What Is The ASEAN Integration
What Is The ASEAN Integration
What Is The ASEAN Integration
Author: admin
The ASEAN Community started when 5Southeast Asian leaders decided to form a union to foster the
bond within their respective nations. This union of Southeast Asian nations was created through the
ASEAN Bangkok Declaration. The countries included in this union are Indonesia, Malaysia, the
Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. Over the past years more countries have joined the ASEAN union
including Brunei Darussalam, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar and Cambodia.
This union aims to help strengthen and stabilize each country’s economic growth and development.
Basically, the ASEAN union was created to help Southeast Asian countries to develop Economic growth,
Socio-cultural development and Political-Security. All of the plans made by the ASEAN union for the
betterment of each member country are integrated in the ASEAN Economic Blueprint. Supposedly, the
leaders of the ASEAN union have envisioned the completion of their goals by the year 2020 but they
changed it to 2015 instead, to make sure that they can fast track the growth and development of their
Through the ASEAN integration, member countries support each other in preventing the likes of
rampant piracy, terrorism and drug trafficking. This initiative also aims to foster economic development
meaning more job opportunities,more investors to develop industries,promote social responsibilities in
times of disaster and more opportunities for education.
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