Seminar Report ON:: Role of Phasor Measurement Unit in Power System

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REGD. NO. – 1501105181


(Dept. of Electrical Engineering)


The completion of this seminar would not have been possible without the
expertise of Mr. Brijesh kumar for coordinating such a seminar on which I was fortunate
A debt of gratitude is also owed to my references one of which is
Pramod Agarwal obtained B.E., M.E. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from
University of Roorkee, now Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IITR), India. Currently he
is a Professor in the department of Electrical Engineering, IITR, whose journal helped me a lot
in understanding a lot about the topic.
I would also like to thank all my friends who more or less have contributed to the preparation of
this report. I will always be indebted to them.
The study has indeed helped me to explore more knowledge avenues related to my topic and I
am sure it will help me in my future.


ROLL NO. – 34218
REGD. NO. - 1501105181
As the electric power grid continues to expand and as transmission lines are pushed to their operating limits, the
dynamic operation of the power system has become more of a concern and has become more difficult to accurately
model. In addition, the ability to effect real-time system control is developing into the need to prevent wide scale
cascading outages. For decades, control centers have estimated the “state” of the power system (the positive
sequence voltage and angle at each network node) from measurements of the power flows through the power grid.
It is very desirable to be able to “measure” the system state directly and/or augment existing estimators with
additional information. Alternating Current (AC) quantities have been analyzed for over 100 years using a construct
developed by Charles Proteus Steinmetz in 1893, known as a “phasor.” On the power system, phasors were used for
analyzing AC quantities assuming a constant frequency. A relatively new variant of this technique that synchronizes
the calculation of a phasor to absolute time has been developed2, known as “synchronized phasor measurement” or
“synchrophasors.” In order to uniformly create and disseminate these synchronized measurements, several aspects
of phasor creation had to be codified .

Phasor is a quantity with magnitude and phase (with respect to a reference) that is used to represent a sinusoidal
signal (figure below). Here the phase or phase angle is the distance between the signal‟s sinusoidal peak and a
specified reference and is expressed using an angular measure. Here, the reference is a fixed point in time (such as
time = 0). The phasor magnitude is related to the amplitude of the sinusoidal signal.
Synchrophasor is a term used to describe a phasor which has been estimated at an instant known as the time tag of
the synchrophasor. In order to obtain simultaneous measurement of phasors across a wide area of the power
system, it is necessary to synchronize these time tags, so that all phasor measurements belonging to the same time
tag are truly simultaneous. Consider the marker t = 0 in Fig. 1 is the time tag of the measurement. The PMU must
then provide the phasor given by (2) using the sampled data of the input signal. Note that there are antialiasing
filters present in the input to the PMU, which produce a phase delay depending upon the filter characteristic.
Furthermore, this delay will be a function of the signal frequency. The task of the PMU is to compensate for this
delay because the sampled data are taken after the antialiasing delay is introduced by the filter. This is illustrated in
Fig. 2. The synchronization is achieved by using a sampling clock which is phase-locked to the one-pulse-per-second
signal provided by a GPS receiver. The receiver may be built in the PMU, or may be installed in the substation and
the synchronizing pulse distributed to the PMU and to any other device which requires it. The time tags are at
intervals that are multiples of a period of the nominal power system frequency. It should also be noted that the
normal output of the PMU is the positive sequence voltage and current phasors. In many instances the PMUs are
also able to provide phasors for individual phase voltages and currents (Revision of IEEE Std 1344, 1995).

3. Applications of PMUs in Power Systems

The synchronized phasor measurement technology is relatively new, and consequently several research groups
around the world are actively developing applications of this technology. It seems clear that many of these
applications can be conveniently grouped as follows: • Power System Real Time Monitoring

• Advanced network protection

• Advanced control schemes
3.1.Power System Real Time Monitoring
Fan and Centeno (2007) stated that a phasor-based frequency measurement technique has very good steady-state
performance, but their dynamic performance is not well documented. This literature analyzes a phasor-based
frequency measurement method that considers the effect of dynamic frequency, and proposed a method to
improve the dynamic performance of the phasor-based frequency measurements. Phadke and Kasztenny, 2009),
presented a synchronized phasor measurements are becoming an important element of wide area measurement
systems used in advanced power system monitoring, protection, and control applications. Kamwa et al. (2009)
proposed a systematic scheme for building compact and transparent fuzzy rule-based classifiers for rapid stability
assessment; the classifiers are initialized by large accurate decision trees (DTs). The approach starts by selecting
strategic monitoring buses where PMUs are placed to capture wide-area response signals in real-time operation.
Aminifar et al., 2010) stated that probabilistic analyses of a WAMS would require equivalent reliability models for its
components which include PMUs. In this literature, the reliability modeling of PMU is proposed and the proposed
model is extended to consider options for the PMU hardware. Recently, wide area monitoring of power system
based on multiple phasor measurements has been put into the spotlight by many engineers and practitioners.
Phasor measurement unit (PMU), equipped with the GPS, gives the opportunity of data synchronization at a
common time reference. With the GPS, the time stamp is accurate to within 1 microsecond at any location on the
earth. Accordingly, observed phasor data measured at multiple locations can be synchronized with high accuracy
(Kakimoto, et al., 2006). Moreover, oscillation modes, especially the inter-area low-frequency mode with poor
damping, can be detected from measured data by modeling measured data via a simplified oscillation model (SOM)
(Hashiguchi et al, 2004). Joana and Preben, 2006 used two sets of synchronized phasor measurements 200 km apart
during a planned outage of a double 400-kV tie-line between Eastern Denmark and Southern Sweden.

The interconnection between Eastern Denmark and Southern Sweden is comprised of a double 400-kV line and a
double 132-kV line. Messina and Vittal (2007) presented an approach based on the empirical mode decomposition
(EMD) technique and proper orthogonal decomposition is proposed to examine dynamic trends and phase
relationships between key system signals from measured data. Drawing on the EMD approach, and the method of
snapshots, a technique based on the notion of proper orthogonal modes, is used to express an ensemble of
measured data as a linear combination of basic functions or modes. Kamwa et al. (2007) proposed a technique for
partitioning a large power system into a number of coherent electric areas for possible application to dynamic
vulnerability assessment. The coherency concept and a fuzzy clustering algorithm grouping of buses are combined to
achieve this goal. The clusters are obtained by selecting representative buses from the data set in such a way that
the total fuzzy dissimilarity within each cluster is minimized. The initialization problem of the conventional Fuzzy c-
means algorithm, which usually leads to multiple solutions, is suitably tackled by incorporating the maximum-
dissimilarity based sequential PMUs placement technique. During 2005 and 2006, the WECC performed three major
tests of western system dynamics. These tests used a WAMS based primarily on PMUs to determine response to
events including the insertion of the 1400-MW Chief Joseph braking resistor, probing signals, and ambient events.
Test security was reinforced through real-time analysis of wide-area effects, and high-quality data provided dynamic
profiles for inter-area modes across the entire western interconnection. The tests established that low-level
optimized pseudo-random+-20-MW probing with the Pacific DC Intertie (PDCI) roughly doubles the apparent noise
that is natural to the power system, providing sharp dynamic information with negligible interference to system
operations. Such probing is an effective alternative to use of the 1400-MW Chief Joseph dynamic brake, and it is
under consideration as a standard means for assessing dynamic security (John et al., 2009). A power system
frequency monitoring network (FNET) was first proposed in 2001 and was established in 2004. As a pioneering
WAMS, it serves the entire North American power grid through advanced situational awareness techniques, such as
real-time event alerts, accurate event location estimation, animated event visualization, and post event analysis.
Several papers published in the past several years discussed the FNET structure and its functionality. This paper
presents some of the latest implementations of FNET’s applications, which add significant capacities to this system
for observing power system problems (Zhang et al., 2010).

3.2Application of PMUs for Security/Protection of Power System from Faults

In Kamwa et al. (2001), a time-frequency-based approach for contingency severity ranking and rapid stability
assessment is described. The aim is to classify correctly all single or multiple contingencies that may result in loss of
voltage or frequency stability in the first 20 s following the last disturbing action. We start by selecting a number of
strategic monitoring buses where the PMUs are located to capture representative voltage magnitudes and angles
during detailed time-domain simulations, which cover special protection systems and on-load tap-changers. In (Corsi
et al., 2010), two very promising wide-area voltage protection (V-WAP) solutions, able to face stability and security
problems in the transmission grid, are presented. Both require real-time effective risk indicators whose timely
computing is a crucial issue. The first method makes use of a voltage instability index based on real-time computing
of the Thevenin’s equivalent circuit seen by a given high voltage (HV) bus. The innovating algorithm utilized for the
real-time adaptive identification of the Thevenin’s voltage and impedance equivalent values requires local phasor
measurements at fast sampling rate. The unique ability of the second method is mainly because of an effective
coordination with a supposed operating wide-area voltage regulation (V-WAR) modern system where the secondary
and tertiary voltage regulations (SVR and TVR, respectively) operate according to their hierarchies. Both these
complementary controls should be, in principle, operating in a modern power system with relevant advantages with
respect to the already existing protections that are mostly related to system components and in some cases to the
direct detection of predefined outages in a specific part of the grid: the system protection scheme. Recently, WAP
has received a growing consideration because of the increased need for new and more general protecting solutions
able to improve somehow the power system security, reliability, management, economy and operation quality by
taking advantage of the new technologies, including GPS-synchronized phasor measurements (Rehtanz, 2006). The
development of synchronized phasor measurement systems (Phadke, 1993) allows the use of new input signals, local
and remote, for power system control. A Synchronized Phasor Measurement System (SPMS) comprehends a set of
PMUs, which use a GPS signal to add a time label to measurements, and Phase Data Concentrator, which processes
the data sent by the PMUs, originating the synchrophasors. The SPMS allows the measurement of system variables
that can give additional information on the non measurable system states, and can be used as input variables for the
controllers. Eissa et al. (2010) stated that current differential protection relays are widely applied to the protection
of electrical plant due to their simplicity, sensitivity and stability for internal and external faults. The proposed idea
has the feature of unit protection relays to protect large power transmission grids based on phasor measurement
units. The principle of the protection scheme depends on comparing positive sequence voltage magnitudes at each
bus during fault conditions inside a system protection center to detect the nearest bus to the fault. Reference (Borka
et al., 2003) presented a concept for local monitoring of the onset of voltage collapse, protective, and emergency
control in the presence of voltage-sensitive loads. The onset of voltage collapse point is calculated based on the load
characteristics and simulated voltage and current phasors measurements, which are provided by a network of
PMUs. If the stability margin is small and the reactive-power reserves are nearly exhausted, then controls to steer
the power system away from the critical point will be activated. In protection relaying schemes (Yu et al., 2006),
the digital filter unit plays the essential roles to calculate the accurate phasor. However, while the fault current
contains plentiful decaying dc component, the over-reach of distance protection will cause severe problem. This
work develops an adaptive mimic phasor estimator to remove the decaying dc oscillation between voltage and
current and obtains the accurate apparent impedance. Sun et al. (2007) described an online dynamic security
assessment scheme for large-scale interconnected power systems using phasor measurements and decision
trees. The scheme builds and periodically updates decision trees offline to decide critical attributes as security
indicators. Decision trees provide online security assessment and preventive control guidelines based on real-time
measurements of the indicators from PMUs. Detailed security analysis for N-k contingencies (k=1, 2, 3, 4, 5 …) in a
real-time setting is still a great challenge due to the significant computational burden. This literature takes
advantage of PMUs and decision trees (DTs) to develop a real-time security assessment tool to assess four
important post-contingency security issues, including voltage magnitude violation (VMV), thermal limit violation
(TV), voltage stability (VS) and transient stability (TS). The proposed scheme is tested on the Salt River Project
(SRP) power system represented by a series of operating conditions (OCs) during a representative day. The
properly trained DTs demonstrate excellent prediction performance. Robustness tests for the offline trained DTs
are performed on a group of changed OCs that were not included for training the DTs and the idea of tuning
critical system attributes for preventive controls is also presented to improve system security (Diao R., et al.,

3.3Power System Operation, Control, and Planning

The voltage and current phasors measured by the PMUs at widely dispersed locations are time-stamped with
respect to a GPS clock (Phadke et al. 1994). To determine the confidence levels associated with the state variables
obtained by using the PMUs, it is needed to evaluate the corresponding uncertainties. The main sources of
measurement uncertainties are: 1) the instrument transformers; 2) the analog interfaces, including cables,
connecting the instrument transformer and the digital equipment; and 3) the analog to- digital converters (ADCs)
and the associated computational algorithm (Zhu et al., 2006). In this literature, the uncertainty associated with the
voltage magnitudes and phase angles at the buses, as determined by the PMUs, is evaluated using three different
approaches: the classical uncertainty propagation theory (ISO-IEC- OIML-BIPM, 1992), the Monte Carlo method
(JCGM YYY: 2006), and the use of random fuzzy variables (RFVs) (Ferrero, 2004; 2006). Precise time-synchronized
phasor measurements are available to us today from the PMUs.One of the most promising uses of the PMU is for
during transient control applications. The work reported in this literature by Stewart et al. (1995) investigated the
ability of synchronized Phase Angle Measurements to identify impending instabilities through real time
measurements and to trigger remedial actions in time to prevent major power system outages. Kamwa et al.
(2001) addressed the capability of the emerging synchronized phasor measurement technology in improving the
overall stability of the Hydro-Quebec’s transmission system through supplementary modulation of voltage
regulators. Frequency recording units (FRUs), designed to measure power systems’ frequency at low voltage, are
affected by the connection of large loads causing sudden phase shifts and magnitude changes in the voltage. These
phase shifts introduce spikes in the frequency measured by FRUs. In this literature, proposed an algorithm to detect
the phase shifts and to produce accurate frequency estimation regardless of load changes (Marcos et al., 2006).
Aranya et al. (2009) developed a measurement-based method for estimating a two-machine reduced model to
represent the inter-area dynamics of a radial, two-area power system with intermediate dynamic voltage control.
Two types of voltage control equipment are considered, namely, a static VAr compensator (SVC), and a synchronous

Application of PMUs for Harmonic Measurement in power system

In Carta et al. (2009), a measurement system, based on high-performance Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers
and general-purpose acquisition (DAQ) boards, for the evaluation of the synchronized harmonic phasors in the
nodes of an electric distribution network, is presented. To meet the requirements of different fields of application,
two measurement procedures have been implemented: One is based on a fixed observation window, whereas, in
the other one, the observation interval is a function of the actual power system frequency. In (Carta et al.,
2007), the measurement procedures have been extended to the field of harmonic quantities, making them suitable
to set up an innovative measurement system that is able to perform evaluations of synchronized harmonic phasors
on electric distribution networks. In this literature, further refinements of the procedures, along with new
experimental results, are presented. Some works existing in the literature (see, for instance, (Zelingher et al., 2006)
proposed GPS-based harmonic measurement systems to determine the harmonic state, specifically for transmission
systems. Such systems were developed to address issues of harmonic contamination in the transmission network
and the associated possibility of harmonic resonances. PMUs are among the most interesting developments in the
field of real-time monitoring of electric power systems (Novosel et al., 2007). In this literature, the implementation
of digital procedures that are suitable for the evaluation of the synchronized harmonic phasors in a flexible PMUs
based on PXI modular hardware is presented. The results of the experimental tests are shown to characterize the
measurement system to evaluate the behavior of the designed instrument under real operating conditions on three-
phase electric distribution networks (Carta et al., 2009).

3.4Application of PMUs for power system voltage stability

Tiwari et al. (2007) treated the operating state of power system changes dynamically due to severe change in
system conditions such generation, load or line trip. Such severe disturbances effect voltage phasor, current phasor
and system frequency. So, to better monitor the dynamics of large power system, wide area synchronized
monitoring of voltage phasor, current phasor and system frequency is vital. For efficient real time monitoring and
operation of power system, high resolution based PMUs should be used. PMU can accurately measure node and
branch phasors at high sampling rate. Debbie et al. (2010) addressed an artificial neural network (ANN) based
method is developed for quickly estimating the long-term voltage stability margin. The investigation presented in
the literature showed that node voltage magnitudes and the phase angles are the best predictors of voltage stability
margin. Joe et al. (2007) stated that many large interconnected power systems such as the U.S. eastern
interconnection and the U.S. western power system are characterized by many power transfer paths or interfaces
with high loading. Disruptions of these transfer paths frequently lead to increased loading on neighboring transfer
paths, which themselves will become less secure and could cause further disruptions. Xu et al. (2004) presented a
selection method for the phasor measurement placement. Taking the transient stability into account, this paper
constructs a data platform of PMUs. Sanchai et al. (2008) presented a practical design of fuzzy logic controllers for
superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) based on a wide area synchronized phasor measurement for
enhancing the stability of an interconnected power system. With new systems capable of making synchronised
phasor measurements there are possibilities for real-time assessment of the stability of a transient swing in power
systems. In the future, online control will be necessary as operating points are pushed closer toward the margin and
fast reaction time becomes critical to the survival of the system. A piecewise constant-current load equivalent
(PCCLE) technique is developed which utilized synchronized phasor measurements to provide fast-transient stability
swing prediction for use with high-speed control (Liu et al., 1995). In (Daniel et al., 2008), the frequency and
damping of electromechanical modes offer considerable insight into the dynamic stability properties of a power
system. The performance properties of three mode-estimation block-processing algorithms from the perspective of
near real-time automated stability assessment are demonstrated and examined. Corsi and Glauco (2008) proposed
a new voltage instability risk indicator based on local phasor measurements at fast sampling rate. The effectiveness
of the indicator is analyzed at EHV load and “transit” buses. The risk criterion is based on the real-time computation
of the Thevenin equivalent impedance of the classic electrical circuit given by an equivalent generator connected to
equivalent load impedance through equivalent connecting impedance. Voltage collapse (Ruisheng et al., 2009) is a
critical problem that impacts power system operational security. Timely and accurate assessment of voltage security
is necessary to detect post-contingency voltage problems in order to prevent a large scale blackout. This paper
presents an online voltage security assessment scheme using synchronized phasor measurements and periodically
updated decision trees (DTs). Glavic and Cutsem (2009) addressed the early detection of impending voltage
instability from the system states provided by synchronized phasor measurements. Recognizing that voltage
instability detection requires assessing a multidimensional system, the method fits a set of algebraic equations to
the sampled states, and performs an efficient sensitivity computation in order to identify when a combination of
load powers has passed through a maximum. The important effects of over excitation limiters are accounted for. The
approach does not require any load model. In (Glavic and Cutsem, 2009), addressed with the early detection of
impending voltage instability from the system states provided by synchronized phasor measurements
A Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) is a device, which measures the electrical waves on an electricity grid, using a
common time source for synchronization. PMU technology provides phasor information (both magnitude and phase
angle) in real time. A PMU can be a dedicated device, or the PMU function can be incorporated into a protective
relay or other device. Time synchronization allows synchronized real-time measurements of multiple remote
measurement points on the grid. The advantage of referring phase angle to a global reference time is helpful in
capturing the wide area snap shot of the power system. Effective utilization of this technology is very useful in
getting the real time behavior of the power system. To study the real-time perfomance of various algorithms
developed to improve the system performace, using the real time simulation facility, few PMUs are made available
in the laboratory.


Voltage stability has been considered as an important threat to power researchers and utilities since last few
decades. With placement of Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) at few selected locations, it may be quite possible to
monitor voltage stability of power system network. This paper proposes optimal placement of PMUs considering
impact of voltage stability based critical contingencies. Contingencies have been ranked based on voltage stability
margin (the distance between the base case operating point and nose point). Variations in voltage stability margin
caused by changing load patterns have also been considered while deciding critical contingencies. PMUs have been
placed in the system based on results of binary integer linear programming run under system intact case and voltage
stability based critical contingency cases. Effectiveness of proposed PMUs placement approach has been established
by comparing nose curves obtained using PMUs measurements and pseudo-measurements under increased
demands, with offline estimation of nose curves based on the results of continuation power flow. Case studies have
been performed on a standard IEEE 14-bus system and practical 246-bus Northern Regional Power Grid (NRPG)
system representing power network of nine states of India, with the help of Power System Analysis Toolbox (PSAT)

Power System Real Time Monitoring

Fan and Centeno (2007) stated that a phasor-based frequency measurement technique has very good steady-state
performance, but their dynamic performance is not well documented. This literature analyzes a phasor-based
frequency measurement method that considers the effect of dynamic frequency, and proposed a method to
improve the dynamic performance of the phasor-based frequency measurements. Phadke and Kasztenny, 2009),
presented a synchronized phasor measurements are becoming an important element of wide area measurement
systems used in advanced power system monitoring, protection, and control applications. Kamwa et al. (2009)
proposed a systematic scheme for building compact and transparent fuzzy rule-based classifiers for rapid stability
assessment; the classifiers are initialized by large accurate decision trees (DTs). The approach starts by selecting
strategic monitoring buses where PMUs are placed to capture wide-area response signals in real-time operation.
Aminifar et al., 2010) stated that probabilistic analyses of a WAMS would require equivalent reliability models for its
components which include PMUs. In this literature, the reliability modeling of PMU is proposed and the proposed
model is extended to consider options for the PMU hardware. Recently, wide area monitoring of power system
based on multiple phasor measurements has been put into the spotlight by many engineers and practitioners.
Phasor measurement unit (PMU), equipped with the GPS, gives the opportunity of data synchronization at a
common time reference. With the GPS, the time stamp is accurate to within 1 microsecond at any location on the
earth. Accordingly, observed phasor data measured at multiple locations can be synchronized with high accuracy
(Kakimoto, et al., 2006).Moreover, oscillation modes, especially the inter-area low-frequency mode with poor

Power System Operation, Control, and Planning

The voltage and current phasors measured by the PMUs at widely dispersed locations are time-stamped with
respect to a GPS clock (Phadke et al. 1994). To determine the confidence levels associated with the state variables
obtained by using the PMUs, it is needed to evaluate the corresponding uncertainties. The main sources of
measurement uncertainties are: 1) the instrument transformers; 2) the analog interfaces, including cables,
connecting the instrument transformer and the digital equipment; and 3) the analog to- digital converters (ADCs)
and the associated computational algorithm (Zhu et al., 2006). In this literature, the uncertainty associated with the
voltage magnitudes and phase angles at the buses, as determined by the PMUs, is evaluated using three different
approaches: the classical uncertainty propagation theory (ISO-IEC- OIML-BIPM, 1992), the Monte Carlo method
(JCGM YYY: 2006), and the use of random fuzzy variables (RFVs) (Ferrero, 2004; 2006). Precise time-synchronized
phasor measurements are available to us today from the PMUs.One of the most promising uses of the PMU is for
during transient control applications. The work reported in this literature by Stewart et al. (1995) investigated the
ability of synchronized Phase Angle Measurements to identify impending instabilities through real time
measurements and to trigger remedial actions in time to prevent major power system outages.




An important tool for Energy Management Systems (EMS) is state estimation.
Based on measurements taken throughout the network, state estimation gives
an es- timation of the state variables of the power system while checking that
these estimates are consistent with the mea- surements. Traditionally, input
measurements have been provided by the SCADA system (Supervisory Control
and Data Acquisition). A disadvantage is that the measurements are not
synchronised, which means that state estimation is not very precise during
dynamic phenomena in the network. With the advent of real-time Phasor
Measurement Units (PMU’s), synchronised phasor measurements are possible
which allows monitoring of dynamic phenomena. In this pa- per, the effect of
the asynchronicity of measurements on the accuracy of the state estimation is
analysed. Also, the pos- sibility of using PMUs for state estimation and the
effect of using PMU measurements as well as SCADA measurements is

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Almutairi A. M., and Milanovi J. V., 2009, “Comparison of Different Methods for Optimal Placement of
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Aminifar F., Lucas C., Khodaei A., and Fotuhi-Firuzabad M., 2009 “Optimal Placement of Phasor
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Aminifar F., Bagheri-Shouraki S., Fotuhi-Firuzabad M., and Shahidehpour M., 2010,
“Reliability Modeling of PMUs Using Fuzzy
Sets,” IEEE Trans. On Power Delivery, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 2384-2391.

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