Treasures and Terrible

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Dark & Terrible

alloween is upon us! In I Ain’t Afraid
of No Ghost and Heroes of the Night, EN
  World EN5ider provided new types of
heroes to combat the dangers found in Template of
Horrors and Día de los Dinosaurios Muertos. We’ve writing James J. Haeck
given you the tricks, now get ready for the treat: color art ShenFei
a host of new magic items that fit the spirit of the layout Eric Life-Putnam
season! Some items are suitable for characters
both good and evil, but others are suitable only
for legendary knights or evil priests.

EN World EN5IDER  |  Treasures Dark and Terrible

Aegis of the Eternal Moon Melee Attack—Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit,
Armor (shield), very rare (requires attunement) reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d10 + 4) piercing damage.
  The circular surface of this gleaming silver
shield is marked by dents and craters, like the Alternatively, if you place this collar on a willing
image of a full moon. While holding this shield, or unwilling beast, it must make a DC 16 Wisdom
you gain a magical +1 bonus to AC. This item saving throw or be charmed (as animal friendship)
has 3 charges and regains 1 charge each night at by you until you remove the collar. If it succeeds
moonrise. on this saving throw, it may still wear the collar
  While this shield is equipped, you may expend of its own free will, but can remove it as an action.
1 charge as an action to cast moonbeam, with While it wears this collar, the two spectral heads
the following exceptions: the spell manifests materialize upon its shoulders, granting it the
as a line of moonlight 10 feet long and 5 feet above attack option.
wide emanating from the shield, and you may
move the beam by moving the shield (no action
required). When the first charge is expended, Crown of the Devourer
the shield fades to the shape of a gibbous moon Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
and loses its magical +1 bonus to AC. When the   The black arches of this foul crown are scarred
second charge is expended, the shield fades to with biting frost. Innumerable flies adorn its
the shape of a crescent moon and becomes a surface like grotesque gemstones, and a single
buckler, granting only a +1 bonus to AC. When rusted face wails silently from its iron circlet. As
the final charge is expended, the shield fades an action, you may choose to embody an aspect of
away completely, leaving behind its polished the Devourer, a frigid avatar of entropy that feeds
silver handle. When the shield regains charges, on heat and life. You may end a chosen aspect by
it reforms according to how many charges it has removing the crown, but you cannot choose a new
remaining. one until you complete a long rest.
  Aspect of Cold Death. The ice gnawing at the
crown’s iron arches spreads down your shoulders
Blessed Wishbone and arms, blackening your fingertips with icy
Wondrous item, common decay. You gain the ability to cast chill touch as an
  As an action, two adjacent creatures may break action at-will. Once per day, you may also cast
this wishbone together. Whoever gets the larger chromatic orb (+5 to hit), but you may only choose
side (randomly determined) gains resistance to to have it deal cold damage.
necrotic damage for 1 minute.   Aspect of Dissolving Jaws. The rusted face on
the center of the crown flares to life and glares
with emerald eyes at your enemies as your own
Collar of Cerberus teeth grow sharp and pointed. You gain the ability
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) to make a bite attack against a single target using
  While you wear this spiked cold iron collar, two a bonus to attack rolls equal to your Strength
spectral, canine heads materialize on either side modifier plus your proficiency bonus, and
of your head. Each head has a reaction and may dealing 1d6 piercing damage plus your Strength
make an opportunity attack against creatures that modifier. On a hit, the target must make a DC 10
leave your reach. You may also command the Constitution saving throw or take additional acid
heads to make a bite attack as an action, or allow damage equal to your Strength modifier. The
the heads to bite in place of attacks granted by the target repeats this saving throw at the end of each
Extra Attack feature. of its turns until it succeeds.

Treasures Dark and Terrible  |  EN World EN5IDER

  Aspect of Carrion. The flies atop the crown 10-foot radius. The lantern’s candle burns for 1
awaken from their iron slumber and buzz minute, after which the pumpkin instantly rots
hungrily about you, seeking their next meal. Up and loses its magic.
to 3 times per day when you kill a living creature,   Undead must make a DC 12 Wisdom saving
you may choose to gain 1d10 + 5 temporary hit throw when entering the radius or when
points. beginning their turn within the lantern’s light.
On a failed save, the creature takes 3d6 radiant
damage and half as much on a successful save.
Ghost Ward Lantern Incorporeal undead have disadvantage on this
Wondrous item, uncommon saving throw.
  This pale white pumpkin is small enough to fit   The lantern has AC 8 and 2 hit points. If the
in the palm of a human hand. A macabre, grinning pumpkin is destroyed, all undead within 10 feet
face is carved in one side, and a candle inside of it must make a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw,
burns with an eerie purple flame. While its candle taking 3d6 radiant damage on a failed save and
is lit, this pumpkin lantern shines dim light in a half as much on a successful one.

Plot Seed: Order of the Silver Moon

The harvest moon is a symbol of both prosperity laughed with each other about codes of chivalry and
and death. While city folk may call the curse of the honor while shearing sheep and grinding grain.
werewolf rural superstition, those who live on the   Ten years after the militia was first formed, a gnoll
edge of civilization know the truth about the full warchief named Bloodeye succumbed to the curse
moon. The humans and halflings who settled the of lycanthropy. Cunning and enraged at the audacity
edge of the frontier once cowered in fear when of Miller’s band of warriors, he gleefully spread the
wolves howled across the wheat fields, but a group curse to his clan and set out to purge his realm of the
of unlikely heroes emerged from their ranks one werewolf killers.
Hallow’s Eve. Led by an unassuming halfling named   The night of Bloodeye’s attack was like any other
Georgia Miller, ten brave farmers stood against the full moon night. The defenders were unprepared
tide of lycanthropy. Miller’s militia melted down silver for the ferocity of his attack, yet in the instant that
coins in frying pans over open flames and dipped the werewolves set upon them, a beam of opal-
the tips of pitchforks and the blades of their sickles escent moonlight illuminated the battlefield. The
in the molten metal. They built makeshift palisades lycanthropes shrieked in terror as they saw that
among the fields of grain and met their slavering their enemies, too, were transformed in the moon-
enemy eye to eye. light. The moon goddess descended and clothed
  Year after year, the brave farmers fended off the the knights of the frontier in strength and dignity,
werewolves who lurked in the shadows of the great bestowing upon them shining shields and gleaming
uncharted forests. Many died in defense of their blades of moonlight.
loved ones, but Miller’s group grew in numbers and   Today, the Order of the Silver Moon is a band of
skill as more courageous frontiersmen and women paladins and knights-errant descended from Miller’s
flocked to their cause. Reputation brought them nei- militia and sworn to protect the world from the
ther money nor safety, and Miller’s militia continued horrors of the night. Miller’s weapon—the legendary
melting down coins and burying their fallen com- Long Fang of the Moon—is a sacred relic of their order,
rades. It began as a joke, but the humble defenders and their most senior knights carry aegises of the
took to calling themselves knights of the frontier and eternal moon as a symbol of their station.

EN World EN5IDER  |  Treasures Dark and Terrible

Long Fang of the Moon Obsidian Butterfly Knife
Weapon (longsword), legendary (requires attunement) Weapon (dagger), rare (requires attunement)
  You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls   You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage
made with this silvered longsword. rolls made with this dagger. Made of razor-sharp
  Whenever you deal damage with this weapon, obsidian, this finely-balanced blade glows faintly
you may choose to deal either slashing damage or with deep purple light. You can use an action
radiant damage. When you hit a shapeshifter with to cause the dagger’s inner light to brighten,
this weapon, it must make a DC 20 Constitution glowing like the corona of an eclipsed sun. This
saving throw or revert to its original form. If it glow lasts for 1 minute or until you deal damage
fails this saving throw, you may choose to prevent to a creature with this weapon. That creature must
the shapeshifter from transforming for up to three succeed on a DC 12 Constitution save or take
rounds. This sword’s bonus to attack and damage 3d6 necrotic damage and be unable to regain hit
rolls decreases by the same number until the points for 1 minute. If this damage reduces the
shapeshifter transforms again or until 1 minute target to 0 hit points, the target dies. 1d4 rounds
passes, whichever is sooner. later, its body explodes into a swarm of obsidian
butterflies that completely eviscerate the corpse,
leaving only the creature’s heart behind. The
dagger can’t be used this way again until it is
exposed to a new sunrise.

Might of Itzpapalotl
In ancient Aztec tradition, the goddess Itzpa-
palotl was the leader the Tzitzimimeh, a court of
powerful goddesses linked to the stars, fertility,
women, and death. Her realm, Tamoanchan, was
both the birthplace of modern humanity and the
resting place of those who died as infants. The
Tzitzimimeh were especially feared during times of
change, including the New Fire ceremony, a ritual
that began each new round of the Aztec calendar
and was eradicated after Spanish conquest in 1507.
  In New Atzlán*, the name of the skeletal goddess
Itzpapalotl is invoked only in deadly circum-
stances. Female warriors in particular pray to her
when faced with death on the battlefield. Some-
times these prayers are answered, and Itzpapalotl
(known as the Obsidian Butterfly or the Clawed
Butterfly) imbues these warriors’ weapons with
the power to devour their enemies.
* Jensen Toperzer, Día de los Dinosaurios Muertos,

Treasures Dark and Terrible  |  EN World EN5IDER

Skull Liqueur   As a bonus action, when you use necrotic
Potion, rare damage to reduce a living creature to 0 hit
This crystal phial appears empty unless it is points, you may command the ring to kill them
agitated, which reveals that it is filled to the brim and absorb a fragment of their soul. When the
with a clear liqueur. Close examination reveals ring contains a soul fragment, the etchings on its
bubbles within the liquid that seem to be shaped surface pulse with unholy light and you gain the
like tiny skulls. Pouring the phial’s contents into following action:
the mouth of a dead creature animates it as if it
were the target of a speak with dead spell. Spell Attack—Soulfire: Ranged Spell Attack: +9 to hit,
range 60 ft., one target. Hit: The target takes damage
equal to the Hit Dice of the creature whose soul frag-
Soulfire Band ment fills the ring. Half of this damage is fire damage
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a and half is necrotic damage.
spellcaster of evil alignment)
  Carved from the curved horn of a demon and The ring may only be used in this way three
etched with images of fiery sacrifices, this jagged times per day, and it cannot absorb another soul
ring quietly whispers the name of every creature fragment until you expend the one in the ring.
its magic has killed. Any fragment still in the ring at sunrise is released.

EN World EN5IDER  |  Treasures Dark and Terrible

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