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Capstone Project

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(Opol Community College) OCC ANDROID-BASED


Aian Cris D. Lagra

Christian C. Paez

Novie Joy A. Durato

Billy Ryan C. Jariolne

John Louie N. Lastimosa

Gil Andrian M. Tabios

Kevin Steve M. Rivero

Reyziel P. Salarda


The student handbook is a book that gives useful information about the college.

Student handbook is done to every new hired faculty and enrolled students to keep them

aware and understand policies, rules and regulations pertaining to the operation of the

College. The distribution of the development of this application is due to the need of the

college to intensify information dissemination ensuring understanding of the OCC

policies, rules and regulations thereby improve delivery of quality services.

The main purpose of this study is to enhance the manual handbook which is

printed in a paper. Opol Community College is one of the School Colleges that is using

manual in terms of accessing the information of the institution; most of their data are

placed on a paper. In connection of our project this paper proposes a system which will

benefit the school especially the students. (http://apjmr.com/wp-


With this, the researchers proposed making Android-Based e-handbook

application of Opol Community College, in order to improve the use of the handbook from

paper to Android phone application. This proposed project help the student of Opol

Community College to use the easiest way of accessing the information through e-


We would like to dedicate this Capstone paper to our parents who support us

financially and morally, for giving all our needs during the time we developed our system.

The encouragement given to us when we feel like giving up our hopes. The love and care

given to us which we really need.

To our classmates who also shared their insights about our system. For giving us

the courage to do our best for work for this even though you’re suffering the same way.

For cheering us all that we can and we could do this fight until the end, thank you.

To our dearest mentor/adviser Ms. Bernadeth T. Nacua, without her continued

support and counsel we could not have completed this process. The knowledge and

suggestions you have shared during the times we consulted you, we appreciate it a lot.

For our brothers and sisters who were disturbed in the middle of their sleep

because we are still awake making the study updates we’re really sorry. To our special

someone, no need to mention your names, you already know who you are thank you. To

the random people thank you for tapping our back every time we feel that we’re not going

to make it.

And lastly, we would like to thank God for everything he gave us, the wise mind,

the strong and healthy body, the love he gave us when we couldn’t love ourselves. For

guiding us to lead the right way and for always being there when we need him the most.

Thank you Lord God for everything you have done, we owe you all of this hardship.

First and foremost the researchers offer our sincerest gratitude to our adviser,

Ms. Bernadeth T. Nacua whose encouragement, guidance and support from the initial

to the final level enabled us to develop an understanding of the subject, without her

guidance and persistent help this project could not have been possible.

To our kindest instructors who never stop teaching, we owe you this project,

without you we would not came up with this system. To our capstone instructor, Dr.

Jonathan V. Cañete, for always reminding us what professional ethics is that made us

a better individual, for the advices on what we’re going to do and don’t. For the unending

guidelines, though you’re the busiest man, still you manage to give us discussion about

our project.

To our parents/guardians who never fail to support us, heartily giving us everything

to provide our needs. For always being there when we need them the most, we awe you

a lot. Without the support of our loving parents we can’t get through all of this.

Last but not the least, to the one above all of us, the omnipresent God, for

answering our prayers for giving us the strength to plod on despite our constitution

wanting to give and throw in the towel, THANK YOU SO MUCH LORD.

The Researcher









Project Context 2

Purpose and Description 3

Objectives of the Study 4

Specific Objectives 4

Scope and Limitation 5

Definition of Terms 6


Local and Foreign Studies 7-8






Letter of Consent
Figure and Plates

Gantt chart

User’s Manual (for new software development)

Survey Tools (if Applicable)

Curriculum Vitae

Software Application (Attached with CD/DVD)

Chapter 1


The researcher conducted a study that would benefit the student. Student

handbook is common in all colleges, it is given to a newly enrolled students. There are

times when the printed handbooks got lost, stolen and sometimes got drench in rain

water. For the researcher, it will be practical if students will have the student handbook

on their Android phones not only to save printing cost but also to ensure that the handbook

will be used until the students last year in the institution. The researchers can’t deny the

fact that the only a small part of the students read the handbook from start to finish, that

many will disregard it once they have it so when the time comes that they need to consult

something from it, they found that it was not usable or worst lost. With the advancement

in technology where in smartphones are very common among students and having

considered the issues and concerns, the researcher was motivated to propose the

development of the OCC ANDROID-BASED STUDENT e-HANDBOOK to be used in the

said institution.

With the commitment to serve the community with excellence, the Bachelor of

Science in Information Technology of Opol Community College is doing its best to be at

part with their operation. The student handbook is a book that gives useful information

about the college. It covers the grading system, rules and regulations, enrolment

requirements and other facts relevant to the institution. The distribution of the handbook

is done to every newly enrolled student to keep them aware and understand policies,

rules and regulations pertaining to the operation of the Institution.

However, the usual problem with the current method is that they usually forget to

bring the handbook; some lost it and noted that the hard copy handbook is somewhat

boring and not interactive. Likewise, handbook is reprinted every time that there are

changes or updates to the contents, with trees being cut down due to produce paper and

contributing to our problem in climate change.

With the aforementioned reasons, the researchers conducted a study on the

development of Android mobile-based student handbook that can be installed on android

devices making it possible for the students and the faculty of an educational institution to

read whenever possible. The e-Handbook is user friendly with its plain and simple

graphical user interface.

Project Context

The Students of Opol Community College use handbook to know the information

of the institution. In this section it will show the current processes of the school are shown:

First is student will go to library to ask if they can borrow the handbook or print for it (If

librarian allows it then students need to return the handbook after they use it or print it.)

the handbook must not be damage if it is to be return, if students damage it or not the

handbook it will still guaranteed.

In this case the researcher proposed project which is OCC Android-based

application student e-handbook will help to facilitate and accelerate the study process

especially with new enrollees. OCC Android-based application student e-handbook is a

system application using android mobile phone to access in the system. It’s hassle free

and easy to use for a long period of time.

Purpose and Description

This application will be beneficial for the old and freshmen students of (Opol

Community College) OCC. This application assures easy access to the e-Handbook for

the students of OCC anytime anywhere provided the application is installed in their

Android phones. This app is also eco-friendly because we don’t use papers like the

normal or ordinary handbook.

The system will benefit the following stakeholders:

Newly enrolled students of OCC. The application will provide students information and

knowledge about the College using their smartphones/tablets.

Old students of OCC. It is not only for the new students but also for the old students too

because most of the old students are not yet familiar with some of the information about

the institution and if they’re in doubt about rules and regulations of the (Opol Community

College) OCC they can consult their handbook through their Android phones/tablets.
Objectives of the Study

General Objectives

This project aimed at creating a system that will benefit the students to use the

easiest way of accessing student manual anytime anywhere. For the betterment of the

school’s use, the researcher’s conducted a study of how it will help the progress of the


Specific Objectives

The current version of the handbook is in form of a book bind one which is prone

to tear, damage and lost. To prevent or minimize the stated dilemmas, the researchers

had come up to an idea to develop a mobile-based student handbook with the following


Specifically, the project aim to:

1. To convert the hardcopy version of the handbook to android based which will

make it easier for the students to read the content of the handbook using their

android devices.

2. To encourage the students to read their handbook and easily open and scan it.

3. To develop an application for the students that has an adjustable font size for

easier reading and understanding.

4. To provide the students an easy access to their handbook with a search tab

where they can easily navigate the contents of it.

Scope and Limitation of the System

Scope of the Study

The OCC ANDROID-BASED STUDENT e-HANDBOOK application will be for the

students of the college. The project will cover the history of Opol Community College, the

regulations and rules, and other important information regarding the OPOL COMMUNITY


Limitation of the Study

The limitations a researcher made is you cannot download the e-Handbook

application if you do not have internet connection. The application is intended for Opol

Community College Students only. Since the application is applicable only for android

users, ios users can’t download the application.

Definition of Terms

This page provides definitions of many of the terms used in the proposed system

based on some references.

Android application. A software application running on the Android platform. Because

the android platform is built for mobile devices, typical android app designed for a

smartphone or a tablet PC running on Android OS.

Handbook. A concise manual or reference book providing specific information or

instruction about a subject or place.

Chapter 2


Local and Foreign Studies

Mobile Learning

According to United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization(UNESCO)

mobile learning involves the use of mobile technology, either alone or combination with

other information and communication technology (ICT), to enable learning anytime and

anywhere. Learning cam unfold in a variety of ways: people can use mobile devices to

access educational resources, connect with others, or create content, both inside and

outside classrooms. Mobile learning also encompasses efforts to support broad

educational goals such as effective administration of school systems to improved

communication between schools and families.


Mobile Technology

According to Baiyun Chen, Ryan Seilhamer, Luke Bennett, and Sue Bauer (2015),

mobile technology, as an integral part of students’ daily lives, has changed how they

communicate, gather information, allocate time and attention, and potentially how they

learn. The mobile platform’s unique capabilities- including connectivity, cameras,

sensors, and GPS- Have great potential to enrich the academic experience. Learners

are no longer limited to the classroom’s geographical boundaries, for example;

they can now record raw observations and analyse data location. Furthermore, mobile
technology platforms let individuals discuss issues with their colleagues or classmate in

the field. The ever-growing mobile landscape thus represents new opportunities for

learners both inside and outside the classroom.



Incorporating Technology in College Visits

According to Ryan Ryan Lytle (2012), the use of mobile and Web application can

give students a new perspective on schools. As prospective students narrow their college

lists, campus visits can be effective in determining whether a school is a good fit. While

in-person visits may be the most beneficial way to experience college life, there are new

technology options that can give students a deeper look at colleges-whether they’re on

campus or not.

“Technology can enhance the college search process and a visit, but it isn’t a

replacement for being personal and getting to know the students,” Jefferson Blackburn-

Smith, vice president for enrollment management at Otterbein University, said via E-mail.

Some schools are integrating technology by providing mobile apps to “either create

self-guided campus tours or to enhance the existing tour by making additional information

available,” Blackburn-Smith added. While Otterbein has not incorporated mobile apps

within tours, he noted that the university currently uses social media to connect with

students during visits. “We’ll always try to balance high tech with high touch.”
Chapter 3

Design and Methodology

The researchers noticed that the students don’t bring their student’s handbook

anymore and as for newly enrolled students they have difficulties in knowing some rules

and protocols of the school. It has occurred that the researchers agreed and decided to

make a student’s handbook in a mobile application. Based on the researcher’s

observation and experience, we have our student handbook but the due to the lacking of

supply not all student have it. The researchers choose to develop a solution to this

problem, by creating a mobile android application that is capable in addressing the

problem, an easy to use, easy to carry handbook in the user’s pocket.

Definition Study/ Analysis

The user should needed Internet connection to allow download OCC ANDROID-

BASED STUDENT e-handbook from Google play store.


Download OCC
handbook from
Google play store
STUDENT e-handbook

Click the apps

icon and search
OCC ANDROID- Click Install to download the

Design of software, System, Product, and/or Process

Illustration 1.0: Student e-handbook Conceptual Framework

Android Mobile

The history B-A ICON ICON ardiness
ICON ICON credential
of OCC Department

Grading ICON ICON Dress Code

ICON ICON system
Mission Facilities
Vision Goals
Submissio ICON ICON Grooming
ICON ICON n of grades
Educational Admission
Department requiremen
ts Graduation ICON ICON Code of
ICON ICON requirements conduct
Track Tuition fee
ICON ICON References
ICON ICON Graduation
College Academic ards
Administration loads
Chapter 4


In this chapter we’ll present to you the output of the system since we didn’t

conducted a survey. The figures we’ll going to present below is the actual process of

our system. Each figures has a different features and discussions.

Figure 1: This shows the actual image after you download the application

As you can see in the figure above the top image stands for the main cover of the

application. The below icons with labels is the content of the e-handbook.
Figure 2: This shows the icons of each of the specified list of contents

The picture above shows the different icons of the specified list of contents. Each icons

has a different functions.

Figure 3: This picture shows the exit button

Chapter 5



In the recent years the institution is using manual handbook which is printed in a

paper that can cause to some students find it useless. The researchers found a way to

end that dilemma and created a system that would be easier and much useful as well.

Student handbook based on android application is more accessible, time consuming and

more attractive than the usual handbook. This system is the answer to the institution so

that the student will be motivated to scan their handbook using their android phones.


The Android-Based Student e-Handbook for the institution of Opol Community

College helps the student to access and use the easiest way of knowing all the information

of the school. The system allows them to use it anytime, anywhere if they have the

downloaded app on their android phones. Also the system


The following recommendations are necessary for the improvement of the OCCian

students using android application.

1. Optimization of the application so that it can accommodate lower-end android

mobile devices.

2. Development of versions yearly for every policies of the school up to date.

3. Provide more categories to get more familiarize to the school.

4. Add pictures regarding to the school facilities of the school.






Christian Q, Paez.
Citihomes Malanang
Opol, Misamis Oriental
Contact no. 09362795489


AGE: 22






TERTIARY: Opol Community College

Opol, Misamis Oriental

SECONDARY: Golden Acres National High School

Las Piñas City

PRIMARY: Golden Acres Elementary School

Las Piñas City

Aiancris D. Lagra
El Salvador City
Misamis Oriental
Contact no. 09261102535


AGE: 27

BIRTHPLACE: El Salvador City, Misamis Oriental





TERTIARY: Opol Community College

Opol, Misamis Oriental

SECONDARY: Cogon National High School

Poblacion, El Salvador City

PRIMARY: Cogon Elementary School

El Salvador City

Novie Joy a. Durato

Youngsville Subdivision
Opol, Misamis Oriental
Contact no. 09261102535


AGE: 22

BIRTHPLACE: Crossing, Libona Bukidnon





TERTIARY: Opol Community College

Poblacion, Opol, Misamis Oriental

SECONDARY: Libona National High School

Crossing, Libona Bukidnon

PRIMARY: Igpit Elementary School

Igpit, Opol, Misamis Oriental

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