Tall Erp 9 Notes and Practice Book
Tall Erp 9 Notes and Practice Book
Tall Erp 9 Notes and Practice Book
Ans. Tally is accounting software that is used to record day to day transactions,
preparing balance sheet etc. it is user friendly business software, which makes business
account easy and faster. Managing single and multiple groups is very important feature
of tally. Tally is an application software. It down not require writing any special program
for calculating. Tally stores all information about each account in detail. It is very
secured against data tempering. It reduces the work. In manual process, after entering
daily transaction user has to create trading account, trial balance, profit & loss account,
ledger, balance sheet. But in Tally, user just enters daily entry and get balance sheet.
Account is divided in following three types:
1. Personal account
2. Real account
3. Nominal account
1. Personal account: Any individual person or any firms or any company or a bank is
considered in a personal account.
2. Real account: Account of any physical things. The cash account or goods
account are examples of real account.
3. Nominal account: Account of any invisible things that means that things are in
terms of cash. For example: insurance account, rent account etc.
I. Gateway of Tally:
To the left hand side of the screen this part shows different options.
All these options are used to create ledger, group or to see trial balance or for balance
To the right hand side of the screen, this part shows the list of all companies and at the
top it shows name of selected company.
Ctrl + M are the shortcut keys to activate gateway of Tally.
Function button:
This part of the screen shows the list of all function keys with its uses.
By selecting the buttons, user can activate that particular function like backup, change,
1. In tally, company means an organization whose accounts are to be maintained on
2. For that, user have to declare list of all accounts used in that company and then
start to enter daily transactions.
3. Creating company means enter detail information about the company.
4. By default, tally software shows opening green with gateway of Tally, functions
button and calculator.
5. Then click on the function button F3 (Alt + F3) on the button panel to display
company info menu. This show following menu:
Company info
Select company
Create company
This menu is used for selecting company or for creating a new company.
6. To create a new company, select create company options by clicking this option
or by pressing C.
7. Then the screen display various fields to fill up information like name of company
with its alias, address, currency, financial year, income tax number and sales tax
number etc.
8. At the end, it asks whether accept the data or not. If user selects Yes option then
that company is created and it can be loaded from company info menu.
Ans. Features is used to change the options related to the selected company only.
1. For this F11 button in button panel is a short cut.
2. Using this menu, feature of the company are changed that means enables or
3. Various features are available like whether company wants invoicing or not,
whether company required multiple currencies or cheque printing or not, etc.
Ans. To configure company, click on F12 button from the button panel. It shows the
following screen in gateway of tally:
Numeric symbol
Accts/inv. Info
Voucher entry
Invoice/order entry
1. Configuration changes may affect all the active companies.
2. Configuration has different options like general, numeric symbols, accts/inv. Info,
voucher entry, invoice, order entry, printing, etc.
3. General options are used to change information like country detail, date format or
graphs in monthly report, etc.
4. Numeric symbol option is used to change format of the numbers.
5. Accts/inv info option is used to check the default settings. In this option, if user
sets allow alias for the name then only it asks the alias otherwise it doesn’t ask any
alias for the name.
6. Voucher entry set the features of the vouchers, such as cost vouchers details, bill
wise details, ledger current balance, etc.
7. Invoice/order entry sets the features of the invoices and purchase, sales order
8. Printing options is used for printing Vouchers, Invoices, Financial Statements, etc.
9. Quit option is used to quit from the configuration menu and go to the previous
1. In tally, all accounts entries can be grouped or sub grouped according to the need of
2. Group means the type of the account. Functions of each group are fixed.
3. Tally provides facility to user to create own group. Also it provides 28 predefined
4. Out of these 28 groups, 15 are primary groups and 13 are sub groups.
4. Fixed Assets: Handle accounts of all assets like machinery, buildings, etc.
6. Loans(liability): It keeps an account of the loans taken by company and has following
three subgroup:
(A) Bank OD accounts: Keep all overdraft accounts.
(B) secured loans: Keep track of loans taken by the company securities
against the fixed assets.
(C) Unsecured Loans: Unconditional loan obtained from Partners/ Directors
or other parties.
7. Suspense Account: This account is used to enter the transactions whose detai9ls are
ye to tbe finalized.
8. Branch / Divisions: All the names of branches, divisions and subsidiaries of the
12. Direct income: This group is used for entering all direct incomes like sales of
13. Indirect income: This group maintains the all incomes other than sales. That
means it keeps record of all incomes like rent received, interest received etc.
14. Direct expenses: This group is used for recording all direct expenses means the
purchase of raw material, or wages of workers.
15. Indirect expenses: This group is used to maintain the records of all expenses other
than direct expense. All salary paid, rent paid, advertisement charges are under indirect
1. Group is the type of account. Group decides how transactions take place in
2. Tally provides 28 predefined group. But if user wants to create any other group
then use create group option.
3. These new group is a sub group of existing group.
4. If user wants to create a new subgroup under different groups then follow the
following steps:
i. From Gateway of Tally, select Account info.
ii. Then select Group option, as user wants to create group.
iii. If user wants to create single group at a time then select create option
from single group.
iv. Now tally shows data entry screen for group as follows.
Group creation
Group behaves like a sub – ledger ? No.
Name: Enter the name of a group that user want to create.
Under : Select the existing primary group name.
v. If user wants to create subgroups under more than one parent group
or under one parent group then user must select create option from Multiple groups.
vi. Then multiple group creation screen will appear.
a. To create subgroup under one parent group, select that group in the option under
b. To create subgroups under more than one parent group, select all items in the
option under group.
VII. Creating, Displaying and Altering Ledgers.
Ledger is a book that is used to store detail of each account. It is actual account heads
to which transaction is identified.
1. When user creates a company, at that time very first user creates different
2. When user wants to create single ledger account of different group then user
must select single ledger option.
3. But if user wants to create different accounts of same group then user must select
multiple ledger options.
For creating ledger user follows following steps.
Ledger Group
Mr. Ashok a/c Capital a/c
Furniture a/c Fixed asset
Machinery a/c Fixed asset
Rent a/c Indirect expenses
Bank a/c Bank a/c
Purchase a/c Purchase a/c
Sales a/c Sales a/c
Mr. Ram a/c Sundry creditor
Mr. Rakesh a/c Sundry debtor
Drawing a/c Capital a/c
On 1st July, goods sold to Philips Store were returned. Details are
Bill no. Godown Quantity Stock item
Om p005 Dharavi 5 Final
On 31st December, goods sold to Reliance company were returned. Details are
Bill no. Godown Quantity Stock item
Om p007 Sion 2 Simple
On 31 January, 2011 goods sold to IPL store were returned. Details are
Bill no. Godown Quantity Stock item
Om p006 Dharavi 2 Advance
Contra Entries
1. On 1st September, Withdraw Rs. 50000 from Abhyudaya bank for business
2. On 30th November, With drawn Rs. 25000 from Cash in bank for business
3. On 28th February, Deposit Rs. 25000 in Abhyudaya bank.
Charging Depreciation
On 31 – 3 – 2011 Charge depreciation @ 10% on furniture, 20% on computer, 12.5%
on Machinery, 7.5% on Building
Particulars Under category Amount Mode of
(Rs.) payment
Discount Allowed A/c Indirect expenses 1800 Cash
Commission Allowed A/c Indirect expenses 300 cash
Salary A/c Indirect expenses 500 Cheque
Travelling Expenses Indirect expenses 900 Cheque
Rent A/c Indirect expenses 450 Cash
Brokerage Account Indirect expenses 1250 Cash
Printing & Stationery Indirect expenses 600 Cheque
Electricity charges Indirect expenses 1200 Cash
Miscellaneous expenses Indirect expenses 820 cash
Advertisement Indirect expenses 960 Cheque
Office expenses Indirect expenses 1020 Cheque
Interest Indirect expenses 350 Cheque
Delivery van expenses Indirect expenses 125 Cheque
Conveyance Expenses Indirect expenses 650 Cheque
Refreshment Expenses Indirect expenses 250 Cheque
Administrative expenses Indirect expenses 450 Cheque
Discount received A/c Indirect income 900 Cheque
Commission received A/c Indirect income 4500 Cheque
Discount Allowed A/c Indirect expenses 1800 Cash
Commission Allowed A/c Indirect expenses 300 cash
Salary A/c Indirect expenses 500 Cheque
Travelling Expenses Indirect expenses 900 Cheque
Rent paid A/c Indirect expenses 450 Cash
Brokerage Account Indirect expenses 1250 Cash
Printing & Stationery Indirect expenses 600 Cheque
Electricity charges Indirect expenses 1200 Cash
Miscellaneous expenses Indirect expenses 820 cash
Advertisement Indirect expenses 960 Cheque
Office expenses Indirect expenses 1020 Cheque
Interest on loan Indirect expenses 350 Cheque
Delivery van expenses Indirect expenses 125 Cheque
Conveyance Expenses Indirect expenses 650 Cheque
Refreshment Expenses Indirect expenses 250 Cheque
Administrative expenses Indirect expenses 450 Cheque
Discount received A/c Indirect income 900 Cheque
Commission received Indirect income 4500 Cheque
Contra Entries
4. On 1st September, Withdraw Rs. 50000 from Abhyudaya bank for business
5. On 30th November, With drawn Rs. 25000 from Cash in bank for business
6. On 28th February, Deposit Rs. 25000 in Abhyudaya bank.
Charging Depreciation
On 31 – 3 – 2011 Charge depreciation @ 10% on furniture, 20% on computer, 12.5%
on Machinery, 7.5% on Building
Windows Functionality Availability
ALT + F1 To close a company At all menu screens
To view detailed report At almost all report screens
To explode a line into its At almost all screens in TALLY
details At the Inventory/ Payroll voucher
To select Inventory vouchers creation or alteration screen.
to alter
ALT + F2 To change the period At almost all screens in TALLY
ALT + F3 To select the company info At Gateway of Tally screen
To create/alter/shut a
ALT + F4 To select the Purchase Order At Accounting / Inventory Voucher
Voucher Type creation and alteration screens
ALT + F5 To select the Sales Order At Accounting / Inventory Voucher
Voucher Type creation and alteration screens
To view monthly and quarterly At almost all report screens in TALLY
ALT + F6 To select the Rejection Out At Accounting / Inventory Voucher
Voucher Type creation and alteration screens
To change the Sales Order
Voucher Type
ALT + F7 To select the Stock Journal At Accounting / Inventory Voucher
Voucher Type creation and alteration screens
To accept all the Audit lists At Tally Audit Listing screen
ALT + F8 To select the Delivery Note At Accounting / Inventory Voucher
Voucher Type creation and alteration screens
To view the Columnar report At Ledger Voucher screen
ALT + F9 To select the Receipt Note At Accounting / Inventory Voucher
Voucher Type creation and alteration screens
ALT + F10 To select the Physical Stock At Accounting / Inventory Voucher
Voucher Type creation and alteration screens
ALT + F12 To filter the information based At almost all report screens
on monetary value
Ctrl + F1 To select payroll vouchers for At the Accounting/Inventory Voucher
alteration creation or alteration screen
CTRL + ALT Advanced Configuration At Gateway of Tally
+ F12
Key Combination Used for Navigation
Windows Functionality Availability
PgUp Display previous At voucher entry and alteration screens
voucher during
voucher entry/alter
PgDn Display next voucher At voucher entry and alteration screens
during voucher
ENTER To accept anything You have to use this key at most areas in TALLY
you type into a field. At the receivables report - press Enter at a pending
To accept a voucher bill to get transactions relating to this bill (e.g.,
or master original sale bill, receipts and payments against this
To get a report with bill, etc)
further details of an
item in a report
ESC To remove what you At almost all screens in TALLY
typed into a field
To come out of a
To indicate you do
not want to accept a
voucher or master
SHIFT + Collapse next level At Voucher Register screen and Trial Balance
ENTER details report
SHIFT + To explode a line into In almost all Reports:
ENTER its details At a Group/Stock Group/Cost Category/Godowns
/Stock Category - displays Sub Groups and
Ledgers/Stock Items/Cost Centres/Secondary
Godowns/Secondary Stock Categories
At a Voucher - displays its entries and narration
At a Stock Item- displays its godowns and batch
At Voucher Register screen - displays the next level
At Trial Balance report - displays the next level
CTRL + To alter a master At voucher entry and alteration screens
ENTER while making an At all reports
entry or viewing a
Windows Functionality Availability
F1 To select a company At all masters menu screen
F1 To select the Accounts At the Accounting Voucher creation and
Button alteration screen
F1 (ALT+F1) To select the Inventory At the Inventory/Payroll Voucher creation
To view the detailed or and alteration screen
condensed report In almost all the Reports
F2 To change the current date At almost all screens in TALLY
To select company At the F11: Features screen
inventory features
F2 To change the current date At almost all screens in TALLY
To select company At the F11: Features screen
inventory features
F4 To select the Contra At Accounting / Inventory Voucher
voucher creation and alteration screen
F5 To select the Payment At Accounting / Inventory Voucher
voucher creation and alteration screen
F6 To select the Receipt At Accounting / Inventory Voucher
voucher creation and alteration screen
F7 To select the Journal At Accounting / Inventory Voucher
voucher creation and alteration screen
F8 To select the Sales At Accounting / Inventory Voucher
voucher creation and alteration screen
F8 To select the Credit Note At Accounting / Inventory Voucher
(CTRL+F8) voucher creation and alteration screen
F9 To select the Purchase At Accounting / Inventory Voucher
voucher creation and alteration screen
F9 To select the Debit Note At Accounting / Inventory Voucher
(CTRL+F9) voucher creation and alteration screen
F10 To select the Reversing At Accounting / Inventory Voucher
Journal voucher creation and alteration screen
F10 (Ctrl + To select the Memorandum At Accounting / Inventory / Payroll
F10) voucher Voucher creation and alteration screen
F11 To select the Functions At almost all screens in TALLY
and Features screen
F12 To select the Configure At almost all screens in TALLY
Special Key Combination
Windows FFunctionality Availability
ALT + 2 To Duplicate a voucher At List of Vouchers – creates a voucher
similar to the one where you positioned the
cursor and used this key combination
ALT + A To Add a voucher At List of Vouchers – adds a voucher after the
To Alter the column in one where you positioned the cursor and used
columnar report this key combination.
Alters the column in all the reports which can
be viewed in columnar format
ALT + C To create a master at a At voucher entry and alteration screens, at a
voucher screen (if it has not field where you have to select a master from a
been already assigned a list. If the necessary account has not been
different function, as in created already, use this key combination to
reports like Balance Sheet, create the master without quitting from the
where it adds a new voucher screen.
column to the report) At all voucher entry screens in the Amount
To access Auto Value field
Calculator in the amount
field during voucher entry
ALT + D To delete a voucher At Voucher and Master (Single) alteration
To delete a master screens. Masters can be deleted subject to
To delete a column in any conditions, as explained in the manual.
columnar report All the reports screen which can be viewed in
(if it has not been already columnar format
assigned a different
function, as explained
ALT + E To export the report in At all reports screens in TALLY
XML format
ALT + I To insert a voucher At List of Vouchers – inserts a voucher before
To toggle between Item the one where you positioned the cursor and
and Accounting invoice used this key combination.
At creation of sales and purchase invoice
ALT + L To select the Language At almost all screens in TALLY
ALT + K To select the Keyboard At almost all screens in TALLY
ALT + O To upload the report at At all reports screens in TALLY
your website
ALT + G To select language for Tally At almost all screens of TALLY
ALT + M To Email the report At all reports screens in TALLY
ALT + N To view the report in At all the reports where columns can be
automatic columns added
ALT + P To print the report At all reports screens in TALLY
ALT + R To remove a line in a report At all reports screens in TALLY
ALT + S To bring back a line you At all reports screens in TALLY
removed using ALT + R
ALT + U To retrieve the last line At all reports screens in Tally
which is deleted using Alt +
ALT+ V From Invoice screen to At Invoice screen > Quantity Field > Press Alt
bring Stock Journal screen + V to select the Stock Journal.
ALT + X To cancel a voucher in Day At all voucher screens in TALLY
Book/List of Vouchers
ALT + R To Register Tally At almost all screens in TALLY.
CTRL + To accept a form – At almost all screens in TALLY, except where
A wherever you use this key a specific detail has to be given before
combination, that screen or accepting
report gets accepted as it is
CTRL + To select the Budget At Groups/Ledgers/Cost Centres/
B Budgets/Scenarios/Voucher Types/
Currencies (Accounts Info) creation and
alteration screen
CTRL + To check the Company At all the menu screens
ALT + B Statutory details
CTRL + To select the Cost Centre At Groups/Ledgers/Cost Centres/
C To select the Cost Budgets/Scenarios/Voucher Types/
Category Currencies (Accounts Info) creation and
alteration screen
At Stock Groups/ Stock Categories/ Stock
Items/ Reorder Levels/ Godowns/ Voucher
Types / Units of Measure ( Inventory
Info) creation/alteration screen
CTRL+ E To select the Currencies At Groups/Ledgers/Cost Centres/
Budgets/Scenarios/Voucher Types/
Currencies (Accounts Info) creation and
alteration screen
CTRL + To select the Group At Groups/Ledgers/Cost Centres/
G Budgets/Scenarios/Voucher Types/
Currencies (Accounts Info) creation and
alteration screen
CTRL + To view the Support Centre At Almost all screens in Tally
CTRL + I To select the Stock Items At Stock Group/ Stock Categories/ Stock
Items/ Reorder Levels/ Godowns/ Voucher
Types / Units of Measure ( Inventory
Info) creation/alteration screen
Ctrl + Alt To import statutory masters At all menu screens
CTRL + To Login as Remote At Almost all screens in Tally
K Tally.NET User
CTRL + L To select the Ledger At Groups/Ledgers/Cost Centres/
To mark a Voucher as Budgets/Scenarios/Voucher Types/
Optional Currencies (Accounts Info) creation and
alteration screen
At the creation and alteration of Vouchers
CTRL + To select the Godowns At Stock Group/ Stock Categories/ Stock
O Items/ Reorder Levels/ Godowns/ Voucher
Types / Units of Measure ( Inventory
Info) creation/alteration screen
CTRL + To abandon a form – At almost all screens in TALLY.
Q wherever you use this key
combination, it quits that
screen without making any
changes to it.
CTRL + To repeat narration in the At creation/alteration of voucher screen
R same voucher type
CTRL + Rewrite data for a From Gateway of Tally screen
Alt + R Company
CTRL + Allows you to alter Stock At Stock Voucher Report and Godown
S Item master Voucher Report
CTRL + To select the Units At Stock Groups/ Stock Categories/ Stock
U Items/ Reorder Levels/ Godowns/ Voucher
Types / Units of Measure ( Inventory
Info) creation/alteration screen
CTRL + To select the Voucher At Groups/Ledgers/Cost Centres/
V Types Budgets/Scenarios/Voucher Types/
To toggle between Invoice Currencies (Accounts Info) creation and
and Voucher alteration screen
At creation of Sales/Purchase Voucher screen