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Third Year Teaching Report 2018

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3rd Year Undergraduate or 1st Year Master of Teaching


Student ID
Pre-service Teacher Hannah Setter 2136563

School Willunga High School

Name: Learning Area: Year Level

Mentor Teacher(s) Shrmaine Mills English 8

Name: Learning Area: Year Level

Leisa Yanner English 9

School Co-ordinator Haley Przibilla

Liaison Coordinator
University Roger Hooper Anna Noble

Teaching Days 5 introductory days + 20 day block: 25 days

CONTEXT Please add brief context statements about the school and class:
School sector; size and composition of campus (R-12, Area, Primary); particular
features or unique characteristics; index of disadvantage.

Willunga High School caters for children from Year 8 to 12. It is situated 47kms south of the Adelaide
CBD. Enrolments have steadily increased from 792 in 2010, to 1083 in 2017. The school is classified
as Category 4 on the DECD Index of Educational Disadvantage, with an ICSEA score of 972.
Willunga High School is an 8-12 DECD co-education school in a semi-rural context in the southern
suburbs of Adelaide. The school has a strong VET and Agriculture/Horticulture program due to its
semi-rural context but ensures that all student pathways are catered for with a wide selection of
Stage 1 and 2 subjects that lead to University, TAFE and employment pathways.
It is a Category 4 school and students come from a varied range of social-economic backgrounds. The
school has a strong focus on inclusion due to its diverse nature of the student population. This includes
operating one Special Options Class and the Learning Support Centre which is staffed at all times to
provide educational and behaviour support for students. The school operates a Doc, Psych and
Speech Pathologist on campus to further support student inclusion and positive outcomes.

Class (including children with special needs)

One year 8 English (MS03) has 23 Students; one student identifies as SLD (Specific Learning
Difficulties), and one student has a NEP (Negotiated Education Plan).
The SSO support is familiar with these students and offers further support during core lessons.
The SSO attends one 50 minute lesson a week.
The second year 8 English (MS06) has 24 students; two students have SLD (Specific Learning
Difficulties) and one student has an NEP (Negotiated Education Plan). Students in this class have
access to the Learning Support Centre where they can access SSO support.
One year 9 class (TC1) has 23 students; one student identifies as SLD (Specific Learning Difficulties),
and one student has a NEP (Negotiated Education Plan).
The second 9 English class (LS1) has 25 students; three students who identify as SLD (Specific
Learning Difficulties).
Please place an ‘X’ at the point along each continuum that best represents the development of the pre-service teacher
towards each of the standards at this time.


Standard 1 Know students and how they learn

I I x I .
Complete Novice Emerging Graduate

Standard 2 Know the content and how to teach it

I I x I .
Complete Novice Emerging Graduate


Standard 3 Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning

I I x I .
Complete Novice Emerging Graduate

Standard 4 Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments

I I x I .
Complete Novice Emerging Graduate

Standard 5 Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning

I I x I .
Complete Novice Emerging Graduate


Standard 6 Engage in professional learning

I I x I .
Complete Novice Emerging Graduate

Standard 7 Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community

I I x I .
Complete Novice Emerging Graduate
SUMMARY STATEMENTS (You may choose to comment on both personal and professional characteristics)
School Coordinator/Principal
Hannah was an enthusiastic pre-service teacher who engaged fully in every opportunity
presented to her on her practicum. She was motivated and self-reflective and demonstrated
good content knowledge of the subjects she taught.
Hannah’s lessons were well-planned and she ensured her lessons started with clear learning
objectives for students. She had high level understanding of where students were at, and
incorporated flexible grouping strategies within her lessons.
Hannah developed positive relationships with students (and staff) and was very keen to further
develop her behaviour management skills. Her ability to reflect effectively on her lessons, and
seek feedback for improvement leaves me in no doubt that Hannah will continue to develop into
a highly effective teacher.

Name: Haley Przibilla Date: 14/10/2018

University Liaison
Hannah has committed herself fully to all aspects of this placement and impressed her
colleagues with her capacity and positive commitment to teaching. Hannah is highly reflective
and has actively sought feedback about her practice, as well as a willingness to then
experiment so as to maximise learning outcomes for the range of students in her classes.
Hannah’s classroom management has steadily developed; a particular highlight has been her
high degree of organisation and thorough planning and resource development to be able to
deliver effective lessons. Hannah has made excellent progress throughout this placement and
she has established a strong foundation for further professional growth.

Name: Roger Hooper Date: 15/10/2018

SUMMARY STATEMENT(S) (May be used as a referee statement)
Learning Area: English
RE: Hannah Setter
Throughout Hannah’s teaching of English, she used a range of teaching strategies and
technology, which ensured she was able to cater to the diverse learning styles present in the
classroom including NEP and SLD students. Hannah engaged students through her
enthusiasm and clear passion for the subject area, utilising a variety of activities and content
to interest the students in the topics taught.
Hannah worked comfortably with individual students, small groups and the entire class when
necessary, ensuring all students were comfortable and capable with the tasks at hand.
Hannah was able to experiment and vary her pedagogy, using direct explicit instruction and
student centered activities as well as using a variety of resources to provide content to the
students. Hannah utilised the school’s SEQTA learner management system so that students
had ease of access to course materials. Hannah demonstrated her ability to mentor
individual students through her in class drafting and one-on-one instruction to ensure that
struggling students could complete the required work.
Hannah has demonstrated a clear understanding of the content required for the Australian
Curriculum for Years 8 and 9, providing students with detailed content which enabled
students to grow their knowledge and understanding of the various topics taught. Hannah
created a range of resources including assignment sheets, scaffolding documents,
PowerPoints, Kahoots and class worksheets to enable students to build on their knowledge
and be successful in their assessment tasks. She also showed proficiency using a range of
ICT in the classroom.
Hannah was well organised and thoroughly planned all lessons taught throughout her
Hannah was proactive and consistently sought feedback on lessons both prior and following
lessons. She provided detailed lesson plans and resources created over the course of the
placement to mentor teachers and students when necessary.
Hannah was professional and enthusiastic throughout her placement; always willing to take
on feedback and advice, which she then implemented in the following lessons. Hannah set
very clear objectives for each lesson and reflected on her progress towards these goals at
the end of each lesson and week.
Hannah is developing her behaviour management and regularly sought advice and feedback
on how best to deal with varying classroom situations. Hannah was able to clearly
communicate classroom expectations and consequences which built a safe learning
environment for all students. Hannah is still in the process of developing a confident
approach to enacting consequences for misbehaviour in the classroom.
Hannah was able to build positive relationships with students, always interacting with them
in a supportive manner.
In Year 8 English, Hannah created a novel response and a film analysis unit and assessment
piece that provided students with a range of flexible options to showcase their knowledge and
language skills.
In Year 9 English, Hannah created an Aboriginal Poetry Analysis unit, with two assessments
tasks that enabled students to analyse poetry and respond to the analysis of their peers.

In both Year 8 and Year 9 English Hannah created clear assignment sheets and developed
rubrics which explicitly explained how to achieve the relevant parts of the Achievement
Standards that were being assessed.

Hannah conducted herself in a professional manner at all times. She promptly took care of
administrative matters like taking the roll. Hannah made proactive contact with parents and
caregivers to communicate draft and due date deadlines via SEQTA correspondence.
Throughout her time at Willunga, Hannah developed professional relationships with staff
across the school, seeking out additional learning opportunities such as attending and
assisting the Learning Support Centre during her NIT.

Hannah showed continuous improvement in her classroom presence and was able to
effectively utilise her voice, eye contact and approachable manner to present effective
lessons to her classes and create a positive classroom environment. Hannah takes genuine
interest in the wellbeing and lives of students and demonstrates a clear willingness to reflect
and improve her practice. Hannah’s content knowledge and the continual improvement of
her skills in communicating content in a variety of ways indicates that she will make an
excellent teacher.

Written by: Sharmaine Mills and Leisa Yanner Date: 03/09/18

SUMMARY ASSESSMENT (To be agreed by the School Coordinator and the University Liaison)

In our opinion Hannah Setter

(Please click on appropriate box below)

x has, on balance, attained the level of ‘emerging’ against the Flinders standards for pre-service
teachers and is ready to progress to the final professional experience.

☐ has not attained the overall level of ‘emerging’ against the Flinders standards for pre-service
teachers and is not ready to undertake the final professional experience.


The pre-service teacher may wish to submit this report with an application for employment. Please avoid the use of
acronyms as student reports are often viewed by interstate and international employers who are not always familiar with
South Australian nomenclature.

Please keep an electronic copy of this report and submit the report to the University Liaison.
Please DO NOT give a copy of this to the student as the report needs to be certified by the University.

Please submit the completed report within 2 weeks of completion of Professional Experience placement.

If this is not possible then please email it directly to: mssprofexp@flinders.edu.au

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