00 - ELECTION CODE - Finalwdtemplate
00 - ELECTION CODE - Finalwdtemplate
00 - ELECTION CODE - Finalwdtemplate
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Subject: Tagum Cooperative Election Code Effective Date: May 31, 2017
Issued By: Election Committee Revised Date:
Approved By: BOD Resolution No. 255, s. 2017 Original Date: May 31, 2017
WHEREAS, Republic Act No. 9520 otherwise known as the Philippine Cooperative
Code of 2008 provides for the implementation of Representative Assembly to
cooperatives with numerous and dispersed membership like Tagum Cooperative.
WHEREAS, it is the policy of Tagum Cooperative to provide a system for the conduct
of free, orderly, speedy, inexpensive and honest election of elective Tagum
Cooperative Officers and District Representatives
SECTION 1. This Code shall be known as the “Tagum Cooperative Election Code”.
SECTION 2. This Code shall govern the election of elective Tagum Cooperative
Officers and District Representatives.
SECTION 3. Those who seek elective positions as Tagum Cooperative officer and
District Representative must possess, as minimum, the following qualifications:
A. Must be a regular member of Tagum Cooperative for three (3) years prior to the
date of the election;
B. Must be a bonafide resident of the district’s jurisdiction at least six (6) months
prior to the date of the District Election; and
C. Must be a Member in Good Standing for Twelve (12) Consecutive Months
(MTCM) prior to the date of the election.
A. Those holding any elective and/or appointive position in the government that are
political in nature;
B. Those having conflicting interest with the business of Tagum cooperative,
such as:
i. Those who are directly or indirectly involved in the business of lending
money to other persons; and
ii. Stockholders, directors and employees of banks and/or officers of other
cooperatives which are involved in the same line/type of business as that
of Tagum Cooperative, except when Tagum Cooperative is a member or
stockholder thereon.
C. Employees of Tagum Cooperative;
D. Those convicted of any crime involving moral turpitude, gross negligence or
gross misconduct in the performance of their duties or are found culpable in any
administrative cases involving such offenses;
E. Those who were convicted by final judgment relative to anomalies or
irregularities or wrongful acts involving financial and/or property accountability in any
F. Those who are disqualified pursuant to the disqualification prescribed by the
proper government agency;
G. Those who have been expelled/terminated and/or have withdrawn their
membership from Tagum cooperative; and
H. Those who have relatives within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or
affinity who are working as employees of Tagum Cooperative.
In the event that majority of the positions of the Board of Directors is vacant,
Special Representative Assembly Election shall be held for the vacant positions,
provided however that such Special Representative Assembly Election shall be
called before ninety (90) days of the next Representative Assembly and those who
are elected shall serve for the unexpired portion of the office vacated.
SECTION 11. DIRECTORS. The Board of Directors shall consist of such number of
members as provided in the by-laws, elected at large and by secret balloting by the
district representatives at the Annual Representative Assembly Meeting. At least sixty
percent (60%) of the Members of the Board of Directors of Tagum Cooperative must
come from Tagum City and the rest may come from the other municipalities, cities
and provinces within the area of operation of Tagum Cooperative.
Those who, during their incumbency, had been absent for three (3)
consecutive regular Board of Directors’ Meeting without being excused shall be
disqualified to be voted upon as director. The Board of Directors Secretary shall
provide the Election Committee all the documents without being asked by it with
respect to any unexcused absences of an incumbent Director.
Those employees who had been terminated for cause are permanently
disqualified to run for the Board of Directors. Further, a Staff of any coop federation
or any coop apex organization where Tagum Cooperative is an affiliate are
disqualified from running for the Board of Directors.
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SECTION 13. TERM OF OFFICE. The elected directors shall hold office for a term
of two (2) years unless earlier removed for cause or have resigned or become
incapacitated due to illness or death and until their successors shall have been
elected, qualified and have discharged the duties of the office, provided that at any
given time, at least three (3) seats for each gender shall be allotted in the Board of
Directors, provided further, that during the election at the first Annual Representative
Assembly Meeting (ARAM), majority of the Directors obtaining the highest votes
ranked according to the highest number of votes obtained shall serve for two (2)
years and the remaining Directors for one (1) year. Thereafter, all shall be elected for
a term of two (2) years. However, no Director shall serve for more than three (3)
consecutive terms.
A Director immediately after serving three (3) consecutive full terms, shall not
run for elective and apply for any appointive position within one (1) year.
SECTION 16. TERM OF OFFICE. Elected members of the Audit Committee shall
have a term of two (2) years or until their successors have been elected and
qualified, provided that during the election at the first Annual Representative
Assembly Meeting (ARAM), two (2) of the members obtaining the highest votes
ranked according to the highest number of votes obtained shall serve for two (2)
years and the other one (1) member for one (1) year. Thereafter, all shall be elected
for a term of two (2) years. However, no Member of the Audit Committee shall serve
for more than three (3) consecutive terms.
No member immediately after serving three (3) consecutive full terms, shall run for
any Elective Position within one year.
SECTION 19. TERM OF OFFICE. Elected members of the Election Committee shall
have a term of three (3) years or until their successors have been elected and
qualified, provided that during the election at the first Annual Representative
Assembly Meeting, the candidate obtaining the highest number of votes shall serve
for three (3) years, the candidate obtaining the second highest number of votes shall
serve for two (2) years and the candidate obtaining the third highest number of votes
shall serve for one (1) year. Thereafter, all shall be elected for a term of three (3)
years. However, no Member of the Election Committee shall serve for more than two
(2) consecutive terms.
No member immediately after serving two (2) consecutive full terms, shall run for any
Elective Position within one (1) year.
During the same District Meeting, the district shall fill the vacancy caused by
the removal, resignation, incapacity or death of the District Representative and
his/her term of office as incumbent member of the Elective Tagum Cooperative
Officer shall likewise be declared vacant.
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The Board Secretary shall furnish the Election Committee a copy of the list of
qualified attendees/voters and the same shall be posted on the bulletin of Tagum
Cooperative and other conspicuous places in the districts/area of operations of
Tagum Cooperative which shall not be later than three (3) days from the submission
of the certified list to the Election Committee.
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The ICT shall likewise provide a system to serve as database for all district
SECTION 41. PROXY VOTING. All qualified voters shall vote personally. Voting by
proxy, as a matter of policy, is prohibited in the election of Tagum Cooperative
Officers and District Representatives.
SECTION 44. MANUAL VOTING SYSTEM. Manual Voting System shall be resorted
to in case of impossibility of implementation of the Electronic Voting System.
SECTION 49. A District Representative who obtained the highest number of votes
and subsequently elected as Tagum Cooperative Officer shall not serve as Lead
District Representative. The candidate who obtained the second highest number of
votes shall serve as the Lead District Representative.
SECTION 51. POSTPONEMENT OF ELECTION. When for any serious cause such
as violence, terrorism, loss or destruction of election paraphernalia or records, force
majeure, and other analogous causes of such a nature that the holding of a free,
orderly and honest election should become impossible in any district of Tagum
Cooperative, the BOD, upon the recommendation of the Election Committee, shall
postpone the election to a date which should be reasonably close to the date of the
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election not held or suspended or but not later than thirty days after the cessation of
the cause for such postponement or suspension of election.
For the first Annual Representative Assembly Meeting (ARAM), all elective
positions are considered vacant.
The list of qualified candidates for Tagum Cooperative Officer shall be posted in
conspicuous places in all districts/branches of Tagum Cooperative. The list shall
likewise be certified by the members of the Election Committee.
A. All printed handbills shall have a maximum dimension of four (4) inches by
six (6) inches, or one-fourth size of a long bond/mimeo paper. Only the name
of the candidate and the office, under which he is seeking election including
his/her bio-data, picture and election platform, shall appear. Any fraudulent
statement or information printed in the handbill as to qualification,
achievement, educational attainment, awards and recognition received and
similar material information or statement shall be a ground for disqualification
of the said candidate.
B. The use of print media, television, radios, social media, text blast or other
similar medium of advertisement is strictly prohibited.
SECTION 60. The Election Committee or its deputies shall have the power to
confiscate handbills or any election paraphernalia that do not follow the specifications
herein mentioned.
The Election Committee shall cause the printing of the common election campaign
materials, which shall be distributed together with the Notice of the Representative
Assembly and/or such other means as the Election Committee shall deem fit and
SECTION 63. Each district representative must vote personally and shall be entitled
to one (1) vote. The votes of the district representatives shall be considered as the
votes of all the regular members who are Members in Good Standing (MIGS) of the
district they represent.
SECTION 64. The provisions of Sections 42, 43, 44, 45 and 46 shall likewise be
observed in the election of Tagum Cooperative Officers.
SECTION 66. TAKING OF OATH. The elected officers shall take their oath before an
authorized officer to administer oath. On the occasion of their Oath taking, the
members of the Board of Directors shall elect from among themselves a Chairman
and a Vice-Chairman. Members of the Audit Committee and Election Committee shall
elect from among themselves a Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary.
SECTION 67. ASSUMPTION OF OFFICE. The elected officers shall take their oath
before assumption of office which shall be not later than ten (10) days from the
Annual Representative Assembly Meeting (ARAM).
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Section 71. Amendment of this Code may be made to conform to the legal orders of
the Authority and Tagum Cooperative By-laws. Amendments shall be upon
recommendation of the Election Committee and approval by two-thirds (2/3) votes
of all members of the Board of Directors.
SECTION 72. . Manual Recount. Any losing candidate who requests for a manual
recount must be a person in interest who stands to be benefited by the outcome of
the recount. He must file his/her request within the period of filing a post-election
protest, and shall pay for the cost of conducting the same. Manual recount is
applicable only when the Electronic Voting System was not used during the election.
SECTION 73. The Election Committee may from time to time issue rules and
regulations in support of the provisions of this Code to govern the conduct of
elections. The committee shall furnish the Board of Directors a copy of the said Rules
and Regulations.
SECTION 74. If any provision of this Code or any part hereof be declared invalid for
being inconsistent with the provisions of Republic Act No. 9520 or the Tagum
Cooperative By-laws, the remainder of the provision, not otherwise affected, shall
remain valid and subsisting.
“Member in Good Standing” (MIGS) is one who has paid the minimum share
capital requirement and with no delinquent loan account as of the cut- off date of
November 30 prior to the Regular District Meeting or at any date set by the Board of
Chairperson, Board of Directors