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1. Can you suggest the best workflow on implementing this?

a. As is the norm – export a .nwc from Revit, run your clash detection in Navis and then
generate a clash report for starters.

b. The first required massaging comes from chopping the mile-long list of columns in the .xml
file into the ones you want to pull data from – X,Y,Z coordinates, Element ID, date, etc. Start
Excel and then open your .xml file. You will see two popups, the first one is how you want to
open it (use the table option) and the second is a warning that you can just ignore (click OK).

c. Start Dynamo and open the Navis to Revit script. NOTE: Make sure Dynamo is set to run in
MANUAL mode at the bottom left corner.

d. For the FILE PATH node, use the browse button and point to the location where your
shorter Excel spreadsheet is located.

e. The second required massaging comes after you have a shorter list. You will need to point
the code blocks for the GET ITEM AT INDEX nodes in your Dynamo script to the correct
columns in your Excel spreadsheet. NOTE: Dynamo counts from zero, not one as the first item.
You should see all the Xs in one node, all the Ys in another node and all the Zs in the last node
separately. NOTE: Your LACING must be set to CROSS PRODUCT so that your data lists will
sort correctly. You can pin the GET ITEM AT INDEX nodes open or use WATCH nodes to see
what you are ending up with.

f. Make sure that your clash sphere Revit family is loaded into your project first and then select
it in the FAMILY TYPES node. Open a 3D View in Revit and then run your script. You should
see clash spheres populate in your Revit model., these are also visible in 2D plan views.
2. Who do you think should handle this process a Revit user or a BIM Admin and how
frequent this would be?

a. I would suggest that a project BIM lead or a senior designer handle this role, not an
everyday Revit user, because of the attention to detail needed.

b. Clash detection meetings depend on the project and when the other discipline models
are available, but I would suggest at least once a week. I check my own work well before
these meetings and while I am routing my systems. It is not the project BIM
coordinator’s job to clash your work for you.

3. On a big scale project, do you think the sphere (depending on the clashes of course)
can interfere with the modeling as clash sphere will be live in Revit?

a. There is some user management required here. When you run the script, it is going to
place potentially hundreds of families into your model. I would immediately place these
onto a workset in Revit to help control them. NOTE: This same workset should be turned
off in your 3D view before exporting another .nwc for Navis.

b. Each modeler should delete these spheres as they fix the noted clashes.

c. Development of how to handle newer clashes and remove old ones that have been
cleared is ongoing as I just started this yesterday.

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