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Quanser Aero Myrio For Ni

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Dual-rotor aerospace experiment with reconfigurable

dynamic components for mechatronics exploration
and controls.


The Quanser AERO for NI myRIO is a fully integrated lab experiment,
designed for teaching mechatronics and control concepts at the under-
graduate level, as well as for advanced aerospace research applications.
The experiment is reconfigurable for various aerospace systems, from
1 DOF attitude control and 2 DOF helicopter to half-quadrotor. With the
comprehensive course materials included, you can build a state-of-the-art
teaching lab for your mechatronics or control courses, engage students in
various design and capstone projects, and validate your research concepts
on a high-quality, robust, and precise platform.

HOW IT WORKS NI Part No. 751431-01

The Quanser AERO for NI myRIO consists of two propellers, powered by See system specifications on reverse.
DC motors. Combined with the light-weight design of the experiment,
this makes the system capable of highly responsive movements. The
Quanser AERO’s compact base includes a built-in amplifier with an QUANSER AERO SOLUTION COMPONENTS
integrated current sensor, built-in data acquisition device, and a QFLEX 2 aQ uanser AERO for NI myRIO with QFLEX 2 interface panel
NI myRIO interface panel. The experiment comes with additional propellers
to illustrate the efficiency of different propeller designs and effects of aQ
 uanser Rapid Control Prototyping (QRCP) for LabVIEW*
cross-coupling. aC
 omplete dynamic model and pre-build controllers
The propeller motors are equipped with optical encoders. The motor current a ABET1-aligned, flexible courseware
and voltage sensors can be used to monitor the power consumption of
the experiment.
*LabVIEW licenses not included
The slip ring mechanism allows for unlimited 360° yaw rotation. The
angles of the pitch and yaw axes are measured using high-resolution
optical encoders. The pitch and yaw axis can be independently locked,
and the angle of the propeller assemblies can be adjusted between
horizontal and vertical positions. This allows users to reconfigure the
Quanser AERO for various aerospace systems (1 DOF attitude control,
2 DOF helicopter, half-quadrotor) and experiments (e.g. pitch-only
system modeling).
The Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) board includes accelerometer and
gyroscope sensors, which can be used for attitude and yaw estimation
and verification against the direct position measurements from the encoders.
The Quanser AERO also has a user-controllable tri-color LED strip. It can
be programmed to indicate state, power, or other control performance
characteristics of the Quanser AERO.

ABET, Inc. is the recognized accreditor for college and university programs in applied science, computing, engineering, and technology.
SYSTEM Interchangeable
Propeller safety
guard Pitch encoder

Quanser AERO for NI myRIO Adjustable propeller angle
(horizontal to vertical)
DC motor with
Inertial measurement
unit with accelerometer Unlimited 360°
and gyroscope yaw rotation
Yaw encoder

interface panel
tri-color LED


• C ompact and integrated system •U  ser-controllable tri-color LED

• High-efficiency coreless DC motors • E asy-connect cables and connectors
• High resolution optical encoders • Open architecture design, allowing users to design their
• P itch & yaw axes and DC motors/rotors speed own controller
measurements through digital tachometer • Fully compatible with LabVIEW™
• B uilt-in voltage amplifier with integrated current sensor • Fully documented system models and parameters provided
• Integrated data acquisition(DAQ) device for and LabVIEW™
• ABET-aligned, modular, courseware included
• Additional community-created resources available on

The Quanser AERO for NI myRIO courseware includes

ABET 1-aligned Instructor and Student Workbooks Laboratory Guides with modeling and control design examples:
with complete lab exercises, covering topics:
2 DOF helicopter configuration
• H ardware integration
• Modeling
• S ingle propeller speed control
• L inear state-space representation
1 DOF attitude control configuration: • S tate-feedback control
• PID control • C oupled dynamics
• Introduction to IMU
Half-quadrotor configuration
• Modeling using transfer function
• Modeling
• System identification
• S imple yaw control
• G ain scheduling
• Kalman filter

Base dimensions (W x H x D) 17.8 cm x 17.8 cm x 7 cm

Device height (with propeller in horizontal position) 35.6 cm
Device length 51 cm
Device mass 3.6 kg
Propeller diameter 12.7 cm
Yaw angle range 360°
Elevation angle range 124° (± 62° from horizontal) half-quadrotor configuration
Pitch encoder resolution (in quadrature) 512 counts/revolution
Yaw/travel encoder resolution (in quadrature) 1024 counts/revolution
Motor current torque constant 57.7 mN.m/A
Tri-axis gyroscope range ± 245 dps
Tri-axis accelerometer range ± 2g
Interface: QFLEX 2 NI myRIO A/B connector to two MXP connectors on NI myRIO

About Quanser:
Quanser is the world leader in education and research for real-time control design and implementation. We specialize in outfitting engineering control laboratories to help
universities captivate the brightest minds, motivate them to success and produce graduates with industry-relevant skills. Universities worldwide implement Quanser’s open
architecture control solutions, industry-relevant curriculum and cutting-edge work stations to teach Introductory, Intermediate or Advanced controls to students in Electrical,
Mechanical, Mechatronics, Robotics, Aerospace, Civil, and various other engineering disciplines.


Products and/or services pictured and referred to herein and their accompanying specifications may be subject to change without notice. Products and/or services mentioned herein are trademarks or registered
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trademarks of Quanser Inc. and/or its affiliates. LabVIEW™ is a trademark of National Instruments. ©2017 Quanser Inc. All rights reserved.

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