Validity 10

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Banaag, Qwyn Raissa

Suasi, Gabrielle
10A1- Nucleon

1. Content Validity
 The content validity of the instrument has been validated by four HR managers to identify
the relevancy of the human resource management practices in automobile industry. Their
CV were attached together in Appendices 2 for reference.
 Cardiology exam
Assume it contains all aspects of the circulatory system (physiology, anatomy, pathology,
pharmacology etc. ). If a person scores high on this test, we can say ‘infer’ that he knows
much about the subject (i.e., our inferences about the person will right across various
situations). In contrast, if the exam did not contain anything about circulation, the
inferences we make about a high scorer may be wrong most of the time and vice versa.

2. Concurrent Validity
 A psychological test to differentiate between those patients in a mental institution who can
and cannot be released could be correlated with current behavioural ratings of health care
 A group of nursing students take two final exams to assess their knowledge. One exam is
a practical test and the second exam is a paper test. If the students who score well on the
practical test also score well on the paper test, then concurrent validity has occurred. If, on
the other hand, students who score well on the practical test score poorly on the paper test
(and vice versa), then you have a problem with concurrent validity. In this particular
example, you would question the ability of either test to assess knowledge.

3. Predictive Validity
 For instance, we might theorize that a measure of math ability should be able to predict
how well a person will do in and engineering-based profession We could give measure to
experienced engineers and see if there is a high correlation between scores in the measure
and their salaries as engineers A high correlation would provide evidence for predictive
validity—It would show that our measure can correctly predict something that we theorists
thing it should be able to predict
 One of the most common uses for predictive validity is in University Admissions. Grade
Point Average, SAT/ACT scores and other criterion are used to predict a student’s likely
success in higher education. To test this theory, university students have been studied by
their thousands and it’s been confirmed by hundreds of studies that there is a correlation
between GPA/ACT/SAT and educational success. Therefore, the predictive validity is high
for these measurements.

4. Construct Validity
 A test of intelligence nowadays must include measures of multiple intelligences, rather
than just logical-mathematical and linguistic ability measures.

 A doctor testing the effectiveness of painkillers on chronic back sufferers. Every day, he
asks the test subjects to rate their pain level on a scale of one to ten - pain exists, we all
know that, but it has to be measured subjectively. In this case, construct validity would test
whether the doctor actually was measuring pain and not numbness, discomfort, anxiety or
any other factor. Therefore, with the definition of a construct properly defined, we can look
at construct ability, a measure of how well the test measures the construct. It is a tool that
allows researchers to perform a systematic analysis of how well designed their research is.
Carl Urriza
Princess Issabella Silang
10A1- Nucleon

Content validity
Example 1: Test of the different branches of science to measure one’s knowledge on the different
branches of science.
Example 2: A psychology test on the psychological principles of sleep to measure one’s knowledge
or mastery on the psychological principles of sleep.

Concurrent validity
Example 1: If you create a new test for depression levels, you can compare its performance to
previous depression tests (like a 42-item depression level survey) that have high validity.
Concurrent means “as the same time”, so you would perform both tests at about the same interval:
you could test depression level on one day with your test, and on the next day with the established
test. A statistically significant result would mean that you have achieved concurrent validity. If the
tests are farther apart (i.e. they aren’t administered concurrently), then they would fall into the
category of Predictive Validity instead of criterion validity.
Example 2: Concurrent validity can also occur between two different groups. For example, let’s
say a group of nursing students take two final exams to assess their knowledge. One exam is a
practical test and the second exam is a paper test. If the students who score well on the practical
test also score well on the paper test, then concurrent validity has occurred. If, on the other hand,
students who score well on the practical test score poorly on the paper test (and vice versa), then
you have a problem with concurrent validity. In this particular example, you would question the
ability of either test to assess knowledge.

Predictive validity
Example 1: A depression outcome scale is a tool to predict future behaviors of depressed people,
such as social isolation, inability to hold down a job or maintain fulfilling relationships. Depressed
patients can be followed to see if there is a correlation between their scores on a particular scale
and their future behaviors. Example 2: Ability in mathematics can predict future success in the
sciences. This can be measured by giving tests to established scientists to see how they perform
on math tests and whether there is a correlation between test scores and how well they do in their
Construct Validity
Example 1: Beck Depression Inventory used to measure the severity of depression, which uses a
criterion which is dependent on a model or theory of depression.
Example 2: A doctor testing the effectiveness of painkillers on chronic back sufferers. Every day,
he asks the test subjects to rate their pain level on a scale of one to ten - pain exists, we all know
that, but it has to be measured subjectively. In this case, construct validity would test whether the
doctor actually was measuring pain and not numbness, discomfort, anxiety or any other factor.

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