098si - Owonrin Okanran

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1. Ifa says that it foresees the ire of accomplishment and

victory over conspiracy for the person for whom this Odu is
revealed. Ifa says that this person is a leader in his
community. He/she will overcome the conspiracy of the
inhabitants of his community. Ifa advises this person to offer
ebo with 16 finger rings, four guinea-fowls, four pigeons and
money. He/she also needs to feed his/her Ori with kolanut
and liquor. On this, Ifa says:

Oru dudu awo Oba

Dia fun Oba
Oba nsunkun apa oun o kaye
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Oba ni yoo kamoo gbogbo won
Ayafi boruka o ba kawo
Oba ni yoo kamoo won o

Oru dudu the awo of Oba
He cast Ifa for Oba
When Oba was lamenting that he has no authority over his
He was advised to offer ebo
He comply
The Oba will have authority over his dominion
If the finger ring cannot accommodate the finger

2. Ifa advises a woman looking for the fruit of the womb to offer
ebo of childbearing. Her relatives and contemporaries had
already lost hope on her that she could never beget any
child. Ifa however says that this woman still has children in
her womb. Ifa advises this woman to offer ebo with two
hens, and money. She also needs to feed Ifa with four rats.
On this, Ifa says:

Owonrin pakan
Olokanran pakan o
Bale ba le n o maa pa kan
Oganjo gan dodoodo n o maa pakan
Dia fun Eja
Tii somo Onibu awogbe
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Omo ku ninuu mi
Omo ku ninuu mi o
Kuku agbado
Otito lomo mama ku

Owonrin kills one
Olokanran kills one
During the evening time I will kill one
In the dead of the night I will also kill one
Ifa’s message for the fish
The offspring of the deep sea
When she was lamenting her inability to beget her own
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
There are more children in my womb
Babies still remains in my womb
Kuku agbado, the maize cob
It is true that babies remain in my womb

3. Ifa says that it foresees the ire of victory for this person. ifa
advises him/her to offer ebo with three roosters, three hens
and money. He/she also needs to feed Sango with one
rooster. On this, Ifa says:

Owonrin pokanran i-wojo

Dia fun Olukoso lalu
Jenrola omo Arigba ota segun
Eyi ti nbe nigbatemo araye
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Nje kilarira fi sete
Igba ota Larira fi sete

Owonrin pokanran i-wojo
He cast Ifa for Olukoso lalu
Jenrola who has 200 pebbles to overcome enemies
When he was in the midst of conspiracies
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
What did Sango use to overcome conspiracies
It was 200 pebbles that Sango used to overcome

4. Ifa advises a woman to offer ebo with one matured ram, and
money in order not to become a widow overnight. On this,
Ifa says:

Owonrin pakan
Olokanran pakan o
Dia fun Okunkun
Ti nloo su’le lopo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O koti ogbonyin sebo
Eyin o ri okunkun
Bo ti nsu’le lopo biribiri

Owonrin kills one
Olokanran kills one
Ifa’s message for Okunkun, the shadow
When going to become the widow of the ground
She was advised to offer ebo
She failed to comply
Can’t you see Okunkun
Who had become the shadow of ground
5. Ifa says that there is the need to offer ebo for one child in
order not to lose the child. Ifa says that if this child should
die it will pain the parents for the rest of their lives especially
the mother. No amount of tears will bring any succor for the
mother. Ifa advises the mother to offer ebo with one
matured he-goat, one matured she-goat, one cutlass, one
knife and money. on this, Ifa says:

Owonrin pokanran iwojo

Dia fun Ekun-o-debe
Dia fun ola-ekun omo re o
Ekun o debi oro gbe ndun won lailai

Owonrin pokanran iwojo
Ifa’s message for Ekun-o-debe, no amount of tears can bring
Ifa’s message for Olaekun her child
No amount of weeping will bring comfort where this pain
come from

6. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo against food poisoning or

drink poisoning. There is also the need for this person to
take good care of all his/her cooking and eating utensils in
order for it not to be contaminated. Ifa says that if this
ailment begins it will be troubling this person in the heart,
lung and intestine. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo with
three roosters and money. After this, they will make a
preparation of raw cornmeal, grinded red pepper, and mix
the two together. This person will drink a little bit and pour
the rest on Esu.

Owonrin pokan awo Eja

Dia fun Eja
Tii somo onibu Iragbiji
Ebo aiku ni won ni ko waa se
O koti ogbonyin sebo
Eja i ba tete mo
I ba wa fowo sarufin ebo

Owonrin pokan the aw of Eja the fish
He cast Ifa for the fish
The offspring of the deep sea
She was advised to offer ebo of longevity
She failed to comply
Had the fish known in time
She would have spent her money to offer the prescribed ebo

7. Ifa says that this person is a child of Obatala but they no

longer recognize Obatala in his/her lineage. Has they had
turns their back on Obatala, so also has he turned his back
on them too. It is in their best interest to go back to Obatala
and propitiate the Irunmole with 16 land snail and shea-
butter so that their success will be given to them. Ebo
materials: three pigeons, three guinea-fowls, three roosters
and money.

Owonrin pakan iwojo

Dia fun Olujide
Omo olorun figba bowa mole
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
Oje le tin sin ni dawo-ile
Olujide ewo le wa dele ide

Owonrin pakan iwojo
He cast Ifa for Olujide
He whose destiny had been covered by the heavens
He was advised to offer ebo
You are devotees of the Orisa who uses led in Idawo-ile
Olujide what are you doing with the Orisa who uses brass

8. Ifa says that it foresees the ire of a compatible spouse for

this person. The woman will bring peace of mind and
progress for this person. ebo materials: two hens and
money. He also needs to feed Ifa with four rats, and four

Owonrin pakan
Olokanran pakan
Dia fun Orunmila
Ifa nlo ree soko Laari
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E ba ni ni jebutu ire

Owonrin pakan
Olokanran pakan
They cast Ifa for Orunmila
When going to become the husband of Laari
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of all Ire of life

9. Ifa says that there is the need for this person to offer ebo
against disaster during the forthcoming dry season. Ifa
advises this person to offer ebo with one matured he-goat,
three roosters and money. on this, Ifa says:

Owonrin pokanran
Awo Eja dia f’Eja
Won ni ko sebo igba eeru yoo yan-an
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni ni jebutu ire
Owonrin pokanran
The awo of the fish cast Ifa for the fish
When the fish was advised to offer ebo against disaster
during the coming dry season
She refused to comply
Traveler to Ipo and Ofa towns
Let those advised to offer ebo do so accordingly

10. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo in order to avert

multiple deaths that will affect both grownups and children in
his/her household. Ebo materials: one matured he-goat,
three roosters and money. on this, Ifa says:

Ero koo
Eda geere
Dia fun Orunlojo Eja
Won ntorun bo waye
Ebo ni won ni ki won waa se
Dia fun Aro
O ntorun bo wale Aye
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Aro nikan ni nbe leyin ti nsebo
Nje ori eja ko wogere
Ori Aro lori eja o
Ori eja ko wogere
Ero koo
Eda geere
They cast Ifa for the 165 fish
When coming from heaven to earth
They were advised to offer ebo
Ero koo
Eda geere
They cast Ifa for Aro, the Big head
When coming from heaven to earth
She was advised to offer ebo
Only Aro complied with the advice
The head of the fish cannot enter the trap
The head of Aro is a big head
The head

11. Ifa advises two bosom friends or two siblings to offer

ebo in order to avoid serious confrontation that may lead to
physical damage. Ebo materials: each of them will offer
roosters and money. on this, Ifa says:

Aja oro nii ki bi enii naa

Opoku nii sinhoho re’Fe
Esu igbonse nii m’omo rinde oganjo
Dia fun Owonrin
A bu fun Okanran
Ebo ni won ni ki won waa se
Won koti ogbonyin sebo
Ija Owonrin oun Okanran
Lo wa gba’gba gba’gbon lona oko!

The dog used to propitiate Oro howls like as if it was
been beaten
Opoku walked nakedly to Ife
When a child is pressed by faces he would be forced to
go out in the dead of the night
Ifa’s message for Owonrin
And also for Okanran
They were advised to offer ebo
They refused to comply
The confrontation between Owonrin and Okanran
It led to serious disaster on the way to the farm

12. Ifa says that this person is being confronted with

serious crisis. The person creating this crisis for him/her
was not considered important or a threat. However, there is
the need to take it seriously. Ifa advises this person to offer
ebo with one matured he-goat, three roosters and money.
on this, Ifa says:

Itale abidi rogodo

Dia fun Kanyinkanyin
Ti nsologun labe odede
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni laruuse ogun

Itale insect with round abdomen
Ifa’s message for Kayinkayin the Soldier Ant
Who is the warrior under the roof of the house
He was advised to offer ebo
Travelers to Ipo and Ofa towns
Let those advised to offer ebo do so accordingly

13. Ifa says that it foresee the ire of childbearing for the
person for whom this Odu is revealed. Ifa says this person
will be blessed with many children in life. Ifa and Osun will
help this person to beget as many children as she wants. As
a matter of fact, Ifa says that the breeze of childbearing is
already blowing towards this person. ifa advises this person
to offer ebo with two hens, four rats, four fish and money.
She also needs to feed Ifa and Osun with pounded yam and
melon soup. On this, Ifa says:

Funnso omo Igun

Alengba omo Akala
Amosuleka omo Agbonniregun
Awon ni won loo kifa fun Adewumi
Omo Olowu Sakorogbale
Won kifa won o jafa
Won kibo won o fobo
Won ni titi, won koregede
Adewumi o se’pon
Bee ni o woye
Isu to fi kana, bee ni ko tu
Won wa ndari bo wale
Won padee Yanrinyanrin awo Ajosan
Adaba-susu awo Kasikasi Awuro
Won wa pade Idambiri awo apo leyin igi
Won lo ti je ti e roju kookoo
Bi eni o so pa
E feyin ti pere
Bi eni oro n dun
Won ni awon loo sefa fun Adewumi
Omo Olowu Sakorogbale
Awo kifa awon o jafa
Awo kibo awon o fobo
Awo ki titi awo k’oregede
Adewumi o sepon, bee ni o woye
Isu to fi lena, bee ni o tu
Won nifa o kinlo da ri?
Won ni Owonrin lotun-in Okanran losi
Won ni ki won seri pada
Ki won so pe Ifa so loju ona
Ki won ni nitori omo lo fi dafa
Ko maa bofa, ko si maa b’Osun
Ka gunyan bofa, ko si gunyan bosun
Adewumi fikoke sile, omo odo lo fi nsepon
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
O wa bofa
O wa bosin
Adewumi wa dolomo yebeyebe

Funso, the son of Igun
Alengba the son of Akala
Amosunleka the son of Agbonniregun
They were the one’s who went to consult Ifa for
The daughter of Olowu Sakorogbale
They recited several stanzas of Ifa
But they could not get the reason why Adewumi
consulted Ifa
Adewumi did not respond positively to their gestures
She did not prepare any food for them
They were not coming back home
They meant Yanrinyanrin the awo of Ajosan on the way
And Adaba susu the awo of the morning
And also Idambiri the awo who hides behind the tree
They asked why they were not happy
They responded that they went to consult Ifa for
The daughter of Olowu Sakorogbale
They recited Ifa but they did not get the reason why she
asked for Ifa consultation
They asked them to tell the Odu that was revealed
They responded that it was Owonrin on the right
And Okanran on the left
They were instructed to return to Adewumi
And tell Adewumi that they just remembered the reason
why she consulted Ifa
They were to tell her that it was because of child
bearing that she consulted Ifa
Adewumi congratulated the awo
And she offered the ebo as prescribed
Adewumi then became a proud mother of many

14. Ifa says that there is pregnant woman where this Odu is
revealed this one must move away from her husband’s
house and return to her mother’s place to stay until she
gives birth to her baby. This is in order to save the pregnant
woman from losing her life. Conversely, this woman may be
sent to a neutral place to stay until she gives birth to her
baby as long as she does not stay in her matrimonial home.
She needs to return to her matrimonial home together with
her baby after she had already given birth. Anything short of
that is likely going to make her to lose her life. Ebo
materials: one big he-goat and money.

Owonrin pakankan
Babalawo Ekun-dajo lo kifa fun Ekundajo
Igba nfomi oju sungbere omo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O koti ogbonyin sebo
Iyawo e loyun
O ba padanu Iyawo
Won ni Ibi ba Ekuudajo
Owonrin pakankan
The awo of Ekuudajo
Cast Ifa for Ekuudajo
When lamenting his inability to have his own children
He was advised to offer ebo
He failed to comply
His wife became pregnant
And he lost the wife
They said that disaster had befalling Ekuudajo

15. Ifa says that if anybody is planning to spoil the

reputation of this person it turn to good publicity. Ifa advises
this person to offer ebo against unconsummated fortune and
unfulfilled dreams. Ebo materials: three roosters and
money. on this, Ifa says:

Ajiro-dugbedugbe awo ajiro dugbedugbe

Ajiro-dugbedugbe awo ajirodugbedugbe
Idanibiri awo apon-leyin-igi
Dia fun Ona
Ti won dajo ikure si ireni piiti
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni ni jebutu ire

Ajiro-dugbedugbe is the awo of ajiro dugbedugbe
Ajiro-dugbedugbe is the awo of ajirodugbedugbe
Idanibiri is the awo who hides under a tree
Ifa’s message for Ona, the Path
When they declared that he would die within four days
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Instead of killing the Path
The Path becomes wider

16. If Ifa says that it foresees death in this Odu during Ifa
consultation. This person will not die. It is the bosom friend
of this person who will die within nine days of consulting Ifa.
Ifa says that this friend will experience faintness of dizziness
within seven to nine days of this Ifa consultation. This friend
may think that it is an ordinary dizziness. It is not. It is the
death that will kill this friend that has come to visit him/her.
Ifa says that this friend had been suffering from certain
ailment that he had not taken adequate care of. The
moment this friend sees this sign, he/she must know that it
remains only 48 hours for him/her to live on earth. Ebo
materials: one matured ram, ten yards of white clothe that
this friend must use as coverlet, plenty of okra, plenty of
Ikan, and plenty of Panduku. He/she will need an iron hook
that will be used to hang all the ebo materials on top of Sigo
tree. This friend will use the white clothe to wrap
himself/herself as a corpse and will return the white clothe to
the Babalawo the next day. On this, Ifa says:
Koko igi ni kii nigi lara
Eeekan agba ni kii kan agba niha
Aya diidi efon nii fii jeko lo ru
Dia fun Agidiyimagba
Ti nsore Iku
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ojise orun kii je ila
Idena orun kii je ikan
Ajale orun kii je panduku ti o loju

The lump of a tree does not inconvenient the tree
The knot of a barrel does not give the barrel any
The braveness of the Buffalo is what makes it to go out
to hunt for food in the dead of the night
Ifa’s message for Agidiyimogba
Who is the friend of iku death
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
The delegates of heaven do not consume okra
The representatives of heaven do not consume garden
And the Ajale of heaven do not consume Panduku

Aboru Aboye
1. Ifa – for direction, success, victory, elevation, support,
sanctuary, love, contentment and overall wellbeing
2. Ori – for fulfillment of destiny, victory, support, sanctuary,
elevation, progress, success, self realization, and overall
3. Esu-Odara – for victory, sanctuary, support, guidance,
progress, elevation, and general well being
4. Ogun –for victory over enemies, success, elevation,
contentment and general well being
5. Sango – for victory over enemies, leadership, support, and
overall success
6. Osun – for compatible spouse, childbearing, childrearing,
success, and overall wellbeing
7. Obatala – for victory, progress, support, leadership,
progress, success and general well being


1. Must never eat fish – to avoid unconsummated fortune and
2. Must never work as a fisherman or sell fish – to avoid
unconsummated fortune and failure
3. Must never be going out or walking in the dead of the night –
to avoid unconsummated fortune, failure and disaster
4. Must never wear red, black or multicolor dresses – to avoid
failure, unconsummated fortune, disappointment and the
wrath of the Irunmole
5. Must never drink palm-wine or eat the meat of a dog – to
avoid failure, disaster and the wrath of the divinities
6. Must never revenge any wrong done to you – to avoid
disaster, pain and anguish
7. Must never allow a pregnant woman to stay in your
matrimonial home during pregnancy – to avoid losing the


1. Ifa/Orisa Priest/Priestess
2. Road construction, civil engineer, land surveyor, land
3. Administrator, welfare officer, counseling officer, politician,


1. Olajide – honour has arrived
2. Adewumi – I love being crowned as an Oba

1. Laari – a responsible person
2. Ifasotito – Ifa is truthful

Aboru Aboye

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