GIFT - Gabion Slope Protection BOQ and Cost Estimate
GIFT - Gabion Slope Protection BOQ and Cost Estimate
GIFT - Gabion Slope Protection BOQ and Cost Estimate
Summary of Cost Estimation for slope protection with gabions, extension of pipes and roads works
Item Description Unit Quantity Rate in Rs. Amount in Rs.
1 Earthwork in Excavation including removal of stumps of trees of girth of all sizes
in earth in soil of all types (ordinary/ hard soil) in both dry and wet conditions,
sand, gravel and soft murrum / completely weathered rock, including dewatering,
shuttering, shoring, strutting or any other safe methods for protection of pit walls,
dressing of sides and ramming of bottom, and transporting the excavated
material within the premises with all lifts and leads, stacking selected material for
backfilling with all leads and lifts including dewatering if necessary, spreading
and levelling, etc. all complete as specified and as directed by Engineer.
1 Constructing surface drains as per specifications and drawing with providing,
laying dry rubble stone specified with all lead and lift etc complete.
RM 1,358.00 2,300.00 3,123,400.00
Cost of DRAINAGE in Rs. = 3,123,400.00
Item Description Unit Quantity Rate in Rs. Amount in Rs.
1 Earthwork in Excavation including removal of stumps of trees of girth of all sizes
in earth in soil of all types (ordinary/ hard soil) in both dry and wet conditions,
sand, gravel and soft murrum / completely weathered rock, including dewatering,
shuttering, shoring, strutting or any other safe methods for protection of pit walls,
dressing of sides and ramming of bottom, and transporting the excavated
material within the premises with all lifts and leads, stacking selected material for
backfilling with all leads and lifts including dewatering if necessary, spreading
and levelling, etc. all complete as specified and as directed by Engineer.
Cum 55,634.00 -
Cum 6,037.00 -
1 Constructing surface drains as per specifications and drawing with providing,
laying dry rubble stone specified with all lead and lift etc complete.
RM 1,358.00 -
Cost of DRAINAGE in Rs. = -
Item Description Unit Quantity Rate in Rs. Amount in Rs.
1 Providing and laying 1200 mm dia. R.C.C. NP3 class Hume Pipe or equivalent
pipe with rubber rings including jointing with existing pipes etc. complete as
specified and as directed. (All the pipes supplied shall confirm to I.S. 458-1988).
The contractor shall also arrange to get the pipes tested in accordance with tests
specified in I.S. 3597-1985 at contractors cost and as directed. Testing shall be
carried out in presence of Engineer. Laying of concrete pipes shall be carried
out as per I.S.783-1985.
Item Description Unit Quantity Rate in Rs. Amount in Rs.
1 Providing and laying 1200 mm dia. R.C.C. NP3 class Hume Pipe or equivalent
pipe with rubber rings including jointing with existing pipes etc. complete as
specified and as directed. (All the pipes supplied shall confirm to I.S. 458-1988).
The contractor shall also arrange to get the pipes tested in accordance with tests
specified in I.S. 3597-1985 at contractors cost and as directed. Testing shall be
carried out in presence of Engineer. Laying of concrete pipes shall be carried
out as per I.S.783-1985.
RM 640.00
Item Description Unit Quantity Rate in Rs. Amount in Rs.
1 Earthwork in excavation up to 2.00 m in depth for roads including removal of
stumps of trees of girth of all sizes & disposal of unserviceable materials &
stacking of serviceable materials etc, as ordered by the Owner/Engineer in earth,
soil of all types (ordinary/ hard soil) in both dry and wet conditions, sand, gravel
and soft murrum / completely weathered rock, including dewatering, shuttering,
shoring, strutting or any other safe methods for protection of pit walls, dressing of
sides and ramming of bottom, and transporting the excavated material within the
premises, stacking, spreading and leveling, etc. all complete as specified and as
directed by Engineer.
1 Providing and laying sub base of 200mm thick for Carriageway made of metal
obtained from rock having AIV of not more than 40% (Grading I as per Table
No.400-1 of MORT&H Specifications, 5th edition, 2010) and compacting to the
density of at least 98 per cent of the maximum dry density and laid complete in
two layers to the required level and camber, rolling with 10/12 tones roller
interstices being filled with sand / stone dust, watering, rolling and making each
layer water bound etc complete as specified in Section 401 of MORT&H
Specifications, 5th edition, 2010 and as directed by Engineer.
2 Providing and laying, spreading and compacting graded crushed stone to Wet
Mix Macadam layer (Grade 1 layer) of 250 mm thick, satisfaction including
premixing the material with water to Optimum Moisture Content in mechanical
mix (pug mill), carriage of mix material by tipper to site laying with paver finisher
in uniform layer of 75 - 100 mm (compacted thickness each) on prepared
granular sub base and compacting with vibratory roller (10 tonne) to achieve
desired density including lighting, guarding, barricading and maintenance of
diversion etc. with proper compaction, level grade and camber etc. complete as
specified in Section 406 of MORT&H Specifications, 5th edition, 2010 and as
directed by Engineer.
Cum 1,875.00 2,320.00 4,350,000.00
3 Providing and Laying hot mixed graded Dense Bituminous Macadam with
minimum 4.50 % of bitumen content of grade VG-30 to the required grade, level
and camber, laying in two layers with approved self-propelled paving machine
preferably with sensor and rolling with 12/15 tonnes pneumatic tyred roller and
finish rolling shall be done with 6 to 8 tonne smooth wheeled tandem rollers etc.
complete as specified thickness of 50 mm with antistripping agent 1.00% of by
weight of bitumen using Grading II of MORT&H Specifications (Section 505,
Table No. 500-9), 5th edition, 2010 and as directed by Engineer.
Item Description Unit Quantity Rate in Rs. Amount in Rs.
5 Providing and applying Prime Coat with Cationic Bitumen Emulsion (Slow Setting
- SS1) @ 0.7 to 1.0 kg of 1 Sqm over prepared Wet Mix Macadam surface to
receive bituminous mix by applying Primer with mechanical spray bitumen
pressure sprayer, including cleaning of road surface etc. complete, as specified
in MORT&H Specifications (Section 502, Table No. 500-1), 5th edition, 2010 and
as directed by Engineer.
Sqm 12,500.00 65.00 812,500.00
6 Providing and applying Tack Coat with Cationic Bitumen Emulsion (Rapid
Setting -RS1) @ 0.2 to 0.30 kg per Sqm over prepared Wet Mix Macadam and
dense Graded Bituminous Macadam surface to receive bituminous mix by
applying tack coat with mechanical spray bitumen pressure sprayer, including
cleaning of road surface etc. complete, as specified in MORT&H Specifications
(Section 503, Table No. 500-3), 5th edition, 2010 and as directed by Engineer.
Sqm 12,500.00 20.00 250,000.00
Item Description Unit Quantity Rate in Rs. Amount in Rs.
4 Providing and fixing informatory, Cautionary and Mandatory sign boards in
circular shape of any size made out of 16 gauge (1.6 mm thick mild steel sheets
painted with one coat of zinc chromate storing primer and two coats of green
stone enamel paint on front side and grey store enamel paint on back side and
border/ message/ symbols etc. with cut out of retro reflective sheeting of
engineering grade complete board bound coated with non pealabnel crystal
clear transparent protective coat including one MS angle iron frame of size
35mm x 35mm x 3m and two MS angle iron posts of size 65mm x 65mm x 6mm,
3.60m long properly cross braced with angle iron of size 50mm x 50mm x 6mm
duly painted with alternative black and white bands of 25cm width including G I
fixtures etc and fixing the boards in 1:4:8 concrete block of size 60cm x 60cm x
75cm including transportation etc. complete as directed by Engineer.
Item Description Unit Quantity Rate in Rs. Amount in Rs.
1 Earthwork in excavation up to 2.00 m in depth for roads including removal of
stumps of trees of girth of all sizes & disposal of unserviceable materials &
stacking of serviceable materials etc, as ordered by the Owner/Engineer in earth,
soil of all types (ordinary/ hard soil) in both dry and wet conditions, sand, gravel
and soft murrum / completely weathered rock, including dewatering, shuttering,
shoring, strutting or any other safe methods for protection of pit walls, dressing of
sides and ramming of bottom, and transporting the excavated material within the
premises, stacking, spreading and leveling, etc. all complete as specified and as
directed by Engineer.
Cum 100.00
1 Providing and laying sub base of 200mm thick for Carriageway made of metal
obtained from rock having AIV of not more than 40% (Grading I as per Table
No.400-1 of MORT&H Specifications, 5th edition, 2010) and compacting to the
density of at least 98 per cent of the maximum dry density and laid complete in
two layers to the required level and camber, rolling with 10/12 tones roller
interstices being filled with sand / stone dust, watering, rolling and making each
layer water bound etc complete as specified in Section 401 of MORT&H
Specifications, 5th edition, 2010 and as directed by Engineer.
Cum 2,500.00
2 Providing and laying, spreading and compacting graded crushed stone to Wet
Mix Macadam layer (Grade 1 layer) of 250 mm thick, satisfaction including
premixing the material with water to Optimum Moisture Content in mechanical
mix (pug mill), carriage of mix material by tipper to site laying with paver finisher
in uniform layer of 75 - 100 mm (compacted thickness each) on prepared
granular sub base and compacting with vibratory roller (10 tonne) to achieve
desired density including lighting, guarding, barricading and maintenance of
diversion etc. with proper compaction, level grade and camber etc. complete as
specified in Section 406 of MORT&H Specifications, 5th edition, 2010 and as
directed by Engineer.
Cum 1,875.00
3 Providing and Laying hot mixed graded Dense Bituminous Macadam with
minimum 4.50 % of bitumen content of grade VG-30 to the required grade, level
and camber, laying in two layers with approved self-propelled paving machine
preferably with sensor and rolling with 12/15 tonnes pneumatic tyred roller and
finish rolling shall be done with 6 to 8 tonne smooth wheeled tandem rollers etc.
complete as specified thickness of 50 mm with antistripping agent 1.00% of by
weight of bitumen using Grading II of MORT&H Specifications (Section 505,
Table No. 500-9), 5th edition, 2010 and as directed by Engineer.
Cum 875.00
Cum 500.00
Item Description Unit Quantity Rate in Rs. Amount in Rs.
5 Providing and applying Prime Coat with Cationic Bitumen Emulsion (Slow Setting
- SS1) @ 0.7 to 1.0 kg of 1 Sqm over prepared Wet Mix Macadam surface to
receive bituminous mix by applying Primer with mechanical spray bitumen
pressure sprayer, including cleaning of road surface etc. complete, as specified
in MORT&H Specifications (Section 502, Table No. 500-1), 5th edition, 2010 and
as directed by Engineer.
Sqm 12,500.00
6 Providing and applying Tack Coat with Cationic Bitumen Emulsion (Rapid
Setting -RS1) @ 0.2 to 0.30 kg per Sqm over prepared Wet Mix Macadam and
dense Graded Bituminous Macadam surface to receive bituminous mix by
applying tack coat with mechanical spray bitumen pressure sprayer, including
cleaning of road surface etc. complete, as specified in MORT&H Specifications
(Section 503, Table No. 500-3), 5th edition, 2010 and as directed by Engineer.
Sqm 12,500.00
Sqm 200.00
Nos 8.00
Nos 8.00
Item Description Unit Quantity Rate in Rs. Amount in Rs.
4 Providing and fixing informatory, Cautionary and Mandatory sign boards in
circular shape of any size made out of 16 gauge (1.6 mm thick mild steel sheets
painted with one coat of zinc chromate storing primer and two coats of green
stone enamel paint on front side and grey store enamel paint on back side and
border/ message/ symbols etc. with cut out of retro reflective sheeting of
engineering grade complete board bound coated with non pealabnel crystal
clear transparent protective coat including one MS angle iron frame of size
35mm x 35mm x 3m and two MS angle iron posts of size 65mm x 65mm x 6mm,
3.60m long properly cross braced with angle iron of size 50mm x 50mm x 6mm
duly painted with alternative black and white bands of 25cm width including G I
fixtures etc and fixing the boards in 1:4:8 concrete block of size 60cm x 60cm x
75cm including transportation etc. complete as directed by Engineer.
Nos 8.00