MANULIFE Policy Holder's Guide

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Where to Pay Premiums 4
Type of Payment 4
Cut-off 5

Investment Allocation of Premium 6
Fund Switch 7
Top-up 8
Partial Withdrawal 9
Full Withdrawal 11

Addition of Riders 12
Deletion of Riders 13
Increase in Face Amount / Basic Premium 14
Decrease Face Amount / Basic Premium 16
Reinstatement 16
Straight Reinstatement 17
Mode Change 17
Correction of Name 18
Correction of Date of Birth 18
Change of Address 18
Change in Beneficiary 19
Types of Beneficiary Designation 19
Assigning a Policy as a Collateral to a Creditor 20
Releasing an Assigned Policy 20
Request for Duplicate Policy Contract 21

Where to File a Claim 21
Death Claim Requirements 21

1 All values stated herein can be changed by the Company without prior notice.
2 All fees / charges can be changed by the Company subject to the approval of
the Insurance Commission and by giving the Owner at least three (3) months notice.

Where to Pay Premiums

Pay your premiums on time to any of the following:

1. Any Manulife office
2. Your Servicing Agent. Agent’s Provisional Receipt (PR)
will be issued to you. Official Receipt (OR) will be issued
upon your agent’s remittance.

Type of Payment

Payments can be made by:

1. Cash
2. Check
For Peso check payments (local checks only), units will be
determined at the next valuation date following the later
of one to five (1 - 5) banking days from payment or when
check payment has cleared (see cut-off schedule).
For Dollar check payments (both local and international
checks), units will be determined at the next valuation date
following the later of fifteen (15) days from payment or
when check payment has cleared.
3. Wire transfer
Payments may be transferred through Chinabank, HSBC,
Citibank, BPI, BDO and Metrobank and shall be posted once
confirmed by Accounting. A copy of the transaction slip
should be provided for verification. Units will be determined
at the next valuation date following reflection of the posted
payment in the system.

4. Credit Card

Payments through credit card are treated as cash payments.

1 All values stated herein can be changed by the Company without prior notice.
4 2 All fees / charges can be changed by the Company subject to the approval of
the Insurance Commission and by giving the Owner at least three (3) months notice.

1. Any bank transaction fees shall be charged to the Owner’s account. Loading fees will be
deducted from premium or top-up payment prior to investments.

2. Investment to Dollar-denominated funds for US Dollar check payment will take effect on the
later of fifteen (15) days from payment or when check payment has cleared.


Cut-off day / time for the following transactions to be included in

the next day’s valuation:

Cash Payments A day before the desired
valuation day at 5:00 PM
Peso Check Payments Five (5) banking days before
the desired valuation day at
5:00 P.M. or when the check
payment has been cleared
USD Check Payments Fifteen (15) days from
payment or when the check
payment has been cleared

Check Type Clearing Period*

On-us Cheque 1

MC Cheque 3
Regular Cheque 5

*Banking days

A day before the desired valuation day at 3:00 PM
All subscriptions and redemptions received after cutoff will be
processed based on unit prices of the next applicable valuation
The unit prices (Offer Price and Bid Price) will be published in
Philippine Star every Thursday.

1 All values stated herein can be changed by the Company without prior notice.
2 All fees / charges can be changed by the Company subject to the approval of 5
the Insurance Commission and by giving the Owner at least three (3) months notice.

Investment Allocation of Premium

Policyowner may at anytime request to change the

investment allocation percentage of future regular premiums
to another allocation percentage per Fund.
This will not affect existing units that have already been
Changes are strictly to take effect on the next premium due
date assuming application on this is approved.
Allocation percentages are only allowed in multiples of 5%,
with a minimum investment allocation per chosen fund of
All requests with complete documents should be received by
Client Services Department on or before 3pm to be included
in the next day’s valuation.

1. Duly completed Fund Allocation Form signed by
Policyowner and irrevocable beneficiary/ies, if any.
2. Photocopies of valid and current Identification
Documents (ID) of policyowner and irrevocable
beneficiary/ies, if any.
3. Change in Investment Allocation of Premium Fee (if
applicable) shall be charged proportionally from the
existing funds by cancellation of units at unit price
of relevant valuation date. The first four changes in
investment allocation of premium in each policy year are
free of flat charge. Thereafter, the fee for each change
in a policy year is Php200.002 for Peso Affluence Builder
Series and USD5.002 for Dollar Affluence Builder Series
(1 form processed = 1 change). Unused free changes in
allocation are not carried forward.

1 All values stated herein can be changed by the Company without prior notice.
6 2 All fees / charges can be changed by the Company subject to the approval of
the Insurance Commission and by giving the Owner at least three (3) months notice.
Transaction Confirmation will be sent to Policyowner once
transaction is completed.

Fund Switch

Policyowner may at any time request to switch all or part of

the Account Value with respect to any of the Funds to one or
more of the other Funds at unit price.
The unit price is determined on the next valuation date
following approval of the Company on the Policyowner’s
This option does not affect investment allocation of future

Peso Affluence Builder Series

Minimum Amount : Lower of Php10,000.001
or the entire Fund Value
Minimum Fund Balance
after Fund Switch : Php20,000.001

Dollar Affluence Builder Series

Minimum Amount : Lower of USD200.001
or the entire Fund Value
Minimum Fund Balance
after Fund Switch : USD400.001

Full fund balance must be switched out if remaining balance

is less than Php20,000.001 for Peso Affluence Builder Series
and USD400.001 for Dollar Affluence Builder Series.
All requests with complete documents should be received by
Client Services Department on or before 3pm to be included
in the next day’s valuation.

1 All values stated herein can be changed by the Company without prior notice.
2 All fees / charges can be changed by the Company subject to the approval of 7
the Insurance Commission and by giving the Owner at least three (3) months notice.
1. Duly completed Fund Switch Form signed by Policyowner
and irrevocable beneficiary/ies, if any.
2. Photocopies of valid and current Identification
Documents (ID) of Policyowner and irrevocable
beneficiary/ies, if any.
3. Fund Switch Fee (if applicable) will be charged
proportionally from originating funds by cancellation
of units. The first two (2) fund switches in each policy
year are free of flat charge. Thereafter, the fee for each
transfer in a policy year is Php200.002 for Peso Affluence
Builder Series and USD5.002 for Dollar Affluence Builder
Series (1 form processed = 1 transfer). Unused free fund
switches are not carried forward.

Transaction Confirmation will be sent to Policyowner
once transaction is completed.


Policyowner may at any time request for a “Topup” while the

policy is in force and there are no outstanding or deferred
premiums, subject to initial policy charges, underwriting and
company rules.
Top-ups increase the basic face amount by 125% of top-up
The top-up premium after deducting the charges, will
be used to purchase units at the unit price of the fund(s)
selected. Any bank transaction fees shall be charged to
the Owner’s account. Units will be determined at the next
valuation date following the approval of the company on the
Policyowner’s request.
For Top-up with US Dollar check payment, units will be
determined at the next valuation date following the later
of 15 days from payment or when the check payment has

1 All values stated herein can be changed by the Company without prior notice.
8 2 All fees / charges can be changed by the Company subject to the approval of
the Insurance Commission and by giving the Owner at least three (3) months notice.
Peso Affluence Builder Series
Minimum Amount : Php5,000.001
Maximum Amount : subject to Company’s
underwriting rules
Dollar Affluence Builder Series
Minimum Amount : USD100.001
Maximum Amount : subject to Company’s
underwriting rules
1. Duly completed Top-up Premium Application Form
(Part 1 & 2) signed by Policyowner (Application should
indicate either a percentage or flat amount of top-up
premium per chosen fund).
2. Photocopies of valid and current Identification
Documents (ID) of Policyowner
3. Additional underwriting requirements (if any).
4. Top-ups are subject to a 4% top-up premium charge.
This will deducted and the balance of 96% will be
allocated for investment.
Transaction Confirmation together with contract
endorsement will be sent to Policyowner once transaction is
Partial Withdrawal

If the policy already has an account value, Policyowner may

at any time request for a partial withdrawal from one or
more funds subject to withdrawal fee, as follows:

Policy Year
(applied to the amount withdrawn)

Policy Year 1 90%

Policy Year 2 80%

Policy Year 3 75%

1 All values stated herein can be changed by the Company without prior notice.
2 All fees / charges can be changed by the Company subject to the approval of 9
the Insurance Commission and by giving the Owner at least three (3) months notice.
Face Amount may be reduced by 125% of the amount of
partial withdrawal subject to minimum death benefit rule,
depending on the Death Benefit Type chosen.

Peso Affluence Builder Series

Minimum Amount : Php10,000.001 per policy
Minimum Fund Balance
after Partial Withdrawal : Php20,000.001

Dollar Affluence Builder Series

Minimum Amount : USD200.001 per policy
Minimum Fund Balance
after Partial Withdrawal : USD400.001

Full fund balance must be fully withdrawn if remaining

balance is less than Php20,000.001 for Peso Affluence Builder
Series and USD 400.001 for Dollar Affluence Builder Series.
Units will be cancelled at unit price determined on the
next valuation date following receipt of request for partial
withdrawal from the Owner.
All requests with complete documents should be received by
Client Services Department on or before 3pm to be included
in the next day’s valuation.
Payments for partial withdrawal requests received before cut-
off will only be available when the unit price is available.

1. Duly completed Application for Withdrawal Form (Part
A) signed by Policyowner, irrevocable beneficiary/ies and
assignee if applicable.
2. Photocopies of valid and current Identification
Documents (ID) of policyowner and irrevocable
beneficiary/ies, if any.
3. Policy contract or Declaration of Loss of Policy if contract
is lost.

1 All values stated herein can be changed by the Company without prior notice.
10 2 All fees / charges can be changed by the Company subject to the approval of
the Insurance Commission and by giving the Owner at least three (3) months notice.
4. If Policyowner is residing outside the Philippines, and
wish to designate another person to act on his behalf,
Policyowner will have to execute a Special Power of
Attorney duly authenticated by the Philippine Consulate
nearest place of residence.
5. If irrevocable beneficiary is a minor, a Court Order
appointing a legal guardian should be submitted.

Transaction Confirmation will be sent to Policyowner once

transaction is completed.

Full Withdrawal

If the policy already has an account value, Policyowner may

at any time request for a full withdrawal of account value
subject to withdrawal fee, as follows:

Policy Year
(applied to the amount withdrawn)

Policy Year 1 90%

Policy Year 2 80%

Policy Year 3 75%

Units will be cancelled at unit price determined on the next

valuation date following receipt of request for withdrawal
from the Owner.
All requests with complete documents should be received by
Client Services Department on or before 3pm to be included
in the next day’s valuation.
Payments for full withdrawal requests will only be available
when the unit price is available. There is no charge for full

1 All values stated herein can be changed by the Company without prior notice.
2 All fees / charges can be changed by the Company subject to the approval of 11
the Insurance Commission and by giving the Owner at least three (3) months notice.
1. Duly completed Application for Surrender Form (Part B)
signed by Policyowner, irrevocable beneficiary/ies and
assignee if applicable.
2. Photocopies of valid and current Identification
Documents (ID) of policyowner and irrevocable
beneficiary/ies, if any.
3. Policy contract or Declaration of Loss of Policy if contract
is lost.
4. If Policyowner is residing outside the Philippines, and
wish to designate another person to act on his behalf,
Policyowner will have to execute a Special Power of
Attorney duly authenticated by the Philippine Consulate
nearest place of residence.
5. If irrevocable beneficiary is a minor, a Court Order
appointing a legal guardian should be submitted.
The Policy is terminated upon payment of full account
value and may not be reinstated.
Transaction Confirmation will be sent to Policyowner
once transaction is completed.


Addition of Riders

Policyowner may at anytime request for addition of riders,

subject to prevailing company rules. Rider COI rate is based
on the insured’s attained age.
Rider coverage shall be based on basic FA at time of rider
Face Amount of ADB, Acce TPD and Maccimax riders shall
automatically increase or decrease due to top-ups, partial
withdrawals or requested increase/decrease in basic Face

1 All values stated herein can be changed by the Company without prior notice.
12 2 All fees / charges can be changed by the Company subject to the approval of
the Insurance Commission and by giving the Owner at least three (3) months notice.
The corresponding rider COI is deducted from the Account
Value together with the COI for the base plan.
Rider addition shall take effect upon approval.
The company will determine from time to time the unit-
deducting riders allowed for attachment to Affluence Builder
1. Duly completed Application for Policy Change Form and
Evidence of Insurability Form signed by Policyowner.
2. Additional underwriting requirements and applicable
transaction fees.
Transaction Confirmation together with Contract
Endorsement will be sent to Policyowner once transaction is

Deletion of Riders

Policyowner may at anytime request for deletion of optional

Deletion of optional riders shall be effected immediately after
approval of application. If client requested for deletion of
optional rider then that particular rider may still be attached
based on attained age, subject to underwriting guidelines.
For automatic deletion of mandatory and optional riders
(system triggered) due to insufficient account value,
reattachment of such riders will be based on attained age.
Deletion of riders shall take effect immediately after approval
of application.

1. Duly completed Application for Policy Change Form
signed by Policyowner and irrevocable beneficiary/ies, if

1 All values stated herein can be changed by the Company without prior notice.
2 All fees / charges can be changed by the Company subject to the approval of 13
the Insurance Commission and by giving the Owner at least three (3) months notice.
Transaction Confirmation together with Contract
Endorsement will be sent to Policyowner once transaction is
Increase in Face Amount / Basic Premium

Policyowner may request for an increase in basic Face

Amount / basic regular premium within six (6) months
from inception, subject to prevailing rules, including but
not limited to, minimum increase in face amount / basic
premium, and that the new Face Amount is within the FA
multiple range, as shown in the table below:

Affluence Builder Protect

Variant Issue Age
15x - 24x 0 - 65
25x - 30x 0 - 50
31x - 60x 0 - 40
61x - 70x 0 - 35
71x - 90x 0 - 30
91x - 99x 0 - 25
100x - 110x 0 - 20
111x - 130x 0 - 15
131x - 150x 0 - 10

*For ages 61 - 65: subject to minimum premium requirement of Php 35,000 / USD
700 (Band 1) or Php 50,000 / USD 1,000 (Band 2)

*Face Amount multipliers are in increments of 1

Affluence Builder Achieve

Variant Issue Age
5x - 10x 0 - 70
11x - 15x 0 - 60
16x - 20x 0 - 45

Affluence Builder Gold

Variant Issue Age
5x - 15x 0 - 70
16x - 20x 0 - 60
21x - 25x 0 - 45

1 All values stated herein can be changed by the Company without prior notice.
14 2 All fees / charges can be changed by the Company subject to the approval of
the Insurance Commission and by giving the Owner at least three (3) months notice.
Following are the Annual Basic Premium Requirement for the
Affluence Builder Series:

Affluence Builder Protect*

Band 1
Peso Dollar
15x - 150x Php 18,000 USS 360
Band 2
15x - 150x Php 35,000 USS 700

*Subject to a minimum Face Amount of Php 300,000 or USD 6,000

Minimum 5-Pay & Minimum 10-Pay

Affluence Builder Achieve*

Peso Dollar
5x - 20x Php 50,000 USS 1,000
Affluence Builder Gold*
5x - 25x Php 40,000 USS 800

The Death Benefit will be recomputed based on the new

face amount / new premium.
For the additional regular face amount / premium, premium
allocation schedule will start from policy year 1.
The additional premium paid shall be used to purchase
additional units at the applicable unit price at the time of the
The increase in face amount shall take effect upon approval
while corresponding increase in premium shall take effect
next premium due.

1. Duly completed Application for Policy Change Form and
Evidence of Insurability Form signed by Policyowner.
2. Photocopies of valid and current Identification
Documents (ID) of policyowner.

1 All values stated herein can be changed by the Company without prior notice.
2 All fees / charges can be changed by the Company subject to the approval of 15
the Insurance Commission and by giving the Owner at least three (3) months notice.
3. Additional underwriting requirements and applicable
transaction fees.
Transaction Confirmation together with Contract
Endorsement will be sent to Policyowner once transaction is

Decrease Face Amount / Basic Premium

Policyowner may at any time request for a decrease in basic

regular premium / Face Amount subject to prevailing rules,
including but not limited to, minimum Face Amount / basic
premium, and provided the new FA is within the FA multiple
range, as shown in the table of variants above.
The Death Benefit will be recomputed based on the premium
/ face amount.
Face amount decrease shall take effect upon approval while
corresponding decrease in premium shall take effect next
premium due.

1. Duly completed Application for Policy Change Form
signed by Policyowner, irrevocable beneficiary/ies and
assignee if applicable.
2. Photocopies of valid and current Identification
Documents (ID) of policyowner and irrevocable
beneficiary/ies, if any.
Transaction Confirmation together with Contract
Endorsement will be sent to Policyowner once transaction is

Policyowner may at any time request for a reinstatement
within three years from lapsation date of the policy.
Reinstatement is not allowed after a policy has been

1 All values stated herein can be changed by the Company without prior notice.
16 2 All fees / charges can be changed by the Company subject to the approval of
the Insurance Commission and by giving the Owner at least three (3) months notice.
surrendered for its account value, but is allowed if units were
returned by the Company to Policyowner due to lapsation.

Straight Reinstatement

The effective date of the policy is retained.

1. Duly completed Application for Reinstatement and
Evidence of Insurability Form
2. Additional underwriting requirements (if any)
3. Payment of reinstatement premium:
a. Pay one annual base premium plus all outstanding
monthly deductions
b. (optional) backpay all outstanding premiums not
covered in (a)
Transaction Confirmation will be sent to Policyowner once
transaction is completed.

Mode Change

Policyowner may at anytime request for a change in mode

of premium payment while policy is inforce, subject to
Company rules.

1. Duly completed Request for Mode Change (Form No.
2. Owner needs to pay the applicable premium amount for
mode change as advised by Client Services Department.

Mode change shall take effect upon processing and

application of premium. Transaction Confirmation will be
sent to Policyowner once transaction is completed.

1 All values stated herein can be changed by the Company without prior notice.
2 All fees / charges can be changed by the Company subject to the approval of 17
the Insurance Commission and by giving the Owner at least three (3) months notice.
Correction of Name Requirements:

1. Duly completed Application for Policy Change Form

2. A copy of proof of correct name for corrections in
insured or owner’s name due to misspelling.
3. A copy of marriage contract or nullity of marriage for
change of insured or owner’s name due to marriage or
nullity of marriage.
Transaction Confirmation will be sent to Policyowner once
transaction is completed.

Correction of Date of Birth Requirements:

1. Duly completed Application for Policy Change Form

2. A copy of proof of correct Date of Birth Transaction
Confirmation will be sent to Policyowner once
transaction is completed.

Change of Address

1. Duly completed Request for address change or
2. Written advice / notification to Manulife’s Client Services
Department Notice should be filed at least five (5) weeks
prior to your next premium due to facilitate sending of
premium notice to your new address.

Transaction Confirmation will be sent to Policyowner once

transaction is completed.

1 All values stated herein can be changed by the Company without prior notice.
18 2 All fees / charges can be changed by the Company subject to the approval of
the Insurance Commission and by giving the Owner at least three (3) months notice.
Change in Beneficiary Requirements:

1. Duly completed Beneficiary Designation Form signed by

Policyowner, irrevocable beneficiary/ies (if any) with new
beneficiary/ies, their age and their relationship to the

Transaction Confirmation will be sent to Policyowner once

transaction is completed.

Types of Beneficiary Designation

Beneficiaries may be designated as Revocable or Irrevocable.

With Revocable Beneficiaries, you as owner CAN do the
following without the consent of the designated beneficiary/
• change beneficiaries,

• exercise all rights and privileges on your policy

With Irrevocable Beneficiaries, you as owner CANNOT do the
following without the consent of the designated beneficiary/
• change beneficiaries,
• exercise any right or privilege on your policy
BENEFICIARY/IES. (eg requests for partial
withdrawal/ surrender, collateral assignment of
insurance coverage, beneficiary changes, etc)

Designating a Trustee for Minor Beneficiary/ies

Minors designated as irrevocable beneficiaries cannot give
consent except through legally appointed guardian.
The guardian has to be appointed by the court.

1 All values stated herein can be changed by the Company without prior notice.
2 All fees / charges can be changed by the Company subject to the approval of 19
the Insurance Commission and by giving the Owner at least three (3) months notice.
Future children can be included as beneficiaries, subject to
certain limitations.
Please contact your agent or our Customer Care Hotline for
more details.

Assigning a Policy as a Collateral to a Creditor

The policy’s insurance coverage may be assigned as a
collateral security to any other person, bank, or entity in
consideration of a loan or for some legitimate purpose. To
assign your policy:

1. Duly completed Assignment Form signed by Policyowner
and irrevocable beneficiary/ies, if any.
2. Copy of approved Loan Agreement (if from a Bank) or
notarized Loan Agreement (if from a person).
Transaction Confirmation will be sent to Policyowner once
transaction is completed.

Releasing an Assigned Policy

1. Duly completed Release of Assignment Form with the
corresponding approval from the assignee
2. Copy of Secretary’s Certificate Transaction Confirmation
will be sent to Policyowner once transaction is

Releasing an Assigned Policy

1. Duly completed Release of Assignment Form with the
corresponding approval from the Assignee

1 All values stated herein can be changed by the Company without prior notice.
20 2 All fees / charges can be changed by the Company subject to the approval of
the Insurance Commission and by giving the Owner at least three (3) months notice.
2. Copy of Secretary’s Certificate Transaction Confirmation
will be sent to Policyowner once transaction is

Request for Duplicate Policy Contract

1. Duly completed and notarized Declaration of Loss of
2. Payment of Duplicate Policy Fee

Duplicate policy contract will be sent to Policyowner thru

your servicing agent.


Where to file a Claim

File your claim at any Manulife offices or thru your servicing

Death Claim Requirements
1. Insured’s original Death Certificate duly sealed by the
Local Civil Registry
2. Insured’s Birth or Baptismal Certificate or any legal
document stating the age of the Insured
3. Policy Contract; in case contract is unavailable, submit a
duly notarized Declaration of Loss of Policy Contract
4. Marriage Contract if the spouse is beneficiary (original
copy authenticated by NSO)
5. Birth Certificate for any minor beneficiary/ies
6. Claimant’s Statement accomplished by each beneficiary
or trustee/legal guardian if beneficiary is minor or
assignee if policy is assigned
7. Physician’s Statement to be accomplished by the
physician who attended to the Insured

1 All values stated herein can be changed by the Company without prior notice.
2 All fees / charges can be changed by the Company subject to the approval of 21
the Insurance Commission and by giving the Owner at least three (3) months notice.
8. Any valid Identification Document of the Claimant such
as driver’s license, passport, employee’s ID

Additional requirements for minor beneficiaries:

For amounts not exceeding Php50,000.00 (or dollar
• Affidavit of Parental Care and Custody - if the
appointed trustee of a minor beneficiary is any or
both the natural parents
• Affidavit of Substitute Parental Authority - if the
appointed trustee of a minor beneficiary is other
than the natural parents

For amounts beyond Php50,000.00 (or dollar equivalent):

• Guardianship Bond filed by the natural parent in a
proper court where the minor beneficiary resides
• Letters of Guardianship - if the appointed trustee of
a minor beneficiary is other than the natural parents
Additional requirements if proceeds are payable to the Estate
of the Insured:
1. Affidavit of Self-Adjudication (if there is only one
surviving heir of the estate)
2. Deed of Extra-Judicial Settlement of the Estate (if there
are more than one surviving heirs of the estate)
3. Notice of Publication
4. Heir’s bond
5. BIR Tax Clearance

Requirements for Violent Death:

1. Certified copy of Investigation Report of PNP or NBI
2. Statement of Identifying Witness
3. Criminal Complaint (if applicable)
4. Fiscal’s Resolution (if applicable)
5. Certified Copy of Autopsy Report

1 All values stated herein can be changed by the Company without prior notice.
22 2 All fees / charges can be changed by the Company subject to the approval of
the Insurance Commission and by giving the Owner at least three (3) months notice.
6. Newspaper Clippings, if any
7. Driver’s License (only if insured’s death is caused by a
vehicular accident while he/she was driving)

Additional requirements if policy is assigned:

1. A statement showing the consideration for the present
amount of the indebtedness of the deceased under the
said assignment
2. Duly furnished release of collateral assignment
3. Secretary’s Certificate / Board Resolution if the assignee
is a corporation or a business entity

Any document issued abroad must be duly authenticated by the Philippine Consulate in the state
where the document originated (e.g., Death Certificate, Affidavits, Special Power of Attorney).
Additional claim documents may be required, as necessary.

1 All values stated herein can be changed by the Company without prior notice.
2 All fees / charges can be changed by the Company subject to the approval of 23
the Insurance Commission and by giving the Owner at least three (3) months notice.

Metro Manila


LKG, Head Office G/F Natividad Bldg. Escolta
G/F LKG Tower, Ayala Ave. cor. Tomas Pinpin, Binondo, Manila
Makati City Phone: (02) 567-5134 / 567-5655
Phone: (02) 884-5433 Fax: (02) 567-5593
Fax: (02) 884-2558
Alabang 20/F Hanston Square
2/F Common Goal Tower 17 San Miguel Ave. Ortigas, Pasig
Finance cor. Industry St. Phone: (02) 636-2721
Madrigal Business Park Fax: (02) 636-2777
Ayala-Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Phone: (02) 403-6750 / 772-4093 / Quezon Avenue
850-8448 CWI Corporate Center
Fax: (02) 850-8449 1050 Quezon Ave., Quezon City
Phone: (02) 441-8366
Binondo Fax: (02) 441-8364
G/F & 2/F Federal Tower
Dasmarinas cor. Banawe
Muelle de Binondo, Manila 40 Linaw St., Quezon City
Phone: (02) 518-0808 / 243-0138 Phone: (02) 708-5644 / 732-0281
Fax: (02) 242-2177 Fax: (02) 732-1719

1 All values stated herein can be changed by the Company without prior notice.
24 2 All fees / charges can be changed by the Company subject to the approval of
the Insurance Commission and by giving the Owner at least three (3) months notice.
Baguio Lipa
2/F ES Clemente Bldg. 2/F Big Ben Complex, J.P. Laurel
Shanum cor. Otek Sts. corner Lake Highway, Lipa City, Batangas
Drive, Burnham Park, Baguio City Phone: (043) 741-5051
Phone: (074) 424-5880 / 446-2934 Fax: (043) 741-0071
Fax: (074) 446-2933
Calamba G/F Rosita Bldg.
2/F J Alcasid Business Center Maharlika Hi-Way, Cabanatuan City
Crossing, Calamba, Laguna Phone: (044) 940-7873 / 940-6259
Phone: (049) 545-4815 / 545-6065 Fax: (044) 940-6385
Fax: (049) 545-3371
Dagupan 2/F JIM Bldg., Lot 7 & 19 Blk 1
3/F Anfe Bldg., (Lenox Hotel) Diamond Services Road
Rizal St. Dagupan City, Pangasinan Mac Arthur Highway, Balibago
Phone: (075) 522-9770 / 5234948 Angeles City, Pampanga
Fax: (075) 522-5380 Phone: (045) 331-3333
Fax: (045) 331-1979
Km 41 MIDECOR Bldg. Bataan
McArthur Highway, Sumapang 90 dela Fuente Bldg.
Matanda Malolos, Bulacan Capitol Drive, Balanga City, Bataan
Phone: (044) 794-9988 / 791-9375 Phone: (047) 237-0457
Fax: (044) 662-4287 Fax: (047) 237-0478

Isabela Batangas
G/F Navarro Bldg. 2/F Recto & Ofelia Building
National Highway, Villasis 65 MH Del Pilar St., Barangay 1
Santiago, Isabela Poblacion, Batangas City
Phone: (078) 305-2459 / 305-1437 Phone: (043) 702-4337 / 702-4360
Fax: (078) 305-1439 Fax: (043) 702-4338

Sta. Rosa
G/F Training Institution
One Evotech Bldg., Nuvali
Sta. Rosa, Tagaytay Road
Brgy. Sto. Domingo, Sta. Rosa,
Phone: (049) 502-9035
Fax: (049) 502-9028

1 All values stated herein can be changed by the Company without prior notice.
2 All fees / charges can be changed by the Company subject to the approval of 25
the Insurance Commission and by giving the Owner at least three (3) months notice.
Visayas Mindanao
Bacolod Cagayan de Oro
2/F A Chan Bldg., Lacson St. 2/F Knights of Columbus Bldg.,
Mandalagan, Bacolod City Captain Vicente Roa Ext.
Phone: (034) 441-3391 / 441-3387 Cagayan de Oro City
Fax: (034) 441-3385 Misamis Oriental
Phone: (088) 857-2138 / 857-1921
Cebu Fax: (088) 231-4200
Unit 101, G/F Keppel Center, Samar
Loop cor. Cardinal Rosales Ave. Davao
Cebu Busness Park,Cebu City 3/F, 8990 Corporate Center
Phone: (032) 231-9177 Quirino Ave., Davao City
Fax: (032) 231-8986 Phone: (082) 227-8480 / 227-8483
Fax: (082) 227-8472
G/F AMK Bldg. Dumaguete
68 General Luna St., Iloilo City 2/F Units A & B Yala Lifestyle Mall
Phone: (033) 337-0276 / 337-7796 Calindagan, Dumaguete City
Fax: (033) 338-1713 Phone: (035) 226-3834 / 422-0118
Fax: (035) 422-0119
QVC Buisness Plaza General Santos
CPG North Ave., Tagbilaran City, 2F RD BDO Bldg.
Bohol Santiago Blvd. cor. Laurel St.
Phone: General Santos City
Fax: Phone: (083) 552-0612 / 552-3779
Fax: (083) 552-3774
G/F Tacloban Fil-Chinese Iligan
Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Bldg. 2/F Garcia Bldg., Party Plaza
(TFCCC) 78 Justice Romualdez St. Quezon Ave. Ext., Rabago, Iligan
Tacloban City City
Phone: (053) 523-0303 / 523-0311 Phone: (063) 222-2013 / 222-3172
Fax: (053) 523-0263 Fax: (063) 222-3171

2F Printex Printers Bldg.
Mayor Jaldon St., Canelar
Zamboanga City
Phone: (062) 990-1077
Fax: (062) 991-0051

1 All values stated herein can be changed by the Company without prior notice.
26 2 All fees / charges can be changed by the Company subject to the approval of
the Insurance Commission and by giving the Owner at least three (3) months notice.





















1 All values stated herein can be changed by the Company without prior notice.
2 All fees / charges can be changed by the Company subject to the approval of 27
the Insurance Commission and by giving the Owner at least three (3) months notice.
About Manulife Philippines

The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company opened its doors for business
in the Philippines in 1907. Since then, Manulife’s Philippine Branch and
later The Manufacturers Life Insurance Co. (Phils.), Inc. (Manulife Philip-
pines) has grown to become one of the leading life insurance companies
in the country. Manulife Philippines is a wholly-owned domestic sub-
sidiary of Manulife Financial Corporation, among the world’s largest life
insurance companies by market capitalization (as of January 31, 2013).

Manulife Financial is a leading Canada-based financial services group

with principal operations in Asia, Canada and the United States. Clients
look to Manulife for strong, reliable, trustworthy and forward-thinking
solutions for their most significant financial decisions. Our international
network of employees, agents and distribution partners offers financial
protection and wealth management products and services to millions
of clients. We also provide asset management services to institutional
customers. Funds under management by Manulife Financial and its sub-
sidiaries were C$532 billion (US$535 billion) as at December 31, 2012.
The Company operates as Manulife Financial in Canada and Asia and
primarily as John Hancock in the United States.
Manulife Financial Corporation trades as ‘MFC’ on the TSX, NYSE and
PSE, and under ‘945’ on the SEHK. Manulife Financial can be found on
the Internet at

Manulife Financial’s Current Ratings

Manulife has among the highest ratings in the industry and is one of
the strongest life insurance companies in the world. Credit ratings are
comprehensive measure of financial strength. Our financial discipline
and record of strong operational performance over time have resulted in
our key operating subsidiaries having among the highest ratings in the
insurance industry from Moody’s, A.M. Best, Fitch, DBRS and Standard
and Poor’s (S&P).

Manulife and the block design are registered service marks and trade-
marks of The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company and are used by it
and its affiliates including Manulife Financial Corporation.
This Material is the property of Manulife, for use by its active and variable
life licensed financial advisers to be given out or left with prospects or
clients. Any form of reproduction is strictly prohibited and is subject to
copyright law.

The Manufacturers Life Insurance Co. (Phils.), Inc.

LKG Tower, 6801 Ayala Avenue, 1226 Makati City
Tel. No. (63-2) 88-4-LIFE (884-5433)
Customer Care Hotline (63-2) 884-7000
Fax No.(63-2) 884-2558

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