.g. Linux or OS X) can be found
## Contribute ##
Dynamo is an open-source project and would be nothing without its community. You
can make suggestions or track and submit bugs via [Github issues]
( You can submit your own code to the
Dynamo project via a Github [pull request](
## Releases ##
New Functionality :
- New out-of-the-box Revit functionality, including FaceBased Family creation,
Coordinates, Detail Curves, Dimensions, Filled Region, Filters, Location
enhancements, Materials, Parameters, Revisions, Rooms, Tag, Text notes, and Element
- New list management tools found on node input ports that can greatly simplify
many workflows and reduce the need for List.Map and List.Combine in most places.
- Geometry Preview state of nodes shown in color change
New Functionality :
- A whole new bunch of Library added for T-Spline Nodes. You can turn on this
option from Settings to view the T-Spline nodes in Library. T-Splines modelling
technology is now exposed in Dynamo to enable new organic and freeform geometry
creation tools. There are approximately 150 new nodes that are a subset of the
existing geometry library. Since this is an advanced functionality that may be
useful only in certain non-standard workflows these nodes by default will be hidden
in the library and will not interfere in node search results unless explicitly
turned on in the Settings -> Experimental menu. The new functionality offers a wide
range of capabilities to create and edit T-Spline surfaces and also conversion to
and from NURBS and meshes.
- New notification center provides you with more details on system crashes and
errors, such as when DLL incompatibilities between Dynamo and other Revit Addins
are detected at startup
- New Settings menu option to Show or Hide Preview Bubbles
- We have fixed the long pending issue of Screen Capture, now it doesn't matter how
big your graph is, everything will be visible at whatever zoom level you are at
when you use Export Workspace as Image.
Other Changes:
- Now once you add a new path for Package location then all the packages from the
new path will get loaded without relaunching Dynamo.
- We have improved the preview bubble for its Pin and hover over related issues.
- Updated the compact view of the preview bubble to display information about the
number of items in an output list.
- Quick Access to "Getting Started" from Help menu
- From this release, we stopped migrating of 0.6.3 and 0.7.0 files. If your old
files contain nodes from above two releases then you have to open those files on an
earlier version (till 1.0.0) and the save them.
Known Issues:
- Installing Dynamo 4 Revit 1.1 Will require a reinstallation of Dynamo Studio with
Studio 1.1 (1.0 and 1.1 cannot co-habitate). This issue will not happen in the
future, when Future Dynamo Core installation will work with older versions of
- Simplification of some overload methods will result in minor changes in behavior.
Please see this document for specific nodes affected:
- API Stabilization: 1.0.0 is a commitment to stable code that allows for smoother
and more reliable movements from one version to another. To more clearly express
this, we have been moving to “semantic versioning” to illustrate the nature of
changes in each release. We will be using the fairly standard version naming with
an x.y.z system, where x incrementing represents breaks to the API (requiring
developer refactors), y indicates changes that are still backwards compatible, and
z are smaller bug fixes. Package creators and maintainers are encouraged to assess
changes to the previous code, which can be found here
- Graphics performance enhancements: see this post for details
- Documentation: Along with new sections of the DynamoPrimer
(, we have started an online documentation of the Dynamo
API with a searchable index of public API calls for core functionality. This will
be expanded to include regular nodes and Revit functionality.
- Licensing: Dynamo Studio is now using a new version of the Autodesk installer
that allows for easier access to network and token flex licensing tools
- Install: we have created a separate installation for "core" Dynamo
functionality, those tools used by all implementations of Dynamo, and Revit, and
Studio installations. This allows for the sharing of a common core of Dynamo code
and packages.
- List Management: Changes to "replication" or automated matching of different
data streams in nodes and Code Block nodes eliminates the need for List.Map and
List.Combine in many situations
- Send to Web: formerly known as Share Workspace, we have improved the ability to
view and interact with Dynamo online with Customizers
- File Export: Users can now author DWG files in the Translation section of Dynamo
- Direct Shape: Dynamo in Revit 2017 can now take advantage of faster and more
sophisticated direct shape creation. In most cases, solid and surface geometry can
be sent directly into the Revit environment as smooth (rather than tesselated)
surfaces and solids, categorized to whatever is needed. In the cases where a
smooth element cannot be created, a tesselated (mesh) object is created, as was the
case previously.
Bug Fixes
- An extensive list can be found here:
Known Issues
- Listed here:
Dynamo Core
- Direct manipulation: Sometimes numerical manipulation isn’t the right approach.
Now you can manually push and pull Point geometry when in navigating in the
background 3d preview.
- Freeze Functionality: When you have long running portions of your graph, or don’t
want to export data to other applications, or want to debug some logic, don’t
unplug your nodes. Now you can suspend execution of specified nodes in the graph by
using Freeze in the right-click contextual menu
- Search Enhancements: Only look at the node libraries you want to with new
filtering tools. See more options at once by using a compact view, or get more
information with the detail view.
- Zoom re-center: Select a node, then zoom and recenter your orbit on it in the 3d
Preview Navigation
- CNtrl-drag: Copy/Paste nodes in a familiar way
- Add comments to custom node inputs and full default states for complex data types
- More forgiving DesignScript syntax: Users can now write instance methods (ex.
MyCurve.PointAtParameter(0.5)) as Static Methods (ex. -
Curve.PointAtParameter(MyCurve, 0.5))
Known issues
- No backwards compatibility with 0.9.0 and before. This is due to neccessary
changes to the Dynamo API in advance of 1.0. These changes can be found in the [API
Changes]( document
- In some situations, placement of Adaptive components requires a change in list
structure. The AC placement nodes now expect to receive lists of lists of
placement coordinates. In the past, the nodes expected to only place one AC, now
it expects to place many. If you are going to only place a single component, it
needs to be nesting into a list.
- With Win10 the Dynamo Background Preview is blank. If your Win10 workstation
contains a graphics card that used to work with Dynamo running Win7 or 8 and you
experience an inability to render graphics you may wish to consult:
Dynamo Studio
- Share your work online: Share interactive parametric models online. Just
publish your Dynamo graph and send a link to your colleagues or the whole world.
People can view and interact with your designs in a regular web browser with no
Dynamo installed
- ImportExport: Read directly from DWG files and only pull out those pieces of the
file that you want.
- When a user downloads a dyn from the Customizer (or Shared Workspace), the dyn's
Run setting is automatically set to "Manual". This may be confusing to some users
when they open the dyn in Dynamo and see all Nulls in the outputs: simply click the
Run button.
- Users have been reporting that the Customizer (Shared Workspaces) functionality
is missing in Studio 0.9.1. If this is happening to you, please try uninstalling
Studio 0.9.1 and reinstalling it. We are aware of the bug and a fix will be
available soon. Please reach out to us if you experience any other related issues.
Library Enhancements
- The library is now organized in a tree view to make it easier to find the nodes
you want. Node types have also been color-coded to make it easier for you to locate
create, action, and query nodes in the library
Color on surfaces
- Square arrays of color can now be applied to surfaces with the
Display.BySurfaceColors node
- Select groups of nodes and automatically create Code Block Nodes from the
- Known issues that we will continue to work on
- Tooltips and search algorithm improvements for in canvas search (via right
- Now localized to 12 languages (Dynamo for Revit and Dynamo standalone)
- Define the localization for Dynamo standalone [Instructions here]
- 4 New Chapters for the [Dynamo Primer](
- New and updated [Nuget packages for developers](
Package Manager
- Publish a package locally from Dynamo for Revit
Known Issues
- Current list of [known issues](
Graph Management
- Add Groups to your graph organization from the right click menu
- See
- Improved handling of Excel.Read, including more robust management of null values
and ragged lists
- Excel.Read now has a ReadFromFileAsString toggle, to preserve text imputs if
- Excel.Write now has the option to completely overwrite data in a sheet, or only
the affected cells
- Excel.Write ignores popup messages
- List.Transpose now keeps indices of lists consistent
- List.Clean removes null and empty lists from a given list, with or without
preserving indices
- IF nodes will now lace over test input. Example, list with inputs {true, false,
true}, {1,2,3}, {a,b,c} will result in {1,b,3}. Previously, result would be
{{1,2,3},{a,b,c},{1,2,3}}. See submission
- FamilyInstance.SetRotation node
- Dynamo for Revit is now localized based on the Operating System locale.
- Control the preview state of multiple nodes at once in right-click menu
- Node port tooltips now show default inputs
- In canvas search available via Shift-DoubleClick and Right-Click
- Drag and drop nodes from the browser
- ExportToSAT now has units control
- Backup files are now created to recover lost work. Backup folder location
available in the Start page
Known Issues
- Current list of [known issues](
Custom Nodes:
- Lacing for Custom Nodes
- Default Values for Custom Nodes
- Type input tooltips for Custom Nodes
- Unicode (Special Character) handling in Code Block Nodes and Data exchanged with
other applications (like getting and setting Revit parameters)
- Fillet and Chamfer for Solids and Polysurfaces
- New Mesh tools available on the Package Manager from MeshToolkit
- Overhaul of the existing 0.7 Units handling for more legible interactions.
Details here:
Run Auto
- default state for new documents
- Run state is now saved per file (rather that set per session)
- Revit libraries have been seperated out and now live in their own repository:
- Refactoring to provide a strong separation between what a Dynamo graph is and how
it is displayed. This makes it easier for users to write powerful nodes, and for us
to move the Dynamo platform forwards.
#### Fixes:
Namespace Collisions:
- Existing Code Block Nodes no longer affected by name collisions with functions
that come from installed packages. For instance, Point.ByCoordinates in a Code
Block Node was affected by a collision with a Point. operation in the popular
Rhynamo package and would throw an error saying “Warning: Dereferencing a non-
pointer. Dereferencing a non-pointer.”
#### Notes:
- 0.8 is in a new folder structure to enable side by side installs with 0.7. There
is a one time only copy/paste of existing Packages from the 0.7 folder to 0.8 for
your convenience
###0.7.5 ###
###0.7.4 ###
###0.7.3 ###
###0.7.2 ###
####Some specifics####
- Preview Geometry in Revit (2015 Sundial Release only)
- Smaller download
- Directly open Samples folder from Help menu
- Object type is properly labeled on nodes for geometry outputs
- Improved documentation for 3rd party developers
- Advanced Tutorial Content
- Vast Regression Testing overhaul
- Solid.DifferenceAll(take one solid and get the Boolean difference with it versus
a list of other solids0
- Copy Lacing and Nickname settings when copy/pasting
- List.UniquItems now works for geometry elements
- Improved handling of large numbers of geometric elements
- Improved Align Selection
- Improved converting Revit Walls to Dynamo geometry
- Improvements to search speed
- Improved handling of updates to 0.6.3 packages
- Improvements to If node uses in custom nodes
- Fixed Vasari-specific compatibility issues
- Fixed Model Line creations from Dynamo curves
- Fixed Surface.ByPatch error with closed polycurve
- Fixed Solid.ThinShell
- Fixed crashes in Revit document switching
- Fixed Mesh improperly scaled when extracted from Topography
- Fixed Curve.TangentAtParameter on curve from offset Polycurve crashes Dynamo
- Fixed crash using PolyCurve.Offset
- Fixes to Curve.Project behavior
- Fixes to Curve.PullOntoPlane behavior
- Fixed StructuralFraming.Location
- Fixed CBN not being parsed as a culturally invariant string
- Fixed Background preview level of detail for curves
- Fixed Copy/Paste of Code Block node problems
- Fixed nested List.Map
- Fixed Lacing issues on many nodes
- Fixed for Integer/Double interactions
- Fixed negative values in range expressions
- Fixes to multi-output nodes (Raybounce node and others)
- For more fixes, see
####Back office Improvements:####
- Installer can now run silently for custom deployments
- MVVM refactoring: Standard Code separation and formatting for greater legibility
and code reusability
- Separation from Revit dependencies for easier porting of Dynamo to new
- Recursion: ScopeIf node for use in recursive custom node workflows
###Older Releases###
[Archive of Release Fixes and Improvements]
## Instrumentation ##
Dynamo contains an instrumentation system that anonymously reports usage data to
the Dynamo team. This data will be used to enhance the usability of the product.
Aggregated summaries of the data will be shared back with the Dynamo community.
The Data is Base64 encoded. For example, the data field above
('MTMxMjQxLjY3MzAyMDg=') decodes to: '131241.6730208' This represents the number of
seconds that the instance of Dynamo has been running.
The UserID is randomly generated when the application is first run. The SessionID
is randomly generated each time Dynamo is opened.
## License ##
Dynamo is licensed under the Apache License. Dynamo also uses a number of third
party libraries, some with different licenses. You can find more information [here]