Objective: Methods: Results: Conclusions:: What's Known On This Subject
Objective: Methods: Results: Conclusions:: What's Known On This Subject
Objective: Methods: Results: Conclusions:: What's Known On This Subject
What’s Known on This Subject:
Cerebral edema (CE) occurs frequently during treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) in
children. Severe, life-threatening CE occurs rarely, but subclinical CE is common. Whether
the rate of infusion of intravenous fluids influences the occurrence or severity of CE is
What This Study Adds:
This study demonstrates that the rate of fluid infusion in children with DKA does not
substantially affect MRI measures of CE. Studies assessing measures other than edema
formation are necessary to determine whether fluid infusion rates influence DKA-related
brain injury.
Optimal fluid therapy for children with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a topic of
considerable debate. Much of this debate has centered on how to prevent cerebral edema
(CE), the most feared complication of DKA in children. Investigators have proposed that
DKA-related CE may be related to excessive rates of intravenous fluid infusion, particularly
when associated with rapid declines in serum osmolality.1,2According to this hypothesis,
osmotic changes lead to fluid influx into brain cells. If this hypothesis is correct, DKA-
related CE might be decreased by administering fluids at slower rates. Alternatively, DKA-
related CE has been proposed to be caused by cerebral hypoperfusion and the effects of
reperfusion during DKA treatment.3,4 The optimal rehydration strategy suggested by this
hypothesis is less clear. More rapid rehydration could theoretically limit the duration of
cerebral hypoperfusion, thereby reducing cerebral injury. Conversely, rapid rehydration
might exacerbate vasogenic edema occurring during reperfusion, particularly if blood-brain
barrier breakdown occurs. Thus, the optimal rehydration strategy for pediatric DKA remains
Clinically apparent CE occurs in only 0.5% to 1% of DKA episodes5–7; however, CE that is
asymptomatic or associated with only minor mental status alterations occurs much more
frequently.8–10 This subclinical CE can be demonstrated by using various techniques,
including magnetic resonance diffusion weighted imaging (DWI).4,11 DWI quantifies the
diffusion of water molecules in brain tissues and is reported as the apparent diffusion
coefficient (ADC).12,13 During DKA treatment, children have elevated cerebral ADC values
(suggesting vasogenic CE) that decrease after recovery.4,11 Comparison of ADC changes in
children with DKA might therefore serve as an index of subclinical CE. In this study, we
compared ADC changes in children with DKA randomly assigned to slower versus more
rapid rehydration to determine whether rehydration rate affects CE formation.
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Children presenting to the emergency department between 2008 and 2011 were eligible for
participation if they were 8 to 18 years old, were diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, and had
DKA (defined as serum glucose >300 mg/dL, venous pH <7.25, or serum bicarbonate <15
mEq/L, and a positive test for urine ketones). Children were excluded if they had dental
hardware that could interfere with MRI or cognitive deficits that would limit ability to
cooperate with imaging. Children transferred to the study center after beginning DKA
treatment were also excluded. The study was approved by the hospital institutional review
Treatment Protocol
After obtaining written informed consent from guardians, patients were randomly assigned to
1 of 2 protocols by using a computer-generated random permuted block sequence. The
protocols are summarized in Table 1. Clinicians and research personnel were made aware of
the patient’s assignment by opening a sealed envelope after obtaining consent. Protocol
assignment envelopes were pre-stocked in the ED by the principal investigators. Participants
were not aware of their protocol assignments.
Summary of Fluid Protocols
Protocol A Protocol B
Fluid type 0.9% saline while serum glucose is >250 0.9% saline while serum glucose is >250
mg/dL, followed by 0.45% saline mg/dL, followed by 0.45% saline
For both protocols, insulin was initiated after the first fluid bolus as a continuous infusion of
0.1 U/Kg/hour. Potassium was administered as an equal mixture of potassium chloride and
potassium phosphate. To optimize patient safety, regardless of protocol assignment,
additional fluid boluses could be administered if these were thought necessary based on
circulatory status. Similarly, treating physicians were able to adjust fluid infusion rates if it
was felt that the rate prescribed by the study protocol might compromise patient safety.
Vital signs were evaluated hourly. Neurologic status was assessed hourly by using an age-
appropriate Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)14 for all patients, and every 30 minutes for patients
with altered mental status. Abnormal mental status was defined as a GCS score <14. Serum
electrolyte concentrations, venous pH, and PCO2 were measured at presentation and every 3
hours, and blood glucose concentrations were measured hourly until the intravenous insulin
infusion was discontinued. Effective osmolality was calculated as follows: 2[measured serum
Na (mmol/L)] + [serum glucose (mg/dL) / 18].
Imaging Procedures
Patients underwent DWI at 3 time points: (1) 3 to 6 hours after the initiation of DKA
treatment (defined by the administration of the first fluid bolus), (2) 9 to 12 hours after the
initiation of DKA treatment, and (3) after recovery from DKA (≥72 hours after initiation of
treatment). Methods for DWI were similar to those previously described11 and can be found
in the Supplemental Information.
We recorded ADC values in 4 regions: the basal ganglia, thalamus, hippocampus, and frontal
white matter. ADC measurements were obtained by a single radiologist who was blinded to
the patients’ group assignments. The mean of ADC measurements on the right and left sides
of the brain was used as the value for each region. Mean brain ADC values were determined
by calculating the mean of ADC values measured in all 4 regions. Finally, to estimate brain
ADC during the first 12 hours of treatment, ADC values at 3 to 6 hours and 9 to 12 hours
were averaged. For patients who were unable to tolerate MRI at 1 of the time points (n = 4 at
3–6 hours, n = 2 at 9–12 hours), ADC data from just 1 time point were used. This approach
was considered valid because ADC values at 3 to 6 hours and 9 to 12 hours were not
significantly different (see Results). We avoided pharmacologic sedation during the imaging
procedures whenever possible. When necessary, midazolam (≤0.1 mg/kg) was used.
Statistical Analysis
This pilot study was aimed at determining whether clear and obvious differences in MRI
measures of CE could be detected in patients hydrated with 2 different regimens. We aimed
to enroll 10 patients into each arm providing an 80% power to detect a 1.3 SD difference in
ADC change between DKA treatment and postrecovery. Data were examined yearly by an
independent Data Safety Monitoring Board to monitor patient safety. No safety concerns
were identified.
ADC values during DKA treatment were compared with postrecovery values by using the
Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Differences between groups in ADC changes were compared by
using the Wilcoxon rank-sum test. We used linear regression to evaluate the effects of group
assignment on ADC change after adjusting for the patients’ risk for CE (high risk versus low
risk). High risk was defined as the patient having either serum urea nitrogen (SUN)
concentrations in the upper quartile or pH in the lower quartile of values for enrolled
patients.6,15 Biochemical and demographic data for the groups were compared by using the
Wilcoxon rank-sum test for continuous variables and the χ2 test for dichotomous variables.
Finally, differences in rates of change of biochemical variables during treatment were
evaluated by using linear mixed effects models for longitudinal data to estimate and compare
average slopes (mean change in outcome per hour of treatment) for each group.
To provide more accurate graphic representations of trends in sodium and glucose
concentrations, missing values (5% of sodium and 14% of glucose values) were imputed by
assuming a linear trend in these measures. Missing values for pH (7%) and PCO2 (7%) were
not imputed because trends in these variables were not consistently linear and were less
predictable. We considered P values <.05 to indicate statistical significance and P values
<.10 to represent a trend. Statistical analyses were performed by using Stata SE 11.1 (Stata
Corp, College Station, TX).
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Eighteen patients were enrolled in the study. Two were enrolled twice, therefore the study
involved 20 DKA episodes. Ten episodes were randomized to protocol A and 10 to protocol
B. Two patients, both randomized to protocol A, were unable to complete the MRI. One
patient had anxiety related to claustrophobia and was unable to remain sufficiently immobile
to accomplish the studies. The other presented to the emergency department with abnormal
mental status (GCS score of 9). Shortly after randomization, it was decided by the clinical
team that the patient was not sufficiently stable for MRI studies. Both patients were
withdrawn from the study and treated according to the institution’s standard DKA protocol.
The final analytical data set therefore included 18 DKA episodes; 8 episodes treated with
protocol A and 10 with protocol B.
All participants, including the 2 patients who were withdrawn, recovered fully from DKA
without apparent neurologic or cognitive deficits. Of the patients included in the final data
set, 1 (randomized to protocol A) was treated for suspected CE. This patient had a decline in
GCS score to 13 ∼90 minutes after beginning treatment. Thirty minutes later, the patient’s
GCS score declined to 12, and the patient was treated with mannitol. No improvement in
mental status was observed after mannitol, and no additional treatment of CE was
administered. The patient’s mental status spontaneously improved at hour 6 and returned to
normal by hour 9. This patient was thought to be too unstable to undergo the first set of
imaging studies. At the second time point (9–12 hours), imaging studies showed no findings
indicative of overt CE. All other patients in the final database had GCS scores no lower than
14 throughout treatment.
Biochemical data describing the study groups are presented in Table 2. Although the
volumes of initial fluid boluses were dictated by protocol, physicians were allowed to
administer additional fluid boluses if this was felt necessary based on indicators of
circulatory status. Patients in both groups received additional boluses beyond those dictated
by the protocols. Group A received a mean of 32 ± 17 mL/kg as fluid boluses, and group B
received 19 ± 10 mL/kg (P = .06). Two patients discontinued intravenous insulin and fluids
before 12 hours, 1 after 8 and the other after 11 hours. Intravenous fluids received by both
groups were therefore compared for the first 8 hours of treatment only. During this period,
group A received a total of 61 ± 19 mL/kg and group B received 42 ± 7 mL/kg (P = .01).
Note that the greater variability in fluid administration in group A is attributable to
replacement of urine output volume as dictated by protocol A.
Clinical and Biochemical Characteristics of Treatment Groupsa
Changes in biochemical values during DKA treatment with rapid fluid infusion versus slow fluid
infusion. Slope (95% confidence interval [CI]) for group A, slope (95% CI) for group B, and P value
for each variable: pH: 0.021 (0.015 to 0.028), 0.017 (0.012 to 0.023), P = .39. PCO2: 0.75 (0.28 to
1.21), 1.05 (0.64 to 1.47), P = .33. Glucose: –41 (–55 to –29), –33 (–45 to –21), P = .35. Sodium:
0.56 (0.31 to 0.81), 0.35 (0.13 to 0.57), P = .23. Effective osmolality: –1.2 (–1.8 to –0.7), –1.1 (–1.6
to –0.6), P = .80. Note: Average slopes are the maximum likelihood estimates of the treatment group
specific fixed effect of time from mixed effects linear regression models for longitudinal data.
Models were specified with fixed effects for time of treatment, group, and the interaction of group
and time and random effects for slopes and intercepts.
In both groups, mean brain ADC values were similar at 3 to 6 hours and 9 to 12 hours (Fig
2, P = .75). ADC values at both time points in both groups were significantly higher than
after recovery, consistent with vasogenic CE. Similar trends were observed in all 4 brain
regions, although ADC values were more variable in the thalamus than the other 3 regions
(Fig 3). Because no significant differences were observed between the 3- to 6-hour and 9- to
12-hour points in mean brain ADC, these values were averaged to calculate overall mean
ADC values during DKA treatment. This overall mean ADC was used for comparisons of
ADC changes between the 2 groups. Comparison of the mean brain ADC changes during
DKA treatment did not detect significant differences between groups (Fig 4). Because some
patients received additional fluid boluses beyond those prescribed by protocol, we also
compared ADC changes based on actual fluid volumes received. In this subanalysis, there
were no significant differences in ADC change between patients who received >50 versus
<50 cc/kg of intravenous fluid during the first 8 hours of treatment (mean ADC change 36 ±
31 vs 45 ± 37 mm2/sec, P = .58).
Mean brain ADC values in both treatment groups measured at 3 to 6 hours and 9 to 12 hours after
beginning DKA treatment and after recovery from DKA. Data shown represent the mean of 4 regions
of interest: basal ganglia, thalamus, frontal white matter, and hippocampus. P = .75 for comparison
of 3- to 6-hour with 9- to 12-hour values, P = .002 for comparison of 3- to 6-hour with postrecovery
values, P = .002 for comparison of 9- to 12-hour with postrecovery values.
Brain ADC values in both treatment groups measured at 3 to 6 hours and 9 to 12 hours after
beginning DKA treatment and after recovery from DKA in 4 regions of interest: basal ganglia,
frontal white matter, hippocampus, and thalamus.
Mean brain ADC values (average of 3- to 6-hour and 9- to 12-hour values) during DKA treatment
and after recovery. Solid circles/solid lines: slow rehydration protocol. Open circles/dotted lines:
rapid rehydration protocol. P < .001 for comparison of DKA ADC values versus postrecovery ADC
values for all patients.
Because certain biochemical profiles (higher SUN concentrations and greater acidosis) are
associated with higher risk of clinically evident CE as well as greater subclinical CE during
DKA treatment,4,6,15 we divided patients into high- versus low-risk groups (high risk defined
as SUN in the upper quartile [≥27 mg/dL] and/or pH in the lower quartile [≤6.97] for
enrolled patients). Five patients in group A (62%) and 3 in group B (30%) met high-risk
criteria (Fig 5). ADC changes were greater in the high-risk group (P = .04), regardless of
protocol assignment. Among low-risk patients, there was a trend toward lesser ADC change
in patients treated with more rapid rehydration (protocol A, P = .09), but there were no
significant differences according to protocol assignment among the high-risk patients.
Brain ADC values in patients at higher risk and lower risk of DKA-related CE. Solid circles: slow
rehydration protocol; open circles: rapid rehydration protocol. P = .09 for comparison of ADC
changes between groups in low-risk patients, P = .46 for comparison of ADC changes between
groups in high-risk patients.
To investigate further the effects of treatment protocol on ADC change, we performed a
multiple linear regression analysis. We examined the association of protocol assignment with
ADC change, after adjusting for high- versus low-risk status. Group B served as the
reference group. In this model, treatment group assignment was not significantly associated
with ADC change (β coefficient 0.11 for 1 SD change in ADC, 95% confidence interval: –
0.91 to 1.13).
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The pathophysiology of DKA-related CE is not well understood and debate has focused on
the possible role of intravenous fluids in causing or contributing to CE. Clear associations
between more rapid fluid infusion and greater risk of CE, however, have not been evident in
studies that have controlled for DKA severity.6 In the current study, we demonstrate that
MRI measures of CE (ADC change between treatment and recovery) appear similar in
children with DKA, regardless of whether they are treated with more rapid or slower infusion
of fluids. These findings suggest that the rate of fluid infusion may not be the main
determinant of DKA-related CE or, alternatively, that more sensitive measures or larger
studies are necessary to detect differences in CE or cerebral injury related to variations in
fluid treatment.
Investigators have hypothesized that DKA-related CE may result from rapid declines in
serum osmolality with infusion of intravenous fluids during DKA treatment.1,2 Conservative
infusion of fluids has generally been advocated in pediatric guidelines.16–18 A large study
using multivariable statistical methods to control for DKA severity, however, did not find
associations between rates of fluid infusion and risk of CE.6 In addition, reports of severe and
even fatal DKA-related CE before DKA treatment are difficult to explain based on osmotic
fluctuations.19,20 Lack of consistent data to support osmotic change and/or excess fluid
infusion as the cause of DKA-related CE suggest that other factors should be considered.
Recent data suggest that DKA-related CE may result from mechanisms more complicated
than osmotic shifts. MRI studies in children indicate that edema developing during DKA
treatment is vasogenic, with elevated ADC values and increased cerebral blood flow
(CBF).11 These findings are not consistent with those anticipated to be caused by osmotic
changes.21,22 Furthermore, animal studies suggest that the characteristics of cerebral
perfusion, metabolism, and edema during DKA are similar to those observed during cerebral
ischemia and reperfusion. For example, untreated DKA is characterized by low ADC values
(suggesting cytotoxic edema) and low CBF.23,24 Brain lactate levels are elevated and levels of
high-energy phosphates are decreased.25 These findings are similar to those observed during
cerebral hypoxia or ischemia.26–29 During DKA treatment with insulin and saline, CBF is
elevated, and vasogenic edema develops. Brain levels of high-energy phosphates and ratios
of N-acetylaspartate to creatine (an indicator of neuronal health) decline during initial
treatment with insulin and saline.25 These changes are similar to those observed during
reperfusion after a hypoxic/ischemic insult.
Although data suggest >similarities between DKA-related cerebral injury and
ischemia/reperfusion injury, it remains unclear how conditions present during DKA might
reduce CBF to a degree sufficient to cause injury and/or how metabolic alterations during
DKA might worsen injury caused by relatively mild cerebral hypoperfusion. Furthermore, if
DKA-related brain injury is indeed similar to ischemia/reperfusion injury, the optimal
treatment protocol to lessen such injury is unclear. More aggressive rehydration might lessen
the duration of cerebral hypoperfusion and, because circulatory volume may decline during
treatment as serum osmolality declines, more aggressive rehydration might prevent this
decline, avoiding worsening of cerebral hypoperfusion. Conversely, because
ischemia/reperfusion injury may be associated with blood-brain barrier breakdown, slower
rehydration might decrease vasogenic edema later in the course of treatment. Therefore,
either beneficial or adverse effects of various fluid protocols could be hypothesized. The
current data do not indicate beneficial or adverse effects of either protocol, suggesting that
larger studies using different or more sensitive measures of cerebral injury may be necessary.
The current study has several limitations. Because the exact time course of DKA-related CE
is not known and the time of maximal edema formation may vary among patients, the
optimal timing for imaging children to detect CE is unclear. To partially address this issue,
we imaged children twice during DKA treatment. Nonetheless, it is possible that maximal
edema formation occurring either early (before hour 3–6) or late in treatment (after hour 12)
would not have been detected. Furthermore, although the current data suggest that large
differences in MR measures of CE between children treated with the 2 fluid protocols are
unlikely, our sample size was small, and we cannot exclude the possibility that differences of
smaller magnitude may exist. This question could be addressed in a much larger study;
however, given the variability in ADC among individuals and the complexity of the protocol
(with multiple MRI sessions), completion of a study sufficiently powered to detect small
differences would be difficult if not impossible. In addition, the current study used ADC
changes as a measure of CE. Whether the ADC changes documented in the current study are
indicative of risk of overt clinically apparent CE is uncertain. Because of the rarity of
clinically apparent CE, however, a study of sufficient size to evaluate differences in rates of
clinically apparent CE would not be feasible. Finally, in the current study, we evaluated 2
protocols that were within the standard of care for pediatric DKA. Although there was an
∼45% difference between study arms in fluid infusion rate, it is possible that a larger
difference in fluid infusion may have been associated with greater differences in MRI
measures of CE.
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In this pilot study, DKA treatment protocols using different rates of fluid infusion were not
associated with large or obvious differences in MRI measures of CE. Whether these findings
indicate that rates of fluid infusion do not influence cerebral injury during DKA or whether
differences in subtle cerebral injury associated with fluid infusion rate might be detectable in
a much larger study or by using other methods is unclear. Additional studies comparing the
effects of variations in fluid infusion rate by using alternative methods to detect DKA-related
cerebral injury are necessary.
Nicole S. Glaser, MD, a Sandra L. Wootton-Gorges, MD,a,b Michael H. Buonocore, MD, PhD,b Daniel J.
Tancredi, PhD,a James P. Marcin, MD, MPH,a Ryan Caltagirone, MD,a Yvonne Lee, MD,a Christopher Murphy,