5 Skills Every New Manager PDF
5 Skills Every New Manager PDF
5 Skills Every New Manager PDF
Table of Contents
Introduction........................................................................................ pg.01
05 Manage Performance...................................................................pg.12
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5 Skills Every New Manager Needs To Succeed
With practice, you’ll As a superstar on your team, you’ve just been promoted and will take on
get comfortable management responsibilities for the first time in your career. Being a successful
with the basic contributor and doing your job well has gotten you here and now it’s time to channel
skills needed to be that talent and energy into a management position.
effective in your
new role. It’s normal to feel anxious about transitioning from an individual contributor to
overseeing the work of others. Making this switch comes with a whole new set
of challenges you’ve never been trained for. Beyond your own work, you’re now
charged with helping others succeed and develop to help meet your organization’s
goals. The truth is that the skills that made you a great team player won't necessarily
make you a great manager.
The good news: With practice, you’ll get comfortable with the basic skills needed
to be effective in your new role. In this download, we’ll cover the five essential skills
you’ll need to succeed.
Skill 01
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5 Skills Every New Manager Needs To Succeed
Achieve the right As a manager, you will have to play many roles—wear different hats at
results with and different times—to add value. Let’s look at the typical roles you must play in
through others order to achieve the right results with and through others.
Looks beyond the current day-to-day work requirements and determines
where his/her organization needs to go. Leaders move their organizations
forward by thinking strategically about the directions they need to take.
They form relationships beyond the organization to build and maintain the
reputation of the organization
Is able to define a problem and take the initiative to determine a solution.
Using planning and goal-setting skills, the director determines what to
delegate and ensures that individuals understand what they are being
asked to do.
Is expected to be task-oriented and work-focused, ensuring that his/her
own personal productivity is attended to
Is engaged in the development of people, helping them to acquire and
refine skills as well as to focus their motivation and commitment.
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5 Skills Every New Manager Needs To Succeed
Pays attention to what is going on in the unit, determining whether people
are meeting their objectives and watching to see that the unit is meeting
its goals. The observer is also responsible for understanding what is
important for the team to know and ensures that information overload
does not occur.
Facilitates adaptation and change, paying attention to the changing
environment, identifying trends that impact the organization, and then
determining changes needed for the organization’s success.
Takes responsibility for planning work as well as organizing tasks and
structures. He/she then follows up to ensure tasks are completed by
attending to technological needs, staff coordination, crisis handling, etc.
Skill 02
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5 Skills Every New Manager Needs To Succeed
02 Managers Need To
Communicate Effectively
Without effective communication, the “right things” simply won’t get done
successfully in the long run. Without effective communication, a manager can’t
build a motivational work climate. Without effective communication, there simply is
no leadership. Most of the roles that managers have to perform absolutely require
effective communication. Even though we have all grown up communicating, doing it
successfully as a manager can require effort and practice. It is a process that can get
off track in a number of places.
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5 Skills Every New Manager Needs To Succeed
02 Managers Need To
Communicate Effectively
Completeness Timeliness
Is all necessary information Is the message delivered,
conveyed? Are the emotional received, and understood
elements of the issue within a time period that will
communicated, as well as the allow appropriate response?
task aspects?
Skill 03
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5 Skills Every New Manager Needs To Succeed
03 Managers Need To
Delegate Effectively
Managers who Delegation is the allocation of a job or task along with some defined amount
delegate effectively of authority to accomplish the task. Managers who delegate effectively have
have direct reports direct reports who are more capable and enthusiastic. Their direct reports
who are more are seen as competent and committed to taking on more projects or tasks,
capable and thereby freeing up the managers’ time to work on tasks that cannot be
enthusiastic delegated.
3. When I delegate work to any of my direct reports, I provide them with all
the information I have on the subject.
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5 Skills Every New Manager Needs To Succeed
03 Managers Need To
Delegate Effectively
Managers who
delegate effectively
have direct reports
who are more
• When tasks are closely related to the work employees are already doing
capable and
enthusiastic • When tasks have clearly defined procedures and end results
• When tasks are repetitive and fit into the normal workflow
• When the task falls clearly within the manager’s personal responsibilities
(e.g., conducting a performance appraisal)
• When the successful completion of the task by the employee will require
more assistance than the manager can give
• When the assignment might place the employee or the organization at risk
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5 Skills Every New Manager Needs To Succeed
03 Managers Need To
Delegate Effectively
2. Test for Clarity: One of the primary reasons delegation goes off track
is misunderstanding between tvhe manager and the employee. After
explaining the assignment, check to ensure that you have been clear and
that the employee has the same picture of the task as you do.
Skill 04
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5 Skills Every New Manager Needs To Succeed
• Won’t believe it
• Will be threatened by it
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5 Skills Every New Manager Needs To Succeed
It can be
helpful It can be difficult to remember the rules and guidelines for useful feedback when you are
to use a in the moment and emotionally engaged. It can be helpful to use a memory tool to help
memory tool craft feedback “on the fly”:
to help craft
“on the fly”
When you… What I’d like…
(Describe the behavior) (Describe how you’d like the
employee to behave)
I feel…
(Describe the feeling) Because…
(Describe the benefit of
the new behavior)
(Describe the impact/
consequences of the What do you think?
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5 Skills Every New Manager Needs To Succeed
Skill 05
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5 Skills Every New Manager Needs To Succeed
Effective Managers must be able to help their direct reports perform at a high level.
performance The consequences of not being able to are serious— business goes away;
management operations are downsized, right-sized, or otherwise affected; plants close;
is the avenue organizations disappear. Even organizations that have discovered a strategic
for achieving advantage that gives them a leg up on their competition maintain it only through
organizational the performance of their workforce.
goals that
From a personal perspective, the consequences of not managing performance
impact the
can be devastating to a manager. A manager whose unit is “just getting
by” is a prime candidate to lose resources, thereby limiting the potential for
bottom line.
The greater the alignment, the greater the success for both the organization and
the individual.
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5 Skills Every New Manager Needs To Succeed
Schedule regular
Make open
an ongoing
management shouldn’t
consist of an annual
Make the time to
appraisal…It’s an ongoing
interact with your
direct report at least
once a day.
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5 Skills Every New Manager Needs To Succeed
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5 Skills Every New Manager Needs To Succeed
2. Accuracy—Is it true?
If it is an opinion or assumption, is it labeled as such?
3. Completeness
Is all necessary information conveyed? Are the emotional elements of the
issue communicated, as well as the task aspects?
4. Timeliness
Is the message delivered, received, and understood within a time period
that will allow appropriate response?
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5 Skills Every New Manager Needs To Succeed
2. Clarify expectations.
Don’t leave comments or comments or conversation up for interpretation.
The greatest gift you can give someone is clarity.
From communication to feedback and positive reinforcement, you now have a grasp
on the skills you’ll need to effectively deal with your team, your boss and senior
management. Put these people skills to work and you’ll be equipped to handle new
management challenges with confidence.
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5 Skills Every New Manager Needs To Succeed
Managing for People Who Hate Managing
Management Skills for New Managers
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5 Skills Every New Manager Needs To Succeed
Management Skills for New Managers
Developing Your Emotional Intelligence
Critical Thinking
Learn More
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