Ravanappan Srinivasan Ramya, Et Al
Ravanappan Srinivasan Ramya, Et Al
Ravanappan Srinivasan Ramya, Et Al
*Corresponding author
“Conservation is a state of harmony between generation of enormous amounts of effluents
land and man” -Aldo Leopold containing heavy metals due to their
recalcitrant and toxic nature, that end to
The discharge of heavy metals into aquatic accumulate and magnify in various forms of
ecosystems has become a matter of concern life and enter the food chain posing serious
in India over the last few decades. Increased threat to the environment, humans and life
urbanization and industrialization has led to (Gupta et al., 2001). Heavy metals have a
Int.J.Curr.Res.Aca.Rev.2016; Special Issue-3: 42-50
tendency to bio-accumulate and end up as and disposal of arsenic bearing waste
permanent destructive elements in the presents a challenging task to the
environment (Wasim Ahmad Khan et al., environmental engineers. The chemistry of
2004). Arsenic pollution from natural Arsenic is quite complex and interesting, as
sources was recently reported in China, it changes its oxidation states and its
Taiwan, India, Bangladesh, USA, Canada, removal is dependent on the pH of the
Mexico, Chile, Argentina, New Zealand, medium, oxidation state and redox potential.
Poland, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia and Conventional methods for the removal of
Romania (Branislava et al., 2011). Arsenic heavy metal ions from aqueous solutions are
is widely found in the Earth’s crust in oxidation/chemical precipitation, ion
oxidation states of –3, 0, +3 and +5, often as exchange, reverse osmosis, electrochemical
sulfides or metal arsenide’s or arsenates treatment (Darnall, 1991; vukasinovic-Pesic
(Murugesan et al., 2006). In water, it is et al., 2009) coagulation/coprecipitation,
mostly present as arsenate (+5) but under (Crnkovic et al., 2008) sorption (Bailey et
anaerobic conditions, it is likely to be al., 1999; Ayub et al., 2002) and membrane
present as arsenite (+3). It usually occurs in technologies (Muthusamy et al., 2012).
natural waters at concentrations of less than Among them, adsorption is considered to be
1 or 2 µg L–1. The most important routes of a relatively simple, efficient and low-cost
arsenic exposure are through food and arsenic removal technique, especially
drinking water. Arsenic in the aquatic convenient for application in rural areas
environment is predominant in places with (Krishna et al., 2011; Chan-jun et al., 2005).
high geothermal activity. Soil erosion and Since other methods have limitations
agricultural run-offs are also large because they often involve high capital and
contributors to the arsenic concentration in operational cost and may also be associated
sediments. Toxicity of arsenic depends on with the generation of secondary wastes. A
its chemical form. Arsine is considered the wide range of sorbent materials for aqueous
most toxic form, followed by arsenites, then arsenic removal is available nowadays:
arsenates and organic arsenic compounds biological materials, mineral oxides,
(Wang et al., 2004). For the protection of different soils, activated carbons and
aquatic life , the average concentration of polymer resins (Amalraj, S., 2005; Sharma
AS3+ in water should not exceed 72 µg/L et al., 1992). Biosorption is one such
and the maximum should not exceed attractive option where microbes and
140µg/L. Environmental exposure to arsenic agricultural products, food and wood has
through drinking-water has been associated been proved to be metal biosorbents
with skin cancer (Jovanovic et al, 2010, (Elovear et al., 2008, Volesky et al., 1995).
Bertocchi et al., 2006). Moreover, long-term Nevertheless, finding inexpensive and
exposure to arsenic in drinking water is effective sorbents for arsenic removal from
causally related to increased risks of cancer water is still highly desired (Kadhirvelu et
in the skin, lungs, bladder and kidney, as al., 2001). In recent years, much attention
well as other skin changes, such as has been focused on the removal of heavy
hyperkeratosis and pigmentation changes metals using agricultural wastes (Reena
(Mohan et al., 2007). Dermal lesions were singh et al., 2011). In an effort to evolve a
the most commonly observed symptom useful user-friendly, eco-friendly and
occurring after minimum exposure periods economical method for the removal of
of approximately 5 years (Kanel et al., Arsenic from aqueous solution, the present
2006). The removal technology of arsenic study was carried out using Bagasse, a
Int.J.Curr.Res.Aca.Rev.2016; Special Issue-3: 42-50
sugarcane waste product despite several obtained is washed well with distilled water
adsorbents due to its local availability and to remove the alkali completely and oven
low cost (Bhagyalakshmi et al., 2015; dried overnight at 600C.
Ranjan et al., 2009) Bagasse pitch is a waste
product from sugar refining industry. It is Treatment with Acid
the name given to the residual cane pulp
remaining after sugar has been extracted. Another set of ground bagasse material was
Bagasse pitch is composed largely of treated with sulphuric acid to obtain a
cellulose, pentosan, and lignin carbonized ash material. Four parts of raw
(Bhagyalakshmi et al., 2015) studied on bagasse was treated with three parts by
adsorption of Cd (II) and Pb(II) onto weight of concentrated sulphuric acid and
functionalized formic lignin from sugar cane maintained in an oven at 1500Cfor 36 hours.
bagasse. The carbonized ash material was washed
well with distilled water to remove the acid
completely and oven dried overnight at
Materials and Methods
1100C. The dried, powdered adsorbent
Collection and preparation of adsorbents material fromboth the treatments was stored
in air tight containers.
Sugarcane waste bagasse
Preparation of Arsenic Standard (1%)
Bagasse pitch is a waste product from sugar
refining industry. It is the name given to the
1 gm of Arsenic trioxide, As (III) (preheated
residual cane pulp remaining after sugar has
to 1100C for 2 hours and cooled) was
been extracted. Bagasse pitch is composed
dissolved in a concentrated solution of
largely of cellulose, pentosan, and lignin
sodium hydroxide using a magnetic stirrer,
(Peternele et al., 1999) studied on adsorption
the pH of the solution was adjusted to
of Cd (II) and Pb(II) onto functionalized
neutral using hydrochloric acid and the
formic lignin from sugar cane bagasse.
volume was made upto 100ml in a standard
flask. From 1% standard solution, 250µl was
Bagasse was obtained from local sugarcane
taken and diluted to 100 ml in a standard
juice vendors. It was dried in the oven till it
flask. Working standards are prepared
turned crispy enough to be ground well.
freshly for each biosorption experiment.
Then the material was ground in a local mill.
It was washed with tap water and then with Optimization Protocols
distilled water thoroughly to remove other
unwanted solid particles and subjected to Optimization of pH
other treatment methods.
Working standards in different pH range
Treatment with Alkali was prepared (alkaline -10.5)-(neutral – 7) –
(acidic -2-4)) for optimizing the pH,
The ground bagasse material obtained after whereother parameters such as contact time
washing was treated with 5N sodium and adsorbent dosage were kept constant.
hydroxide and boiled for about half an hour Optimization of Contact time
in a hot plate. The NaOH treatment is
repeated for atleast 3 times for the complete The time of contact of biosorbent with the
removal of colour from bagasse, to prevent working solution at 1 hr interval, 18hrs
any colour interference during adsorption interval and 36 hrs intervalwas carried out
and estimation process. Then the material keeping pH and biosorbent dosage constant.
Int.J.Curr.Res.Aca.Rev.2016; Special Issue-3: 42-50
Optimization of Adsorbent dose dried bagasse and Fig.2 shows raw
powdered bagasse that developed a strong
Varied amount of biosorbent material i.e., colour and interfered in estimation
0.5g/ml, 1.0g/ml,2.0g/ml and 4.0g/ml of
solution was taken and centrifuged at Fig.3 shows alkali treated fibrous bagasse
5000rpm for 10 minutes(after the stipulated material which showed negligible
contact time) to collect the supernatant and adsorption. Fig 4. Shows Powdered alkali
the concentration of arsenic after biosorption treated material with adsorption of arsenic
was estimated. The concentration was i.e., around 14.28% of adsorption after 18
compared with that of the standard working hrs of incubation. Fig.5 depicting acid
solution. treated bagasse-finely powdered ash
showing a biosorption capacity of 28.58%
Estimation of Arsenic using Iodometric after 18hrs of incubation.
method (Vogel et al, 1978)
Effect of pH and Contact time
0.1N and 0.05N iodine was prepared. 1%
sodium starch glycollate indictor was pH appears to be the significant parameter in
prepared freshly(diluted from 5% stock). every biosorption experiment. At high
10ml of the standard working solution acidic and alkaline pH, the adsorption was
without biosorbent was taken in an found to be negligible. Adsorption was
Erlenmeyer flask and 10ml of the distilled found to occur at around neutral pH (6.8-
water was added to it. 2g sodium 7.5). The estimation by iodometric method
bicarbonate was added to 20ml of the is effectively possible only at neutral pH.
solution and stirred well in a magnetic stirrer Thus solutions drawn in 1hr intervals for 3
till all the sodium bicarbonate dissolved. hours showed no change in the
2ml of 1% sodium starch glycollate was concentration of arsenic in the solution,
added to the flask. This was titrated slowly decrease in concentration was observed after
with the iodine solution till the endpoint 18 and 36hrs of incubation. This result sows
blue colour was obtained. Titrations are that the adsorption increases with increase in
repeated to get the concordant values. From contact time but the pH of the solution must
the values obtained and from the normality be constant throughout the incubation time
of the iodine solution, the normality of the for efficient adsorption of arsenic.
working solution and its strength was
determined. Effect of temperature and adsorbent
Results and Discussion
An increase in adsorbent dosage per 100ml
Effect of particle size of Adsorbent of working arsenic solution produced colour.
The carbonized ash material discharged a
Particle size is an important parameter that brown colour with high adsorbent dosage.
should be taken into consideration for any Only solutions with 2g/100ml of adsorbent
biosorption experiment.Various forms of produced satisfactory results.
bagasse material after treatment with acid
and alkali was obtained. Fig1. Shows raw
Int.J.Curr.Res.Aca.Rev.2016; Special Issue-3: 42-50
Table.1 Adsorption Effect of different forms of Adsorbent prepared using
Sugarcane Bagasse material
DOSAGE (g/l) (%)
18 HRS 36HRS
Int.J.Curr.Res.Aca.Rev.2016; Special Issue-3: 42-50
Int.J.Curr.Res.Aca.Rev.2016; Special Issue-3: 42-50
Comparison of the adsorption efficiency the present study, raw bagasse was not
of Acid treated bagasse ash with alkali applicable to be used as such because of the
treated bagasse ash strong colour that it produced in the solution
due to the lignocellulosic substances present
The adsorption capacity of acid treated in it. This colour development strongly
bagasse was found to be 62.59% in interfered with the estimation method.
comparison with a value of 39.99% Hence alkali treatment of bagasse was
increases with increase in contact time with preferred for the complete removal of the
no alteration in the pH of the solution colour.
throughout the incubation time for efficient
adsorption of arsenic (Table 1 and Table 2) Sodium hydroxide treatment changed the
bagasse into a fibrous form due to the large
The results show that alkali and acid treated particle size there was negligible adsorption.
bagasse can adsorb arsenic from prepared Powdered fine particles of bagasse was
arsenic solutions under appropriate treated with alkali which shows little
conditions. Acid treated bagasse showed adsorbing capacity. Treatment of the
more adsorption than alkali treated bagasse. bagasse with concentrated sulphuric acid
The adsorption of other metal/dyes on converted it into a carbonized material or
bagasse shows a wide range of percentage of ash that showed considerable adsorption of
removal depending on the experimental arsenic due to large surface area of the ash
conditions and the pretreatments (Revathi, material. The physiological parameters
M., 2005). The major parameters that affect studied showed that the adsorption increases
the adsorption of metal ions to the sugarcane with increase in contact time with constant
waste bagasse are particle size, pH, pH throughout the incubation period for
temperature, Contact time and the initial efficient adsorption.
concentration of the metal ion (Mohan et al.,
2002). The removal efficiency increased Conclusion
rapidly with increase in the concentration of
the adsorbent due to the greater availability The development of economically feasible
of the exchangeable sites or surface areas at eco-friendly products from natural plants or
higher concentrations of the adsorbent. In agricultural wastes for removal of heavy
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