Fundae Sundaes. Excel It! 2E - Student Workbook
Fundae Sundaes. Excel It! 2E - Student Workbook
Fundae Sundaes. Excel It! 2E - Student Workbook
Goal: To provide students with a basic background in multiple aspects of computer use.
Course Description: In this course, students will review the areas of word processing and the basics of
spreadsheets. Students will also prepare multiple presentations and explore careers. In
addition, appropriate keyboarding skills (using MicroPace3) and researching using
electronic means will be emphasized throughout the duration of the course.
Learner Outcomes:
I. Demonstrate an understanding of Microsoft Word & Explore Google Docs.
Course Outcomes:
a. Explore the uses for a word processing program.
b. Create variety of documents using the word processing options.
Course Outline:
I. Keyboarding (a short period of time each day throughout the quarter will be dedicated to this)
A. Drill
B. Technique
C. Timings
II. Word Processing – Word (Office 365) & GoogleDocs (13 days)
A. Preparing professional looking documents
B. Tests
III. Spreadsheets – Excel (Office 365) & Goggle Sheets (13 days)
A. Preparing spreadsheet & charts
B. Tests
C. Test on Charts
IV. Presentation – PowerPoint (Office 365) & Google Slides (13 days)
A. Prepare multiple presentations
B. Prepare two projects/tests
Project/Test - 50% of grade
Each project/test will be assigned points. Based on the percentage of the points received out of the number
possible, you will be assigned a letter grade.
Any work not handed in on the final day of class will be recorded as a zero.
Everyone will begin with keyboarding books as either a review or as an introduction – whichever is necessary.
Once a certain skill level is achieved, students will begin using MicroPace3.
Grade Scale:
A 93 % C 73
A- 90 C- 70
B+ 87 D+ 67
B 83 D 63
B- 80 D- 60
C+ 77 F 0
Classroom Behavior:
Respect yourself, faculty and your peers Respect personal and school property
Bring all required materials for class The bell tells the teacher to dismiss you
Raise your hand and wait your turn No food, candy or drinks
Use active listening Complete all assignments on time
Come ready to learn Ask questions
Use appropriate language All electronic devices out of sight/hearing
Be on time
Discipline Policy:
• With a written referral, student owes me 15 minutes at the following lunch period.
• If behavior is ongoing, day after day, parents/guardians will be called and Mr. Michaelson/Mr. Wormley
will be involved.