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gt1 JAN 2018

DEPARTMENTORDER ) SUBJECT: Amending the Guidelines on the
Accreditation of Private Testing

22 ~

Series of 2018 (5/". "'.It'

To further ensure the effective quality control of materials in the implementation of various
DPWHprojects, these guidelines on the accreditation of private testing laboratories are hereby


1.1 This document prescribes the rules and regulations governing the accreditation of
private testing laboratories, laboratories of Provincial Engineering Offices and
universities/colleges that can perform the testing of materials for Government
infrastructure projects. It includes their organizations, staff qualifications, testing
premises, test equipment, calibration, records keeping and the issuanceof reports.

1.2 The aim of the document is to set out criteria, the observance of which will ensure
that the work of the testing laboratory is conducted efficiently;

1.2.1 With technical and commercial integrity.

1.2.2 With a known level of accuracy in all tests and measurements (Le., the
uncertainty is known).

1.2.3 In accordancewith the prescribed guidelines and standards of the Department.

1.2.4 In compliance with the new codes, laws and guidelines set by other
Government agencies relevant in the accreditation of private testing


2.1 Bureau of Researchand Standards (BRS) - A Bureau created under Executive Order
No. 124 which is mandated to develop and set effective standards and reasonable
guidelines to ensure the safety of all infrastructure facilities in the country and to
assure efficiency and proper quality in the construction of government public works.

2.2 Certificate of Accreditation - A document signed by the Director of BRS issued to

testing laboratories authorizing/accrediting them to perform the required tests for
Government infrastructure projects.

Department Order No. -lot ,

Series of 2018,
re: Amending the Guidelines on the Acaeditation of Private Testing Laboratories
Page 2 of 12

2.3 Certificate of Authority to Operate Chemical Laboratories- a certificate given to any

firms, corporations and government agencies to operate chemical laboratory or
engage in the practice of chemistry or chemical analysis in the Philippines as defined
in R.A. No. 10657.

2.4 Chemical Analysis - refers to a physio-chemical or biochemical procedure which

involves activities defined in R,A. No. 10657.

2.5 Chemical Laboratory - refers to a facility where chemical analysis and chemical
synthesis are performed. Such activities carried out outside of a chemical laboratory,
for example, a factory, mobile laboratory or field analysis, shall likewise be
considered a chemical laboratory.

2.6 Department - Referred herein as the Department of Public Works and Highways

2.7 Pollution Control Officer (PCO) - a technical person competent in pollution control
and environmental management, performing the duties and responsibilities in a
particular establishment and officially accredited by the Environmental Management
Bureau (EMB) Regional Office to perform such responsibilities.

2.8 Registered Chemical Technician - refers to any person who assists in the routine work
of chemical analysis, chemical synthesis, and sale of chemicals and chemical
equipment/ apparatus and who is duly registered as such with the Board and the
Commission. Chemical technicians may only work or practice under the supervision
of a registered chemist.

2.9 Registered Chemist - refers to any person who is engaged in the professional practice
of chemical analysis, as defined in R.A. No. 10657 and who is duly registered with the
Board of Chemistry.

2.10 Republic No. 10657 - An act regulating and modernizing the practice of Chemistry
in the Philippines, otherwise known as the "Chemistry Profession Act".

2.11 Testing Laboratory - A laboratory which measures, examines, tests, calibrates or

otherwise determine the characteristics or performance of materials or products.

2.12 Test Method - A defined standard technical procedure to determine one or more
specified characteristics of the material or product.

2.13 Test Report - A document which presents the test results and other information
relevant to the test.


3.1 Grant Certificate of Accreditation to applicant Laboratories that are capable of

complying with these guidelines.

3.2 Assess the applicant laboratories as to their compliance with these guidelines.
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re: Amending the Guidelines on the Accreditation of Private Testing Laboratories
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3.3 The BRS at its discretion may:

3.3.1 Increase or reduce the scope of accreditation.

3.3.2 Revoke the Certificate of Accreditation.

3.3.3 Reconsider, after due notice, the accreditation in the light of notified
changes/additions in personnel, equipment and/or system.

3.3.4 Shall prepare a directory of accredited private testing laboratories. Such

directory shall be made available to prequalified contractors of DPWH.

3.3.5 Gives due notice to an already accredited laboratory of any intended

changes/adjustments appertaining to the guidelines. The Certificate holder
shall be given such time as in the opinion of the BRS is reasonable to carry out
the necessary adjustments to its procedures. The testing laboratory shall notify
the BRS when such changes/adjustments have been completed. BRS shall
conduct an assessment of the laboratory to check compliance with the changes.

3.3.6 Shall collect accreditation fees in accordance with the rules and regulations on


4.1 The application for the grant of a Certificate of Accreditation shall be accomplished
on BRS Form No.1 (see Annex A), obtainable from BRS with a non-refundable fee of
Php 1,000.00. Said application shall be filed with the BRS.

4.2 The testing laboratory shall make available to the BRS Director or his duly
designated/authorized representative such data, information as may be required in
connection with the processing of the application for accreditation or in the
reassessment of its testing competence during the annual assessments.

4.3 In the event that BRS, after assessing the laboratory, is satisfied that the testing
laboratory complies with these guidelines, then, it shall issue the Certificate of
Accreditation (see Annex B). The Certificate shall indicate the specific type/s of test
that can be done by the laboratory in accordance with existing standards of the

4.4 Once a Certificate is issued, it shall remain valid for two (2) years renewable every
other year thereafter upon application.

4.5 The Certificate of Accreditation shall be non-transferable.

4.6 A Certificate of Accreditation may be relinquished by a certificate holder upon giving

one month notice in writing.

4.7 Applicants for initial and/or renewal of Certificate of Accreditation of testing cement
products shall be required to participate in the Proficiency Testing Program conducted
Department Order No. .2:1.. • Series of 2018,
re: Amending the Guidelines on the Accreditation of Private Testing Laboratories
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by the Cement Manufacturer's Association of the Philippines (CeMAP) to enhance their
capabilities to test cement in accordance with the prescribed standards.

4.8 Laboratories performing chemical tests shall apply for a Certificate of Authority to
Operate Chemical Laboratories from the Professional Regulation Board (PRe) as per
IRR of R.A No. 10657.

4.9 Contractors with laboratories capable of testing construction materials should also
secure the accreditation from BRS to ensure the highest standard in quality control
implementation and that they should undergo the same proficiency testing joined by
DPWH Private Testing Laboratories.

4.10 A Certificate of Accreditation issued to Private Testing Laboratories shall only be

used or valid for the specific address where the laboratory is situated. In case of
transfer of location/address, they shall notify or inform the BRS accordingly.


5.1 Any Certificate granted under provisions of these guidelines shall be revoked or
cancelled on the following grounds:

5.1.1 The certificate holder fails to comply with any or all of the terms and conditions
of the certificate as provided for in these guidelines.

5.1.2 Upon investigation/ inspection of the BRS, the certificate holder is found to have
issued fraudulent/tampered test results to its clients.

5.1.3 Issue test reports to DPWH projects on tests not included in their accreditation.

5.2 No certificate shall be cancelled or annulled unless the Director of BRS has served a
notice of his intention to do so, stating therein the grounds for the contemplated
action, granting the certificate holder the opportunity to be heard.

5.3 The decision of the BRS under these guidelines shall be appealable within fifteen (15)
days upon receipt of such decision in writing to the BRS of his desire to appeal the
decision. The decision of the Director of BRS denying the application shall be
considered final for failure to appeal within the fifteen (15) days period. In case of
appeal, a meeting between the BRS and the applicant shall be held on a date not less
than fifteen (15) days and not more than one hundred (100) days after the receipt of
the notice, and the applicant or the certificate holder so appealing shall be given at
least a seven (7) - day notice of the time and place of such meeting. The decision of
the Director of BRS shall be final.
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re: Amending the Guidelines on the Accreditation of Private Testing Laboratories
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6.1 The testing laboratory shall:

6.1.1 Be legally identifiable.

6.1.2 Have an organizational structure, including quality system that enables it to

maintain the capability to perform satisfactory the technical functions for which
accreditation is granted.

6.1.3 Be able to demonstrate, as required by the BRS Inspectors, its

capability/proficiency to perform the representative tests on the materials
samples for which it is seeking accreditation.

6.1.4 Be legally organized so as not to subject staff members to undue pressure or

inducement that might influence their judgment or results of their work.

6.1.5 Be structurally organized in such a way that each staff member is aware of both
the extent and the limitations of his/her area of responsibility.

6.1.6 Have a technical manager (however named) who has overall responsibility for
the technical operations of the laboratory.

6.1. 7 Have adequate security rules and measures for the protection of proprietary
rights and confidential information.

6.1.8 Ensure that its personnel are aware of the relevance and importance of their
activities and how they can contribute to the achievement of the objectives of
the organization.

6.1.9 In cases where testing involves chemical analysis or use of chemicals, a

Registered Chemist shall take charge and supervise all activities in the chemical
laboratory as prescribed in R.A. No. 10657.


7.1 The laboratory shall maintain an internal quality assurance program appropriate to
the type, range and volume of work performed. The quality assurance program shall
be documented in a quality manual which is available for use by the laboratory staff.
The quality manual shall be maintained and updated by a responsible member of the
laboratory staff. The person or persons responsible for quality assurance within the
laboratory shall be designated by the laboratory management and have direct access
to top management.

7.2 The said quality manual shall contain information regarding:

7.2.1 Business permit and SEC registration.

7.2.2 Photos of the laboratory and its premises.

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re: Amending the Guidelines on the Acaeditation of Private Testing Laboratories
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7.2.3 The structure of the laboratory (organizational charts).

7.2.4 Complete list of all the testing equipment /apparatus in the laboratory, with
photographs and proof of ownership.

7.2.5 The operational and functional duties and services pertaining to quality, so that
each person concerned will know the extent and the limits of his responsibility.

7.2.6 General quality assurance procedures.

7.2.7 Quality assurance procedures specific for each test, as appropriate.

7.2.8 Where appropriate, proficiency testing, use of reference materials, etc.

7.2.9 Satisfactory arrangements for feedback and corrective action whenever testing
discrepancies are detected.

7.2.10 Procedure for dealing with technical complaints.

7.3 The quality system shall be systematically and periodically reviewed by or on behalf
of management to ensure the continued effectiveness of the arrangements, and
corrective action initiated. Such reviews shall be recorded together with details of
any corrective action taken.


8.1 The staff shall have the necessary education, training, technical knowledge and
experience for their assigned functions.

8.2 There shall be a current job description for each senior technical position category
which includes the necessary education, training, technical knowledge and

8.3 The proportion of supervisory to non-supervisory staff shall be such as to ensure

adequate supervision.

8.4 Suitable staff shall be nominated to deputies for the senior technical and quality
system management staff in their absence.

8.5 Information on the relevant qualifications, training and experience of the technical
staff shall be maintained by the laboratory.

8.6 The following shall be present in laboratories conducting chemical tests/analysis:

8.6.1 At least one (1) Registered Chemist who has the authority to undertake the
professional practice of chemistry as defined in R.A. No. 10657. A registered
Chemist can supervise a maximum of five (5) registered Chemical Technicians.
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8.6.2 The provision of Registered Chemical Technician is elective and it depends on

the judgment of the organization if needed so.

8.6.3 At least one (1) Pollution Control Officer who is responsible for the hazardous
waste management system of the laboratory in compliance with P.D. 1586, R.A.
6969, R.A. 8749, R.A. 9275 and R.A. 9300 and other environmental laws and
issuances. The PCO shall secure accreditation from the concerned
Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) Regional Office where the laboratory
is located.


9.1 The testing laboratory shall be furnished with or has access to all items of equipment
required for correct performance of the tests and measurements for which it is

9.2 Testing equipment/apparatus should be "per laboratory basis"; i.e., exclusive to the
laboratory branch. All equipment shall be properly maintained to ensure protection
from corrosion and other causes of deterioration. Instructions for a proper
maintenance procedure for those items of equipment which required periodical
maintenance shall be available.

9.3 Any item of the equipment which has been subjected to overloading or mishandling
or which gives doubtful results or has been shown by calibration or otherwise to be
defective, shall be taken out of service and clearly labeled until it has been repaired
and then shown by test of calibration to be performing its function satisfactorily.

9.4 Records shall be maintained of each major items of equipment. Each record shall

9.4.1 The name of item of equipment.

9.4.2 The contractor's name and type identification and serial number.

9.4.3 Date received and date placed in service.

9.4.4 Current location, where applicable.

9.4.5 Details of maintenance.

9.5 In the case of measuring equipment, the record shall include:

9.5.1 Date of last calibration and calibration reports.

9.5.2 The maximum period oftime between successive calibrations.

9.6 A label or tag indicating the date of the calibration should be attached to the
equipment requiring the calibration.
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re: Amending the Guidelines on the Accreditation of Private Testing Laboratories
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9.7 To ensure proper functioning and to prevent deterioration of testing equipment, the
laboratory shall have planned maintenance and procedures for safe handling,
transporting and storing of testing equipment.


10.1 Measuring and testing equipment used in the testing laboratory shall be calibrated
where appropriate before being put into service and thereafter according to an
established program.

10.2 The overall program of calibration of equipment shall be designed and operated so
as to ensure that measurements made in the testing laboratory are traceable
(where the concept is applicable) to national standards of measurements specified
by the International Committee of Weights and Measures. Where the concept of
traceability to national or international standards of measurement is not applicable,
the testing laboratory shall provide satisfactory evidence of correlation or accuracy
in a suitable program of interlaboratory comparisons.

10.3 Reference standards of measurement held by the laboratory shall be used for
calibration only and for no other purpose.

lOA Reference standards of measurements shall be calibrated by a competent body that

can provide traceability to a national or international standard of measurement.

10.5 Where relevant, in-service testing equipment shall be subjected to checks between
regular recalibrations.


11.1 The testing laboratory shall have adequate documented instructions on the use and
operation of all relevant equipment, on the handling and preparation of test items
(where applicable), and on standard testing techniques, where the absence of such
instructions could jeopardize the efficacy of the testing process. All instructions,
standards manuals and reference data relevant to work of the testing laboratory
shall be maintained up-to-date and be readily available to the staff.

11.2 The testing laboratory shall use methods and procedures required by the
specification against which the test items are to be tested. The specification shall
be available to the staff performing the test.

11.3 Where it is necessary to employ test methods and procedures which are non-
standard, these shall be fully documented and shall have been validated
appropriately before use.

11.4 All manual calculation and data transfers shall be subject to appropriate checks.
Department Order No. e'lol . Series of 2018,
re: Amending the Guidelines on the Accreditation of Private Testing Laboratories
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11.5 Where these results are derived by electronic data processing techniques, the
stability of the system shall be such that the accuracy of results is not affected.
This generally implies an ability to detect malfunctions in the hardware during
program execution and take appropriate action.


12.1 The environment in which the tests are undertaken shall be such that it will not
invalidate the test results or adversely affect the required accuracy of
measurement. The testing premises shall be protected as required from excessive
conditions such as excessive temperature, dust, moisture, steam, vibration,
electromagnetic disturbance, interference and shall be maintained accordingly.
They shall be sufficiently spacious to limit the risk of damage or danger and to
allow operators to make practical and precise movements. The premises shall have
the equipment and energy sources needed for the testing. When the testing so
requires, they shall be equipped with devices to monitor the environmental

12.2 Access to and use of all test areas shall be controlled in a manner appropriate to
their designated purposed and entry by persons external to the laboratory shall be

12.3 Adequate measures shall be taken to ensure good housekeeping in the testing

12.4 Laboratories conducting chemical tests shall comply with the requirements of DENR
AO No. 12, Series of 2014, Revised Guidelines for Pollution Control Officer
Accreditation, on the hazardous waste materials as provided by R.A. No. 6969,
otherwise known as the "Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes
Control Act of 1990".


13.1 A system for identifying the samples or items to be tested or calibrated shall be
applied, either through documents or through marking, to ensure that there can
be no confusion regarding the identity of the samples or test items and the results
of the measurements made.

13.2 A procedure shall exist for bonded storage of items where necessary.

13.3 At all stages of storing handling and preparation for test precautions shall be taken
to prevent damage to items, for example, contamination, corrosion or the
application of stresses, any of which would invalidate the results. Any relevant
instructions provided with the item shall be observed.

13.4 All samples to be tested should be transported and submitted by the

Government authorized representative involved in the implementation of the
Department Order No. ..t:l. • Series of 2018,
re: Amending the Guidelines on the Accreditation of Private Testing Laboratories
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13.5 There shall be clear rules for the receipt, retention and disposal of samples.


14.1 Accredited Private Testing Laboratories owned by companies involved in the supply
of construction materials for DPWH projects shall engage the services of another
private testing laboratory accredited by the DPWH to maintain check and balance.

14.2 All tests on construction materials for DPWH projects shall be witnessed by the
authorized government representative involved in the project implementation.


15.1 The testing laboratory shall maintain a record system to suit its particular
circumstances and comply with any existing regulations. It shall retain on record
all original observations, calculations and derived data, calibration records and the
final test report for an appropriate period. The records for each test must contain
sufficient information to permit satisfactory repetition of the test.

15.2 All records and test reports shall be held secure and in confidence to the client,
unless otherwise required by the law.


16.1 All test report forms shall have designated numbers and accountable to the
laboratory doing the test, following the BRS standard format and ISO 9001:2015
standards (see Annex C).

16.2 The work carried out by the testing laboratory shall be covered by a report which
accurately, clearly and unambiguously presents the test results and all other
relevant information.

16.3 Each test report shall include at least the following information:

16.3.1 Name and complete address of testing laboratory.

16.3.2 Unique identification of report (such as Laboratory Number or Laboratory

Report Number) on each page of the report.

16.3.3 Name and address of client.

16.3.4 Description and identification of the test item.

16.3.5 Date of receipt of test item or receipt of sample and date(s) of performance
of test as appropriate.

16.3.6 A statement of the effect that the test results relate only to the items tested.

16.3.7 Identification of the test specification, method procedures.

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re: Amending the Guidelines on the Accreditation of Private Testing Laboratories
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16.3.8 Description of sampling procedure, where relevant.

16.3.9 Any deviations, additions to or exclusions, and any other information relevant
to a specific test.

16.3.10 Disclosure of any non-standard test method or procedure utilized.

16.3.11 Measurements, examinations and derived results, supported by tables,

graphs, sketches and photographs as appropriate, and any failures
16.3.12 The signatures and title of person(s) accepting technical responsibility for
the test report and date of issue.

16.3.13 A statement that the report shall not be reproduced without the approval
of the testing laboratory.

16.4 Corrections or additions to a test report after issuance shall be made only by a
further document suitably marked, e.g. "Supplement to test report serial number
----- (or as otherwise identified)", and shall meet the relevant requirements of the
preceding paragraphs.

16.5 The test report should indicate only the result of the testis conducted on the
materials. Evaluation as to acceptability of the materials tested shall be done by
the implementing office of the DPWH.

16.6 Chemical Analysis test reports shall be certified by a registered Chemist. He/she
must affix his/her signature, license number and official seal on the test reports as
provided by the IRR of R.A. No. 10657. If chemical analysis was performed by a
registered Chemical Technician, he/she shall sign and affix his license number on
the test reports as well.


17.1 The following terms and conditions shall be binding to all certificate holders. Any
infraction thereof shall constitute sufficient grounds for cancellation or revocation
of the certificate.

17.1.1 The certificate holder shall at all times comply with these guidelines.

17.1.2 The certificate holder shall claim that it is accredited only with respect to
the type of test performed in accordance with these guidelines.

17.1.3 The certificate holder shall not use the certificate in any manner wherein
the BRS may reasonably object and shall not make any statement
relevant to the authority of the certificate holder in a way which in the
opinion of the BRS may be misleading.
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re: Amending the Guidelines on the Accreditation of Private Testing Laboratories
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17.1.4 Upon termination of a Certificate of Accreditation, (however determined)
the testing laboratory forthwith shall discontinue its use and all
advertising matters which contain any reference thereto.

17.1.5 The Accredited Laboratory shall make it clear in all contracts with its
clientele other than the BRS, that a satisfactory test report shall in no way
imply that the product so tested is approved by the BRS and shall not be
used nor be authorized to use, for promotional or publicity purposes by
the said client without prior written permission from the BRS in order to
ensure that there is no misrepresentation of the BRS position.


18.1 Visits - A duly authorized assessor of the BRS shall be permitted to visit the testing
laboratory periodically (once per year, minimum) but at the discretion of the BRS to
determine that the conditions upon which the Certificate was granted are being
observed and carried out.

18.2 Monitoring Testing and Reporting Procedures - In order to monitor testing and
reporting procedures, the BRS may require the testing laboratory to carry out from
time to time tests and prepare reports on test samples submitted by the BRS.

18.3 Confidentiality - All information obtained by the BRS in the operation of this scheme
of laboratory accreditation will be treated as confidential between the private testing
laboratory and the BRS. Such information will not be divulged without the written
permission of the testing laboratory manager.

This Order shall take effect immediately and supersedes the following issuances:

1. Department Order No. 26, Series of 1989, re: Accreditation of Private Testing Laboratories
2. Department Order No. 190, Series of 1991, re: Amending Department Order No. 26, Series
of 1989
3. Department Order No. 173, Series of 2002, re: Amending Department Order No. 26, Series
of 1989
4. Department Order No. 48, Series of 2012, re: Amending Department Order No. 173, Series
of 2002

Secretary "om
Departrrent of Public Works and Highways
Office of the Secretary
14.1.2 FET/RGT

BRS Form No.1



The Director
Bureau of Research and Standards
Department of Public Works and Highways
EDSA, Quezon City


In accordance with the "Guidelines for the Accreditation of Private Testing

Laboratories" issued by DPWH, we hereby apply for assessment as a DPWH accredited
private testing laboratory.

1. Name of Applicant: _

2. Address: _

3. Telephone Number(s): _

4. Address of Testing Laboratory if Different from No.2: _

5. Telephone Number of Testing Laboratory if Different from No.3: _

6. Name of Duly Apthorized Representative: _

7. Position of Duly Authorized Representative: _

8. Specific Testis for which accreditation IS sought. (Use a separate sheet if

necessary): _

9. Testing Apparatus and Laboratory Equipment - List down the test facilities for the
type of test for which accreditation is sought. Include name of equipment, its
purpose/use, manufacturer, date acquired and dated placed in service (Use a
separate sheet if necessary).

Page 1 of 12
Page 2 of 2

10. Calibration - State program of calibration of measuring instruments/ equipment.

(Use a separate sheet if necessary).

11. List down the personnel in-charge of testing, together with their qualifications.

12. Describe briefly the security measures for ensuring the protection of proprietary
rights and confidential information.

In the event that a certificate of accreditation is granted, we hereby agree to comply

with the "Guidelines for the Accreditation of Private Testing Laboratories" and to abide by
all rules and regulations promulgated by the DPWH for the accreditation of private
laboratories of assessed technical competence ...

Authorized Representative

Subscribed and sworn to before me this __ day of 20_.

affiant exhibiting to me his/her Residence Certificate No. • issued at
_______ on ,

Notary Public

Doc _
Page No. _
Book No. _
Series of _

Page 2 of 12

This is to certify that Name of Testing Laboratorv
located at Complete Address of Testina Laboratorv is duly
accredited to undertake materials testing for government
infrastructure projects pursuant to Department Order No. 26,
series of 1989, as amended by Department Order No. 190, series
of 1991 and Department Order No. 173, series of 2002.

Name of Tests

This certificate is good only for the above-mentioned tests

and shall be valid from to _

Director IV
QMS-BRS-MTD-Physical Section
Form No. 43
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Public Works and Highways
EDSA, Diliman, Quezon City

Lab. Report No:

Kind of material
Sample identification
Quantity. represented
Sampled at
Original source
Supplied by
Proposed use
Governing Spec's
Sampled by

(Name & designation) (Office) (Date)

Submitted by

(Name & designation) (Office) (Date Received)

a . o. : 273 -17 (N.0 1'<~vmen t)
Abrasion Loss (LAM), %
Bulk Specific Gravity (SSD)
Absorption, %

Tested by: Checked by:

Witnessed by: ATTESTED:

QMS-BRS-MTD-Physical Section
Form No. 43

Republic of the Philippines Page 2 of 2
Department of Public Works and Highways
EDSA, Diliman, Quezon City
Lab. Report No:


Kind of Material
Sample identification
Quantity represented
Sampled at
Original Source
Supplied by
Proposed use
Governing Spec's
Sampled by
(Name & designation) (Office) (Date)
Submitted by
(Name & designation) (Office) (Date Received)
Lab. No. :
Sieve Analysis: Cumulative % Passing
Size Sieve, mm
9.5 100
4.75 95-100
2.36 -
1.18 >
. 45-80
0,6 -
0.30 5-30
0.15 0-10
0.075 0-3
Fineness Modulus 2.75
Bulk Specific Gravity (SSD)
- -
Absorption, % -
Soundness (Na2S04), % Loss 10 Max
Mortar Strength, % 95 Min.
Organic Impurities -
Unit Weight, kg/m3
Loose -
Rodded -

Tested by: Checked by:

Witnessed by: ATTESTED:

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