Extension in Joining Time To JBT To TGT Promotees

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Directorate of Elementary Education
Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-1

Dated: Shimla-171001 the 28th February, 2017


In continuation to this Directorate Office Order of even number

dated 14.02.2017, necessary extension in joining time is hereby accorded, up to
04.03.2017 in favour of the candidates promoted to the post of TGT (NM) from
JBT cadre and could not join at the allotted station/school due to any reason.

Other terms & conditions of the promotion orders shall remain


The above said order is available on the departmental website of this

Directorate i.e. himachal.nic.in/eleedu. Individual concerned is directed to
download the same from the departmental website. No hard copy is being supplied
to any incumbent.


Endst. No. Even, Dated: Shimla-171001 the, 28th February, 2017

Copy for information and further necessary action to:-
1. All the Deputy Directors of Elementary Education, H.P.
2. All the Block Elementary Education Officer, HP.
3. The In-charge, IT Cell (Internal) with the direction to upload the same on
departmental website of this Directorate.
4. The individual concerned.
5. Guard file.


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