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Syllabus For The Post of Technician (Civil Engineering) : Topic Details

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Syllabus for the Post of Technician (Civil Engineering)

Basic Fundamentals Properties of Fluids, Hydrostatic Pressure, Measurement of Pressure,
of Fluid Mechanics Fundamentals of Fluid Flow, Flow Measurement, Flow through Pipes,
Flow Through Open Channels, Hydraulic Pumps
Building Materials Laboratory based characterization of stones, bricks, tiles, cement,
concrete, timber, steel, Block Board, Commercial Board, Flush Door,
Shutter, Chequered Tiles, Kerb Stone, Paver Blocks, Sound and
Thermal Insulation materials and flyash. Awareness of relevant codes.
Building Basic construction technology and requirements for brick masonry,
Construction stone masonry, arches, trusses, Concrete structures, scaffolding,
foundation construction. Different surface finishing processes such as
Plastering, Pointing, Painting, White-Washing and distempering.
Anti-termite treatments in building
Surveying Principles of surveying, survey instruments, chain surveying,
working of prismatic compass, compass traversing, bearings, local
attraction, plane table surveying, theodolite traversing, adjustment of
theodolite, Leveling, temporary and permanent adjustments,
tachometer, GPS, Introduction to remote sensing and GIS
Soil Mechanics Classification of various types of soils, type of foundation structure,
computation of shear strength parameters of soil, compaction and
consolidation of soils, bearing capacity of soil
Quantity Surveying Units of measurement, Calculating quantities of materials and prepare
and Evaluation the material chart, rate analysis, tender document of different civil
engineering items by using C.S.R. rates with premium, Valuation of
Structural Physical properties of steel, Computation of direct and bending
Mechanics stresses for beams and columns, M.O.I, Second Moment of Inertia,
Radius of Gyration, Section Modulus of Resistance for steel
sections, Calculation of Bending Stresses, Moment of Resistance of
simply supported beams, Stress Distribution Diagram for rectangular
Irrigation Engg Different crops and their water requirements, Concept of Design
rainfall and runoff, Hydrographs, Installation of tubewells and water
harvesting techniques, Supervise maintenance and construction work
of canal head works and cross regulators, Supervise construction of
various river training works, desilting operations.
Concrete Physical properties of cement as per IS Codes, Various tests on
Technology aggregates in laboratory, grading charts for different aggregates,
Properties, Advantages and uses of concrete, water cement ratio,
workability, bleeding, segregation, harshness defects, mix design,
storage, batching, mixing, placement, compaction, finishing and
curing of concrete, quality control of concrete, hot and cold weather
concreting, NDT of Concrete.
Water Supply and Physical and chemical tests of water, Calculation of size of different
Waste Water pipes to carry water, network of pipes for water supply as well as
Engineering sewerage. Necessity of systematic collection and disposal of waste,
Collection and conveyance of sewage, Estimation of waste quantities,
treatment methods, waste characterization, Waste water Conservancy
and water carriage systems, their advantages and Disadvantages (a)
Surface drains: various types, Types of sewage: Domestic, industrial,
storm water and its seasonal variation.
Highway Engg. Cross sectional elements, types of pavements, characterization of
pavement materials – aggregates and bitumen, Introduction to flexible
and rigid pavements – Water Bound Macadam (WBM) and Wet Mix
Macadam (WMM), Gravel Road, Bituminous construction, Rigid
pavement, Determination of the California bearing ratio (CBR) for the
sub-grade soil.
Railways Bridges & Railway Engineering Components of permanent way – sleepers,
Tunnels ballast, fixtures and fastening, track geometry, points and crossings,
track junction, stations and yards. Different types of rail gauges used
in India, Use of different types of rail fastenings and fixtures,
Classification of bridges Essential components of a ROB and RUB
RCC Design Design concept of structural components as per relevant codes,
Design of axially loaded column and footing. Limit State and
Working Stress methods, Introduction to Pre-Stressed Concrete
Steel Structure Structural properties of steel and its designation as per Indian
Design Standards, types of joints, different types of trusses, their components
and usability, simply supported steel beams, types of plate girders.


Chain surveying:
1. Ranging a line
2. Taking offsets - perpendicular and oblique (with a tape only)
3. Setting out right angle with a tape

Chain Survey of a small area.

Compass Surveying:
Study of prismatic compass
Setting the compass and taking observations
Measuring angles between the lines meeting at a point
Plane Table Surveying:
Study of the plane table survey equipment
Setting the plane table
Marking the North direction
Plotting a few points by radiation method
Orientation by Trough compass, Back sighting
Plotting few points by intersection, radiation and resection method
Traversing an area with a plane table
Layout of Buildings (from given drawing of two room residential building) by use of
surveying instruments.

S. No. Name of Experiment

1. Determination of Softening Point of Bitumen
2. Determination of Penetration of Bitumen
3. Determination of Ductility of Bitumen
4. Determination of Flash and Fire Point of Bitumen
5. Determination of Stripping Value of Bitumen
6. Determination of CBR Value of Subgrade
7. Determination of Bitumen Content in Bituminous Mixes
8. Determination of Marshall Stability and Flow Value of Bituminous


S. No. Name of Experiment

1. Determination of pH value of water
2. Determination of Conductivity and Total Dissolved Solids in water
3. Determination of Alkalinity
4. Determination of Acidity
5. Determination of Hardness
6. Determination of Anions and Cations using spectrophotometer
7. Determination of COD
8. Determination of BOD


S. No. Name of Experiment

1. Determination of Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity of structural elements
2. Determination of Rebound Hammer Number of Structural Elements


List of practicals:

1. Tests on Cement
a. Normal Consistency
b. Initial and Final Setting Time
c. Soundness
d. Fineness by Blaine’s Air Permeability
e. Compressive Strength
2. Tests on Cement
a. Flakiness and Elongation Index
b. Deleterious Materials (Silt & Clay)
c. Specific Gravity and Water Absorption
d. Bulk Density and Voids in coarse and fine aggregate
e. Grain Size Analysis & Grading of Aggregate
f. Aggregate Impact Value
g. Aggregate Crushing Value
h. Aggregate Abrasion Value
i. Soundness of Aggregate
j. Ten Percent fines value
k. Moisture Content
l. Water Absorption Value
m. Silt Content in Fine Aggregate
n. Bulking of Sand

3. Tests on Concrete
a. Workability by Slump Cone
b. Workability by Compacting Factor
c. Workability by Vee-Bee Consistometer
d. Split Tensile Strength
e. Flexural Strength of concrete
f. Abrasion Resistance test on Concrete


List of Practicals:

1. Particle Size Distribution

2. Water Content Determination
3. Specific Gravity by Pycnometer & Density Bottle
4. Field Density by Sand Replacement Method
5. Field Density by Core Cutter Method
6. Proctor Compaction Test
Light Compaction & Heavy Compaction
7. Atterberg Limits
Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit and Shrinkage Limit
8. Liquid Limit by Cone Penetrometer
9. Permeability Test
Constant Head Method & Falling Head Method
10. Direct Shear Test
11. Laboratory Vane Shear Test
12. Standard Penetration

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