Swarm Intelligence Approach To Safe Ship Control: Agnieszka Lazarowska
Swarm Intelligence Approach To Safe Ship Control: Agnieszka Lazarowska
Swarm Intelligence Approach To Safe Ship Control: Agnieszka Lazarowska
Agnieszka Lazarowska
Gdynia Maritime University, Poland
This paper presents an application of the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) technique in a safe ship control system. The
method developed solves the problem of path planning and collision avoidance of a ship in the open sea as well as in
restricted waters. The structure of the developed safe ship control system is introduced, followed by a presentation of
the applied algorithm. Results showing the problem-solving capability of the system are also included. The aim of the
system developed is to increase automation of a safe ship control process. It is possible to apply the proposed method
in Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs) control system, what will contribute to the enhancement of their autonomy.
Keywords: Ant Colony Optimization; collision avoidance; computer simulation; marine transport; path planning; safe ship control; safety
at sea; swarm intelligence
various loading conditions and at various operational speeds,
Technological development led to an increased marine manoeuvring rules of the vessel in fair weather condition and
traffic, which caused navigation to become more demanding for in reduced visibility at sea, limitations of the environment and
deck officers. A safe ship control system, containing equipment the corresponding quality index of control, taking into account
such as a log, a gyrocompass, a GPS, a radar with an Automatic both the optimality and safety criterion.
Radar Plotting Aid (ARPA), an Automatic Identification Research on ships collision avoidance started in the 1960s
System (AIS), an Electronic Chart Display and Information and the first studies were concerned with a collision avoidance
System (ECDIS) and an autopilot, enables realization of various manoeuvre in an encounter situation between two ships. There
methods of navigator’s decision support. was a necessity to consider the International Regulations for
Safe ship control is a complex process, because it requires Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGs) in solving a collision
a continuous analysis of large amount of information and situation, therefore in 1974 Jones [12] developed the manoeuvre
quick decision making. Incorrect assessment of the current diagram to provide the possibility of including the COLREGs in
navigational situation based upon data from navigational determining the evasive manoeuvre of a ship. In the 1970-1980s
devices can lead to a collision situation, often with very tragic the concept of collision risk assessment with the use of a ship
consequences. domain was developed by Fujii & Tanaka (1971) [9], Goodwin
The newest ARPA systems enable manual and/or automatic (1975) [10], Davis et al. (1980) [7] and Coldwell (1983) [6]. In
tracking of up to 100 objects detected by a radar, and then the 1970s the idea of determining optimal collision avoidance
simulating the manoeuvre planned by the navigator (trial manoeuvres with the use of the differential games theory was
manoeuvre function), but do not determine safe course or introduced by Olsder & Walter (1977) [17] and Kudriaszov &
speed changes. Lisowski (1979) [13], and considered for an encounter situation
The development of modern computational intelligence between two ships. Later Lisowski developed a differential
methods enables the synthesis of a safe ship control system. games approach for multi-ship encounter situations [16].
The aim of a safe ship control system is to determine a safe In the 2000s ship path planning approaches were reported.
course or speed manoeuvre, or a safe trajectory of the ship, A deterministic path planning method was introduced by
taking into account the dynamic properties of the vessel at Chang et al. in 2003 [5] and developed by Szłapczyński in 2006
based upon the fitness function calculation (Fig. 7). After that
the following output data are displayed: the course of the OS
Fig. 1. A block diagram of safe ship control system (Ψ – OS course, V – OS at every line segment of the determined trajectory, the time
speed, Ψj – TS course, Vj – TS speed, Nj – TS bearing from OS, Dj – TS taken for the OS to reach the endpoint, the distance travelled
distance from OS, Ψs – safe course of OS, Vs – safe speed of OS)
and a graphical presentation of the safe ship trajectory.
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