Customer Request Form: - For Internal Use
Customer Request Form: - For Internal Use
Customer Request Form: - For Internal Use
Dear Sir/Madam,
I/We have availed a loan vide Loan account no.________________ I/We hereby confirm that we have paid
Rs.........................., through cash/cheque/DD no .................. dated ................ drawn on ………………., against receipt no
............................... dated ..................... for processing our below request
I/We hereby request you to dispatch the documents to our mailing address as per your records.
New Address (Copy of address proof attached herewith) & Contact Nos :
Yours Sincerely,
(Signature of Borrower/Co-Borrower)
_________________________________________For Internal Use_____________________________________
---------------------------------------------------------------------Customer Acknowledgement-----------------------------------------
Your request for _____________________________ would be processed within ________ working days.