Conferred With Awards of Excellence by The Commonwealth of Learning (COL), Canada
Conferred With Awards of Excellence by The Commonwealth of Learning (COL), Canada
Conferred With Awards of Excellence by The Commonwealth of Learning (COL), Canada
The School offers a wide range of courses in Management and Commerce. It introduced course
wise registration in Management Programs. Each academic year is divided into two semesters:
January to June and July to December.
1st Semester:
MS-1 Management Functions and Behavior
MS-2 Management of Human Resources
MS-3 Economic and Social Environment
MS-4 Accounting and Finance for Managers
MS-5 Management of Machines and Materials
2nd Semester:
MS-6 Marketing for Managers
MS-7 Information Systems for Managers
MS-8 Quantitative Analysis for Managerial Applications
MS-9 Managerial Economics
MS-11 Strategic Management
3rd Semester:
MS-95 Research Methodology for Management Decisions
MS-10 Organizational Design, Development and Change
MS-100 Project Work (Equivalent to 2(Two) courses)
Two Specialization courses of your choice
4th Semester:
MS-91 Advanced Strategic Management
Three Specialization courses from specialization stream opted in Semester-III
Any one elective course out of MS-92, 93, 94, 96, 97
Specialization Streams:
The examination will be taken by IGNOU through ICA.
The admission in MBA is taken for January and July session.