EAS Writing Workbook Year 2

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Advanced Skills WRITING



Get the Results You Want!
Year 2 Ages 7– 8 years old
This book is part of the Excel Advanced Skills AGES
series, which provides students with more
challenging extension work in writing.
Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2 will
teach children the skills they need to become
effective writers for different purposes and audiences.

They will learn how to write a variety of informative,

t i n
imaginative and persuasive texts using grammar and

wr i
punctuation skills in the context of effective written
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communication. The sample texts provided can be Ne- t
used as models for children’s independent writing. All activities are designed to support students’ P
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appreciation of written language, and to give them meaningful practice in improving their own writing. PL itivnegrsa nc.tua
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The learning sequence presented in this book begins with teaching children how to recognise and use lb
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different kinds of sentences. This sequence establishes the role of sentences in making meaning. yot rh wc
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Subsequent chapters teach children about parts of a sentence: words and word groups; then how to link hW
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ideas across sentences and paragraphs; and finally how to construct whole texts for different purposes. Wh le tC he odmhe anm lpt ert, rya .
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C 1om “aCnd e lapnm hgeelpt d ?Ba rysa en d.” an
A C B e o m h d e n dg sy ka r y sa. id
This book has been specifically written for YEAR 2 AUSTRALIAN CURRICULUM ENGLISH. 1 “
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C “ omD ea
th eviw neg aavsikne ,”Braysak
tisrh -fery ssatird-fD dsa

Year 2 Ages 7– 8
In this book you will find:  Three chapters that focus on different kinds of D C re w aet haar w
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 Seven chapters that teach writing conventions informative, imaginative and persuasive texts A W haBt W i
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 Extensive scaffolding and text models s te hllo
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has many years experience as a primary classroom teacher and education consultant. She has written
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or co-written more than 40 books and digital titles for teachers and students, including two Excel Basic in the bdCeclarIe’m o h I

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Get the Results You Want!
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About this book..................................................... iv Writing sentences correctly.............. 25

NAPLAN-style test................................ 26
SECTION 1 Writing task: Writing verbs. . .............. 27

CHAPTER 1 Sentences—statements ..... 1 CHAPTER 4 Noun groups . . ............................... 28.

Writing the beginning of Using common nouns as
statements.. ............................................... 1 labels. . ........................................................ 28
Adding punctuation to Using capital letters for proper
statements.. ............................................... 2 nouns. . ....................................................... 29
Fact or opinion?....................................... 4 Adding punctuation to
Word order in statements................... 5 recounts.. .................................................. 30
NAPLAN-style test.................................. 8 Using adjectives in descriptions..... 31
Writing task: Writing statements...... 9 Recognising adjectives. . ..................... 33
Adding adjectives to texts................ 34
CHAPTER 2 Sentences—questions,
NAPLAN-style test................................ 35
commands and
exclamations............................... 10 Writing task: Writing sentences
with noun groups................................. 36
Adding punctuation to
questions.. ................................................ 10 CHAPTER 5 Sentences that tell how,
Linking parts of questions................ 12 where or when .......................... 37
Adding punctuation to Adding words that tell how. . ............ 37
commands. . ............................................. 13
Adding words that tell where.......... 39
Adding punctuation to
Adding words that tell when........... 42
exclamations.. ......................................... 14
Writing texts in logical order.. .......... 43
Questions and exclamations............ 16
NAPLAN-style test............................... 44
NAPLAN-style test................................ 17
Writing task: Writing phrases
Writing task: Writing questions. . ..... 18
to tell where and when...................... 45
CHAPTER 3 Every sentence has
CHAPTER 6 Connecting ideas in
a verb .................................................... 19
sentences ......................................... 46
Adding doing verbs to
Connecting ideas using and.. .......... 46
statements.. ............................................. 19
Connecting items in lists using
Adding saying verbs to
commas.................................................... 47
statements.. ............................................. 22
Connecting ideas using but. . ........... 48
Adding doing and saying verbs. . .... 23
Connecting ideas using or................ 49
Checking each sentence for
a verb......................................................... 24

ii Excel  A d v a n c e d S k i l l s Wri t i n g Wo rk b o o k Ye a r 2

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Connecting ideas using Writing complications
because.. .................................................... 50 for stories................................................ 80
Connecting ideas using so................ 51 Writing resolutions for stories......... 81
Connecting ideas using so and Analysing the elements
because.. .................................................... 52 of a story.. ................................................. 82
NAPLAN-style test................................ 53 Considering the audience
Writing task: Connecting ideas for a story................................................. 83
in texts.. ..................................................... 54 Planning stories.................................... 84
Writing story conversation in
CHAPTER 7 Writing conversation ......... 55 paragraphs.............................................. 85
Using speech marks to write Writing play scripts.. ............................ 86
conversation........................................... 55
Using words instead of said in a CHAPTER 10 Persuasive texts. . ..................... 88
conversation.......................................... 60 Writing opinions.. ................................. 88
Writing conversation........................... 61 Recognising point of view............... 90
NAPLAN-style test................................ 62 Writing an opposite point
Writing task: Writing of view. . ..................................................... 91
conversation........................................... 63 Writing different points
of view. . ..................................................... 92
SECTION 2 Writing reasons for a point
of view. . ..................................................... 93
CHAPTER 8 Informative texts .................... 64
Using persuasive words..................... 95
Writing paragraphs in reports........ 64
Sequencing arguments. . ................... 96
Summarising paragraphs in
reports.. ..................................................... 65 Writing argument texts...................... 97
Sorting sentences into Writing advertisements. . .................... 98
paragraphs for a report..................... 66
Using pronouns to replace
nouns. . ....................................................... 67
CHAPTER 11 Puzzle pages. . ............................ 102.
Sequencing events in recounts.. ..... 69
Writing acrostic poems.. .................. 102
Sequencing steps in recipes.. ........... 72
Writing nouns for animals.............. 103
Writing the method in recipes........ 73
Spotting the adjectives in
Writing recipes. . ..................................... 74 find-a-word puzzles. . ........................ 104
Solving noun crossword
CHAPTER 9 Imaginative texts................... 75
puzzles................................................... 105
Creating characters for stories.. ....... 75
Writing proper nouns for
Creating settings for stories............. 77 people’s names.. ................................. 106
Judging a story plot.. ........................... 78
Matching titles to stories................... 79 Answers..................................................................... 107

Contents  iii

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
About this book

The aim of this book is to teach children the skills they need to become
effective writers for different purposes and audiences.
Children are taught how to write a variety of informative, imaginative and
persuasive texts, and they are taught grammar and punctuation skills in the
context of effective written communication.
The learning sequence presented in this book begins with teaching children
how to recognise and use different kinds of sentences. This sequence
establishes the role of sentences in making meaning. Subsequent chapters
teach children about parts of a sentence: words and word groups; then how
to link ideas across sentences and paragraphs; and finally how to construct
whole texts for different purposes.
The sample texts provided in this book can be used as models for children’s
independent writing.

Structure of the book

Section 1 consists of seven chapters. These chapters teach writing
conventions in an appropriate sequence. Each chapter provides seven
teaching–learning practice pages and concludes with a NAPLAN-style
Language Conventions test page and Writing task page. These test pages
help to determine whether children have adequately grasped the skills
taught in each chapter.
Section 2 consists of three chapters. These chapters focus on how to write
different kinds of informative, imaginative and persuasive texts. Children
have opportunities to create their own texts using the extensive scaffolding
and text models provided.
Section 3 consists of five puzzle pages to further develop children’s grammar
Section 4 provides the answer pages.

How to use this book

It is suggested that children work through the book in the page order
Skills and concepts taught in each chapter are consolidated and extended in
subsequent chapters.
It is also possible to dip into any of the chapters to teach specific skills as

iv Excel  A d v a n c e d S k i l l s Wri t i n g Wo rk b o o k Ye a r 2

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Chapter 1 Sentences—statements

Writing the beginning of statements

  Tip! Every sentence begins with a capital letter.

Correctly write the beginning of each sentence.

1 [ants] ____________ are insects.

2 [they] ____________ live in groups called colonies.

3 [most ant species] __________________________________________ build

nests under the ground.

4 [different ants] _____________________________________ have different

jobs in the colony.

5 [a colony] _______________________ can have one or more queens.

6 [worker ants] __________________ are female.

7 [worker ants] ____________________________________________ collect

food and look after the queen and the young ants.

8 [only males and the queen] ______________________________________

___________________________________________________ have wings.

  Note: These sentences form a report.

C hapter 1   S entences—statements  1

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Adding punctuation to statements

  Tip! Some sentences make statements.

Rewrite each statement correctly. Begin with a capital letter and end
with a full stop.
A trip to the dentist
1 my sister went to the dentist yesterday

2 the dentist examined her teeth

3 the dentist said that my sister has very good teeth

4 my sister was very happy

5 Write two sentences about your last trip to the dentist or doctor.

  Note: These statements tell about events that have happened.

2 Excel  A d v a n c e d S k i l l s Wri t i n g Wo rk b o o k Ye a r 2

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Adding punctuation to statements

  Tip! A statement can give a fact or an opinion.

Rewrite these factual statements correctly.

1 my dad has a new fishing rod

2 some flowers are yellow

3 my birthday is in May

4 bananas are a kind of fruit

Rewrite these opinion statements correctly.

5 his hair is too long

6 yellow is a happy colour

7 bees are beautiful

8 we love bananas

  Note: People can have different opinions about a subject.

C hapter 1   S entences—statements  3

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Fact or opinion?

  Tip! A fact is true. An opinion is what you think or believe.

Colour the opinion in each pair of statements.

A trip to the beach
We went to the beach last Sunday.

Beaches are fun places.

We went to Freshwater Beach.

The waves were scary.

My little brother played with his plastic sea animals.

My little brother is really cute.

We had ice-cream on the way home.

Strawberry is the best flavour.

5 Write your opinion about beaches.

  Note: You can agree or disagree with an opinion but not a fact.

4 Excel  A d v a n c e d S k i l l s Wri t i n g Wo rk b o o k Ye a r 2

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Word order in statements

  Tip! All sentences need to make sense.

Write the words in the correct order to make statements.

The platypus
1 is / a mammal. / The platypus

2 lay / Female platypuses / eggs.

3 has / The platypus / fur and a bill.

4 webbed feet. / The platypus / has /

5 strong claws / has / The platypus / for burrowing.

6 Platypuses / in their burrows. / sleep

  Note: These statements form a factual report.

C hapter 1   S entences—statements  5

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Word order in statements

  Tip! All sentences need to make sense.

Write the words in the correct order to make statements.

My favourite food
1 is / My favourite food /pizza.

2 We / our own pizzas. / make

3 homemade pizza / Mum / likes / best.

4 makes / the pizza bases. / Dad

5 our own choice / of toppings. / We / add

6 delicious. / are / Our homemade pizzas

  Note: These statements include facts and opinions.

6 Excel  A d v a n c e d S k i l l s Wri t i n g Wo rk b o o k Ye a r 2

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Word order in statements

  Tip! All sentences need to make sense.

Write the words in the correct order to make statements. Remember to

use capital letters and full stops.
Saltwater crocodiles
1 large reptiles / are /crocodiles

2 are / dangerous / saltwater crocodiles

3 eat / anything / saltwater crocodiles

4 can swim / they / a long way out to sea

5 guard / the females / their nests

6 are eaten / by goannas / many baby crocodiles

  Note: These statements form a factual report.

C hapter 1   S entences—statements  7

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
NAPLAN-style test
What have you learnt about statements?
1 Which sentence is correct?
A the worker ants do all the work B the worker ants do all the work.
C The worker ants do all the work. D The worker ants the work do all.
2 Which sentence is correct?
A Platypuses are eaten by snakes. B platypuses are eaten by snakes.
C Platypuses by snakes eaten. D Platypuses eaten are by snakes.
3 Which sentence is correct?
A platypuses are active at night. B Platypuses are active at night.
C Platypuses active are at night. D Platypuses are active at night
4 Which sentence is correct?
A female ants don’t have wings. B Female have wings ants don’t.
C Female ants don’t have wings. D Wings don’t have female ants.
5 Which statement is a fact?
A My brother has black hair. B My brother runs faster than anyone.
C I love my brother. D My brother is funny.
6 Which statement is a fact?
A Cherries are delicious. B Cherries are my favourite fruit.
C Cherries grow on trees. D The big dark ones are the best.
7 Which statement is an opinion?
A I am seven. B I live in a house.
C I have a sister. D My sister can be annoying.
8 Which statement is an opinion?
A My brother reads science fiction. B I read every night.
C I think funny stories are the best. D My brother reads every night.
9 Write the words in the correct order to make a statement. Use a capital letter to
begin and a full stop at the end.
to the shop the boy ran

10 Write the words in the correct order to make a statement.

walked the two girls to school

 sentence begins with a capital letter. Sentences that make a

A Your
  Test topics:
statement end in a full stop. All sentences must make sense. Mark:  10

8 Excel  A d v a n c e d S k i l l s Wri t i n g Wo rk b o o k Ye a r 2

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Writing task: Writing statements
Write about yourself. Finish each statement.

My name is ___________________________________________.

I am ________________________ years of age.

I live with ___________________________________________________________.

My favourite food is _________________________________________________.

My favourite game is ________________________________________________.

My favourite colour is ________________________________________________.

On the weekend I like to _____________________________________________.

This is a drawing of something I like.

Test topics: Statements can be fact or opinion.

C hapter 1   S entences—statements  9

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Chapter 2 commands and
Adding punctuation to questions

  Tip! Some sentences are questions. Questions ask for answers.

Rewrite each question with a capital letter at the beginning and a

question mark ( ? ) at the end.
1 who killed the giant in the beanstalk

2 who lost her glass slippers

3 who lived under the billy goats’ bridge

4 who had long hair and was locked in a tower

5 who grew a long nose

6 who won a race against a tortoise

Do you know the answers to the questions?

1 Jack 2 Cinderella 3 the troll 4 Rapunzel 5 Pinocchio 6 the hare

  Note: These questions begin with Who. They ask for the names of story characters.

10 Excel  A d v a n c e d S k i l l s Wri t i n g Wo rk b o o k Ye a r 2

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Adding punctuation to questions

  Tip! Q
 uestions often begin with ‘wh’ words: what, when, where,
who, which, why.

Rewrite each question correctly.

1 what time does the library close

2 when are we going to the library

3 where did you put the books

4 who will take us to the library

5 which book do you like best

6 why is that book your favourite

7 Circle the two questions that ask for opinions.

  Note: Questions can ask for facts or opinions.

C hapter 2   S entences— questions, commands and exclamations 11

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Linking parts of questions

  Tip! Questions can begin with How.

Link the correct endings to the question beginnings.

1 How much do you come here?

2 How many did you walk?

3 How often does it cost?

4 How far did you eat?

Write endings for the question beginnings below. Remember to add

question marks.

5 How much

6 How many

7 How often

8 How far

  Note: A question must end with a question mark.

12 Excel  A d v a n c e d S k i l l s Wri t i n g Wo rk b o o k Ye a r 2

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Adding punctuation to commands

  Tip! C
 ommands are sentences that tell you to do something.
Commands in recipes usually end with a full stop.

Write the five commands correctly.

Recipe for porridge
1 pour one cup of milk into a saucepan

2 add one cup of oats

3 stir well

4 heat gently until cooked

5 serve with milk and sliced banana or honey

  Note: Each command begins with a doing verb.

C hapter 2   S entences— questions, commands and exclamations 13

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Adding punctuation to exclamations

  Tip! A sentence can be an exclamation. Exclamations are used to

show strong emotion.

Rewrite each exclamation. Begin with a capital letter and end with an
exclamation mark.

1 we miss you 2 here it is

3 that’s great news 4 we love it

5 that’s horrible 6 our team won

7 that makes me happy

8 Write one of the exclamations from above in the thought bubble.

  Note: Speakers use a strong voice, gestures and facial expression for exclamations.

14 Excel  A d v a n c e d S k i l l s Wri t i n g Wo rk b o o k Ye a r 2

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Adding punctuation to exclamations

  Tip! Some exclamations give warnings or commands.

Rewrite each exclamation with a capital letter at the beginning and an

exclamation mark at the end.

1 look out 2 stop

3 go over there 4 come back

5 sit down 6 be careful

7 hold this

8 Choose one of the exclamations to write in the speech bubble.

  Note: Say each exclamation out loud. Use a strong voice, gestures and facial expression.

C hapter 2   S entences— questions, commands and exclamations 15

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Questions and exclamations

  Tip! Remember that questions ask for answers.

Write the questions and exclamations in the correct columns.

1 come here 2 who rode a bike to school today

3 watch out 4 what time is it

5 where is your hat 6 why are you late

7 help me 8 go away

Questions Exclamations

  Note: The questions begin with who, what, where and why.

16 Excel  A d v a n c e d S k i l l s Wri t i n g Wo rk b o o k Ye a r 2

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
NAPLAN-style test
What have you learnt about questions, commands and exclamations?

1 Which sentence is correct?

A Stop it! B stop it!
C Stop! It D Stop it
2 Which sentence is correct?
Link the correct sentence to the picture.
A I love it?
B I love it
C It I love
D I love it!
3 Which sentence is correct?
A may I borrow your ball B May I borrow your ball
C May I borrow your ball! D May I borrow your ball?
4 Which sentence is correct?
A When will we get there B When will we get there?
C when will we get there D When will we get there!
5 Write the sentence correctly.
how far can you run

6 Write the sentence correctly.

how long will it take

Write two commands you might find in a recipe.

Write two question sentences of your own.


 uestions, commands, exclamations

  Test topics: Q
Mark:  10

C hapter 2   S entences— questions, commands and exclamations 17

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Writing task: Writing questions

Write a question for each answer.

1 Question:

Answer: My name is Scott.

2 Question:

Answer: I am 7 years old.

3 Question:

Answer: I don’t like cabbage.

4 Question:

Answer: My favourite fruit is a mango.

5 Question:

Answer: My teacher is Ms Holmes.

6 Write a question for a friend to answer.



Test topics: Questions and answers

18 Excel  A d v a n c e d S k i l l s Wri t i n g Wo rk b o o k Ye a r 2

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Chapter 3 Every sentence
has a verb

Adding doing verbs to statements

  Tip! Doing verbs are used for actions, e.g. hop, skip, jump.

Choose a doing verb from the box for each sentence.

followed danced built spilt landed chopped blew ate

1 Jack _______________________ down the beanstalk.

2 Cinderella ____________________ at the ball.

3 The Big Bad Wolf _____________________ the Pig’s house down.

4 A wolf __________________ Grandma.

5 The third pig ______________________ a house of bricks.

6 Alice ___________________________ a white rabbit to Wonderland.

7 The Tinman ________________________ his oil.

8 Dorothy and Toto __________________________ in Oz.

  Note: The sentences tell what the story characters did.

C hapter 3   Ever y sentence has a verb 19

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Adding doing verbs to statements

  Tip! Doing verbs are used for actions.

Choose a doing verb from the box for each sentence.

plucked stretched clung swam grazed watched splashed

1 The giraffe _________________ its neck.

2 The elephant ____________________ water onto its back.

3 The hippo ___________________ slowly across the river.

4 The rhino ______________________ the leaves with its lips.

5 The lioness ______________________ her cubs.

6 The zebra ______________________ on the grass.

7 The baby monkey _____________________ to its mother.

8 Copy the sentence from above that matches the photo.

  Note: These sentences tell what the animals did.

20 Excel  A d v a n c e d S k i l l s Wri t i n g Wo rk b o o k Ye a r 2

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Adding doing verbs to statements

  Tip! Doing verbs are used for actions.

Choose a doing verb from the box for Tom’s action in each statement.

hopped ran meandered cartwheeled rode

1 Tom __________________________________
along the path.

2 Tom _________________________
along the path.

3 Tom ___________________________
along the path.

4 Tom ______________________________
along the path.

5 Tom __________________________________
along the path.

  Note: The doing verbs make a big difference to the meaning of each sentence.

C hapter 3   Ever y sentence has a verb 21

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Adding saying verbs to statements

  Tip! Saying verbs let readers know that something is being said.

Choose a saying verb from the box for each sentence.

barked hooted howled hissed squeaked trumpeted

1 The wolf __________________ .

2 The elephant _____________________ .

3 The mouse _________________ .

4 The owl __________________ .

5 The dog _____________________ .

6 The snake ______________________ .

7 Copy the sentence that matches

the photo of the dog.

8 Write a sentence of your own about an animal speaking.

  Note: These verbs match the animals’ ways of speaking.

22 Excel  A d v a n c e d S k i l l s Wri t i n g Wo rk b o o k Ye a r 2

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Adding doing and saying verbs

  Tip! Verbs can tell actions and speaking.

Write a verb from the box on each line.

yowled jumped stretched strolled rolled purred ate slept

1 The cat _____________________.

2 The cat _____________________ onto its back.

3 The cat _____________________.

4 The cat _____________________ for a while.

5 Then it _________________ to the floor.

6 The cat _________________ to the kitchen.

7 It _________________ for dinner.

8 Then the cat _________________.

   oing verbs and saying verbs tell how a character in a story behaves.
The saying verbs above are purred and yowled.

C hapter 3   Ever y sentence has a verb 23

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Checking each sentence for a verb

  Tip! Every sentence must have at least one verb.

Circle the verbs below. Is it a sentence or not?

Tick (3) the correct column.

Not a
Sentence sentence

1 The dog licked its paw.

2 The dog scratched its ear.

3 The dog’s head and tail.

4 It jumped up.

5 It raced to the fence.

6 The dog barked.

7 Then it wagged its tail.

8 on its paw.

  Note: A sentence must have a verb.

24 Excel  A d v a n c e d S k i l l s Wri t i n g Wo rk b o o k Ye a r 2

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Writing sentences correctly

  Tip! Every sentence must have a verb.

Colour the option in each pair that is a sentence. Rewrite it using

correct punctuation.

the girl ate her apple

the girl and her apple

the children raced to the tree

the children to the tree and up

the children at the concert

the children sang at the concert

the boy and his bike to school

the boy rode his bike to school

  Note: A statement begins with a capital letter and ends with a full stop.

C hapter 3   Ever y sentence has a verb 25

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
NAPLAN-style test
What have you learnt about verbs? Which word in each sentence is the verb?

1 The bear lunged at the hiker.

A bear B lunged C hiker D the
2 The snake slithered across the sand.
A snake B slithered C across D sand
3 The startled snake hissed quietly.
A startled B snake C hissed D quietly
4 The black bear ate the berries.
A black B bear C ate D berries

Choose a verb to complete the sentence.

5 The ducks _________________________ across the lake.

A ate B ran
C paddled D drank

Choose a verb to complete the sentence.

6 The child ________________________________ for a drink.

A thanked B opened C stirred D asked
7 Which one is not a sentence?
A The lady at the side of the road.
B The lady stood at the side of the road.
C The lady waited at the side of the road.
D The lady stood still.
8 Which one is not a sentence?
A The children raced each other to school.
B The children raced into school.
C The children into school.
D The children ran quickly to school.

Write an interesting verb of your own in each sentence.

9 Sally _________________________________ into bed.

10 The baby ___________________________ for its mother.

 oing verbs and saying verbs, recognising that every

D Your
  Test topics:
sentence has a verb Mark:  10

26 Excel  A d v a n c e d S k i l l s Wri t i n g Wo rk b o o k Ye a r 2

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Writing task: Writing verbs

Write a verb from the box on each line. You can use any verb more
than once.

barked sniffed saw ran whirled looked gave grabbed

opened said heard listened

The puppy _______________ under the door. She _______________

people in the street. She _______________ happy voices. She

_______________ interesting smells.

She ____________________ loudly.

She _______________ through the house. She ________________ under the

back door. She __________________ again.

She ______________ for a few seconds. Then she _________________ again.

At last she _____________ footsteps. Then the door _________________.

“Hello,” __________________ the voice.

Now the puppy ____________ her loudest bark of all. She ______________

around the room. She __________________ in circles on the carpet.

Her owner ________________ her and __________ her a big hug.

Test topics: Doing verbs, saying verbs

C hapter 3   Ever y sentence has a verb 27

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Chapter 4 Noun groups

Using common nouns as labels

  Tip! Nouns are words for people, places, animals, ideas and
things, e.g. girl, school, mouse, peace, backpack.

1 Write nouns from the box to label the diagram.

head elbow ankle knee toes hair thumb neck

2 Add two labels of your own to the diagram.

  Note: Nouns can be singular (e.g. toe) or plural (e.g. toes).

28 Excel  A d v a n c e d S k i l l s Wri t i n g Wo rk b o o k Ye a r 2

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Using capital letters for proper nouns

  Tip! P
 roper nouns are names of particular people, places, animals,
ideas and things, e.g. George, Australia, Golden Bell Frog,
Chinese New Year.

A proper noun begins with a capital letter. Write the proper nouns
1 These are proper nouns for people:

blake youngman

alexandra cowan

australian prime minister

aboriginal and torres strait islander

2 These are proper nouns for places:

collins street

great barrier reef


sydney harbour bridge

3 These are proper nouns for animals:

major mitchell’s cockatoo

kuranda tree frog

4 These are proper nouns for days and months:





  Note: A proper noun always begins with a capital letter.

C hapter 4   Noun groups 29

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Adding punctuation to recounts

  Tip! A proper noun begins with a capital letter.

Rewrite the sentences correctly. The proper nouns are underlined to

help you. Begin each sentence with a capital letter. End each sentence
with a full stop.
Our class excursion
1 last tuesday 2H went on an excursion to taronga zoo

2 our guide, wally, told us dreaming stories

3 we learnt about the aboriginal history of sydney

4 then we got to meet a snake named fred

5 after lunch wally walked around the zoo with us

6 our teacher, ms harris, said it was a really good excursion

  Note: This recount tells about events that have happened.

30 Excel  A d v a n c e d S k i l l s Wri t i n g Wo rk b o o k Ye a r 2

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Using adjectives in descriptions

  Tip! Adjectives are words that describe nouns.

Circle the word that describes each thing.

1 2

sharp      blunt sad      happy

3 4

big      small soft      hard

Choose two adjectives from the box to describe each noun.

tall comfortable cuddly cute leafy crisp old juicy

5 This is a _________________________,

_____________________ tree.

6 This is a ______________________,

__________________ kitten.

7 This is a ______________________,

__________________ apple.

8 This is Dad’s ______________________,

__________________ hat.
  Note: Adjectives (describing words) tell readers what something is like.

C hapter 4   Noun groups 31

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Using adjectives in descriptions

  Tip! Adjectives are words that describe nouns.

Choose an adjective from the box for each animal.

black little large white sleek

1 This is a ____________ hippo. 2 This is a _________________ and

________________ zebra.

3 This is a _____________ dolphin. 4 This is a ____________ mouse.

5 Write two different adjectives for the elephant.

This is a ,


6 Draw a happy little dog.

  Note: Adjectives (describing words) help readers imagine exactly what something is like.

32 Excel  A d v a n c e d S k i l l s Wri t i n g Wo rk b o o k Ye a r 2

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Recognising adjectives

  Tip! Adjectives describe size, shape, colour, taste and quality.

Circle the two adjectives in each sentence.

1 The excited little puppy ran in circles.

2 The tired old dog slept on its bed.

3 The dainty white poodle stood by the door.

4 The sneaky black cat crept along the branch.

5 The cute fluffy kitten purred in its sleep.

6 Write two adjectives from the box on the lines to

match the picture.

fierce salty happy sad bumpy crunchy salty

angry sweet tired

The lion looks .

The lion sounds .

  Note: Adjectives (describing words) help readers imagine what something is like.

C hapter 4   Noun groups 33

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Adding adjectives to texts

  Tip! Adjectives describe nouns.

Read the text and imagine the scene.

The teacher sat on his chair at the front of the class. He looked at
his students.

He said, “I have a story to read to you today. It is about a girl who

has an adventure. I think you will enjoy this story.”

Add describing words to the text.

The __________________________ teacher sat on his chair at the

front of the class. He looked at his ___________________ students.

He said, “I have an ________________ story to read to you today.

It is about a __________________ girl who has an ___________________

adventure. I think you will enjoy this ______________________ story.”

  Note:  djectives (describing words) express the writer or speaker’s point of view about a
subject, e.g. a story could be boring to one person but great to another.

34 Excel  A d v a n c e d S k i l l s Wri t i n g Wo rk b o o k Ye a r 2

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
NAPLAN-style test
What have you learnt about noun groups?

1 Circle the common noun.

A brushed B hair C washed D combed
2 Circle the common noun.
A filthy B feet C floppy D furry
3 Which sentence is correct?
A The book was illustrated by freya blackwood
B the book was illustrated by Freya Blackwood.
C The book was illustrated by Freya Blackwood.
D the book was illustrated by Freya Blackwood
4 Which sentence is correct?
A Charlotte lives at 17 James Cook road.
B Charlotte lives at 17 James cook Road
C Charlotte lives at 17 James Cook Road.
D Charlotte lives at 17 James cook Road.
5 Choose a noun to complete the sentence.
The small, frisky _____________________ skipped through the paddock.
A elephant B calf C magpie D snake
6 Choose a noun to complete the sentence.
The big, slow _____________________ plodded over the sand.
A shark B deer C turtle D rabbit
7 Which is the describing word in the sentence?
Year 2 had a great trip to the zoo.
A Year 2 B great C trip D zoo
Choose the best word to describe each animal.

8 9

A angry B spotty A sad B fierce

C tired D brave C joyful D lonely
A excited B bored
C miserable D frightened

  Test topics: Common and proper nouns, adjectives, sentence punctuation
Mark:  10

C hapter 4   Noun groups 35

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Writing task: Writing sentences with noun groups

Give each dog a proper

noun name.
Write two describing
words for each dog.
Write a sentence about
each dog.
Use its name and the
describing words in
your sentence.

Give each cat a proper

noun name.
Write two describing
words for each cat.
Write a sentence about
each cat. Use its name
and the describing
words in your sentence.

Check your sentence punctuation.

Test topics: Noun groups, proper nouns, adjectives

36 Excel  A d v a n c e d S k i l l s Wri t i n g Wo rk b o o k Ye a r 2

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Sentences that tell
Chapter 5 how, where or
Adding words that tell how

  Tip! Some words add meaning to verbs to tell how.

Write a word from the box in each space to tell how.

swiftly slowly lightly

1 Jack and Jill trudged ______________________ up the steep hill.

2 Jack and Jill raced ______________________ up the small hill.
3 Jack and Jill skipped ______________________ up the small grassy hill.

Write a word in each space to add meaning to the verb. Use the words
in the box or words of your own.

happily quietly loudly slowly hungrily

4 The pig ate .

5 The dogs barked .
6 The tortoise walked .
7 The children played .
8 Mum crept .

  Note: These ‘how’ words end in ly.

C hapter 5   S entences that tell how, where or when 37

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Adding words that tell how

  Tip! Some words add meaning to verbs to tell how.

Choose a word from the box for each sentence.

carefully gently neatly gracefully tightly

1 Step ___________________________ over the sharp rocks.

Hold on _______________________________.

3 Write _______________________________ in your handwriting book.

4 Pat the kitten __________________________.

5 The ballerina danced _______________________________.

6 Write a sentence that tells someone how to carry a cup of

very hot tea.

  Note: These ‘how’ words end in ly.

38 Excel  A d v a n c e d S k i l l s Wri t i n g Wo rk b o o k Ye a r 2

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Adding words that tell where

  Tip! Some word groups tell where events take place.

Draw a line to link each sentence beginning with a phrase that

tells where.

Sentence beginnings Phrases that tell where

1 The lizard sunbaked between the trees.

2 The astronaut stepped under the fence.

3 The car disappeared across the sand.

4 Dad tied the hammock onto the moon.

5 A bear slept inside its hutch.

6 The crabs walked on a rock.

7 The rabbit slept in the cave.

8 The dog dug a hole around the bend.

  Note: Each phrase begins with a preposition, e.g. in, on, onto, under, between, across, around.

C hapter 5   S entences that tell how, where or when 39

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Adding words that tell where

  Tip! Some word groups tell where events take place.

Write your own sentence beginnings for the phrases that tell where.

1 beneath the tree.

2 near the fire.

3 behind the car.

4 inside the roof.

5 through the tunnel.

6 onto the rocks.

7 on the roller-coaster.

8 under the waves.

  Note:  ach phrase begins with a preposition, e.g. beneath, near, behind, inside, through,
onto, on, under.

40 Excel  A d v a n c e d S k i l l s Wri t i n g Wo rk b o o k Ye a r 2

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Adding words that tell where

  Tip! Some phrases tell where events take place.

Add a phrase that tells where to each sentence.

The words in the box will help you get started.

in on under against over above between through behind

beside across into below along toward near around up

1 Daisy galloped .

2 Sally jumped .

3 Jim tumbled .

4 The kite floated .

5 The wind blew .

6 The branches scratched .

7 The frog leaped .

8 Mother duck waddled .

  Note: The words in the box are prepositions.

C hapter 5   S entences that tell how, where or when 41

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Adding words that tell when

  Tip! Some phrases tell when events take place.

Circle the phrase in each sentence that tells when.

1 Mum went for a walk before breakfast.

2 We will play cricket on Saturday.

3 I have to do my homework by 5 o’clock.

4 I will read my book at bedtime.

Finish the sentences using phrases to tell when.

The words in the box will get you started.

at by until before after during on

5 Dad went for a walk .

6 We can play games .

7 I have to do my homework

8 I will read my book .

  Note:  ach phrase that tells when begins with a preposition, e.g. at, during, after, before,
until, since, on, in.

42 Excel  A d v a n c e d S k i l l s Wri t i n g Wo rk b o o k Ye a r 2

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Writing texts in logical order

  Tip! Some words help to sequence ideas.

1 Write a word from the box on each line.

Thirdly finally Secondly Firstly

I like cycling for a number of reasons.
___________________, cycling is fun.
___________________, cycling is great exercise.
___________________, cycling is faster than walking.
And ___________________, cycling is better for the environment than
using a car.
2 Write your own opinion text about something you like, e.g. reading,
hiking, swimming, dancing or a board game. Think of four reasons
why you like it. List the most important reason first.
I like for a number of reasons.
Firstly, is .
Secondly, is .
Thirdly, is .
Finally, is .
  Note: Each text gives reasons for an opinion.

C hapter 5   S entences that tell how, where or when 43

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
NAPLAN-style test
What have you learnt about sentences?
Which words complete the sentences to tell how?

1 The troll yelled _______________________ from under the bridge.

A quickly B loudly
C slowly D quietly
2 A tiny goat skipped _________________ over the bridge.
A lightly B sharply
C deeply D heavily
3 The middle-sized goat trotted _____________ over the bridge.
A madly B briskly C largely D crisply
4 The biggest goat _______________ fought the troll.
A happily B sadly C deeply D bravely

Which phrases complete the sentences to tell where?

5 A monkey slept _______________________________________.

A in the pond B under a rock C in the tree D in the cave
6 The toddler stumbled ____________________________________.
A on the moon B under her backpack
C towards her dad D beyond the clouds
7 The plane flew __________________________________________.
A through the rain B under the sea
C into space D amongst the trees
8 The boat drifted ______________________________________________________.
A across the desert B across the lake
C into the forest D through the zoo

Which phrases complete the sentences to tell when?

9 Ben likes porridge ____________________________.

A with banana B in the morning
C on his shoes D in the kitchen
10 Emma has to go to the dentist ____________________________________.
A at midnight B during her walk
C after school D in the dark

  Test topics: Words and phrases that tell how, where and when
Mark:  10

44 Excel  A d v a n c e d S k i l l s Wri t i n g Wo rk b o o k Ye a r 2

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Writing task: Writing phrases to tell where and when

1 Imagine you are a pirate in a story. Make a list of places to hide

your treasure chest.

2 Imagine you are writing a scary story. Write some ‘where’ and
‘when’ phrases you could use to make your story spooky.

Test topics: Words that tell where or when

C hapter 5   S entences that tell how, where or when 45

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Chapter 6 Connecting ideas in

Connecting ideas using and

  Tip! Use and to join sentences by adding information, e.g.
Hetty asked for a cheese sandwich. Hetty ate it outside.
Hetty asked for a cheese sandwich and ate it outside.

Join the sentences using and. Write the new sentences on the lines.
1 We had a barbecue. We cooked sausages.

2 Bernie dished up the apple pie. He ate it with cream.

3 Mum mowed the lawn. Mum washed the car.

4 We bought our movie tickets. We went to find our seats.

5 Lilly plays soccer in winter. Lilly has swimming lessons in summer.

6 The boy crossed the street. The boy walked into the shop.

  Note: These sentences are compound sentences.

46 Excel  A d v a n c e d S k i l l s Wri t i n g Wo rk b o o k Ye a r 2

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Connecting items in lists using commas
  Tip! U  se a comma between items in a list. Use and before the last
item instead of a comma, e.g.
I will take pencils and a sharpener to school. I will take books to school.
I will take pencils, a sharpener and books to school.

1 What will you take for a day at sunscreen

the beach? Choose three items a towel
a bucket
from the list and write one sentence. a surfboard toys
an umbrella a shirt
I will take _________________________
______________________________ to the beach.

2 What will you take for a day in mittens

a jumper
the snow? Choose three items from a jacket
the list and write one sentence. a toboggan
a beanie
I will take ______________________________
_____________________________ to the snow.

3 What will you take in your

rocket ship to the moon?
Choose three items and write one sentence. a phone
a teddy
I will take _________________________________ a torch
_______________________________ to the moon. music
4 Which three special foods would you like a camera
on your birthday? Finish the sentence.
I would like ______________________________________ on my birthday.

Draw yourself in one of

the settings (the beach,
the snow, the moon or
at your birthday celebration).

  Note:  se a before nouns starting with a consonant sound, e.g. a towel. Use an before nouns
starting with a vowel sound, e.g. an umbrella.

C hapter 6   Connec ting ideas in sentences  47

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Connecting ideas using but
  Tip! Use but to join sentences when you compare ideas, e.g.
I like eating flowers but I like fruit better.

Join the sentences using but. Write the new sentences on the lines.
1 Orangutans prefer to eat fruit. They also eat flowers.

2 Orangutans have long legs. Their arms are longer.

3 Orangutans are apes. People sometimes call them monkeys.

4 Orangutans live in trees. They also walk on the ground.

5 Write a sentence of your own using but to compare things.

  Note: Two sentences joined by but form a compound sentence.

48 Excel  A d v a n c e d S k i l l s Wri t i n g Wo rk b o o k Ye a r 2

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Connecting ideas using or
  Tip! Use or to indicate a choice, e.g.
Benji might eat the soup now.
Benji might save the soup for later.
Benji might eat the soup now or save the soup for later.

Join the sentences using or. Write the new sentences on the lines.
1 I could send you an email. I could phone you.

2 You can go by ferry. You can catch the train.

3 We could go to the park. We could play in the backyard.

4 We could cook vegetables. We could have a salad.

5 I might write a story. I might read a book.

6 Will we watch television? Will we play a board game?

  Note: It makes sense to join some sentences.

C hapter 6   Connec ting ideas in sentences  49

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Connecting ideas using because
  Tip! Use because when you join sentences by adding a reason for
something, e.g.
I like chimpanzees. They look like people.
I like chimpanzees because they look like people.

Join the sentences using because. Write the new sentences on the lines.
1 I like my beanie. It keeps my ears warm.

2 I don’t like beans. They taste awful.

3 I like my friend James. He is funny.

4 I like books about dinosaurs. Dinosaurs are interesting.

Write sentences of your own that use because to give a reason

for something.

5 I like ___________________________________________________ because


6 I don’t like ______________________________________________ because


  Note: Give reasons to support opinions.

50 Excel  A d v a n c e d S k i l l s Wri t i n g Wo rk b o o k Ye a r 2

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Connecting ideas using so
  Tip! Use so to tell how one thing leads to another, e.g.
Why did the spider cross the road?
The spider crossed the road so it could get to its website.

Join the sentences using so. Write the new sentences on the lines.
1 It looked like rain. We couldn’t go to the beach.

2 It looked like rain. Mum said to take a raincoat.

3 It was getting dark. Dad said it was time to go home.

4 The bananas were really ripe. We made a banana cake.

5 It is cold. I will wear a jumper.

6 Write your own sentence using so to tell how one thing leads
to another.

  Note: Two sentences joined by so form a compound sentence.

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© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Connecting ideas using so and because

  Tip! Use because to give reasons for your opinions.

Use so to tell how one thing leads to another.

Read the sample text.

Title My favourite animal
Opening statement Dolphins are my favourite animals.

Reasons I like dolphins because:

They are smart.
They are fast.
They are friendly.

Conclusion So, for these reasons, I like dolphins best of all.

Write about your favourite animal. Use the sample text as a model.

Opening statement

I like __________________________________ because:

Conclusion So, for these reasons, I like ______________________

best of all.

  Note: Each text gives the writer’s opinion.

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© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
NAPLAN-style test
What have you learnt about connecting ideas? Circle the correct answers.

1 I’m busy now ___________ I will do it later.

A so B because
C but D or
2 The queue was long ___________ the service was slow.
A so B because
C but D or
3 We could ride our bikes to school _____________ we could walk to school.
A so B because
C but D or
4 Mira’s shoes were dirty _____________ her socks were clean.
A so B because
C but D or
5 There was no green paint left ____________ we mixed yellow and blue
to make green.
A so B because
C but D or
6 The queue was long. It was moving quickly.
A so B because
C but D or
7 I’m hungry ____________ I will eat a banana.
A so B because
C but D or
8 I like cherries. I like apples more.
A so B because
C but D or
9 I will eat a banana now _____________ I am hungry.
A so B because
C but D or
10 Dad bought roses ________________ they are Nana’s favourite flowers.
A so B because
C but D or

  Test topics: Joining sentences using and, but, so, because, or

Mark:  10

C hapter 6   Connec ting ideas in sentences  53

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Writing task: Connecting ideas in texts

1 Add but or or to complete the text.

Dance or gymnastics?
I like dancing and gymnastics.
Mum says I can do dancing ______ gymnastics after school this year
_______ not both.
I want to do both ______ Mum will only pay for one.
They are both fun ____ I prefer the dancing teacher to the gymnastics
They are both good exercise ______ gymnastics is harder than dancing.
I have friends in both classes _________ my best friend does the dance
I will do dancing this year.

  Note:  r is used in the first sentence to introduce the choice the writer has to make between
two things; but is used to compare the choices.

2 Write your own text to compare two sides of an issue.

Test topics: U
 sing connectives (but, or) to join sentences

54 Excel  A d v a n c e d S k i l l s Wri t i n g Wo rk b o o k Ye a r 2

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Chapter 7 Writing conversation

Using speech marks to write conversation

  Tip! S peech marks are used in stories to show what characters

say. The speech marks go before and after what is said.

Colour the sentence in each pair that correctly uses speech marks.
1 “I eat whatever I can catch, bragged the big goanna.”
“I eat whatever I can catch,” bragged the big goanna.
2 “I mostly eat fruit and leaves, said” the skink.
“I mostly eat fruit and leaves,” said the skink.
3 “I eat other lizards,” said the goanna.
“I eat other lizards,” said the goanna.”
4 “I will eat you, announced the goanna.
“I will eat you,” announced the goanna.
5 “You won’t catch me,” replied the skink.
“You won’t catch me,” replied the skink.”
6 Come out of that hollow log so I can eat you, “said the goanna.”
“Come out of that hollow log so I can eat you,” said the goanna.

7 Write something else the goanna or skink might say.

  Note: This is a conversation between two story characters.

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© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Using speech marks to write conversation

  Tip! Questions are sometimes used in conversations. The speech

marks go after the question mark.

Add speech marks around what the characters are saying.

1 Will you let me ride your bike? asked Hani.

2 Why can’t I have a turn? asked Hani.

3 Should I put my helmet on now? asked Hani.

4 May I have a turn, too? asked Mark.

5 Would you like a turn? offered Frankie.

6 Will you give me a turn? asked Mark.

7 Hani asked, When will I get a turn?

8 You can each have a turn, said Frankie.

  Note: May I is a polite way to ask permission for something.

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© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Using speech marks to write conversation

  Tip! W
 hen writing a conversation, a comma separates the part
that is spoken from the rest of the sentence.

Write the conversation from each speech bubble onto the lines. Use
speech marks.
Alice walked into the kitchen.

Hello, Mum.

Hello. Did you

have a good time
at Jenny’s?

1 ___________________________________ said Alice.

______________________________________________________ asked Mum.

Yes. We played with

her baby sister.
That sounds
like fun.

2 _____________________________________________________ replied Alice.

___________________________________________________ said Mum.

It was.

3 ____________________________________ said Alice.

___________________________ said Mum.

  Note: This conversation includes a question.

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© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Using speech marks to write conversation

  Tip! Exclamation marks belong inside speech marks.

Add speech marks.

1 Go! cheered the parents.

2 Help! shouted Dad as the ladder began to slide.

3 Watch out! yelled Mum as Lauren stepped onto the road.

4 Don’t do that! yelled Sanjay when his brother scribbled on

his homework.

5 I’m home! called Justin.

6 We’re in the kitchen! shouted Jonathan.

7 Look at that! exclaimed the teacher.

8 Lisa shouted, I can’t find my watch!

  Note: Speech marks go before and after the part that is spoken in each sentence.

58 Excel  A d v a n c e d S k i l l s Wri t i n g Wo rk b o o k Ye a r 2

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Using speech marks to write conversation
  Tip! Q
 uestion marks, full stops and exclamation marks are used
even when the spoken words don’t make a sentence,
e.g. “No!” yelled Samantha.

Add speech marks.

1 Thank you. I love my new shoes, said Marty.

2 Ouch! That hurt, said Riku.

3 Hooray! We won, said Denny.

4 Wow! That’s amazing, said Ian.

5 Hurry! The bus leaves in five minutes, said Rebecca.

6 Huh? What do you mean? asked Lilly.

7 Wow! exclaimed Steven.

8 Write a conversation that uses the words in the box.

Uh-oh! Oops! Good job!

  Note: F ull stops, exclamation marks and question marks tell the reader how the words
are spoken.

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© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Using words instead of said in a conversation

  Tip! Saying verbs tell how characters in narratives speak.

Look at page 22 for a reminder about saying verbs.

Write saying verbs from the box in the spaces below.

announced chirped declared shouted requested whispered

1 “Don’t sit on our eggs!” _________________________ Mother Magpie.

2 “I would never sit on your eggs,” ____________________ Koala.

3 “Well, just be careful, please,” __________________ Father Magpie.

4 “Sshh, listen,” _______________ Mother Magpie. “I can hear a

chick pecking inside the shell.”

5 “Cheep, cheep,” ____________________ a chick.

6 “Our babies will be out soon,” _________________ Father Magpie.

Add two more sentences to the conversation.


  Note: Animals in stories often talk.

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© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Writing conversation

  Tip! Saying verbs tell how characters speak.

Write a conversation for each picture. Use speech marks.


  Note: Using different words for said helps to make stories more interesting.

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© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
NAPLAN-style test
What have you learnt about writing conversation?
Circle the answers with the correct punctuation.

1 A Come and help me get dinner, said Dad.

B “Come and help me get dinner,” said Dad.
C “Come and help me get dinner, said Dad.”
D Come and help me get dinner, “said Dad.”
2 A What are we having? asked Bryan.
B “What are we having? Asked” Bryan.
C “What are we having?” asked Bryan.
D “What are we having,” asked Bryan.
3 A “We’re having vegetable and cashew stir-fry? said Dad.
B “We’re having vegetable and cashew stir-fry, said Dad”
C We’re having vegetable and cashew stir-fry, said Dad
D “We’re having vegetable and cashew stir-fry,” said Dad.
4 A “Yum. Will I peel the carrots?” asked Bryan.
B Yum. Will I peel the carrots? asked Bryan.
C Yum. Will I peel the carrots asked Bryan?
D Yum. “Will I peel the carrots, asked Bryan.”
5 A “Yes, please, replied Dad.” B “Yes, please,” replied Dad.
C “Yes”, please, replied Dad. D “Yes, please,” replied Dad

Choose the correct saying verb for each sentence.

6 “I’m looking for food,” _____________________ the cockatoo, loudly.

A squeaked B growled C barked D squawked
7 “I am also seeking food,” ________________ the snake.
A grunted B hissed C laughed D howled
Choose the correct word for each sentence.
8 “___________________ This stew tastes awful, Dad,” complained Tom.
A Wow! B Yuk! C Great! D Hurry!
9 “________________ That’s a big spider,” declared Charlotte.
A Great! B Thanks! C Look! D Hurry!
10 Write a sentence after Yes!
“Yes! ______________________________________________________________________.

  Test topics: 
Writing conversation, sentence punctuation, saying verbs, Your
interjections Mark:  10

62 Excel  A d v a n c e d S k i l l s Wri t i n g Wo rk b o o k Ye a r 2

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Writing task: Writing conversation
Write what the characters could be saying. Use speech marks and
saying verbs.

Test topics: Writing conversation, sentence punctuation, saying verbs

C hapter 7   Writing conversation 63

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Chapter 8 Informative texts

Writing paragraphs in reports

  Tip! A paragraph is one sentence or a number of sentences that

are based on the same idea.

Finish the paragraphs.

Paragraph 1: My name is _______________________. I am
write words in
the sentences ____________________________ years old. I
to finish the
paragraph. have _____________________________ hair

and _________________________ eyes.

Paragraph 2: I live with ____________________________________

write sentences
for a paragraph
that tells about
the people you
live with.

Paragraph 3: My friend’s name is ___________________________

write sentences
for a paragraph
that tells about
your friend.

  Note: The three paragraphs give information.

64 Excel  A d v a n c e d S k i l l s Wri t i n g Wo rk b o o k Ye a r 2

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Summarising paragraphs in reports

  Tip! A
 paragraph is one or more sentences based on the same
idea. Every paragraph begins on a new line.

Write an answer from the box on each line to tell what the paragraphs
in the report are about.

why numbats are endangered what numbats eat

what numbats look like

Paragraph 1 A numbat is a furry 1 This paragraph
Australian marsupial. It has a tells
pointy nose, stripes on its body
and a long bushy tail.
Paragraph 2 Numbats mainly eat termites. 2 This paragraph
An adult numbat eats tells
thousands of termites every day.
Paragraph 3 Numbats are endangered. 3 This paragraph
They are endangered because tells
too many are killed by foxes,
cats and bushfires. They are
also endangered because they
have nowhere to live when
their forests are cleared. .

In this report the first sentence in each paragraph lets readers know what the
paragraph will be about.

C hapter 8   I nformative tex ts  65

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Sorting sentences into paragraphs for a report

  Tip! A paragraph is made up of one or more sentences based on

the same idea.

Sort the sentences into the correct paragraphs. Write 1, 2 or 3 in the

boxes to say which paragraph each sentence belongs in.
Tawny Frogmouth
Paragraph 1: what it is and what it looks like

Paragraph 2: what it eats

Paragraph 3: how it is killed

It has a wide beak like a frog.

The Tawny Frogmouth eats meat.

When it stands very still it looks like a tree branch.

Tawny Frogmouths are often killed by cars.

They chase flying insects into the headlights of oncoming cars.

It has mottled brown feathers.

 hunts at night for insects such as moths, as well as lizards, snails
and worms.

It has big yellow eyes to see in the dark.

The Tawny Frogmouth is a nocturnal bird.

 he first sentence in each paragraph in a report usually lets readers know

what the paragraph will be about.

66 Excel  A d v a n c e d S k i l l s Wri t i n g Wo rk b o o k Ye a r 2

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Using pronouns to replace nouns

  Tip! P
 ronouns are words that replace nouns. Pronouns include
I, we, you, he, she, they, them, him and her.

Write He, They or them in the spaces below.

Daniel and his mice

I’m going to Daniel’s after school to see his pet mice. 1 ____________

has two mice. The mice play on their wheel. 2 ____________ climb their

tower. 3 ____________ snuggle together in their bedding to keep warm.

Daniel looks after 4 ____________ well. 5 ____________ loves

6 ____________.

7 Write a paragraph about a friend. Tell readers what your friend

likes to do. Use pronouns.

  Note: These texts give information.

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© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Using pronouns to replace nouns

  Tip! Pronouns are words that can replace nouns in a text.

Write a pronoun from the box in each space.

They She He

1 Ned is my friend. _________________ lives next door.

2 My mother is a nurse. __________________ works at the hospital.

3 Tim and Cate are my cousins. _________________ live in Dubbo.

4 Write he or they in each space. Use a capital letter if the pronoun

begins a sentence.

Lions live in groups called prides. One male is the boss of the pride.
______________ guards his territory. The females are the hunters.
______________ hunt at night. ______________ usually work as a team
to kill their prey.

Young male lions are forced out of the pride when ______________
are around two years old. ______________ form groups to hunt
together. When a young male is big and strong ______________ will
take over a pride for himself.

 hey replaces the plural nouns lions and females. He replaces the singular nouns lion
and young male.

68 Excel  A d v a n c e d S k i l l s Wri t i n g Wo rk b o o k Ye a r 2

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Sequencing events in recounts

  Tip! Some words and phrases help to sequence events.

Write the events in the box in the correct order for the recount.
After looking for sea stars we had our picnic lunch.
Then we climbed around the rocks to look for sea stars.
We left the beach when it started to get dark.
The first thing we did was go for a swim.

A day at the beach

Introduction Last Saturday my family and I went to the beach.


Conclusion We all had a great day.

 ords and phrases that sequence events in time include: Last Saturday, After,
Then, when, The first thing.

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© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Sequencing events in recounts

  Tip! Recounts tell about events that have happened.

Write the sentences in the boxes in the correct order in the text. The
introduction and conclusion have been done for you.
She said that blue-tongues eat snails and beetles.
This morning I looked for snails and beetles in our garden but I didn’t find any.
The blue-tongue lizard must have eaten them all.
Yesterday I asked Mum what blue-tongues eat.

The lizard in my yard

Introduction A blue-tongue lizard lives under a rock ledge in
our backyard.

Conclusion I like blue-tongue lizards.

  Note:  his recount uses the time expressions Yesterday and This morning, the connecting word
but and the pronoun She.

70 Excel  A d v a n c e d S k i l l s Wri t i n g Wo rk b o o k Ye a r 2

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Sequencing events in recounts

  Tip! R
 ecounts use time words and connecting words to
sequence events.

Write a recount about something you did.

The word bank might help to get you started. Give your recount a title.

Word bank
yesterday last weekend after school last night after dinner
after that next and then so finally now

Title: ___________________________________________


Sequence of events


  Note: Recounts are about events that have happened.

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© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Sequencing steps in recipes

  Tip! A recipe tells you how to make something. A recipe includes

a list of ingredients and a method.

The method in each recipe has been muddled. Number the steps in the
correct order.
1 Breakfast parfait
Ingredients Method
20 g rolled oats Eat cold.
2 cup coconut milk Top with berries and/or banana slices.
4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Mix all ingredients together in a bowl.
1 teaspoon honey
Place in fridge for 20 minutes to soak.
2 apple, grated

2 Breakfast muesli
Ingredients Method

3 chopped dates S poon half the muesli mixture into the

bottom of a glass.
30 mL orange juice
1 Sprinkle with sunflower seeds before eating.
cup muesli
Add half of the yoghurt in a layer.
50 mL vanilla yoghurt
 ix dates, orange juice and muesli in a
mixing bowl.

Repeat layers.

  Note: The method is a series of commands. Commands usually begin with verbs.

72 Excel  A d v a n c e d S k i l l s Wri t i n g Wo rk b o o k Ye a r 2

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Writing the method in recipes

  Tip! R
 ecipes tell you how to make something. They include a list
of ingredients and a method.

Rewrite the recount as a recipe. The method has been started for you.
Recount: we made scones
First we turned on the oven to 220° and then we mixed 2 cups of self-raising
1 1 1
flour and 4 cup caster sugar in a large bowl. Then we stirred in 2 cup cream, 2 cup
lemonade and 2 tablespoons of milk. Then we tipped the dough onto a floured
board and kneaded it. After that, we rolled out the dough and cut it into pieces. We
put the scones on a greased oven tray and baked them for 15 minutes. We ate the
scones with jam and cream while they were still hot. They were delicious.

Recipe: scones
Ingredients Method
2 cups self-raising flour 1 Heat oven to 220°.
4 cup caster sugar 2  ix the flour and caster sugar in a large
2 cup cream
3 Stir
2 cup lemonade
2 tablespoons milk
jam and cream to serve

  Note:  he recount tells how the writer made scones.

The recipe says what to do to make the scones.

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© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Writing recipes

  Tip! Recipes tell you how to make something.

1 Read the recipe.

Brain juice
This juice will make you a Spelling Bee Winner!
Ingredients Method
30 g chia seeds 1 Soak chia seeds in the apple juice for
1 cup apple juice 10 minutes.

1 carrot 2 Peel and chop the carrot and beetroot.

1 beetroot 3 Add all ingredients to a blender.

5 walnuts 4 Blend on high for one minute.

5 Drink.

2 Create a recipe to make children better at something.

Recipe heading:
This will make you better at:
Ingredients Method

  Note: The method is written in a logical order. Each command starts with a doing verb.

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Chapter 9 Imaginative texts

Creating characters for stories

  Tip! Stories are written about characters.

Create interesting characters for stories you might write. An example

has been done for you.
Common Proper Adjectives Doing verbs Saying
nouns (to label nouns (to (to describe (to tell the verbs (to
the types of name the what the characters’ tell the
characters) characters) characters actions) ways the
are like ) characters
a giant in a Egor the big stomps hollers
fantasy story Horrible noisy pounds booms
hairy chases yells
a child in an
an animal in a
funny story

an astronaut
in a science-
fiction story
a detective in a
mystery story

someone in

  Note: Different kinds of stories have different kinds of characters.

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Creating characters for stories

  Tip! Writers create particular kinds of characters that

readers want to read about.

Types of story characters

These kinds of These kinds of characters cause
characters are ‘good’. problems for the ‘good’ characters.
man happy, fatherly, clever cranky, mean, evil
bear sad, hungry, fluffy, little fierce, angry, vicious
child brave, funny, cheerful, miserable, greedy, jealous,
adventurous sneaky
woman kind, motherly, clever cruel, jealous, nasty
dog loving, faithful, loyal angry, savage, scary

1 Write a paragraph to describe a good character.

2 Write a paragraph to describe a character who causes problems.

  Note: Descriptions help readers imagine what a character is like.

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Creating settings for stories

  Tip! Narratives are set in different places and times.

Write as many different settings as you can for each kind of story.
Each one has been started for you.
Narrative Settings
1 adventure a wild flooded river

2 real life a friendly neighbourhood

3 scary a deep damp cave

4 science fiction the distant future

5 historical my school in the past

6 fantasy a ruined castle

7 mystery a classroom

  Note: Describing words help readers to visualise each setting.

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Judging a story plot

  Tip! The plot is what happens in a story.

1 Which plot below is more entertaining? Why?

A Aliens reach earth B School girl saves the day

It’s 7 am on Sunday. A spaceship lands in the playground.
A spaceship lands in the school The children watch from their
playground. classroom windows.
Two aliens step out. The police and the army arrive.
They walk around the playground. They plan to capture the aliens.
They call out, “Hello.” Two aliens step out of the spaceship.
No-one answers them. Soldiers look worried.
The aliens go back into their A schoolgirl runs to the aliens.
spaceship. The aliens say, “Hello. We want to be
The spaceship sits in the friends.”
playground for a night. The girl hugs the aliens.
In the morning the spaceship flies The soldiers smile.
The aliens help people save Earth
from climate change.

2 Draw an illustration for an interesting event in one of the plots.

  Note: An interesting plot builds to a climax.

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Matching titles to stories

  Tip! Story titles need to suit the stories.

Write each story title in the box under the illustration that
matches it.

Harriet gets lost The Scratchies leave home

Jarrod says goodbye Return to the castle of Skey

1 2

3 4

Write titles for the plot of each story below.

This is a story about a frog named Frogga. Frogga persuades all the
forest animals to help her find out who is polluting her creek. In the
end Frogga saves the creek.

5 Title: ____________________________________________________________

This is a story about two children who rescue a ringtail possum

from a cat. The children care for the possum and then release it in
their backyard. Meanwhile they find the cat’s owner and make sure
the cat stays indoors at night.

6 Title: ____________________________________________________________

  Note: An effective story title gains the reader’s interest.

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Writing complications for stories

  Tip! A complication is something that goes wrong for a character

in a story. It sets off the chain of events in the story.

1 Write the complication for this story.

An amazing rescue
Orientation Marnie trudged home. She was tired and hungry. It
was nearly dark. She’d be in big trouble if she did
not get home by 5.30 pm. She wasn’t looking where
she was going.

Complication Suddenly…

Events Marnie lay in a crumpled heap at the bottom of the

hill. Her ankle hurt. She tried to stand up but it hurt
too much. She started to cry.
“Help!” she yelled.

2 Think of a way that Marnie could be rescued that would match

the title of the story. Write it here.

3 Draw an
to match.

  Note: A story needs to keep readers interested.

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Writing resolutions for stories

  Tip! A story needs to end in a way that makes sense.

Write the rest of the story. Then give the story a title.

Title: __________________________________________________________

The boy walked through the woods. He was carrying some soup for his
sick grandmother. His father had told him to beware of the wolf. His
mother had told him not to talk to the wolf. They had both told him
to go around the woods and not through the woods. The boy walked
through the woods. The boy was not afraid of the wolf.
Just then he heard a noise in the trees beside the path. Out jumped the
“Hello there,” chuckled the wolf.
“What do you want?” demanded the boy who was unafraid.
“I want you for dinner!” said the wolf.

  Note: A story ending needs to resolve a character’s problem (the complication).

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Analysing the elements of a story

  Tip! All the elements of a story need to work together to make

it entertaining.

Read the story. Answer the questions below.

Goldilocks and the three bears
Their porridge was too hot to eat so the three bears went for a walk.
When they got home from their walk they saw that things were
Baby Bear’s porridge was gone.
Baby Bear’s chair was broken.
A girl was asleep in Baby Bear’s bed.
The girl woke up and ran away.
The three bears decided that in future they would lock their doors and
windows when they went for walks.
1 Who are the characters?

2 Where is the story set?

3 What is the complication that starts the chain of events?

4 How is the story resolved?

5 What lesson did the bears learn?

  Note: The events in the story help the three bears learn a lesson.

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Considering the audience for a story

  Tip! A story needs to entertain.

1 Read the story. Give the story a title to gain the readers’ interest.

Title: _____________________________________________________________

Rolf loved going to the park. He loved to climb the trees.

One day when Rolf went to the park there was red spray paint on his
favourite tree.

His mother said, “The red paint marks the trees that are to be chopped
down by the Council.”

Rolf could not believe it! His favourite tree was to be chopped down. He
decided he would have to save his tree.

After school the next day Rolf and his mother went to the Council offices.

Rolf was told that the Council was worried the tree might fall over and hurt

Rolf’s mother helped Rolf do some research on the internet. Rolf found some
ways to save the tree. He found out that trees can be pruned, their trunks
supported by cables, and their roots encouraged to grow back with deep
watering. Rolf told everyone at his school about the ways to save the tree.

Rolf’s school wrote to the Council about the tree. The Council members had
a meeting and decided to save the tree.

Now Rolf is very happy. He climbs his tree every day after school and gives
it a big hug.

2 How would readers feel about the resolution of the story?

3 What would you draw to illustrate this story for readers?

  Note:  he last box contains the coda. A coda is what happens after a story has been

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Planning stories

  Tip! Questions can help you plan a story.

help me.”

Answer the questions to plan a story for the illustration.

1 Characters Who are the

characters in your

2 Setting Where will the

story be set?

3 Complication What problem

will the characters

4 Events What will happen?

5 Resolution How will the story

  Note:  haracters have to overcome their problem (the complication) for a story to have a

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Writing story conversation in paragraphs

  Tip! Each story character’s speech begins a new paragraph.

The text below has not been written correctly. There should be five
paragraphs. Rewrite the text correctly on the lines.

Back in time
The time machine landed in a field. “Look! There’s a stegosaurus,”
said Freya. “I can see some triceratops too,” said Mark, excitedly. “We
should get out and go for a walk,” suggested Freya. “I hope we don’t
run into a T-rex,” said Mark in a worried voice.

1 Introduction

2 Freya speaks

3 Mark speaks

4 Freya speaks

5 Mark speaks

  Note: This conversation is part of a narrative.

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Writing play scripts
  Tip! When you write a play script each new speaker begins on a
new line, e.g.
Harry: Why did the chicken cross the playground?
Jane: I don’t know.
Harry: To get to the other slide.
Jane (laughing): Ha ha.
Harry: I have another joke.
Jane: OK, tell me.
You don’t need to use speech marks in play scripts.

Rewrite the conversation below as a play script.

“I have a good riddle,” said Freddy.
“OK. What is it?” replied Greta.
“What word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?” asked
“I give up,” said Greta.
“Short,” laughed Freddy.
Play script


  Note: S ometimes play scripts tell actors how to say their lines,
e.g. Jane (laughing): Ha ha.

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Writing play scripts

  Tip! Texts for different purposes have different structures.

How do the children feel? What are they thinking? What might have
happened to make the children look like this? Write a play script for
the scene.
Play script

  Note:  lay scripts can include instructions for actors telling them how to act their roles
e.g. (angry voice).

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Chapter 10 Persuasive texts

Writing opinions

  Tip! A point of view is a personal opinion.

Write what you like or don’t like about each topic.

1 I (like / don’t like) getting a haircut because

2 I (like / don’t like) it when the teacher lets children choose who will

be on their teams because

3 I (like / don’t like) colouring in because

4 I (like / don’t like) balloons because

5 I (like / don’t like) bees because

6 I (like / don’t like) 3D movies because

  Note: It’s important to have reasons to support a point of view.

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Writing opinions

  Tip! P
 ersuasive texts try to persuade others to agree with a
point of view.

Read each text. Answer the questions.

Soccer is a better sport to play than cricket. I think it’s better

because everyone gets to run around. In cricket you mostly just
stand around. I get bored in cricket. Soccer is fun.
Soccer is better than cricket.

1 What is this text trying to persuade you about?

Eat vegetables! Vegetables are good for you. Everyone should eat
at least five helpings of vegetables every day.

2 What is this text trying to persuade you to do?

For sale! Trampoline. 3-m diameter with brand-new safety net.

Only one year old. Excellent condition. Great exercise.
Very safe. ONLY $200.

3 What is this text trying to persuade you to do?

  Note:  ach text tries to persuade readers to do something or to agree with the writer
about something.

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Recognising point of view

  Tip! Texts need to make sense.

Cross out the sentence in each paragraph that does not belong.

1 Zoos are not good for animals. It is cruel to keep animals in zoos.
Animals are meant to live freely in nature. Animals in zoos have
no chance to live a normal life. They must get very bored. Imagine
being a lion in a zoo. You cannot run anywhere. I would love to be
a lion in a zoo. People should leave animals in the wild.

2 The beach is fun. I love swimming and catching waves. I would

never choose to go to the beach. I love to walk on the beach looking
at the things that wash ashore. The beach is fun, even on a cold

3 Funny stories are the best kinds of stories. They are boring.
My brother likes funny stories too. We read them every night before
bed. It’s good to laugh at the silly things the characters do and say.

4 Put your rubbish in the bin. Litter is dangerous for animals.

Litter gets washed into rivers and the sea. Marine animals eat it and
get sick and die. Birds eat bits of litter and plastic and die. People
who litter are thinking about the environment. It is wrong to litter.

  Note:  ach statement that does not belong gives an opposite point of view to the rest
of the paragraph.

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Writing an opposite point of view

  Tip! Opinions can be different from yours.

Write the opposite opinion for each statement.

1 I like medicine because it makes me feel better.

2 I like homework because it gives me something to do after school.

3 I like broccoli because it tastes delicious.

4 I don’t mind getting a needle because it never hurts me.

5 I never go swimming when there are bluebottles because I’m

scared of them.

  Note: Each of these opinions is supported by a reason.

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Writing different points of view

  Tip! Opinions can be the same or different.

Write opinions that different people might have.

1 Teacher’s opinion: Homework is

because .

Child’s opinion: Homework is

because .

Parent’s opinion: Homework is

because .
2 Teacher’s opinion:

Child’s opinion:

Parent’s opinion:
Going to the dentist
3 Dentist’s opinion:

Child’s opinion:

Parent’s opinion:
  Note: People can change their opinions.

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Writing reasons for a point of view

  Tip! Always support a point of view with reasons.

Read the sample text.

Eating leaves
Opening statement I don’t like to eat any kind of leaves.

Middle statements: Some leaves just taste like nothing. They have no flavour
reasons for opinion at all. Some leaves taste bitter and horrible.
Mum says leaves are good for me. She says I need to eat
them. I tell her that I am not a zebra. Zebras eat leaves.

Conclusion I think leaves should be left for animals and not fed to
humans. I don’t like to eat leaves.

Write about something you do not like. Use the sample text as a model.
Persuade others to agree with your point of view.
Title: _________________________________________________________________

Opening statement— I like / don’t like

state your opinion
about the topic.

Middle statements—
give your reasons.

your opinion.

  Note: Each of these texts makes a complaint.

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Writing reasons for a point of view

  Tip! Always support a point of view with reasons.

Read the sample text.

The best place in the world
Opening statement My nana’s kitchen is the best place in the whole world.

Reasons Nana loves to cook for her family. Her kitchen always
smells good. We sit around her big old timber dining
table in the kitchen and she feeds us. We laugh and talk
and eat good food.

Conclusion Nana’s kitchen makes me feel happy. You would love

Nana’s kitchen too.

Describe a place where you feel happy. Persuade others that it is a good
place. Use the sample text as a model.
Title: _________________________________________

Opening statement—
state your opinion on
the topic.

Middle statements—
give your reasons.

your opinion.

  Note: These texts describe something in a positive way.

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Using persuasive words

  Tip! W
 ords such as definitely, very, really, must, should and
always are persuasive.

Read the sample text.

Recycling paper
Opening statement Recycling paper is really important for planet Earth.

Reason 1 It is definitely better to recycle used paper than to keep

chopping down trees to make new paper.
Reason 2 Recycling saves energy. It uses less energy to recycle used
paper than to make new paper. Saving energy helps
prevent climate change.
Reason 3 Recycling paper stops paper adding to landfill.

Conclusion We must save planet Earth! Always recycle your paper.

Write an argument text for or against allowing bare feet at school. Use
the sample text as a model.
Topic: Bare feet at school

Opening statement

Reason 1

Reason 2

Reason 3


  Note: Did you give reasons and end with a command like the sample text?

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Sequencing arguments

  Tip! In argument texts every reason can start a new paragraph.

Read the text below. Write the labels from the box in the table below to
label the parts of the text.

Conclusion Reason 1 Reason 4 Title Reason 3 Reason 2

Opening statement


I hate dogs in my neighbourhood.
Firstly, dogs make a mess. On the
footpath where I live there are always dog
droppings. Sometimes I forget to watch
where I put my feet. I once stepped in dog
poo and my mother had to throw out my
sneakers. They were really stinky and she
couldn’t get the poo out of the tread on the
Secondly, dogs are noisy. They bark all
the time. It is really annoying. Some dogs
bark for no reason at all. I think they just
get bored locked up inside all day.
Thirdly, dogs bite. My friend was bitten
by her own dog. You can’t trust dogs.
Finally, dogs are smelly. My friend’s
house smells like her dog. It makes me
I hate dogs. I think dogs should only be
allowed to live on farms where they help
with the sheep.

  Note: This text has six paragraphs.

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Writing argument texts

  Tip! In argument texts every reason can start a new paragraph.

Write three reasons and a conclusion for the text below. The opening
statement has been written for you.
I love dogs.

Reason 1

Reason 2

Reason 3


  Note: Reasons for an opinion are usually written in order of importance.

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Writing advertisements

  Tip! Advertisements try to persuade people to do something.

Read the sample text.

Come to our fete!
Date 10 October Time 10 am to 3 pm
Where Forest Road State School
Cost Entry is free. Rides $4 or 3 rides for $10.
Reasons to Exciting rides, games and competitions.
come Fabulous trash-and-treasure stalls and
arts-and-crafts stalls.
Delicious foods.
Commands Come to our fete!

Imagine your school is giving a concert. Write an advertisement.

Persuade everyone to come.

Come to our concert!

Date Time
Reasons to

  Note: Adjectives can help to persuade, e.g. delicious, fabulous, exciting.

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Writing advertisements

  Tip! Advertisements try to persuade people to do something.

Read the advertisement.

Ea s y t o us
e! Electric scooter L igh t
! f rame
G re at f u n For children aged 8+
Reach speeds of up to 16 km an hour.
a ble
Hand-operated front brake R e c h a rg e
b a t te r y
On sale NOW only $49. Buy Now!
Would you be interested in buying this scooter? Write your opinion.
Give four reasons.
Opinion I would/would not buy this scooter for the following
statement reasons:
Reason 1

Reason 2

Reason 3

Reason 4


  Note: A successful advertisement will make you want to buy or use a product.

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Writing advertisements

  Tip! Advertisements try to persuade people to do something.

Read the advertisement.

Special Asian Noodle Stir-fry
Opening opinion
The best stir-fry noodles you will ever eat.
Reasons to try it Delicious!
Your choice of beef, chicken, prawns or vegetarian.
Hokkien noodles for extra flavour.
You’ll love it!
Conclusion/ Try some now.

Write an advertisement to persuade people to try your favourite food.

Use the sample text as a model.

Title: _________________________________________________________________

Opening opinion
Reasons to try it


  Note:  djectives can persuade, e.g. delicious,

A healthy.The
delicious, healthy. Theadvertisement
with a command:
command, Try somenow.
Try some now.

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Writing advertisements

  Tip! Advertisements try to persuade people to do something.

Read the advertisement. It tries to persuade people to pay for a service.

Service Trudy’s Hair Cuts

Cost Adults $15 Children $8

Three reasons someone Cheap!

should use this service: Look your best.
Extra care taken with young children.

Address/phone number 7 Napier Road, Greensville, Ph. 4020 568590

Command and/or promise Get a haircut today!

I promise you’ll be happy with the results.

Think about something you could do to earn money, e.g. walk the dog, rake some
leaves or help wash the car.
Write an advertisement to sell your service. Use the sample text as a model.



Three reasons someone

should use this service:

Address/phone number

Command and/or promise

  Note:  he promise at the end of the sample text is used to make readers feel
confident about the service.

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Chapter 11 Puzzle pages

Writing acrostic poems

  Tip! An acrostic poem has a special pattern. Letters from the
poem form a word or a phrase.

Bill Gibb
Best friend Goes to his dad’s every Saturday.
In the world. Is good at spelling and soccer
Loves animals and sausage sizzles. But not so good at maths,
Lives with his mum and his dog. Bill Gibb.

Write the name of a friend or family member down the page. Start
each line of the poem with a letter from the name. You can choose to
use only the first name or both the first and family names.

  Note: Poems can be imaginative, informative or persuasive. This poem is informative.

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Writing nouns for animals

  Tip! U
 se common nouns (e.g. monkey) or proper nouns
(e.g. Uakari monkey).

Think of an animal for each letter of the alphabet. Some have been
done for you.




D Quokka




H Uakari monkey

I Vulture


K X-ray tetra

L Yak


  Note: Compare your list with a friend’s.

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Spotting the adjectives in find-a-word puzzles

  Tip! Look across, down, up and backwards.

Find and colour the adjectives in the box.

bright beautiful delicate bitter sweet gigantic green

black dull tiny lovely sour huge shiny icy smooth











  Note: These are words that describe how something looks, tastes or feels.

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Solving noun crossword puzzles

  Tip! Write one letter in each square of a crossword puzzle.

Use the clues to solve the crossword puzzle. The answers are places in
nature (hill, creek, island, valley, waterfall, desert, river, ocean, forest,
Clues 1
3 where water flows steeply
down 3

4 a small river
5 a place with many trees 4

8 a place at the edge of

the ocean
5 6
10 land with water all
around it
1 a place in between
mountains or hills
2 a large dry place with 9

sand or rocks 10
6 water flowing over land
7 a large area of salt water
9 smaller than a mountain

  Note: The answers are common nouns.

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Writing proper nouns for people’s names

  Tip! Use the internet if you need help.

Think of a boy’s name or a girl’s name for each letter of the alphabet.














  Note: Compare your list of names with a friend’s.

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SECTION 1 5 We add our own choice of toppings.
6 Our homemade pizzas are delicious.
Chapter 1 Sentences—statements Page 7
1 Crocodiles are large reptiles.
Page 1 2 Saltwater crocodiles are dangerous.
1 Ants 2  They 3  Most ant species 3 Saltwater crocodiles eat anything.
4 Different ants 5  A colony 6  Worker ants 4 They can swim a long way out to sea.
7 Worker ants 8  Only males and the queen 5 The females guard their nests.
Page 2 6 Many baby crocodiles are eaten by goannas.

1 My sister went to the dentist yesterday. Page 8

2 The dentist examined her teeth. 1 C 2  A 3  B 4  C 5  A 6  C 7  D 8  C
3 The dentist said that my sister has very good 9 The boy ran to the shop.
teeth. 10 The two girls walked to school.
4 My sister was very happy.
Page 9
5 Answers will vary. Teacher/parent to check.
Answers will vary. Teacher/parent to check.
Page 3
1 My dad has a new fishing rod.
Chapter 2 Sentences—questions,
2 Some flowers are yellow.
commands and exclamations
3 My birthday is in May.
4 Bananas are a kind of fruit.
5 His hair is too long.
Page 10
6 Yellow is a happy colour. 1 Who killed the giant in the beanstalk?
7 Bees are beautiful. 2 Who lost her glass slippers?
8 We love bananas. 3 Who lived under the billy goats’ bridge?
4 Who had long hair and was locked in a tower?
Page 4
5 Who grew a long nose?
1 Beaches are fun places.
6 Who won a race against a tortoise?
2 The waves were scary.
3 My little brother is really cute.
Page 11
4 Strawberry is the best flavour. 1 What time does the library close?
5 Answers will vary. Teacher/parent to check. 2 When are we going to the library?
3 Where did you put the books?
Page 5
4 Who will take us to the library?
1 The platypus is a mammal.
5 Which book do you like best?
2 Female platypuses lay eggs.
6 Why is that book your favourite?
3 The platypus has fur and a bill.
7 Questions 5 and 6 ask for opinions.
4 The platypus has webbed feet.
5 The platypus has strong claws for burrowing.
Page 12
6 Platypuses sleep in their burrows. 1 How much does it cost?
2 How many did you eat?
Page 6
3 How often do you come here?
1 My favourite food is pizza.
4 How far did you walk?
2 We make our own pizzas.
5 Answers will vary. ‘How much’ questions ask
3 Mum likes homemade pizza best. about the quantity of an item and end with a
4 Dad makes the pizza bases. question mark.

Answers  107

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
6 Answers will vary. ‘How many’ questions ask 5 Who is your teacher? or What is your teacher’s
about the number of an item and end with a name?
question mark. 6 Answers will vary. Teacher/parent to check.
7 Answers will vary. ‘How often’ questions ask
about the frequency of an event and end with a
question mark. Chapter 3 Every sentence has
8 Answers will vary. ‘How far’ questions ask about a verb
an aspect of distance and end with a question
mark. Page 19
Page 13 1 chopped 2  danced 3  blew 4  ate 5  built
1 Pour one cup of milk into a saucepan. 6 followed 7  spilt 8  landed
2 Add one cup of oats. Page 20
3 Stir well.
1 stretched 2  splashed 3  swam 4  plucked
4 Heat gently until cooked.
5 watched 6  grazed 7  clung
5 Serve with milk and sliced banana or honey.
8 The elephant splashed water onto its back.
Page 14
Page 21
1 We miss you! 2  Here it is!
1 meandered 2  rode 3  ran 4  hopped
3 That’s great news! 4  We love it!
5 cartwheeled
5 That’s horrible! 6  Our team won!
7 That makes me happy! 8  That’s horrible!
Page 22
1 howled 2  trumpeted 3  squeaked 4  hooted
Page 15
5 barked 6  hissed 7  The dog barked.
1 Look out! 2  Stop! 3  Go over there!
8 Answers will vary. Teacher/parent to check.
4 Come back! 5  Sit down! 6  Be careful!
7 Hold this! 8  Be careful! or Look out! or Stop!
Page 23
1 stretched 2  rolled 3  purred 4  slept
Page 16
5 jumped 6  strolled 7  yowled 8  ate
2 Who rode a bike to school today?
Page 24
4 What time is it? 1 doing verb: licked—a sentence
5 Where is your hat? 2 doing verb: scratched—a sentence
6 Why are you late? 3 no verb—not a sentence
Exclamations 4 doing verb: jumped—a sentence
1 Come here! 5 doing verb: raced—a sentence
3 Watch out! 6 saying verb: barked—a sentence
7 Help me! 7 doing verb: wagged—a sentence
8 Go away! 8 no verb—not a sentence

Page 17 Page 25
1 A 2  D 3  D 4  B 1 The girl ate her apple.
5 How far can you run? 2 The children raced to the tree.
6 How long will it take? 3 The children sang at the concert.
7 and 8 Answers will vary but need to begin with a 4 The boy rode his bike to school.
capital letter and end with full stops. Page 26
9 and 10 Answers will vary but need to begin with a 1 B 2  B 3  C 4  C 5  C 6  D 7  A 8  C
capital letter and end with question marks.
9 Answers will vary, e.g. climbed, tumbled,
Page 18 flopped, crawled.
1 What is your name? 10 Answers will vary, e.g. screamed, cried, yelled,
2 How old are you? wailed.
3 Which food or vegetable don’t you like? Page 27
4 What is your favourite fruit? looked, saw, heard, sniffed, barked, ran, looked,

108 Excel  A d v a n c e d S k i l l s Wri t i n g Wo rk b o o k Ye a r 2

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
barked, listened, barked, heard, opened, said, Page 34
barked, ran, whirled, grabbed, gave
Answers will vary. Teacher/parent to check, e.g. The
kind/happy/young teacher sat on his chair at the
Chapter 4 Noun groups front of the class. He looked at his happy/young
He said, “I have an interesting/exciting story to read
Page 28
to you today. It is about a brave/clever girl who has
1 an exciting/interesting adventure. I think you will
hair enjoy this great/interesting/exciting story.”

neck thumb Page 35

elbow 1 B 2  B 3  C 4  C 5  B 6  C 7  B 8  B
9 C 10  A
Page 36
knee Answers will vary. Teacher/parent to check


2 Answers will vary. Teacher/parent to check, e.g.
arm, foot, leg, eye, stomach, mouth, chin.
Page 29
1 Blake Youngman, Alexandra Cowan, Australian
Prime Minister, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Betty Sammy
big, strong, smart, cute, small, little,
2 Collins Street, Great Barrier Reef, Uluru, Sydney brave, clever smart, bright, cheeky,
Harbour Bridge mischievous
3 Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo, Kuranda Tree Frog
Betty is a big brave Sammy is a cheeky
4 July, Monday, December, Tuesday
police dog. little dog.
Page 30
1 Last Tuesday 2H went on an excursion to
Taronga Zoo.
2 Our guide, Wally, told us Dreaming Stories.
3 We learnt about the Aboriginal history of
Picasso Mozart
4 Then we got to meet a snake named Fred.
5 After lunch Wally walked around the zoo with us. playful, cute, little, tired, sleepy, old,
6 Our teacher, Ms Harris, said it was a really good naughty, mischievous loving, quiet, kind
excursion. Picasso is a playful Mozart is a sweet old
Page 31 little kitten. house cat.

1 sharp 2  happy 3  small 4  soft

5 tall, leafy 6  cute, cuddly 7  crisp, juicy Chapter 5 Sentences that tell how,
8 comfortable, old where or when
Page 32
1 large 2  black, white 3  sleek 4  little Page 37
5 Answers will vary. Teacher/parent to check, e.g. 1 slowly 2  swiftly 3  lightly
tired, old, huge, grey, wrinkly, big. 4–8 Answers may vary. Teacher/parent to check, e.g.
6 Teacher/parent to check. 4 hungrily 5 loudly 6 slowly 7 happily
8 quietly
Page 33
1 excited, little 2  tired, old 3  dainty, white
4 sneaky, black 5  cute, fluffy 6  fierce, angry

Answers  109

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Page 38 Page 45
1 carefully 2  tightly 3  neatly 1 Answers will vary, e.g. in a cave, under a log,
4 gently 5  gracefully across the quicksand, under the tallest tree, on
6 Answers will vary, e.g. Carry the hot tea top of the mountain, under the biggest rock,
carefully. through the waterfall, inside the hollow tree.
2 Answers will vary, e.g. through the gloomy
Page 39 forest, at midnight, late at night, by the creek,
1 on a rock. in the dark, at the cemetery, in the basement,
2 onto the moon. under the rotting deck, in a cellar, at the
3 around the bend. graveyard.

4 between the trees.

5 in the cave. Chapter 6 Connecting ideas in
6 across the sand. sentences
7 inside its hutch.
8 under the fence. Page 46
Page 40 1 We had a barbecue and [we] cooked sausages.
Answers will vary, e.g. 2 Bernie dished up the apple pie and [he] ate it
1 The dog sat 2  The cat slept 3  The dog ran with cream.
4 A possum lives 5  The train raced 3 Mum mowed the lawn and [she] washed the car.
6 The waves crashed 7  The children rode 4 We bought our movie tickets and [we] went to
find our seats.
8 Dad dived
5 Lilly plays soccer in winter and [she] has
Page 41 swimming lessons in summer.
Answers will vary, e.g. 6 The boy crossed the street and [he] walked into
1 across the field. 2  into the pool. the shop.
3 down the hill. 4  above the tree. Page 47
5 through the trees. 6  on the window.
Answers will vary, e.g.
7 over the rock. 8  beside the creek.
1 I will take a towel, an umbrella and sunscreen to
Page 42 the beach.
1 before breakfast 2 I will take a jumper, mittens and a toboggan to
the snow.
2 on Saturday
3 I will take a camera, a torch and friends to the
3 by 5 o ‘clock
4 at bedtime
4 I would like pizza, ice-cream and cake on my
5–8 Answers will vary. Parent/teacher to check, e.g.
5 after dinner 6 before lunch 7 by 7 o’clock
8 at lunchtime Page 48
Page 43 1 Orangutans prefer to eat fruit but they also eat
1 I like cycling for a number of reasons:
2 Orangutans have long legs but their arms are
Firstly, cycling is fun.
Secondly, cycling is great exercise.
3 Oranutans are apes but people sometimes call
Thirdly, cycling is faster than walking. them monkeys.
Finally, cycling is better for the environment 4 Orangutans live in trees but they also walk on
than using a car. the ground.
2 Answers will vary but should follow the 5 Answers will vary.
language pattern used in text 1.
Page 49
Page 44
1 I could send you an email or phone you.
1 B 2  A 3  B 4  D 5  C 6  C 7  A 8  B
2 You can go by ferry or catch the train.
9 B 10  C
3 We could go to the park or play in the backyard.
4 We could cook vegetables or have a salad.

110 Excel  A d v a n c e d S k i l l s Wri t i n g Wo rk b o o k Ye a r 2

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
5 I might write a story or read a book. 6 “Come out of that hollow log so I can eat you,”
6 Will we watch television or play a board game? said the goanna.
7 Answers will vary. Teacher/parent to check, e.g.
Page 50
“I am hungry,” said the goanna.
1 I like my beanie because it keeps my ears warm.
Page 56
2 I don’t like beans because they taste awful.
3 I like my friend James because he is funny. 1 “Will you let me ride your bike?” asked Hani.

4 I like books about dinosaurs because dinosaurs 2 “Why can’t I have a turn?” asked Hani.
are interesting. 3 “Should I put my helmet on now?” asked Hani.
5 Answers will vary. Teacher/parent to check. 4 “May I have a turn, too?” asked Mark.
6 Answers will vary. Teacher/parent to check. 5 “Would you like a turn?” offered Frankie.
6 “Will you give me a turn?” asked Mark.
Page 51
7 Hani asked, “When will I get a turn?”
1 It looked like rain so we couldn’t go to the beach.
8 “You can each have a turn,” said Frankie.
2 It looked like rain so Mum said to take a
raincoat. Page 57
3 It was getting dark so Dad said it was time to go 1 “Hello, Mum,”
home. “Hello. Did you have a good time at Jenny’s?”
4 The bananas were really ripe so we made a 2 “Yes. We played with her baby sister,”
banana cake. “That sounds like fun,”
5 It is cold so I will wear a jumper. 3 “It was,”
6 Answers will vary. Teacher/parent to check. “Good,”
Page 52 Page 58
Answers will vary. Teacher/parent to check. 1 “Go!” cheered the parents.
Page 53 2 “Help!” shouted Dad as the ladder began to
1 A 2  B 3  D 4  C 5  A 6  C 7  A 8  C slide.
9 B 10  B 3 “Watch out!” yelled Mum as Lauren stepped
onto the road.
Page 54
4 “Don’t do that!” yelled Sanjay when his brother
1 I like dancing and gymnastics. Mum says I can scribbled on his homework.
do dancing or gymnastics after school this year 5 “I’m home!” called Justin.
but not both.
6 “We’re in the kitchen!” shouted Jonathan.
I like both but Mum will only pay for one.
7 “Look at that!” exclaimed the teacher.
They are both fun but I prefer the dancing
8 Lisa shouted, “I can’t find my watch!”
teacher to the gymnastics teacher.
They are both good exercise but gymnastics is Page 59
harder than dancing. 1 “Thank you. I love my new shoes,” said Marty.
I have friends in both classes but my best friend 2 ”Ouch! That hurt,” said Riku.
does the dance class. 3 “Hooray! We won,” said Denny.
I will do dancing this year. 4 “Wow! That’s amazing,” said Ian.
2 Answers will vary. Teacher/parent to check. 5 “Hurry! The bus leaves in five minutes,” said
Chapter 7 Writing conversation 6 “Huh? What do you mean?” asked Lilly.
7 “Wow!” exclaimed Steven.
Page 55 8 Answers will vary. Teacher/parent to check, e.g.
“Uh-oh!” said Matt when he spilt his drink.
1 “I eat whatever I can catch,” bragged the big
goanna. “Oops!” said Mum.
2 “I mostly eat fruit and leaves,” said the skink. “Good job!” said Dad when Matt carefully wiped
up the spilt drink.
3 “I eat other lizards,” said the goanna.
4 “I will eat you,” announced the goanna.
5 “You won’t catch me,” replied the skink.

Answers  111

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Page 60 [1] When it stands very still it looks like a tree branch.
1 shouted 2  declared/announced 3 requested [2] The Tawny Frogmouth eats meat.
4 whispered 5  chirped 6 announced/declared [2] It hunts at night for insects such as moths, as
well as lizards, snails and worms.
7–8 Answers will vary. Teacher/parent to check, e.g.
“I hope so,” said Mother Magpie. [3] Tawny Frogmouths are often killed by cars.
“I can’t wait,” said Father Magpie. [3] They chase flying insects into the headlights of
oncoming cars.
Page 61
Page 67
1 Answers will vary. Teacher/parent to check, e.g.
“We need to look before we cross,” Mum advised. 1 He 2  They 3  They 4  them 5  He
“Look to the right, look to the left, look to the 6 them 7  Parent/teacher to check.
right again,” sang Corey. Page 68
2 Answers will vary, e.g. 1 He 2  She 3  They
“Push me higher!” demanded Abby. 4 Lions live in groups called prides. One male is
“Okay,” replied Dad. the boss of the pride. He guards his territory. The
3 “You played really well,” announced the coach. females are the hunters. They hunt at night.
“Thanks coach,“ replied Penny. They usually work as a team to kill their prey.
Young male lions are forced out of the pride
Page 62
when they are around two years old. They form
1 B 2  C 3  D 4  A 5  B 6  D 7  B groups to hunt together. When a young male
8 B 9  C is big and strong he will take over a pride for
10 Answers will vary. Teacher/parent to check, e.g. himself.
“Yes! That’s a great idea,” said the teacher. Page 69
Page 63 The first thing we did was go for a swim.
Answers will vary. Teacher/parent to check. Then we climbed around the rocks to look for sea
SECTION 2 After looking for sea stars we had our picnic lunch.
We left the beach when it started to get dark.
Chapter 8 Informative texts Page 70
1 Yesterday I asked Mum what blue-tongues eat.
Page 64 2 She said that blue-tongues eat snails and beetles.
Answers will vary. Teacher/parent to check Each 3 This morning I looked for snails and beetles in
paragraph should consist of a number of sentences our garden but I didn’t find any.
that focus on one idea, e.g. 4 The blue-tongue lizard must have eaten them
Paragraph 1: My name is Sebbie. I am 7 years old. I all.
have brown hair and brown eyes.
Page 71
Paragraph 2: I live with my mother, my grandma
and my sister, Scarlet. My mother works at the Answers will vary. Teacher/parent to check.
bakery. She leaves home very early in the morning Page 72
so Gran gets us breakfast and takes us to school.
1 [4 3 1 2]
Paragraph 3: My friend’s name is Tim. Tim is in my
2 [2 5 3 1 4]
class at school. We play soccer.
Page 73
Page 65
3 Stir in the cream, lemonade and milk.
1 what numbats look like
5 Knead the dough on a floured board.
2 what numbats eat
6 Roll out the dough and cut into pieces.
3 why numbats are endangered
7 Place scones on a greased oven tray.
Page 66 8 Bake for 15 minutes.
[1] The Tawny Frogmouth is a nocturnal bird. 9 Eat with jam and cream.
[1] It has a wide beak like a frog.
Page 74
[1] It has big yellow eyes to see in the dark.
Answers will vary. Teacher/parent to check.
[1] It has mottled brown feathers.

112 Excel  A d v a n c e d S k i l l s Wri t i n g Wo rk b o o k Ye a r 2

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
have the wolf eat the boy because the boy had not
Chapter 9 Imaginative texts listened to his parents’ advice. You might also use
the fact that the wolf is chuckling or decide that
the wolf is laughing at a boy who is not afraid of
Page 75
Answers will vary. Teacher/parent to check.
Page 82
Page 76
1 The three bears and a girl
Answers will vary. Teacher/parent to check.
2 The home of the bears
Page 77 3 The porridge was too hot to eat.
Answers will vary. Teacher/parent to check, e.g. 4 The girl ran away.
1 snow-covered mountains 5 The bears learned to lock their doors and
2 a very strict classroom, a family home windows when they went out.
3 a spooky old house Page 83
4 a cold planet far away 1 Answers will vary. Teacher/parent to check, e.g.
5 in the convict days, an old building in the past, Rolf starts a fight; The doomed tree; Rolf saves
when grandparents were children his favourite tree.
6 a magical cave, the land of the elves, the land of 2 Readers would be happy with the resolution
the giants because Rolf was happy. He had saved his
7 a police station, a home, a park favourite tree.
3 Answers will vary. Teacher/parent to check, e.g.
Page 78
Rolf hugging a huge tree.
1 Plot B because this story is more exciting. The
police and army arrive. The aliens come out of Page 84
their ship. The story builds to a climax. Readers 1 A boy and a girl. The stegosaurus could also be a
wonder how the police and the army might character in the story.
capture the aliens or whether the school girl 2 A museum
might get hurt by the aliens. The story has a
3–5 Answers will vary. Teacher/parent to check, e.g.
satisfying conclusion.
3 The stegasaurus speaks to the children. It could
2 Answers will vary.
need a home or want to go back to its own time.
Page 79 4 The children might have to try to solve the
1 The Scratchies leave home stegasaurus’s problem. They might help it find
a better home than the museum or they might
2 Harriet gets lost
help it get back to its own time.
3 Return to the castle of Skey
5 The story will end when the problem is resolved
4 Jarrod says goodbye
and the stegosaurus is happy.
5 Answers will vary. Teacher/parent to check, e.g.
Frogga saves her creek; Frogga’s mission. Page 85
6 Answers will vary. Teacher/parent to check, e.g. 1 The time machine landed in a field.
Possum rescuers; Help for a possum; No cats 2 “Look! There’s a stegosaurus,” said Freya.
allowed. 3 “I can see some triceratops too,” said Mark,
Page 80 excitedly.
4 “We should get out and go for a walk,”
Answers will vary. Teacher/parent to check, e.g.
suggested Freya.
1 Suddenly she tripped over and rolled down the
5 “I hope we don’t run into a T-rex,” said Mark in
hill into a ditch.
a worried voice.
2 This answer needs to suit the title of the story,
Amazing rescue. Marnie could be carried home Page 86
by eagles or forest creatures or elves; a dog could Freddy: I have a good riddle.
find her then fetch help.
Greta: OK. What is it?
Page 81 Freddy: What word becomes shorter when you add
Answers will vary. Teacher/parent to check, e.g. two letters to it?
Title: ‘The Foolish Boy’ or ‘The Brave Boy’ The story Greta: I give up.
says the boy is not afraid of the wolf so you can Freddy (laughing): Short.
have him defeat the wolf in some way. Or you can

Answers  113

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
Page 87 4 I hate getting a needle because it hurts too much.
Answers will vary. Teacher/parent to check. The 5 I go swimming when there are bluebottles
children have had a disagreement about something. because I don’t care about getting stung.
They are both angry. They need to say what they Page 92
are angry about.
Answers will vary. Teacher/parent to check, e.g.
1 Homework
Chapter 10 Persuasive texts Teacher’s opinion: Homework is good because
children do extra practice.
Page 88 Or, Homework is a waste of time because it’s just
extra work.
Answers will vary. Teacher/parent to check, e.g.
Child’s opinion: Homework is good because
1 I like getting a haircut because I don’t like my
some children need extra practice.
hair in my eyes.
Or, Homework is a waste of time because
I don’t like getting a haircut because I want to
children should have time to play after school.
grow my hair long.
Parent’s opinion: Homework is good because
2 I like it when the teacher lets children choose
children get extra practice.
who will be on their teams because my friends
pick me. Or, Homework is a nuisance because my child
and I just argue about it.
I don’t like it when the teacher lets children
choose who will be on their teams because I hate 2 Bedtime
to get chosen last. Teacher’s opinion: Children should go to bed
3 I like colouring in because it’s easy and it looks early so that they are fresh for school each day
nice. and ready to work.
I don’t like colouring in because it’s boring. Child’s opinion: Children should only go to bed
when they are tired, so they fall asleep quickly.
4 I like balloons because they make a room
colourful. Parent’s opinion: Children should go to bed at a
set time so that they get enough sleep.
I don’t like balloons because they float away
and end up causing pollution. 3 Going to the dentist
5 I like bees because they help flowers spread Dentist’s opinion: Children should visit the
seeds. dentist regularly to have their teeth checked.
I don’t like bees because they hurt when they Child’s opinion: Children should visit the dentist
sting you. regularly so that they have good teeth.
6 I like 3D movies because they look close up and Parent’s opinion: Children should visit the
exciting. dentist regularly so that their teeth are properly
cared for.
I don’t like 3D movies because the glasses hurt
my nose. Page 93
Page 89 Answers will vary. Teacher/parent to check.
1 that soccer is better to play than cricket Page 94
2 to eat vegetables Answers will vary. Teacher/parent to check.
3 to buy a trampoline
Page 95
Page 90 Answers will vary. Teacher/parent to check, e.g.
1 I would love to be a lion in a zoo. Children should be able to have bare feet at
2 I would never choose to go to the beach. school. It is more comfortable, especially on hot
3 They are boring. days. Children with bare, cool feet will be able to
concentrate on their schoolwork better. It is hard to
4 People who litter are thinking about the
concentrate on schoolwork when your feet are hot.
Schools should let children take off their school
Page 91 shoes and be comfortable.
1 I hate medicine because it tastes awful. Or,
2 I do not like homework because it uses up my Children should not have bare feet at school. It is
after-school time. dangerous. They might step on something sharp
3 I dislike broccoli because it tastes horrible. and hurt their feet.

114 Excel  A d v a n c e d S k i l l s Wri t i n g Wo rk b o o k Ye a r 2

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
It is unhygienic to allow bare feet at school because Page 103
children might have foot germs.
Answers will vary. Teacher/parent to check.
Some children have smelly feet so the classroom
would smell if children were allowed to have bare Page 104
Children should be made to keep their shoes on at B E A U T I F U L
Page 96
Title, Opening statement, Reason 1, Reason 2, T C W L G R E E N
Reason 3, Reason 4, Conclusion
Page 97 T D E L I C A T E
Answers will vary. Parent/teacher to check, e.g.
Reason 1: Dogs are good company. They can play
games with you. You can take them for walks so
you get exercise. Dogs are good fun.
Reason 2: Dogs are smart. They can save your life.
They can wake you up if your home is on fire in the
night. They can protect your home from burglars.
They can work for the police and at airports.
Reason 3: Dogs are gentle. They help the elderly or
people who are blind.
Conclusion: Dogs make great pets. I love dogs. C B S H I N Y B Y
Page 98
Answers will vary. Teacher/parent to check. Answer Page 105
should be based on the sample text. Across 3 waterfall 4 creek 5 forest 8 beach 10 island
Page 99 Down 1 valley 2 desert 6 river 7 ocean 9 hill
Answers will vary. Teacher/parent to check, e.g. v
I would buy this scooter because it is on sale. It goes 2 
fast. It is light. It has a rechargeable battery. It is d a
fun and easy to use. It does not cost very much. w a t e r f a l l
s l
I would not buy this scooter because it goes too
fast. I don’t think it would be as easy to use as the c r e e k e
advertisement says. It costs too much. I am less
than 8 years old. My parents won’t let me have an r y
5  6 
electric scooter. f o r e s t
Page 100 i
Answers will vary but should be based on the 7 
v o
sample text. Teacher/parent to check.
Page 101 b e a c h

Answers will vary but should be based on the r e

sample text. Teacher/parent to check. 9 
h a
SECTION 3 i s l a n d

Chapter 11 Puzzle pages

Page 102 Page 106

Answers will vary but should be based on the
Answers will vary. Teacher/parent to check.
sample text. Teacher/parent to check.

Answers  115

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2 Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2
© 2016 Tanya Dalgleish and Pascal Press

ISBN 978 1 74125 440 2

Pascal Press
PO Box 250
Glebe NSW 2037
(02) 8585 4044

Publisher: Vivienne Joannou

Project editors: Rosemary Peers and Mark Dixon
Edited by Rosemary Peers
Proofread by Michael Wyatt
Answers checked by Glenda Walsh
Cover and page design by Kim Webber
Typeset by Julianne Billington (lj Design)
Printed by Green Giant Press

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Advanced Skills WRITING



Get the Results You Want!
Year 2 Ages 7– 8 years old
This book is part of the Excel Advanced Skills AGES
series, which provides students with more
challenging extension work in writing.
Excel Advanced Skills Writing Workbook Year 2 will
teach children the skills they need to become
effective writers for different purposes and audiences.

They will learn how to write a variety of informative,

t i n
imaginative and persuasive texts using grammar and

wr i
punctuation skills in the context of effective written
t y
slte t
se n?
communication. The sample texts provided can be Ne- t
used as models for children’s independent writing. All activities are designed to support students’ P
- tyl e?rsatio .
cotinon tio
appreciation of written language, and to give them meaningful practice in improving their own writing. PL itivnegrsa nc.tua
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con cut aptuio
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t , sda. i d Dad
The learning sequence presented in this book begins with teaching children how to recognise and use lb
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inidn D r,”adsa. Dad
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u a o et, ds a eD
different kinds of sentences. This sequence establishes the role of sentences in making meaning. yot rh wc
aind ra, dsa.”i Dad.
d ”
a vleearnsw h e ts e m i e nger t”dsin
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ayt ou ersan wit eglept d minenger d
inidnD , a“dsa.”i
Subsequent chapters teach children about parts of a sentence: words and word groups; then how to link hW
a clnesw t h e nm d eh
lpt d t s
ger, nindeD
a r
at ira e lap d ehgee dminene “dsia n.
ideas across sentences and paragraphs; and finally how to construct whole texts for different purposes. Wh le tC he odmhe anm lpt ert, rya .
r c A
e aCn omhe lp d ehgee minenge k en d. B ryan
i B
C 1om “aCnd e lapnm hgeelpt d ?Ba rysa en d.” an
A C B e o m h d e n dg sy ka r y sa. id
This book has been specifically written for YEAR 2 AUSTRALIAN CURRICULUM ENGLISH. 1 “
Co Ce “aCnd e lapnm has in
vki e ”? B
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aar ?h gd e w r y
C “ omD ea
th eviw neg aavsikne ,”Braysak
tisrh -fery ssatird-fD dsa

Year 2 Ages 7– 8
In this book you will find:  Three chapters that focus on different kinds of D C re w aet haar w
ing e ?h” vsiknegd ew
d cs s-hfrea
s yw,tion
rd-fD rya,
ta W
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a e w ar ev h aa laes c
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2h “r t ha e ,” ,s
 Seven chapters that teach writing conventions informative, imaginative and persuasive texts A W haBt W i
n a hwae areviw ng in ena
ha saidgbvleega tdabclaes w
td h
aenw tairs-hfreyw ,”sstairi-
2 “ of said
W Ct a“re o
aeaW dhw t f sc reyw n .
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in an appropriate sequence  Opportunities for children to create their own B
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egve agbvleega dabclaeshvesenw
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wordsC “ “WhaDt W
s i hva as spersys.akned. an.
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 Teaching–learning practice pages texts U rAe h
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 Extensive scaffolding and text models s te hllo
“ Ww Be in e
g dh t
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 NAPLAN*-style Language Conventions tests g v es b
rte3ll A
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hIep rlrothtse? skrerdotBs Braysakne
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to help determine whether children have  Puzzle pages to further develop children’s T S a a t 2 2 e a
W ltl ,p
Tip! Lootk page C W e’rDe
h“ ee li ae
I p. W ltlhIepce rlrothtse caaskrreod
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adequately grasped the skills taught in each grammar awareness Look a D “
W Yilulm eW li B “ es

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W “ e pc eae ht se,
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Y4um Yilul m p. eW eliltl hIepceae Da
chapter  Answers to all questions A “ m.BW lul m eliltl .

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s, p Al “ eaesse”,, p v earybin _ ______

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Tanya Dalgleish, MEd (Gifted and Talented), GradDipEd (Literacy, Expressive Arts, Early Childhood), 5 Y sepcetascces odf,”or__fow. lBedgro _______p___
C “ in the
has many years experience as a primary classroom teacher and education consultant. She has written
it in erbs fr
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dakedeq di,n”g__foo hisw
g ested___d_,w
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gc g v x o oin k nu
m te seh is
or co-written more than 40 books and digital titles for teachers and students, including two Excel Basic in the bdCeclarIe’m o h I

Tanya Dalgleish
ay h so
Write s o m d 6lo kesdque“
gesfq eoeu
eis edBd senetaecnh
k sste

v e r s fr
b chirpe d “ a
e uteedek
A il ns r
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Skills core titles, English and Mathematics Year 1 and Year 2. ayin g ced 6 q u o
dA s sh lsoam d __r eM s a B c
h f o
th tassts
Usi Write s announ declare I am7 _a“_I_e_dg_r_u_n_te__o_rr_rde_cfot w is_s_t_ewThi k
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4 “S “C eckin r twsoon,”c_h __________a chick

Col ch5ick p h _ __ar
our u _ at _
is vseras6ac2titeorns. _____ Fath
ISBN 978-1-74125-440-2 b e o __ 62
ies wil ______
the urcbhaebep,” ___
Excel Test Zone
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1 sen c o _ _
Get the Results You Want!
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heep, es to th
ten entencut soon,” _

lt s
Help your child prepare with our
H at w ce i o r e s
PO Box 250 om eo
“I e h ne Add twabies will b .
Tanya Dalgleish
N -style and Australian Curriculum Tests.
Glebe NSW 2037 at w atev ach “ Our b conver

“I m hat e r p 6
ces to th e
eve I can air
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(02) 8585 4044 senten
tha o more
“I m ostly e
Want !
*This isi nott an offi
*Thi fficially
i ll endorsed
d publication of the NAPLAN program and is produced by Pascal Press independently of Australian governments.
www.pascalpress.com.au rI cat t d d
cor tw
9 781741 254402
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“I e l y eat u i t an c h,” g ged7 tly
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“I w h er l ds, ves i d” biNgote: An na ls
iza ” sa ,” s the 8 g .” s. Advanc
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“I w a
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9781741254402 EAS_Writing Wkbk Y2_CVR_2016-.indd 2,4
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