OLD NEW: Copied Word For Word
OLD NEW: Copied Word For Word
OLD NEW: Copied Word For Word
Section 1. Title of the Code. – This Code SEC. 1. Title of the Code. – This Code The name was amended to Revised
shall be known as "The Corporation shall be known as the “Revised …
Code of the Philippines." (n) Corporation Code of the Philippines”.
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Section 2. Corporation defined. – A SEC. 2. Corporation Defined. – A
corporation is an artificial being created corporation is an artificial being created by
by operation of law, having the right of operation of law, having the right of
succession and the powers, attributes succession and the powers, attributes, and
and properties expressly authorized by properties expressly authorized by law or
law or incident to its existence. (2) incidental to its existence.
A change in phrasing where the
Section 3. Classes of corporations. – SEC. 3. Classes of Corporations. – definition now comes before the word
Corporations formed or organized under Corporations formed or organized under “stock corporations
this Code may be stock or non-stock this Code may be stock or nonstock
corporations. Corporations which have corporations. Stock corporations are
capital stock divided into shares and are those which have capital stock divided
authorized to distribute to the holders of into shares and are authorized to
such shares dividends or allotments of distribute to the holders of such shares,
the surplus profits on the basis of the dividends, or allotments of the surplus
shares held are stock corporations. All profits on the basis of the shares held.
other corporations are non-stock All other corporations are nonstock
corporations. (3a) corporations.
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Section 4. Corporations created by SEC. 4. Corporations Created by Special
special laws or charters. – Corporations Laws or Charters. – Corporations created
created by special laws or charters shall by special laws or charters shall be
be governed primarily by the provisions governed primarily by the provisions of the
of the special law or charter creating special law or charter creating them or
them or applicable to them, applicable to them, supplemented by the
supplemented by the provisions of this provisions of this Code, insofar as they are
Code, insofar as they are applicable. (n) applicable.
Explicitly states that stockholders or
Section 5. Corporators and SEC. 5. Corporators and Incorporators, shareholders are of a stock
incorporators, stockholders and Stockholders and Members. – Corporators corporation and members are of a
members. – Corporators are those who are those who compose a corporation, non-stock corporation. Hence the
compose a corporation, whether as whether as stockholders or shareholders deletion of the last paragraph
stockholders or as members. in a stock corporation or as members in
Incorporators are those stockholders or a nonstock corporation. Incorporators
members mentioned in the articles of are those stockholders or members
incorporation as originally forming and mentioned in the articles of incorporation
composing the corporation and who are as originally forming and composing the
signatories thereof. corporation and who are signatories
Corporators in a stock corporation are
called stockholders or shareholders.
Corporators in a non-stock
corporation are called members. (4a)
Section 14. Contents of the articles of SEC. 13. Contents of the Articles of
incorporation. – All corporations Incorporation.
organized – All corporations shall file with the
under this code shall file with the Commission articles of incorporation in any
Securities and Exchange Commission of the official languages, duly signed and
articles of incorporation in any of the acknowledged or authenticated, in such
official languages duly signed and form and manner as may be allowed by the
acknowledged by all of the incorporators, Commission, containing substantially the
containing substantially the following following matters, except as otherwise
matters, except as otherwise prescribed prescribed by this Code or by special law:
by this Code or by special law:
(a) The name of the corporation;
1. The name of the corporation;
2. The specific purpose or purposes for (b) The specific purpose or purposes for
which the corporation is being which the corporation is being formed.
incorporated. Where a corporation has Where a corporation has more than one
more than one stated purpose, the stated purpose, the articles of incorporation
articles of incorporation shall state which shall indicate the primary purpose and the
is the primary purpose and which is/are secondary purpose or purposes: Provided,
the secondary purpose or purposes: That a non-stock corporation may not
Provided, That a non-stock corporation include a purpose which would change or
may not include a purpose which would contradict its nature as such;
change or contradict its nature as such;
3. The place where the principal office of (c) The place where the principal office of
the corporation is to be located, which the corporation is to be located, which must
must be within the Philippines; be within the Philippines;
4. The term for which the corporation is
to exist; (d) The term for which the corporation is to
5. The names, nationalities and exist, if the corporation has not elected
residences of the incorporators; perpetual existence;
6. The number of directors or trustees,
which shall not be less than five (5) nor (e) The names, nationalities, and residence
more than fifteen (15); addresses of the incorporators;
7. The names, nationalities and
residences of persons who shall act as (f) The number of directors, which shall not
directors or trustees until the first regular be more than fifteen (15) or the number of
directors or trustees are duly elected and trustees which may be more than fifteen
qualified in accordance with this Code; (15);
8. If it be a stock corporation, the amount
of its authorized capital stock in lawful (g) The names, nationalities, and residence
money of the Philippines, the number of addresses of persons who shall act as
shares into which it is divided, and in directors or trustees until the first regular
case the share are par value shares, the directors or trustees are duly elected and
par value of each, the names, qualified in accordance with this Code;
nationalities and residences of the
original subscribers, and the amount (h) If it be a stock corporation, the amount
subscribed and paid by each on his of its authorized capital stock, number of
subscription, and if some or all of the shares into which it is divided, the par value
shares are without par value, such fact of each, names, nationalities, and
must be stated; residence addresses of the original
9. If it be a non-stock corporation, the subscribers, amount subscribed and paid
amount of its capital, the names, by each on the subscription, and a
nationalities and residences of the statement that some or all of the shares are
contributors and the amount contributed without par value, if applicable;
by each; and (i)If it be a nonstock corporation, the
Such other matters as are not amount of its capital, the names,
inconsistent with law and which the nationalities, and residence addresses of
incorporators may deem necessary and the contributors, and amount contributed
convenient. by each;
The Securities and Exchange (j)Such other matters consistent with law
Commission shall not accept the and which the incorporators may deem
articles of incorporation of any stock necessary and convenient.
corporation unless accompanied by a
sworn statement of the Treasurer An arbitration agreement may be
elected by the subscribers showing provided in the articles of incorporation
that at least twenty- five (25%) percent pursuant to Section 181 of this Code.
of the authorized capital stock of the
corporation has been subscribed, and
at least twenty-five (25%) of the total The articles of incorporation and
subscription has been fully paid to applications for amendments thereto
him in actual cash and/or in property may be filed with the Commission in the
the fair valuation of which is equal to form of an electronic document, in
at least twenty-five (25%) percent of accordance with the Commission’s
the said subscription, such paid-up rules and regulations on electronic
capital being not less than five filing.
thousand (P5,000.00) pesos.
SECOND: That the purpose or Second: That the purpose or purposes for
purposes for which such corporation is which such corporation is incorporated are:
incorporated are: (If there is more than (If there is more than one purpose, indicate
one purpose, indicate primary and primary and secondary purposes);
secondary purposes);
certificate of incorporation;
The amendments shall take effect upon The amendments shall take effect upon
their approval by the Securities and their approval by the Commission or from
Exchange Commission or from the date the date of filing with the said Commission
of filing with the said Commission if not if not acted upon within six (6) months from
acted upon within six the date of filing for a cause not attributable
(6) months from the date of filing for a to the corporation.
cause not attributable to the corporation.
Section 17. Grounds when articles of SEC. 16. Grounds When Articles of
incorporation or amendment may be Incorporation or Amendment may be
rejected or disapproved. – The Disapproved. – The Commission may
Securities and Exchange Commission disapprove the articles of incorporation or
may reject the articles of incorporation or any amendment thereto if the same is not
disapprove any amendment thereto if the compliant with the requirements of this
same is not in compliance with the Code: Provided, That the Commission shall
requirements of this Code: Provided, give the incorporators, directors, trustees,
That the Commission shall give the or officers a reasonable time from receipt of
incorporators a reasonable time within the disapproval within which to modify the
which to correct or modify the objectionable portions of the articles or
objectionable portions of the articles or amendment. The following are grounds for
amendment. The following are grounds such disapproval:
for such rejection or disapproval:
(a) The articles of incorporation or any
1. That the articles of incorporation or amendment thereto is not substantially in
any amendment thereto is not accordance with the form prescribed
substantially in accordance with the form herein;
prescribed herein;
(b) The purpose or purposes of the
2. That the purpose or purposes of the corporation are patently unconstitutional,
corporation are patently unconstitutional, illegal, immoral or contrary to government
illegal, immoral, or contrary to rules and regulations;
government rules and regulations;
(c) The certification concerning the amount
3. That the Treasurer’s Affidavit of capital stock subscribed and/or paid is
concerning the amount of capital stock false; and
subscribed and/or paid is false;
(d) The required percentage of Filipino
4. That the percentage of ownership of ownership of the capital stock under
the capital stock to be owned by citizens existing laws or the Constitution has not
of the Philippines has not been complied been complied with.
with as required by existing laws or the
Constitution. No articles of incorporation or amendment
to articles of incorporation of banks,
No articles of incorporation or banking and quasi-banking institutions,
amendment to articles of incorporation of preneed, insurance and trust companies,
banks, banking and quasi-banking NSSLAS, pawnshops, and other
institutions, building and loan financial intermediaries shall be
associations, trust companies and other approved by the Commission unless
financial intermediaries, insurance accompanied by a favorable
companies, public utilities, educational recommendation of the appropriate
institutions, and other corporations government agency to the effect that such
governed by special laws shall be articles or amendment is in accordance
accepted or approved by the with law.
Commission unless accompanied by a
favorable recommendation of the
appropriate government agency to the
effect that such articles or amendment is
in accordance with law. (n)
Section 18. Corporate name. – No SEC. 17. Corporate name. – No corporate
corporate name may be allowed by the name shall be allowed by the Commission
Securities and Exchange Commission if it is not distinguishable from that
if the proposed name is identical or already reserved or registered for the
deceptively or confusingly similar to that use of another corporation, or if such
of any existing corporation or to any other name is already protected by law, or
name already protected by law or is when its use is contrary to existing law,
patently deceptive, confusing or contrary rules and regulations.
to existing laws. When a change in the
corporate name is approved, the A name is not distinguishable even if it
Commission shall issue an amended contains one or more of the following:
certificate of incorporation under the
amended name. (n) (a) The word “corporation”,
“company”, “incorporated”, “limited”,
“limited liability”, or an abbreviation of
one of such words; and
Section 20. De facto corporations. – The SEC. 19. De facto Corporations. – The due
due incorporation of any corporation incorporation of any corporation claiming in
claiming in good faith to be a corporation good faith to be a corporation under this
under this Code, and its right to exercise Code, and its right to exercise corporate
corporate powers, shall not be inquired powers, shall not be inquired into
into collaterally in any private suit to collaterally in any private suit to which such
which such corporation may be a party. corporation may be a party. Such inquiry
Such inquiry may be made may be made by the Solicitor General in a
by the Solicitor General in a quo warranto quo warranto proceeding.
proceeding. (n)
Section 21. Corporation by estoppel. – All SEC. 20. Corporation by Estoppel. – All
persons who assume to act as a persons who assume to act as a
corporation knowing it to be without corporation knowing it to be without
authority to do so shall be liable as authority to do so shall be liable as general
general partners for all debts, liabilities partners for all debts, liabilities and
and damages incurred or damages incurred or arising as a result
arising as a result thereof: Provided, thereof: Provided,
however, That when any such however, That when any such ostensible
ostensible corporation is sued on any corporation is sued on any transaction
transaction entered by it as a corporation entered by it as a corporation or on any tort
or on any tort committed by it as such, it committed by it as such, it shall not be
shall not be allowed to use as a defense allowed to use its lack of corporate
its lack of corporate personality. personality as a defense. Anyone who
On who assumes an obligation to an assumes an obligation to an ostensible
ostensible corporation as such, cannot corporation as such cannot resist
resist performance thereof on the ground performance thereof on the ground that
that there was in fact no corporation. (n) there was in fact no corporation.
Section 25. Corporate officers, quorum. – SEC. 24. Corporate Officers. – Immediately
Immediately after their election, the after their election, the directors of a
directors of a corporation must formally corporation must formally organize and
organize by the election of a president, elect: (a) a president, who must be a
who shall be a director, a treasurer who director; (b) a treasurer, who must be a
may or may not be a director, a secretary resident; (c) a secretary, who must be a
who shall be a resident and citizen of the citizen and resident of the Philippines; and
Philippines, and such other officers as (d) such other officers as may be provided
may be provided for in the by- laws. Any in the bylaws. If the corporation is vested
two (2) or more positions may be held with public interest, the board shall also
concurrently by the same person, except elect a compliance officer. The same
that no one shall act as president and person may hold two (2) or more positions
secretary or as president and treasurer at concurrently, except that no one shall act
the same time. as president and secretary or as president
The directors or trustees and officers and treasurer at the same time, unless
to be elected shall perform the duties otherwise allowed in this Code.
enjoined on them by law and the by-
laws of the corporation. Unless the The officers shall manage the corporation
articles of incorporation or the by- and perform such duties as may be
laws provide for a greater majority, a provided in the bylaws and/or as resolved
majority of the number of directors or by the board of directors.
trustees as fixed in the articles of
incorporation shall constitute a
quorum for the transaction of
corporate business, and every
decision of at least a majority of the
directors or trustees present at a
meeting at which there is a quorum
shall be valid as a corporate act,
except for the election of officers
which shall require the vote of a
majority of all the members of the
Directors or trustees cannot attend or
vote by proxy at board meetings. (33a)
Section 29. Vacancies in the office of SEC. 28. Vacancies in the Office of
director or trustee. – Any vacancy Director or Trustee; Emergency Board. –
occurring in the board of directors or Any vacancy occurring in the board of
trustees other than by removal by the directors or trustees other than by removal
stockholders or members or by or by expiration of term, may be filled by the
expiration of term, may be filled by the vote of at least a majority of the remaining
vote of at least a majority of the directors or trustees, if still constituting a
remaining directors or trustees, if still quorum; otherwise, said vacancies must be
constituting a quorum; otherwise, said filled by the stockholders or members in a
vacancies must be filled by the regular or special meeting called for that
stockholders in a regular or special purpose.
meeting called for that purpose. A
director or trustee so elected to fill a When the vacancy is due to term
vacancy shall be elected only or the expiration, the election shall be held no
unexpired term of his predecessor in later than the day of such expiration at a
office. meeting called for that purpose. When
Any directorship or trusteeship to be the vacancy arises as a result of
filled by reason of an increase in the removal by the stockholders or
number of directors or trustees shall be members, the election may be held on
filled only by an election at a regular or at the same day of the meeting authorizing
a special meeting of stockholders or the removal and this fact must be so
members duly called for the purpose, or stated in the agenda and notice of said
in the same meeting authorizing the meeting. In all other cases, the election
increase of directors or trustees if so must be held no later than forty-five (45)
stated in the notice of the meeting. (n) days from the time the vacancy arose. A
director or trustee elected to fill a
vacancy shall be referred to as
replacement director or trustee and
shall serve only for the unexpired term
of the predecessor in office.
Section 31. Liability of directors, trustees SEC. 30. Liability of Directors, Trustees or
or officers. - Directors or trustees who Officers.
willfully and knowingly vote for or assent – Directors or trustees who willfully and
to patently unlawful acts of the knowingly vote for or assent to patently
corporation or who are guilty of gross unlawful acts of the corporation or who are
negligence or bad faith in directing the guilty of gross negligence or bad faith in
affairs of the corporation or acquire any directing the affairs of the corporation or
personal or pecuniary interest in conflict acquire any personal or pecuniary interest
with their duty as such directors or in conflict with their duty as such directors
trustees shall be liable jointly and or trustees shall be liable jointly and
severally for all damages resulting severally for all damages resulting
therefrom suffered by the corporation, its therefrom suffered by the corporation, its
stockholders or members and other stockholders or members and other
persons. persons.