Design of Course-Keeping Controller For A Ship Bas
Design of Course-Keeping Controller For A Ship Bas
Design of Course-Keeping Controller For A Ship Bas
Original article
Due to the existence of uncertainties and the unknown time variant environmental disturbances for ship course
nonlinear control system, the ship course adaptive neural network robust course-keeping controller is designed by
combining the backstepping technique. The neural networks (NNs) are employed for the compensating of the
nonlinear term of the nonlinear ship course-keeping control system. The designed adaptive laws are designed to
estimate the weights of NNs and the bounds of unknown environmental disturbances. The first order commander
are introduced to solve the problem of repeating differential operations in the traditional backstepping design
method, which let the designed controller easier to implement in navigation practice and structure simplicity.
Theoretically, it indicates that the proposed controller can track the setting course in arbitrary expected accuracy,
while keeping all control signals in the ship course control closed-loop system are uniformly ultimately bounded.
Finally, the training ship of Dalian Maritime University is taken for example; simulation results illustrated the
effectiveness and the robustness of the proposed controller.
Copyright གྷ 2017, International Association of e-Navigation and Ocean Economy. Hosting by Elsevier B.V.
This article is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Peer review under responsibility of Korea Advanced Institute for International Association of e-Navigation and Ocean
This is a revised version presented at the 4th Ai-MAST held at Mokpo, Korea, December 12-14, 2016.
ZHANG, JIANG, HU, PAN / International Journal of e-Navigation and Maritime Economy 7 (2017) 034–041 35
repeated derivation virtual control law in the traditional where ¢,£ are nonlinear parameters of ship.
backstepping, Farrell, Polycarpou, and Sharma et al
Let x1 \ ˈ x2 \ ˈ u G ˈ and from the
(2009) and Dong, Farrell and Polycarpou, et al (2012)
introduced command filtering into backstepping method formula (1) and (2) we can obtain
and proposed a filtering backstepping method. In x1 x2 (3)
addition, when the nonlinear mathematical model of the
system is highly nonlinear, the application of K
x2 f ( x2 ) u d (t ) (4)
backstepping is limited. T
Inspired by the above literature, this paper proposes an y x1 (5)
adaptive neural network control method based on the
instruction filtering technique for the nonlinear where y R is the output of the system ˈ
mathematical model of ship course motion. The method 1
f ( x2 ) H ( x2 ) is the unknown nonlinear function
uses neural networks to approximate the unknown T
nonlinear of ship course mathematical model online. of the system, H ( x2 ) Dx2 Ex23 ˈu is the designed
Using a two order filter to obtain the derivation of the
control law.
virtual control law significantly simplifies the design
process of backstepping method, and avoids the Assumption 1. d (t ) is a bounded external environment
"computation explosion" problem. Considering disturbance
unknown time-varying environment disturbance, an
d (t ) d d (6)
adaptive law is designed to estimate the unknown time-
varying disturbance of the environment. Then the
where d is the upper bound of external environment
controller output of the equivalent rudder angle
counteracts the environmental disturbance, and makes
the actual output of the ship to track the desired course. Assumption 2. Expected reference course yd is
Symbol Description˖Rn the n-dimensional Euclidean smooth and bounded, and has two order continuous
bounded derivative. There exists a positive constant B
space, is norm of Euclidean, Omax () and Omin ()
respectively represent the maximum and minimum
having ^( y d `
, y d , yd ) : y d2 y d2 yd2 d B .
z2 equation(33)can be written as
dˆ Uz 2 tanh( ) k 4 dˆ (30)
H 2 § 1· 2 1 2
V2 a d k1 z1 ¨ k 2 ¸ z 2 E *
~ © 2¹ 2
where T T * Tˆ is error vector of estimation weightˈ
Tˆ is ideal estimation T * is estimation, d d dˆ ˈ ª z º k ~ k
« z 2 z 2 tanh( 2 )» d 3 T 2 3 T M2
¬ H ¼ 2r 2r
d̂ is estimation of d ˈ k 3 ! 0, k 4 ! 0 are designed
parameters. k4 ~ 2 k4 2
d d (37)
According to (26)ˈconstruct the augmented Lyapunov 2U 2U
function as The characteristic of hyperbolic tangent function: For
1 ~T ~ 1 ~ 2 H ! 0 ˈ a R , have
V2 a V2 T T d (31)
2r 2U a
0 d a a tanh( ) d EH (38)
where r ! 0, U ! 0 are designed parameters. H
Get the derivation of the augmented Lyapunov function where a constant E meeting E e ( E 1) is E 0.2785 .
§ 1· ½ 1 2
where P min ®2k1 , 2¨ k 2 ¸ˈk 3 , k 4 ¾, C˙ E *
¯ © 2 ¹ ¿ 2
ZHANG, JIANG, HU, PAN / International Journal of e-Navigation and Maritime Economy 7 (2017) 034–041 39
k1 ! 0 30 yd
° y
°°k 2 ! 1
heading (deg)
® 2 (40)
°k 3 ! 0
° 10
°¯k 4 ! 0
Obtain from equation(36)
C C 0 200 400 600
0 d V2 a d [V2 a (0) ]e Pt (41)
P P t(s)
Figure 1: Course of ship
So thatˈwhen t o f , V2 a converges to ˈ all the In figures of the simulationˈFig. 1 is the course of the
ship, we can see from the figure that the design of the
signals in the closed-loop system are bounded(Li J. F,
ship course tracking controller has a faster response
2013). If properly select the design parameters k1 ˈ k 2 ˈ
speed and better tracking ability; Fig. 2 is the course
k3 ˈ k 4 , r , U , e2 , it Can make the course tracking error tracking error of ship. It can be seen that the error is
arbitrarily small. almost zero in the tracking process which indicates that
the keeping effect is better.
4. Simulation Study 2
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