Adlerian Therapy Phase 1:establish The Phase 2: To Education

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Adlerian Alfred Adler A therapy that Adler viewed Help clients to Assess the Through the Mutual Phase To education
Therapy views humans as overcome clients style therapeutic responsibility 1:Establish the -training both
inferiority being feelings of of life that is process, the between the Relationship teachers and
feeling as a motivated discourageme affecting the client will therapist and Phase 2: parents in
factor to make primarily by nt and faulty discover that clients Explore the effective
individuals social inferiority functioning of he or she has towards Individuals practices that
strive for relatedness feeling the client resources identifying Psychological foster the
completion. rather than and options goals with Dynamics child’s social
Seeks to help by sexual To help clients Do not label to draw on in trust,respect  Subjective interests
clients identify urges; to feel a sense clients with dealing with and equality. Interview Parent
and change behavior is of social pathological significant life  Objective Education
their mistaken purposeful relatedness(so diagnoses. issues and interview improve the
beliefs about, and goal cial interest) life tasks. (lifestyle relationship
their self, directed; and Assist clients assessment, between
others, and consciousne Modifying in better family parent and
life. ss, more clients’ views understandin constellation child by
than and goals— g, and early promoting
unconscious that is, challenging, recollection greater
ness. affecting their and changing Phase 3: understanding
style of life their life story. Encourage Self- and
Understanding acceptance
and Insight Couple’s
Phase 4: designed to
Reorientation assess a
and couple’s
Reeducation beliefs and
them in
more effective
ways of
meeting their
Families focus
on the family
the family
and the
goals of each
Existential Viktor Frankl A therapy that Humans are To be able to To be able to Clients will Relating in an Assessing and Applicable to
Therapy deals with the continuously give grasp the undergo I/Thou understanding persons who
Rollo May existence and changing in awareness to clients exploration fashion the clients are
the experience response to the client that subjective wherein they means that subjective world experiencing a
Irvin Yalom of a human the tensions, they are free world. can uncover there is feeling of
being. This contradiction to choose and what they direct, Self-exploration meaninglessn
therapy gives s, and decide about To give have been mutual, and and evaluation ess, living
emphasis to conflicts things and awareness to through and present of self that leads ,dying,
freedom and experienced they must feel the clients what can they interaction. to restructuring developmental
responsibility in their lives. a sense of about the learn from it Caring and faulty beliefs crisis, making
and meaning Humans responsibility consequence that will intimate and attitudes. choices and
in life. recreate on the s and what contribute to relationships having
their selves. consequences can they who they with clients. Assisting clients adjustment
of their choice. learn from want to to put their problems .
their become in The core of realizations and
problematic the future the learnings about
experiences. therapeutic their selves into
relationship is actions.
which implies
potential to
with their
through their
Person Carl Rogers A therapy that Humans Client To be able to The client will Two persons Active and Experiencing
Centered proposes that have the centered make the feel a sense are in emphatic crisis, anxiety
Therapy the client as potential to therapy therapy of ownership psychological listening, disorders,
the center of become believe the become more to the contact. reflection of alcoholism,
the therapy is aware of the goal of effective the problem and feelings and psychosomatic
also the problems therapy was role of the as the the client, is clarifications problems,
primary agent and the not just to therapist is therapy in a state of Agoraphobia,
for a positive means to solve the that he/she progresses incongruence interpersonal
change in their resolve it clients must accept the client , being difficulties,
selves. Problem but the client becomes less Vulnerable or depression,
rather, the without any defensive anxious. cancer, and
goal is to help judgement, and personality
clients in their become becoming the therapist, disorders.
growth available more is congruent
process so ,attentive and confident on (real or
clients can to be an finding ways genuine)
deal with emphatic to solve in the
problems and listener his/her own relationship.
be able to during the problem
cope within session and The therapist
their selves . to be genuine experiences
towards unconditional
his/her positive
relationship regard for the
to the client. client and has
an empathic
g of the
client’s point
of view

n to the client
of the
g and
regard is to a
Gestalt Frederick It is a therapy Humans are To assist To encourage They were an Person to internal dialogue Those who are
therapy “Fritz “ Perls that able to make client on being the client to active person exercise(empty experiencing
and emphasizes good fully aware of an active participant on relationship chair technique) troubles from
the choices and what is partnership their own self- their pasts like
Laura Perls importance of decisions if happening ; on an discovery Both the Making the unfinished
the” here and they are fully and by experimental experience. client and the rounds business with
now “.The aware of knowing it the attitude therapist a particular
therapy gives what is client will be wherein they Clients will be share Reversal person or past
importance on happening able to make will try out able to personal Exercise event.
giving the great choice behaviors perceive that stories which
client about that are new they have a is relevant in Exaggeration Experiencing
what they are to them and choice and an exercise Anxiety
experiencing observe if try out new appropriate
at the present what will behaviors manner Staying with the
moment in the happen. specially on feeling
environment. Client will be the part of the
able to make therapist
decisions and
accept the
results that
they have
Behavior B.F. Skinner This therapy The person To remove Conducts Active role Collaborative Positive Anxiety
Therapy Focuses on is both the behaviors that thorough working Reinforcement Depression
Albert treating creator and is maladaptive functional Clients must relationship Negative PTSD
Bandura problem product of and learns analysis be motivated Therapeutic Reinforcement Substance
behaviors that his/her new effective using the towards versatility and Positive Abuse
Arnold the client environment. behaviors. ABC model. change and flexibility of Punishment Eating
Lazarus experiences People have expected to both the Negative Disorder
choices on Therapist cooperate client and Punishment
how they will must be during therapist is a Progressive
treat certain active and therapeutic must. Muscle
events directive and activities Relaxation
to function as Systematic
consultants Desensitization
and problem In Vivo
solvers. exposure
Evaluates EMDR
behavioral Social Skills
change in the Training
Cognitive Albert Ellis Focuses on Humans are To dispute Dispute the Clients Directive Disputing Depression
Behavior the faulty born with irrational clients realizes that irrational beliefs
Therapy Aaron T. Beck thinking of the potential for thoughts and irrational things won’t Phobias
clients. A both rational faulty beliefs. beliefs and work out the Doing cognitive
Judith Beck therapy that and irrational encourage way they homework Psychosomati
serves as a thinkers To provide clients to wanted. c disorder
Donald learning clients a new engage in Bibliotherapy
Meichenbaum process upon and effective activities that Clients will General
practicing new way of coping will counter work actively Changing one’s Anxiety
and effective through their self- outside the language Disorder
skills for learning. defeating therapy
coping. beliefs. sessions Psychoeducatio Panic
nal methods Disorder
how clients Rational Post-traumatic
are keeping emotive imagery Stress
their Disorder
emotional Using humor
disturbance Suicidal
Help clients Role playing Behavior
modify their
thinking and Shame Borderline
minimize attacking
irrational exercises Narcissistic
ideas disorder

clients to
philosophy of
Reality William Choice posits that To help clients therapists Clients are understandin cycle of Choice theory
Therapy Glasser and theory is the we are not become more teach clients not expected g and counseling, is the
theoretical born blank effective in how to to backtrack supportive (1) creating the theoretical
Robert basis for slates fulfilling their engage in into the past relationship counseling basis for
Wubbolding reality therapy; waiting to be psychological self- or get for environment(2) reality therapy;
it explains why externally needs. evaluation sidetracked involvement implementing it explains why
and how we motivated therapist is into talking between the specific and how we
function. by forces in Therapists not to make about procedures that function.
therapist and
Reality the world assist clients the symptoms. lead to changes Reality
therapy around us. evaluation for Clients can the client to in behavior therapy
in making
provides Rather, we clients but to expect to occur, the The WDEP provides
more effective
a delivery are born with challenge experience counselor system can be a delivery
system for five and clients to used to help system for
some must have
helping genetically responsible examine what clients explore helping
urgency in certain
individuals encoded choices they are their wants, individuals
therapy. personal
take more needs that related to their doing possible things take more
effective drive us all wants and they can do, effective
control of their our lives: Assist clients including opportunities for control of their
lives. survival, or in evaluating warmth, self-evaluation, lives.
self- their own sincerity, and design
preservation; behavioral congruence, plans for
love and direction, understandin improvement
belonging; specific g,  wants
power, or actions, (exploring
inner control; wants, wants,
freedom, or perceptions, concern,
independenc level of respect for needs, and
e; and fun, commitment, the client, perceptions)
or possibilities openness,  direction
enjoyment. for new and doing
and the
Each of us directions,  self-
and action willingness to
has all fi ve evaluation
plans. be  planning
needs, but
challenged by and action
they vary in
to convey the others.
strength idea that no
matter how
bad things
are there is

Feminist JEAN BAKER Understanding  It is include Feminist Acquiring a Feminist  Empowerme For individual
Therapy MILLER and gender empowerment therapists are sense of self- therapists nt who have
acknowledgin fair , valuing and also acceptance, view the  Self- issues on
CAROLYN g the  It is affirming
committed to
self- therapeutic disclosure gender
ZERBE ENNS psychological flexible- diversity, confidence, relationship  Gender-role equality
oppression of striving for understandin joy, and as being
multicultu analysis
g oppression
OLIVA M. women and ral change rather authenticity. based on  Gender-role
ESPIN the constraints  It is than in all its clients mutuality, intervention
imposed by integratio adjustment, forms— acquire a equality, and  Power
LAURA S. the nist equality, including but new way of empowermen analysis
BROWN sociopolitical  It is life- balancing not limited to looking at t  Bibliotherapy
status to span- independence and  Assertivenes
which women oriented and responding to s training
have been interdependen racism, their world.
heterosexism  Reframing
relegated. ce, social Clients need
understanding change, and —and they to be Relabeling
the roles that self- consider the prepared for
both women nurturance impact of major shifts in
and men have key goal of oppression
been feminist their way of
and viewing the
socialized to therapy is to
accept and to assist discrimination world around
bringing this individuals in on
understanding viewing psychological them,
into the themselves as well-being. changes in
therapeutic active agents They value the way they
process. on their own
being perceive
behalf and on
behalf of emotionally themselves,
others. present for and
the ultimate their clients, transformed
goal of this being willing interpersonal
approach is to to share relationships.
create the kind themselves
of society during the
where sexism therapy hour,
and other modeling
forms of proactive
discrimination behaviors,
and and being
oppression committed to
are no longer their own
a reality consciousnes

Family Alfred Adler This therapy Views family To use the The therapist The clients in A Forming It’s applicable
Systems mainly system as different plays an this therapy collaborative relationship to individuals
Therapy Murray focuses on the the one techniques active role in will relationship Conducting experiencing
Bowen under this facilitating assessment
family where experience with respect problems
therapy to and Hypothesizing
Virginia Satir dynamics and individual decrease the mediating being aware ,empathy and sharing within the
the learns distress and within the of their faulty ,caring and meaning family like
Carl Whitaker interactions pattern of resolve family perceptions genuine Facilitating marital issues,
within the relationship. conflicts within members on their interest change conflict with
Salvador the family. involve in the
family system relationship between the the sibling and
Minuchin therapy.
to resolve and way of therapist and parent.
The therapist
Jay Haley conflicts. communicatio client
must be
n that fuels
and Cloé sincere and conflicts
Madanes empathic within the

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