The Last Sermon of The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) : Waris Gul
The Last Sermon of The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) : Waris Gul
The Last Sermon of The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) : Waris Gul
Q.1 Who was Shah Abdul Latif? Where and when was he born?
Ans. Shah Abdul Latif was a great saint who is lovingly called “Lal Latif” by his devotees. He
was born in a small village called “Hala Haveli” in the year 1689.
Q.2 What do you know about the ancestors of Shah Abdul Latif?
Ans. Shah Abdul Latif’s ancestors had migrated to Sindh during the days of Tamerlane.
They had come from Hiirat a town in West Afghanistan. They liked Sindh so much so that
they decided to make it their permanent home. Many centuries later one of their
decendants, Syed Habib Shah, was blessed with a son who grew up to be “Saint Lal Latif”.
Q.6 What is the message of Shah Latif’s poetry? or What according Shah Latif
is the goal of life?
Ans. The message of Shah Latif is the message of love. He believed in the brotherhood and
equality of men and in pleasing God by good deeds. This according to Shah Latif is the goal
of life.
Q.1 How can the Neem Tree prevent the burning heat of the sun from troubling
Ans. The high Neem Tree with its extending branches interrupts the scorching heat of the
mid day sun and provide soothing shade to people. In this way, it prevents the burning heat
of the sun from troubling us.
Q.2 Why does the poetess say that Neem Tree is unafraid?
Ans. The poetess Mrs. Elsa Kazi says that the Neem Tree is unafraid of the burning heat of
the sun and stands unprotected and unrefreshed the whole day long in the scorching heat of
the sun.
Q.4 How does the poetess compare the Neem Tree to man?
Ans. The Neem tree provides shelter to people and protects them from the scorching heat of
the sun without any protection for itself. It stands out in the open hot sun bearing the fierce
heat. In the someway, man can be as fold as the Neem tree and try to protect his fellow
human beings from sorrow and poverty by sacrificing his own comfort.
Question and Answers
Q.3 What did Sir John Marshall remark, when pieces of old pots and bricks
were brought to him?
Ans. sir John Marshall was an English civil servant who was interested in old historical
remains. So when some villagers brought pieces of old pots and bricks he at once know that
they were pieces of historical remains.
He remarked that perhaps these was an ancient city lying under the mound of day and sand.
He directed the villagers to dig there in the hope that they would uncover the remains of an
ancient city.
Q.9 How do we know Moen-Jo-Daro’s probable age? What can help us to know
more about civilization?
Ans. We know Moen-Jo-Daro’s probable ge from the metal objects found from the
execution. We can learn more about this civilization if the language experts are able to
determine the meanings of the words written on the seals and the pottery.
Helen Keller
Question and Answers
Q.2 In which year did Helen Keller fall ill? How old was she when she fell ill?
What was the result of her illness?
Ans. In February 1882, Helen Keller fall dangerously ill. She was 2 years old when she fell
ill. As a result of her illness she became blind and deaf.
Q.3 Who was Miss. Sullivan? How did she teach Helen Keller?
Ans. Miss Sullivan a very kind and patient lady. When she was a child she had lost her eye
sight but some time later she regained it. Miss Sullivan taught Helen Keller by the method of
touch and feel. She made Helen put her hand into the water and made her write the
word.”w-a-t-e-r” on the sand. In the same way Miss Sullivan taught Helen about Mountains
Rivers, History, Geography and Arithmetic.
Q.6 What was the message to the blind and deaf children?
Ans. Helen Keller told the blind and deaf children to be always happy and cheerful and
never to curse their fate for they are capable of doing every thing in this world.
Golden Daffodils
Stanza No. 1
Word Meanings
Stanza No. 2
Word Meanings
Q.2 What resemblance did he find between the stars and the daffodils?
Ans. The resemblance which he finds between the stars and daffodils is that they are
numerous and both are yellow in colour.
Stanza No. 3
Word Meanings
Q.1 Which of the two danced more the waves or the daffodils?
Ans. The daffodils danced more than the waves.
Q.3 How can wealth come to the poet by looking at the scene before him?
Ans. The poet enjoyed the scene of the golden daffodils fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
In later years, whenever words worth recall the scene, he got the same pleasure and
happiness as before.
Stanza No. 4
Word Meanings
Allama Iqbal
Question and Answers
Q.4 Write in three to four sentences the important years of 1877, 1930, 1938 in
Allama Iqbal’s life.
Allama Iqbal the poet o the east, was born in Sialkot on 9th November 1877.
In 1930, Allama Iqbal presided over the Allahabad meeting of the All India Muslim Leage.
Here he made a definite demand for a separate Muslim state in South Asia.
Allama Iqbal died in 1938 and could not see the actual creation of Pakistan although he
worked very hard for its creation.
Q.5 What did Allama Iqbal write to the Quaid-e-Azam in May 1937?
Ans. Allama Iqbal in his letter to Quaid-e-Azam discussed in detail the problems of Indian
Muslims and advised that only the creation of a separate Muslim state could solve these
Q.6 What were the contents of Allama Iqbal’s letter of 21 June 1937 to Quaid?
Ans. On 21 June 1937, Allama Iqbal wrote a letter to the Quaid in which he stated that, a
separate state of Muslim provinces, formed on the lines he had proposed, was the only way
by which they could have a peaceful India and save the Muslims of India from the troubles
created by non-Muslims.
Q.7 What was Quaid’s message on the death of Allama Iqbal? or How did
Quaid-e-Azam praise Iqbal’s role in the message on his death?
Ans. Allam Iqbal died in 1938. On his death, the Quaid-e-Azam sent a message in which he
called him a guide, friend and philosopher. He praised Iqbal for standing like a rock during
the difficulties and troubles, which the Muslim league had to face which fighting the rights
of the Indian Muslims.
Q.9 Write in three to four sentences about the political life of Allama Iqbal
from 1926-1930?
Ans. Allama Iqbal was elected a member of Punjab legislative council in 1926 and held this
office till 1929. He was then selected as the President of the Punjab branch of the All India
Muslim League. and held that important office till his death in 1938.
Q.10 Write three to four lines about the accomplishments of Allama Iqbal.
Ans. Allama Iqbal is known as a great poet. He was well-versed in philosophy both Eastern
and Western. He devoted a great part of his life to the study of Islam. He als otook an active
part in politics. He worked for Muslims of South Ashia with great courage.
Q.12 Why did Allama Iqbal want a separate state for the Muslims of India?
Ans. Allama Iqbal wanted a separate homeland for the Muslims of the sub-continent, for
they were a separate nations, with their own culture, customers, literature and religion.
He wanted then to live in the state where they were free to follows the Islamic teachings and
Quranic laws and would conduct their own foreign policy, plan their economic life, pressure
and develop their own culture.
Q.3 In Sind, where did the first meeting of the women take place?
Ans. The first public meeting nad women in Sind was held in Karachi’s Zoological Garden.
Q.5 Who was Begum Rana? What do you know about her?
Ans. begum Rana was the wife of Liaquat Ali Khan. she worked as an honorary secretary
and typist to Liaquat Ali Khan at a time, when the Muslim League could not afford the
salary of a secretary. She arranged parties, where Muslim women could meet the wife and
the daughter of the viceroy, so as to explain to them their side of the matter and expresses
their protest. She also organized the women’ Voluntary Services and later the womens’
National Guard’s consisting of three battalions with 2400 girls, in which she herself held the
rank of Brigadier.
Q.8 What role did Begum Mohammad Ali play in the freedom movement?
Ans. Begum Mohammad Ali was a admirable and remarkable lady. Dressed in Burqah she
not only attended men’s public meeting but was called the first women to address them. She
also wrote for the press in simple but effective words and awakened the Muslim women by
her inspiring speeches.
Q.9 What was the Indian National Congress? Why did many Muslim leaders
left it?
Ans. The Indian National Congress was the political party formed by the Hindus and the
Muslims in order to drive British out of India. The Muslims soon realized that the Hindus
wee in majority and the Congress would never ever treat the Muslims equally and give them
their due share in the government, so many Muslim leaders left it.
Stanza No. 1
Word Meanings
Stanza No.2
Word Meanings
1. Ye – You ‘Ye’ is sometimes used in poetry for “you”.
2. Swallow – A kind of small bird.
3. Brooks – Small streams
Stanza No.3
Word Meanings
1. Autumn – Season before winter when leaves turn yellow and fall.
Q.1 How can the birds and the sunshine be in the hearts of the children? What
does the poet mean?
Ans. When the poet says that the birds and the sunshine are in the hearts of children he
means that they are happy and care free.
Q.2 The poet says that the children are thinking of the brooks while he is
thinking of autumn. What does it mean?
Ans. The poet says that children are thinking of brooks because they are young and free
from worries and troubles.
He is in the autumn of life for he is old and heavy and approaching the end of his life.
Q.3 Is the poet using the word autumn for old age?
Ans. Yes, he is using the word autumn for old age. Autumn is the season before winter when
the leaves turn yellow and fall. In the same way in old age the body becomes weak and less
active and finally give way.
Q.4 What other words does the poet use to show the coming of old age upon
Ans. The first fall of snow shows the coming of old age upon him.
Word Meanings
1. Tender – Delicate
2. Trunk – Main stem or part of a tree, the thick bark of a tree.
Stanza No. 7
Word Meanings
1. Whisper – To speak slowly
2. Atmosphere – Air
Q.1 Why does the poet ask the children to come to him?
Ans. The poet asks the children to come to him so that h could get joy and happiness from
their company and for the time being forget about his worries and troubles.
Q.2 What songs does the poet wish to be whispered in the ear?
Ans. The poet loves to hear the innocent talk of the children and asks them to come to him
so that he could enjoy their natural sincere hatter.
Stanza No. 8
Word Meanings
1. Contriving – Devices, invention
2. Wisdom – Quality of being wise.
3. Caresses – Love or affection, kiss, embrace
Q.1 The grown up people have wisdom and books. What do the children have?
Ans. The children have innocent happy looks and are full of affection and warmth.
Stanza No. 9
Word Meanings
1. Ballads – Simple songs with a story, poems containing old stories.
Question and Answers
Q.2 How can the children can be like the ballads and the poems?
Ans. Ballads and the poems give one phase and happiness. In the same way children are
source of joy and happiness.
Q.3 The poet call the children living and the rest all dead. Why does he say this?
Ans. Ballads and poems consist only of words, where as children are living human beings
and are full of life and energy.
Q.4 How are children important for elders?
Ans. Children are important for elders because without them life would be dull and their
care free and their happy ways help elders to forget there troubles, their caresses brings sun
shine in to the life of the old people.
Quaid-e-Azam Said
Question and Answers
Q.4 What does the Quaid-e-Azam mean? Why the Muslim of Sub-continent give
him this name?
Ans. The Quaid-e-Azam mean “Great Leader”.
The Muslims of the sub-continent give him this appreciation of his services to the Muslims
of South Asia.
Q.7 What did Quaid ask the people to do for the progress and prosperity? or
What advice did the Quaid give to his people?
Ans. Quaid-e-Azam advised his people to educate themselves and to serve Pakistan honesty,
earnestly and selflessly for it was only then that Pakistan would prosper and grow stronger.
Q.8 What did the Quaid say about education at the Gujrat educational
Conference held in January 1945?
Ans. At the Gujrat Educational Conference held on 14th January 1945, the Quaid said the
education was a matter of life and death to our nation, and that the world was moving fast
and if we did not educate our selves we would not only be left behind but will not even exist.
Q.9 Why did Quaid leave the Indian National Congress and joined the All India
Muslim League?
Ans. Mr. Jinnah realize that the Hindus and the Muslims could never agree on any point.
Besides he realized that the Congress was selfish and aimed at promoting only the interest
of the Hindus.
Q.10 How does the Quaid speeches help us in becoming good citizens?
Ans. In all his speeches, the Quaid stressed certain qualities which if we follow can help us
to become a good citizen. He talked about trust in God, hard work, good education including
character building and above all service to the country with honesty, earnestness and
Q.11 What did the Quaid say in the lunch given by Dr. Ziauddin Ahmed?
Ans. On 8th March 1944 speaking at the lunch given by Dr. Ziauddin Ahmed, Quaid said
that Muslims can get Pakistan not by asking, not by logging, not even by meal progress but
by “working with trust in God”.