Mseuf Handbook Android Application: Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation
Mseuf Handbook Android Application: Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation
Mseuf Handbook Android Application: Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation
Juan Andres L. Garcia
William Ken A. Verzo
Justine B. Pitalcorin
Mia Kathleen A. Villaverde
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation
Chapter I
Foundation has implement a Student Mobile Handbook. Envergan’s through the use of
Information Technology with their Handbook by using smartphones and/or tablets. This
implementation helps every student to improve the use of their Handbook from manual
to Mobile Handbook using their smartphones and/or tablets. All the features of the
featured to this implementation in order to improve the use of the Student handbook.
Each and every student, faculty and also the parents/guardians can use this Student
Mobile Handbook. This also includes interactive map of the University Campus that you
We have come up to conduct a study and develop and Android based Student
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation
Conceptual Framework of the Study
that the students of Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation usually use their handbook
to gather information about the University, the problem here is they usually forgot to
bring their Handbook and some of them lost their ones. Some of the students finds that
this Handbook un-useful and not interesting but they are wrong, they will use the
information in this Handbook until the end of their studies here in the University as their
guide. In the first day of school mostly when you are just a new student of the University
it’s hard for you to find the class rooms, faculty room, dean’s office and other venue of
use, interesting, interactive by using their smartphones and/or tablets. Basically the
students use the manual handbook or the traditional mini book of the University. The
Information of the University are hard coded they usually turn the pages to the page that
they can find the information they need. Usually the students just keep on asking to the
old students, the faculty or the school guards to find the class rooms they cannot found.
When the system are ready to use the student will find this easier and they
will be interested to this new way of exploring the University. The Interactive map can
be used not only with the new students but also it can be used by the visitors and
exchange students.
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation
The researchers cited the following objectives to attain the goals of the study:
2. To design the functions and features of the mobile app using the Unified Modeling
Language (UML) to specify, build, document, and model the application, and the use
3. To develop a mobile application using Android Studio an IDE beta for android app
Photoshop Genymotion
Students don’t bring Students use their
their student android phone to
handbook MSEUF use e-handbook
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation
Scope and Delimitation of the Study
The application will be for the students, personnel, and vistors of the
university. The project were entitled MSEUF Handbook will cover the about the founder of
Enverga, the regulations or rules of the Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation. Also it has
the grading system that will help for the Student what is the pattern or way of giving their grade
by their professors. By making this App the Envergans will encourage to use it because it not
just a Handbook it also has a MAP of the Enverga and one thing there is also a GPS to locate
where you are but you can only access the GPS if you have an internet or data connection. The
Enverga is a Free Wi-Fi zone they can access the GPS in no time it can also access had a “Find”
button so that you can easily find where you want to locate because of this map. Basically, the
system will process the MSEUF HANBOOK divided in the following steps: (1) Download the
Application or APK, (2) Open the app, (3) Choose a categories if you want to know the history
of the Enverga just click the book logo or find the location that you are going just click the
Map logo, it also had a “Help” button so that you had a guide to access it. These basic steps,
the system will also include a module. Specifically, there are no Payment to afford it’s Free
you just need an internet connection or Wi-Fi it have it you will just download the apk of the
Mseuf handbook. References and information where base on the OSA of the Enverga.
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation
Significance of the Study
The researchers made this application for the old and new students of the
university and even for the personnel and visitors. The design of the application is to
assure that is more reliable, faster and helpful for the students of Enverga. It allows to get this
app there is a relative, brother, father, mother, sister and etc. where working or studying in
Enverga. This app is also an eco-friendly because we don’t use papers most like a normal or
information and knowledge about the University where they will use
smartphones/tablets. The Interactive map that is includes here is very useful to the new
Old students of MSEUF. It is not only for the new students but also for the old
students too because most of the old students is not familiarize with the Information
Professors of MSEUF. There are different professors some are not Alumni of
the University and some are just new in teaching, they are not familiarize with the rules
and the grading system and also with the places in the University. And most of the
Professors uses Android phones and/or Android gadgets that why we implanted this so
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation
Guardian/Parents of the Student of MSEUF. Guardians/Parents of the
students are also in concern with the rules and information of the University they have
chosen for their child. They also can use this application as their guide of Information with
the University. Some of the guardian/parents of the students visited the University to pay
tuition fees, get some important papers to the registrar and even assist the clearance of
their child, that’s why this interactive map will be very useful to them.
University’s from different countries, that’s why we have exchange students in the
University. Those students can use this application as their guide of Information with the
University. The Interactive map that is includes here is very useful to the exchange
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation
Chapter II
Monash University
The Monash University app provides convenient access to important information and
Australian campus services in the palm of your hand.
Features include:
• eMaps of Berwick, Caulfield, Clayton, Gippsland, Parkville and Peninsula campuses with
layers of points of interest including libraries, banks, eateries, faculty offices, lecture theatres
and parking locations
• Staff Directory
• Monash News
• Events guide that lists all upcoming activities on all Australian campuses
• Searchable unit entries from the official University Handbook for all undergraduate and
postgraduate offerings
• Shuttle Bus Timetables
Many more features are planned for future releases, so stay tuned.
Monash University was established in Melbourne, Australia in 1958. It is one of Australia’s
top-ranked research-intensive universities.
Monash is a youthful organisation; enthusiastic, optimistic and accessible. We believe
outstanding education and research can change the world for the better.
Monash is Australia’s most international university and considers every student to be a
global citizen. It has campuses and centres in Johannesburg, Mumbai, Kuala Lumpur and
Prato, as well as its six campuses in Melbourne and the local region.
Monash specialises in offering powerful double degrees. Study is also available online, part-
time and via alternative pathways.
Our researchers make highly significant contributions that bring real and positive changes
to the lives of people all over the world.
Monash University has approximately 62,000 student enrolments and more than 7,000 staff.
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation
Pet project turns into state-of-the-art smartphone app - 15 February 2012
What started as one student’s pet project has developed into a full-scale iPhone app that
features building locations, unit entries from the official University Handbook, events,
shuttle bus timetables, the staff directory and the latest University news.
During his last year of his degree, Computer Science graduand James Eunson created an
application that would allow him to more easily access information on his timetables and the
location of lecture rooms.
“From there, I shared it with my friends and they made further suggestions on what
information it could provide. I was really excited about the possibilities but was limited by
the format some of the information was in,” Mr Eunson said.
During this time, the University became aware of the work Mr Eunson had been doing and,
with the encouragement from Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education) Professor Adam
Shoemaker and crucial support from Mike Scott from the University’s Facilities and Services
Division, explored ways to create an app that would benefit all students at Monash.
Mr Scott said one of the greatest challenges in creating the app was integrating the
University’s detailed mapping data with Google Maps.
“James has had to come up with some ground-breaking coding to overlay the mapping
information Facilities and Services Division had,” Mr Scott said.
“We have been able to utilise emerging technologies to create a new style of mapping during
development - based on our previous Google maps work - which has enabled the map
component of the app to load significantly faster and contain more detail than previously
available, while containing multiple levels of interactive information not seen before.
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation
“The app has been designed so the user can locate themselves on a campus, then track their
movement using their device, towards their destination identified on the map,” Mr Scott said.
With mapping of all Australian campuses complete, Facilities and Services is looking forward
to developing the same level of information for Monash University’s campuses in Malaysia,
South Africa and Prato. Additional features including student timetables are in development
and access to the Library catalogue is being considered for future releases.
The Monash University app can be downloaded for free from the Apple app store.
An Android version is currently in development.
Trip Tracker Application on Android
Siddartha Sreenivasa Reddy
Master of Science in Computer Science
San Diego State University, 2011
Travel has always been a man’s best pass time, a method to rejuvenate from the daily
stress, a break from the monotonous life and to experience the thrill of adventure. Until the
last decade, camera was a traveller’s best friend but little did we know things are going to
change a lot better. In today’s world, life is always on the move. With the advancement of
technology, smart phones today have immense capabilities to provide rich user experience
with interactive facilities.
Trip Tracker is an Android based application for travellers to obtain the geo-location
and tag it with multimedia features. This application allows users to create, store and view
their trips, trip related information and all the memories that bring with it. Trip Tracker
combines places visited, notes taken and the images captured, and display all this
information on a map at the exact location where it all took place.
This application is developed to provide the users a rich user experience by having
all the information in one place, easy-to-access and interactive. With the help of Google Maps,
each trip can be drawn out on the map with all the locations visited and the route taken. The
user will also be able to view the description, the location address and the image captured if
any. Trip Tracker, developed in Android, provides extensive flexibility, supports many
features and can be among the best travel friendly app.
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation
Chapter III
1. Concept Exploration
The researchers noticed that students don’t bring their student’s handbook anymore
and as for newly enrolled students they have a difficulty of locating themselves in the
campus. It has occurred that the researchers agreed and decided to make a student
handbook and map in a mobile android application. Based on the researcher’s observation
and experience. We have our handy student’s handbook but the idea of distributing copies
to students and for them not bring the handbook from our point of view is a waste of the raw
materials, labor, and the literature itself. The researchers choose to develop a solution to this
problem. By creating a mobile android application that is capable of addressing the problem,
2. Concept Development
Throughout the process of concept development, the researchers made a use – case
for the mobile application which comprises the actor and its interaction to the system. A set
of scenarios describing each sequence of event which take place during interaction with the
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation
user and system. The mobile app interface is designed in Adobe Photoshop, Adobe
3. Prototype Development
The researchers coded and designed the application in Android Studio an IDE to
develop the prototype. We used Genymotion as an android virtual device instead of the
default because the emulator in Android Studio is cumbersome to use due to its slow
processing times being embedded into IDE making it lag. The researchers first used Flash
Catalyst to build and create the campus map but compatibility issues arises when
integrating the flash file into the android application, scaling was the biggest problem In
the map. The researchers migrated to use Google Maps Api v2 which makes a better
The researcher will be deploy the application for free. A beta application for testing
and upgrades. Through this the professors can give opinions and advice in the maintenance
The researchers used the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) in planning and
managing the development process. The researches choose the Waterfall Model. A
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation
traditional way of developing in Software Engineering. The waterfall model is a model which
was developed for software development; that is to create software. It is called as such
because the model develops systematically from one phase to other in a downward fashion,
like a waterfall.
The following are most probable phases through which it progresses downwards are:
Definition Study / Analysis. During this phase research is being conducted which
includes brainstorming about the software, what it is going to be and what purpose is it going
to fulfill.
Basic Design. If the first phase gets successfully completed and a well thought out
plan for the software development has been laid then the next step involves formulating the
Technical Design / Detail Design. After the basic design gets approved, then a more
elaborated technical design can be planned. Here the functions of each of the part are decided
and the engineering units are placed for example modules, programs etc.
Integration. In the phase of Integration, the company puts it in use after the system
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation
The researchers used Unified Modeling Language or UML. The researchers can
see how the system is divided and see how the division interact as it progresses.
Use Case Diagram. Graphic depiction of the interactions among the elements of a
system. A use case is a methodology used in system analysis to identify, clarify, and organize
system requirements.
stepwise activities and actions with support for choice, iteration and concurrency.
Class Diagram. A class diagram is an illustration of the relationships and source code
The researchers gathered the data through research of related literature and
studies. The research comprises of mobile app development designs and coding from basic
to the map navigation api on mobile application. The gathered data that the researchers
helped to create and develop the mobile app. The related literature includes the finding,
existing systems created, and articles by other schools and apps. These studies provides
the researchers information and support for developing the mobile application.
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation
Chapter IV
The researchers used Unified Modeling Language to design the features and
to provide a standard way to visualize the design of a system which is commonly use to
visualize the design of the system. Below are Use Café, and Class Diagrams of the mobile
View Map
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation
Figure 1. Use case diagram of the mobile application
Figure 1 shows the Use Case Diagram of the mobile application. The main use cases are the
Select Menu, View Handbook, Select Chapters, View Map and Get directions.
Application displays
start up screen
Application displays
Main Interface
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation
Figure 2. Start-up Activity Diagram
The start-up activity diagram shows the process of running the application from
Go to Main
User taps
Handbook Interface
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation
The handbook activity diagram shows the process of navigating handbook and its
Go To Main Menu
Application displays
Map Interface
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation
Figure 4. Map Activity Diagram
The map activity diagram shows the process of navigating the map.
Go To Main Menu
displays Help
Back to Main
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation
Figure 5. Help Activity Diagram
The help activity diagram shows the process of viewing the tutorial on how to use
the application.
Go To Main Menu
displays About
Back to Main
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation
Figure 6. About Activity Diagram
The About activity diagram views the details or information about the author of
A. Internet Materials
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation
Whole Handbook.apk
<<Android Application>>
Whole Handbook.apk
<<Java file>>
Android Smart Device
Android Application
External storage