Ap02-Ev04 Implementacion de Una Encuesta en Idioma Ingles
Ap02-Ev04 Implementacion de Una Encuesta en Idioma Ingles
Ap02-Ev04 Implementacion de Una Encuesta en Idioma Ingles
Cuestionario de Satisfacción
[zapatos personalizados]
Su opinión es importante para tratar de mejorar nuestro desempeño. La información aquí recopilada
nos resultará muy útil para conocer sus valoraciones y sugerencias. Por favor, conteste
honestamente según su preferencia.) ¡MUCHAS GRACIAS!
5. ¿What would make you more likely to use our new product?
good service
good price
7. If our new product were available today, how likely would you be to
recommend it to others?
Extremely likely
Very likely
Moderately likely
Slightly likely
Not at all likely
8. If you are not likely to use our new product, why not?
Extremely important
Quite important
Moderataly important
Slightly important
Not at all importnat
10. Overall, are you satisfied with your experience using our new product,
dissatisfied with it, or neither satisfied or dissatisfied with it?
Extremely satisfied
Quite satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Quite dissatisfied
Extremely dissatisfied
11. If our new product were available today, how likely would you be to use it
instead of competing products currently available from other companies?
Extremely likely
Very likely
Moderately likely
Slightly likely
No at all likely
12. If our new web page were available today, how likely would you be to
recommend it to others?
Extremely likely
Very likely
Moderately likely
Slightly likely
No at all likely
Extremely important
Quite important
Moderately important
Slightly important
Not at all importnat
14. If you are not likely to use our new product, why not?