5 G Network

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International Journal of Advanced Research and Publications

ISSN: 2456-9992

5G Network Optimizations for Streaming

Multimedia Services
Hegazi Ibrahim1
1Nile Higher Institution of Engineering and Technology, Electronics and Communications Dept.
Mansoura, Egypt ,00201012365501

Abstract: According to major challenges that faced the transmission of streaming media over wireless networks, it is essential to
propose many mechanisms to support fair quality for all subscribers in the available coverage area. In this research, proposed
algorithms could be implemented for solving delay and losses problems as the following: (I) Usage of hybrid radio resource
managements (RRM) and distributed antenna systems (DASs), (II) Using smart antenna techniques in the transmission and reception of
streaming packets, (III) Using proposed jamming node algorithms to solve co-channel interference without increasing number of cells
and (IV) Proposed algorithms for accessing multimedia streaming services over 5G networks such as voice over internet protocol
(VOIP) and Internet Protocol Television (IPTV). The proposed schemes had to improve the overall system quality of service (QoS) based
on different international standard quality metrics.

Keywords: Hybrid Radio Resource Managements (RRM), Distributed Antenna Systems (DASs), Internet Protocol Television (IPTV),
Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP) and Quality of Service (QoS).

1. Introduction available today and can be accessed with high-speed

networks. Multimedia applications examples contain the
Multimedia streaming is one of the most popular services on following issues: (I) Video Conferencing: IPTV service
the current Internet. However, the major problem hinders based on sharing video conferencing packets over a network.
streaming media applications is the network bandwidth. To It contains the real-time streaming packets of audio (voice)
achieve scalability and deliver high-quality streams, and video data over the broadband service or wireless
networks such as WiMAX and LTE-A (BEYOND 5G)
multimedia content should be maintained close to interested
networks and could be contained within the IPTV STB, (II)
clients [1]. The main objectives of our thesis are to satisfy
Streaming Audio: IPTV devices contains streaming packets
the following issues: (I) Accuracy: by identifying main
of voice data as an existing multimedia application, which
parameters for network that making accurate transmission can be customized by the IPTV network operator; (III)
and reception process during data flow under the effect of 4G Streaming Audio and Video: as streaming audio data,
networks; (II) Scalability: streaming Video and audio counts streaming audio and video packets is a supporting
all streaming packets one single stream, or one million multimedia application accessed by IPTV devices. The IPTV
streams. It’s completely scalable, and can be tailored to each network operator can package in attractive streaming AV
site and subscribers; (III) Flexibility: these modern services, and (IV) Internet Telephony: Internet telephony is a
technologies can easily adapt to any changes in the industry rising multimedia application that requires streaming audio
and platforms under the control of 4G networks; (IV) Wide through a wireless broadband network. This application
coverage area: by increasing number of network’s supports IPTV network operators to offer a triple play
connections based on variable distances, using different service (voice, data, and video) to their subscribers [3].
schemes for RRM and DASs, using different types of
antenna especially smart antennas devices user can access 2. Literature Survey
these streaming technologies everywhere every time with an
fair quality; (V) Optimization for QoS: streaming In 2009, Lee and Choi [4] added an adaptive hybrid
technologies can be optimized their QoS by studying the transmission mechanism for cellular IPTV over WiMAX
behavior of the network under interference and use HARQ networks, which use a hybrid mechanism; that combines
for making an optimization for network’s performance; and more than one channels; to make an enhancement of the
(VI) Enhancement for Streaming Services: by developing overall performance with the aid of decreasing the bandwidth
new high capacity MBMS radio interface technologies, radio consumptions of the wireless system, which has constrained
resource management and new topological approaches in the assets as compared to wired networks. so as to check the
architecture for beyond 3G systems and providing a concept overall performance, Lee and Choi [4] compared their set of
for integration of a more flexible MBMS architecture into rules with the conventional structures. The basic challenge of
IMS (IP Multimedia Sub-System) including group the proposed algorithm is that it needs to investigate the
management, session management, scheduling, media optimization of resource allocation [4].
delivery and trans-coding [2].
The IPTV and VOIP network’s core based on multimedia In 2010, Bikflavi et al. [5] combine WiMAX technology
components where Multimedia applications contain multiple and IPTV structures; information is associated with the keys
types of media such as text, graphics, animations, audio, and and every peer is accountable for a subset of the keys. Their
video. Multimedia applications through more networks are evaluation confirmed that the hierarchical layout

Volume 3 Issue 8, August 2019 1

International Journal of Advanced Research and Publications
ISSN: 2456-9992

considerably reduces the predicted variety of hops by way of this system is non-convex. Thus, it develops a convex inner-
the usage of the best peers on the top-level layer, however, bound on the stability region, which is provably tight in
the challenge of that work is the need to have a look at certain cases. The Simulation results show that the discussed
modifications of many QoS parameters over their proposed algorithms significantly improve the throughput of wireless
network [5]. networks with FIFO queues, as compared to the well-known
In 2012, Easwara and Parvathi [6] defined overall queue-based flow control.
performance evaluation of multicast video streaming over
WiMAX. numerous goal performance metrics which 3. Objectives of Research
includes throughput packet loss, packet jitter, packet delay,
and minimal peak were used to quantify the system overall This research aimed to propose new techniques by executing
performance, however, their study needs to reveal the impact more algorithms for accessing multimedia streaming services
of WiMAX generation on packet delay variations and packet over 5G networks through the radiated power from mobile
transmission/reception. base stations controlled with indoor and outdoor antennas to
formulate DASs for increasing network capacity and
In 2013, Hamodi and Thool [7] introduced the overall
improving bandwidth efficiency regardless the signal levels
performance evaluation of IPTV over WiMAX networks
of received power signals, also more methodologies will be
thinking about video streaming for real-time video coded the
programmed and implemented for maximization signal
use of distinct codes. The simulation outcomes indicated that power to noise power ratios and minimization of packet
scalable video coding (SVC) is suitable for video streaming losses and End-to-End delay.
over WiMAX. the restrictions of this take a look at (I)
transmit power; (II) coverage area; (III) mobility; (IV) 4. Importance of Research
constant antenna configuration, and (V) fixed channel
bandwidth. The importance of proposed schemes that supporting fair
In 2014, Sheikh et al. [8] provided an efficient approach QoS for all subscribers anytime anywhere as the following:
for WiMAX soft handover in VoIP and IPTV. Sheikh et al. (I) improving the quality of transmitted and received signals
furnished additional parameters to the network topology; for verifying more performance of streaming multimedia
which progressed the performance of handover with the aid over 5G wireless networks, (II) Solving capacity problems
of enhancing the QoS, e.g. throughput became progressed and minimizing co-channel interference reduction factor
via minimizing the value of β-aspect to make a soft handover instead of increasing network cells and (III) minimizing time
via load balance approach. delay and packets delay variation for data packets over 5G
In 2014, Li and Yu [9] provided a unique algorithm to wireless to realize higher bandwidth efficiency.
investigate main parameters of IPTV structures over wireless
networks: (I) blocking rate and (II) bandwidth utilization. 5. Research Methodologies
Unicast, broadcast, and multicast are the most critical
transport schemes for presenting cellular IPTV services. (I) Using hybrid RRM and DASs for maximizing signal
Experimental consequences confirmed the validity of the power levels to support fair capacity for all network’s
evaluation, and multicast scheme accomplished the high- subscribers and solving bandwidth limitations problems, (II)
quality performance rates by recognizing to the opposite Using indoor and outdoor antenna controllers to control on
schemes [14]. the radiated power signals outputted from microwave
In 2014, Kaur and Baghla [10] defined a theoretical view antennas with high antenna gains as smart antenna
to expose the impact of WiMAX on IPTV, which give an techniques to support more improvements for data packets
advanced QoS at excessive information rates for IP over 5G wireless signals, (III) Optimization of 5G coverage
network to realize performance metrics for wireless signals
networks. They provided a survey of IPTV services over
by: (i) lower End-to End delay; (ii) Lower values of packet
WiMAX networks.
delay variations, (iii) higher levels of signal to noise ratio;
In 2015, Mapoka, Trust T., et al. [11] discussed an
(iv) lower levels of Bit Error Rates, (v) maximization for
distributed handover optimized authentication scheme based network throughput, and (vi) maximization for network
on independent session key per access network (HOISKA) mean opinion score that reflects the quality of received
that developed for the decentralized multi-service group key signal through mobile base stations and (IV) Using
management scheme over wireless mobile multicast. It Multimedia Broadcast Multimedia Services (MBMS) and
enables a handover user involved in multiple multicast Hybrid Automatic Repeat Request (HARQ) for optimizing
service subscriptions to securely reuse the long-term overall system quality while accessing video conferencing
credential initially issued by the trusted authentication server application.
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Volume 3 Issue 8, August 2019 3


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