Tiger Brands Case Study
Tiger Brands Case Study
Tiger Brands Case Study
Both the reporting and analysis Tiger Brands chose to implement GL Wand as part of
a long term, company-wide strategic shift towards
tasks in complex organisations adopting Oracle E-Business Suite technology. This
can prove to be major obstacles shift has been successful, with the company currently
utilising E-Business Suite version 12.
for the relevant personnel in a
large enterprise. While each of Jan van der Merwe, a senior business analyst at
Tiger Brands, explains that with the organisation’s
these tasks can be described as growth over the years, its IT environment ended up
being crucial to the company’s looking a bit like a ‘fruit salad’, with multiple different
enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions in
wellbeing, the often cumbersome place across the various divisions. It was this that led
nature of the process can either to the desire for a strategic shift to an Oracle-only
slow down or completely impede
the employees’ ability to fulfil their “Our first use of the GL Wand tool came about in
2006, when we were busy with an implementation
duties. This was the case at Tiger project for one of the divisions that was not using
Brands, up until the company Oracle at the time. We were put under pressure
by the time constraints with regard to getting the
chose to implement GL Wand necessary reporting requirements in place, as these
from Excel4apps solution, which were extremely tight,” says van der Merwe.
removed these headaches and “Obviously, these users were inexperienced with
instead created an automated, Oracle, so in order to address the requirements
of this particular user community and to get them
flexible and easily executed up and running within the tight timeframes we
process. were given; we implemented the GL Wand tool
from Excel4apps. This enabled us to quickly and
efficiently address the requirements of that business
Tiger Brands Limited is a Top 40 JSE Limited company,
with a footprint that extends across the African
continent and beyond. It is one of the largest
He points out that the company was especially
manufacturers and marketers of FMCG products
impressed with how easily the tool enabled the
in Southern Africa, focusing on a broad basket of
users to adapt to the new Oracle environment,
categories that spans food, home and personal care
and how simple it was to get the employees up to a
as well as baby products. Tiger Brands is a world–class
level of self-sufficiency, thanks to the rapid transfer
operation that maintains its position through constant
of knowledge.
investment in people, brands, technology, efficiency,
quality and sustainability.
“The other tools we had available to us would never
have been able to achieve this, let alone achieve
it in such a short space of time.”