3 - Proposal For Payment Schedule (SGR-ToA - Rev0) 20220510
3 - Proposal For Payment Schedule (SGR-ToA - Rev0) 20220510
3 - Proposal For Payment Schedule (SGR-ToA - Rev0) 20220510
Construction Period
2022 2023
<Payment Details> Timing Price May June July August September October November
1 Providing layout and conducting survey work for Layout of the structure in
accordance with drawing and design, carry over Bench-Mark (BM) at site
from nearby BM pillar, Property lines, existing ground level (EGL), formation
ground level (FGL), highest flood levels (HFL), plinth levels (PL), setting and
marking all pillars, marker, pegs etc. showing and maintaining reduced
levels (RL’s) including locating, establishing, protecting all public utilities
within the premise of work and finally all to be presented in black and white.
4 Back filling in foundation trenches and plinth in 150 mm layer with sand
available within 90 m of the building site, watering, leveling and
consolidating each layer up to finished level etc. including sprading of
surplus sand around project area or as per requirement of site, all complete
as per direction of the engineer-in-charge.
1362.71 cum 126 171,701
5 Providng and laying double layer polythene sheet weighing 1.0kg per 6.5
sqm under pile cap and pit bottom slab etc. all complete as per direction of
EIC. 579.96 sqm 55 31,898
6 One layer of brick flat soling in foundation/Grade beam with 1st class or
picked jhama bricks in/c preparation of bed and filling the interstices with
local sand, leveling in/c the supply of water, electricity and other charges
and costs of tools and plants etc. all complete as per direction of the
568.07 sqm 280 159,060
a) Footing using stone chips with ratio (1:1.5:3) 60.98 cum 9,504 579,554
b) Column using stone chips with ratio (1:1.5:3) 108.88 cum 9,646 1,050,256
c) Grade beam using stone chips with ratio (1:1.5:3) 85.72 cum 9,504 814,683
d) Capping using stone chips with ratio (1:1.5:3) 10.83 cum 9,645 104,455
e) Lintel using stone chips with ratio (1:1.5:3) 48.16 cum 9,561 460,458
10 Supplying, fabrication and fixing to details as per design M.S deformed bar
as reinforcement of required size and length for all types of RCC work in/c
straightening the rod, removing rusts, cleaning, cutting, hooking, bending,
binding with 22 B.W.G. GI wire, placing the bars in position, in/c lapping,
spacing and securing them in position by concrete blocks, metal chairs, etc.
complete as per specifications, drawings and direction of the Engineer-in-
60 grade (GPH / BSRM / KSRM) deformed bar with minimum fy = 412 Mpa. 51.88 ton 73,047 3,789,678
11 Supply fitting, fixing of M.S Grill work by 16x16 mm M.S square bar as per
drawing (vertically & horizontally) by ASTM-A653-50 Minimum yield
strength-345 Mpa including weight of welding. Apply two coat of synthetic
enamel paint (Drak Green) over one coat of anticrrosive primer with
approved best quality and colour (100 Micron thk. in total). All completed as
per our drawing and accepted by the Engineer-in-charge.
13 Supply fitting, fixing of M.S Plate (125x125x6 mm) with M.S Fencing Post
bottom.including straightening, fabricating including all necessary tools,
scaffolding, supplying all necessary matireals. Apply one coat of anticrrosive
primer with approved best quality and colour (100 Micron thk. in total). All
completed as per our design and accepted by the Engineer-in-charge.
14 Supply, Fabricating, fitting & fixing of Fencing made by 7mm dia M.S wire
with horizontally and vertically (as per drawing). Fixing 25x25x5mm M.S
plate with Vertical M.S post by welding. Fixing the horizontal wire with
25x25x5mm M.S plate and the vertical wire with horizontal wire by welding
as per drawing. including straightening, fabricating including all necessary
tools, scaffolding, supplying all necessary matireals. Apply two coat of
synthetic enamel paint (Drak Green) over one coat of anticrrosive primer
with approved best quality and colour (100 Micron thk. in total). All
completed as per our design and accepted by the Engineer-in-charge.
15 Supply, Fabricating, fitting & fixing of 75x75x5 mm M.S box Post in RCC/CC
base including cutting, fabricating, necessary tools, scaffolding etc. Welding
125x125x6mm M.S plate at bottom of the post to fix it into concrete
properly. Apply two coat of synthetic enamel paint (Drak Green) over one
coat of anticrrosive primer with approved best quality and colour (100
Micron thk. in total). All completed as per our design and accepted by the
16 Supplying 100 mm inside dia best quality uPVC soil, waste and ventilation
pipe having specific gravity 1.35-1.45, wall thickness 3.4- 4.0 mm, and other
physical, chemical, themal, fire resistivity properties etc. as per BSTI
approved manufacturer standards or ASTM, BS/ISO/IS standards fitting and
fixing in position with sockets, bends, with all accessories such as round
grating/domed roof grating bands, sockets etc. approved and accepted by
the Engineer- in- charge.
17 Supply and installation of water grade PVC pipe (RFL brand or approved
equivalent ) of following sizes in roof slabs, floors, columns, walls, beams or
in underground including other works such as cutting groove on brick wall,
column/floor, making underground trench and backfilling etc. The rate
should be inclusive of cost of all PVC pipe, accessories, steel made circular
boxes, 18 SWG sheet steel made pull/junction boxes, sheet steel outlet with
ebonite or sheet steel cover for covering pull/junction boxes/outlet box,
PVC gum; 16 SWG sheet steel box with 3mm thick ebonite cover, 12 SWG
GI pull wire, etc. The conduits are to be tied with the reinforcement steel bar
@ 900mm spacing using 20 SWG GI wire, The rate is also inclusive of all
costs required for tracing cut outlets after the shutterings are removed and
cleaning the outlets and mending the damages good as per direction of the
25mm inner dia and min. wall thickness 1.5mm 1127.50 rm 105 118,388
18 250 mm thick brick work in Super structure with 1st class bricks (machine
made brick) in cement (Scan/Holcim/Akij) sand (F.M.1.2) mortar (1:6)
including filling the interstices with mortar, racking out joints, cleaning and
soaking the bricks 24 hours before use, curing for at least 7 days etc.
complete as per direction of the Engineer-in-charge.
19 Minimum 12 mm thick cement sand (F.M. 1.2) plaster with neat cement
finishing to plinth wall (1:4) with cement up to 150 mm below ground level
with neat cement finishing including washing of sand, finishing the edges
and corners and curing at least for 7 days, cost of water, electricity and
other charges etc. all complete in all respect as per drawing and accepted
by the Engineer-in-charge. (Cement: Portland Cement Type-1 ASTM C-150
or BDS 232:1993 (2nd Revision)). Ground floor.
20 Minimum 12 mm thick cement sand (F.M. 1.2) plaster (1:4) with fresh
cement to wall both inner-and outer surface, finishing the corner and edges
including washing of sand cleaning the surface, scaffolding and curing at
least for 7 days, cost of water, electricity and other charges etc. all complete
in all respect as per drawing and accepted by the Engineer-in-charge.
(Cement: Portland Cement Type-1 ASTM C-150 or BDS 232:1993 (2nd
Revision)). Ground floor.
22 Fabricating, fitting & fixing 16 BWG GI wire mesh fixed with nails to the
columns (in the plate location inside the plaster) as needed including
supplying all necessary matireals complete in all respect and accepted by
the Engineer.
243.54 sqm 321 78,176
TOTAL AMOUNT (TK.) 18,000,000
VAT (7.5%) 1,350,000
TOTAL AMOUNT Including VAT (TK.) 19,350,000
Mitsuhiro TORII
General Manager
Bangladesh Office
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International General Headquarters