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Tiger Brands Case Study

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Oracle E-Business Suite

Reporting and Analysis Made Easy:

Tiger Brands Deploys GL Wand

“There were other tools available to

us, but none of these would have been
able to achieve what GL Wand did, let
alone do it in such a short space
of time.”
- J an van der Merwe,
Senior Business Analyst at Tiger Brands

Both the reporting and analysis Tiger Brands chose to implement GL Wand as part of
a long term, company-wide strategic shift towards
tasks in complex organisations adopting Oracle E-Business Suite technology. This
can prove to be major obstacles shift has been successful, with the company currently
utilising E-Business Suite version 12.
for the relevant personnel in a
large enterprise. While each of Jan van der Merwe, a senior business analyst at
Tiger Brands, explains that with the organisation’s
these tasks can be described as growth over the years, its IT environment ended up
being crucial to the company’s looking a bit like a ‘fruit salad’, with multiple different
enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions in
wellbeing, the often cumbersome place across the various divisions. It was this that led
nature of the process can either to the desire for a strategic shift to an Oracle-only
slow down or completely impede
the employees’ ability to fulfil their “Our first use of the GL Wand tool came about in
2006, when we were busy with an implementation
duties. This was the case at Tiger project for one of the divisions that was not using
Brands, up until the company Oracle at the time. We were put under pressure
by the time constraints with regard to getting the
chose to implement GL Wand necessary reporting requirements in place, as these
from Excel4apps solution, which were extremely tight,” says van der Merwe.

removed these headaches and “Obviously, these users were inexperienced with
instead created an automated, Oracle, so in order to address the requirements
of this particular user community and to get them
flexible and easily executed up and running within the tight timeframes we
process. were given; we implemented the GL Wand tool
from Excel4apps. This enabled us to quickly and
efficiently address the requirements of that business
Tiger Brands Limited is a Top 40 JSE Limited company,
with a footprint that extends across the African
continent and beyond. It is one of the largest
He points out that the company was especially
manufacturers and marketers of FMCG products
impressed with how easily the tool enabled the
in Southern Africa, focusing on a broad basket of
users to adapt to the new Oracle environment,
categories that spans food, home and personal care
and how simple it was to get the employees up to a
as well as baby products. Tiger Brands is a world–class
level of self-sufficiency, thanks to the rapid transfer
operation that maintains its position through constant
of knowledge.
investment in people, brands, technology, efficiency,
quality and sustainability.
“The other tools we had available to us would never
have been able to achieve this, let alone achieve
it in such a short space of time.”

“GL Wand offers Tiger Brands

two key pillars, namely those
of reporting and analysis.”
- Jan van der Merwe,
Senior Business Analyst at Tiger Brands

GL Wand for Oracle shown


“In terms of reporting, we obtain a final product that is more quickly

put together, offers less chance for human error to creep in and is
delivered in an effective and presentable format.”
- Jan van der Merwe, Senior Business Analyst at Tiger Brands
Van der Merwe explains that subsequent to this
rollout, Tiger Brands expanded the use of the
Excel4apps software to other divisions that were In 2006, Tiger Brands took a strategic decision
already using Oracle, adding that since then, all to consolidate its ERP environment into an
new implementations have followed the self-same Oracle-only one.
“With the original GL Wand implementation, when Tiger Brands is currently using Oracle
we first demonstrated exactly what this tool could E-Business Suite version 12.
do from both a reporting and analysis point of
view, the users were impressed. Since then, every GL Wand was initially implemented to assist in
single time we show it to new users of Oracle, we transitioning one of the divisions that had not
get exactly the same reaction.” been using Oracle prior to the consolidation
“The effectiveness of GL Wand is probably best
indicated by simple numbers – with the original Recognising how easily the tool enabled
implementation in 2006, we purchased six licences. the users to adapt to the new Oracle
Today, that number has increased by more than a environment, and how simple it was to get
factor of 20, with the Tiger Brands Group currently the employees up to a level of self-sufficiency,
utilising over 130 licences,” he continues. Tiger Brands has begun using the GL Wand
across the Group.
These users are spread across the entire country,
he says, adding that while he cannot say if every Today, the company benefits extensively from
single user utilises the tool to its fullest extent, he both the reporting and analysis functionality
has come across many instances of users doing built into the tool.
wonderful things with it.
After many years of use, GL Wand continues
“Perhaps the biggest single benefit we obtain from to exceed expectations and Tiger Brands
GL Wand – and this goes for every single user – is the continues to increase the number of licences
incredible time savings that are achieved. With the it purchases.
other tools we used in the past, it took much longer
to produce a report because the information had
to first be ported to an outside source, and also
due to the fact that the cosmetic appearance of
the report had to be redone every time. With GL what GL Wand does in pure functionality terms. This
Wand, you are able to design the look of the report coupled with the ability to drill down to a granular
first and then simply insert the latest information level, means that whatever level of analysis is
and populate the values as you require. This means required, the tool can do it.
it is quicker to produce and you are always assured
that the final product will look the same.” “In terms of reporting, we obtain a final product
that is more quickly put together, offers less chance
for human error to creep in and is delivered in an
Reporting and Analysis Benefits effective and presentable format.”
According to van der Merwe, GL Wand offers Tiger “It is particularly useful for our financial people, most
Brands two key pillars, namely those of reporting and of whom come from an environment where they
analysis. He says that from an analysis perspective,
the company has no other tool that is able to offer

“The effectiveness of GL Wand is probably best indicated by simple

numbers – with the original implementation in 2006, we purchased
six licences. Today, that number has increased by more than a factor
of 20.”
- Jan van der Merwe, Senior Business Analyst at Tiger Brands
already use Excel a lot. Thus, they are comfortable linked to the Group’s database, meaning they are
with the tool and recognise that it enables them to updated automatically when changes are saved.
do their jobs better. Also, the fact that these users This, he states, really improves the quality of the data.
already know the Excel environment meant that
very little training was required here, and they took “On the analysis side, the drill down functionality built
to the tool like a fish to water. This, of course, was into the tool gives our people exactly what they need
beneficial both to the Tiger Brands IT department in terms of accessing relevant information. Although
and the users themselves.” there are definitely other methods they can use to
obtain such analysis data, the GL Wand tool is quite
Asked whether GL Wand had a positive effect on obviously the quickest, easiest and most effective
month-end, van der Merwe is more circumspect. method.”
He explains that there are a multitude of issues that
affect the reporting lifecycle. And would he consider telling other companies
about this tool?
“For example, our head office has recently shrunk
the cut-off dates for month-end reports, which has “Actually, I have already recommended GL Wand
really shaken up the reporting process across the to a number of other organisations. After all, it really
Group. One thing I am positive of is that GL Wand is an amazing tool, so I don’t see why I should have
has enabled our financial people to deal with any qualms about endorsing it.”
these stricter dates more easily than they would
have been able to without it.” “Internally, everyone to whom we have demonstrated
it has seen the value of the tool in their environment
as well, proving just how good an investment this has
Conclusion been. I think it is safe to say that the success of GL
Wand within the Tiger Brands Group has been such
It is clear that from a reporting perspective, GL
that I genuinely couldn’t picture the organisation’s
Wand ensures that users at Tiger Brands have
Oracle environment without it,” he concludes.
access to more trustworthy data. This, says van der
Merwe, is due to the fact that spreadsheets are

For More Information

Excel4apps is a best-in-class provider E-mail sales@excel4apps.com
of Excel-based reporting, inquiry,
and budget-loading software for
Oracle and SAP. Designed for finance www.excel4apps.com
professionals, its award-winning GL
Wand, Reports Wand and Budget Wand facebook.com/
products easily and securely deliver excel4apps
real-time ERP data using Microsoft
Excel® to save reporting time and effort. linkedin.com/company/
Excel4apps serves over 23,000 Oracle excel4apps
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United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, excel4apps ©2015 Excel4apps. All trademarks are
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