EN420 EN388 EN511 EN407 EN659 PR EN12477 EN374-2 EN374-3 ISO 10819
EN420 EN388 EN511 EN407 EN659 PR EN12477 EN374-2 EN374-3 ISO 10819
EN420 EN388 EN511 EN407 EN659 PR EN12477 EN374-2 EN374-3 ISO 10819
Levels range from 0 to 4, 5 or 6. 0 being an insufficient result in regards to the standard criteria and 4,
5 or 6 the higher level so the more effective one. A “X” in a test result means
that this test is not feasible for this PPE or that it has not been carried out. Only
one test result superior to 0 in one standard is sufficient for the manufacturer to
require the conformity for this standard.
• Dexterity : it is advisable that a glove brings as much dexterity as possible according to the
intended use.
• Glove composition.
• Information to the user on instructions for use whatever the PPE category : performances,
pictograms, uses, use precautions, available sizes range…
EN 388 standard : : mechanical risks
The EN388 standard is applicable to all types of protective gloves regarding physical and
mechanical stresses by abrasion, cutting by blade, puncture and tearing. This standard is not
applicable to anti-vibratory gloves.
Performance level Requirement
0 to4 0 to 5 0 to 4 0 to 4
Resistance to puncture : :
necessary force to pierce the
sample with a standardised
The EN511 standard specifies the requirements and test methods of the protective gloves
against cold transmitted by convection or conduction up to –50°C. This cold can be bound to
climatic conditions or to an industrial activity. The specific values of the different performance
levels are determined according to the requirements peculiar to every category of risk or to
every special application field.
Products tests can only be carried out for performance levels and not for protection levels.
Performance level Requirement
0 to 4 0 to 5 0 to 1
waterproofness : indicates whether or not
penetration after 30 minutes
The EN407 standard specifies test methods, general requirements, thermal performance levels and the
marking of protective gloves against heat and / or fire. It is applicable to all the gloves which must
protect hands against heat and / or flames under one or several of the following forms : fire, contact
heat, convective heat, radiant heat, small projections of molten metal or big projections of molten
Test can be only carried out for performance levels and not for protection ones.
Performance level Requirement
1 to 4 1 to 4 1 to 4 1 to 4 1 to 4 1 to 4
of molten
metal in big
quantities :
quantity of
necessary to
Resistance to small
projections of molten
metal : quantity of
projections necessary for
the glove to rise to a certain
Resistance to radiant heat : time
necessary for rising to a given temperature
Resistance to convective heat : time during which the
glove is able to hold the transfer of the flame’s heat.
Resistance to flammability : time during which the material keeps burning and
continues to consume itself after the ignition source has been removed.
EN 659 standard (protective gloves for firemen)
This standard is applicable only to protective gloves for firemen for the fight against
fire, research operations and rescue. It specifies test methods and the minimal
performances of these gloves.
(for example the minimal levels of mechanical resistance to the EN388 standard are:
The EN374-2 standard specifies a test method for the resistance to penetration of the protective
gloves against chemicals or micro-organisms. When the gloves resist to the penetration and
when tested according to this section of the EN374 standard, they constitute an efficacious
barrier against microbiological risks.
Performance level Requirement
0 or 1
Penetration indicates whether or not the product
resists to water and air penetration
The EN374-3 standard cares, in case of continuous contact, to determine the resistance of the
materials constituting the permeation gloves, from non-gaseous, potentially dangerous
chemicals. It is therefore advisable to insist on the fact that this test does not account for
conditions liable to be met during service, and it is also recommended to use the test results,
which have an essentially relative value, only to compare the materials by high categories of
time of passage.
Performance level Requirement
0 or 1 0 or 6
Permeation : indicates the time necessary
for a dangerous product to go across the
protective film barrier by permeation.
Penetration : indicates whether or not the product resists to
water and air penetration.
EN ISO 10819 standard
Vibrations and impacts of mechanical origin for arms and hands
Method of measurement and evaluation of the vibrations transmission factor through a glove to
the palm of the hand.
The measurements are carried out at palm level with the exclusion of the fingers. The
standard specifies primarily, with the current knowledge, that the gloves are unable to deliver
a significant reduction of the vibration frequencies inferior to 150 Hz.
Some gloves can even increase these frequencies, but it is important to remind that keeping
the hand warm and dry are some of the important properties of a glove and are equally useful
for the limitation of some vibrations induced effects.
Measurement only of the transmission factor according to the EN ISO 10819 standard is not
sufficient to evaluate the health risk factor due to vibrations.
It is the vibrations transmission factor (one ratio) measured at the surface of the non-protected
hand and on the anti-vibratory glove’s palm while holding a vibrating tool handle.
Transmission values superior to 1 indicate that the glove increases the vibrations, the values
inferior to 0.6 indicate that the glove reduces the vibrations.
Tests are carried out with frequencies ranging from 31.5 Hz to 1250 Hz representative of the
most usual vibrating tools.