Why Do Peoples Are Doing Their Job: Imam El Hafiz 1810523023
Why Do Peoples Are Doing Their Job: Imam El Hafiz 1810523023
Why Do Peoples Are Doing Their Job: Imam El Hafiz 1810523023
Imam El Hafiz
In one way or another, all people around the world work for the ultimate
purpose of seeking a better life. It is widely believed that people work solely for
money. However, it is only one of the numerous important purposes of working, and
oftentimes there is a lot of benefits that people obtain from working without even
consciously realizing them. Nowadays, except for money, people still work for many
reasons, including to learn to understand and fulfill their responsibilities in society,
desire for achievement, and to keep their minds active.
For many people, the biggest benefit of working lies in a priceless lesson of
responsibility. Through working, people learn how to be responsible, first to
themselves, then to their families and the society. “Some kids take things for
granted,” said Patricia Muschette, a Durham parent. “They need to learn
responsibility.” Muschette said this is the reason local teens need to work. It is imply
that working will make someone more responsible for their own lives. If working is all
about money, why even kids from well-off families, Bill Gate’s for example, bother
going to work even though they are guaranteed a wealthy future life whatsoever? It
is because they want to be responsible for their own lives, to live on their labor, not
on their parents’ fortune. Next, working gives them a strong sense of responsibility
for their family and society. Family life is happiest when all members share family
work and together contribute to make it a more comfortable and harmonious life.
Likewise, a country is most prosperous when every citizen contributes their part to
make it thrive.
Another important reason that makes people look for job is for achievement.
Most of people will be proud on theirselves if they gain something. People will be
proud if they famous, working in the big company, or occupy certain positions at
where they working on. As Charles F. Kettering said, “High achievement always
takes place in the framework of high expectation.” This opinion is supported by Prof.
Dr. David C. Mc.Clelland, an American psychologist from Harvard University, in his
motivational theory suggests that a person's productivity is largely determined by the
"mental virus" that is on him. A mental virus is a mental condition that encourages a
person to be able to achieve his or her maximum performance. The mental virus in
question consists of 3 encouragement needs ; The need of achievement, is the need
to achieve success, which is measured by the standard of opportunity in someone.
This need is closely related to work and directs behavior towards efforts to achieve
certain achievements. Need of affiliation, the need for warmth and support in relation
to other people. this need directs behavior to have a close relationship with others.
Need of power (the need to master something) is a need to control and influence the
situation and other people to become dominant and controlling. This need causes
the person concerned to care less about the feelings of others. So, above statement
is one of the main reason why do people work.
Last but not least, to work is to keep us active and in good shape. Work often
gives people a sense of purpose in life, a mercy to well-being and mental health.
Working is about constantly learning and understanding things around us. “If you
have a job where you must solve problems, the mind will be stimulated and you’ll
come up with new things,” says Catherine Sullivan, professor of occupational
science and occupational therapy at St. Catherine University in St. Paul, Minn.
Above opinion show explained that if we had a job with some problems to solve on it,
our brain will be more sharp. Just like knives, the more we use, the more we sharpen,
and certainly will get sharper. But when we stop working, we spend less time
thinking and pondering about things that so far have deeply affected our lives. Soon
knowledge is eroded, and our brains become idle and self-indulgent. As time goes
on, we gradually lose concern about everything except ourselves. To prevent this
from happening, some people still learn and work in various ways even though they
have retired. Retirement did not prevent them from going to college and doing
farming. They said doing these things made them remain active and healthy, and
going to college gave them the liveliness of a twenty five year old teenager.
To sum up, working to most people are, although difficult, still rewarding
because of the great benefits it brings about. Besides earning money, people also
work for many important purposes, including to be aware of their duties, to gain what
they want to achieve, and to stay lively and active brain. Therefore, I would advise
anyone to find a suitable work for themselves because working is the best way
through which they can enjoy life.