Locking It All Inside
Locking It All Inside
Locking It All Inside
exclusive cooling
excavator work, however. In fact, it's
almost the same engine you'd find in a
truck. And just like a truck, it'll overheat if
function properly: wind. And unlike a truck,
which sucks in air as it travels, a hydraulic
excavator stays pretty much in one place
while it works. So it needs a fast-spinning
fan to provide the cooling components
with the wind they need. We think of the
fan and the cooling components as parts
of one overall cooling system. And now,
we're proud to introduce the next step in
cooling-system evolution: KOBELCO's
exclusive iNDr.
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The Dilemma of
Cooling Systems
One can do several things to improve a cooling
system's effectiveness. For example, one can
use large cooling components coupled with a
powerful cooling fan, and expand the intake
port to increase air volume. But excavators
need more than just cooling efficiency. In
today's market, there is high demand for
compact designs that can't accommodate
large cooling components. Similarly, large
cooling fans are noisy, and large intake ports
not only leak even more operating noise into
the surroundings but also allow dust to
penetrate, making cleaning difficult.
In short, hydraulic excavators are evolving in
the direction of smaller swing radii, lower
noise, and easier maintenance, and these
goals all conflict with the need for greater
cooling efficiency. In the past, the ideals of
quiet operation and easy maintenance have
often been sacrificed in order to keep the
engine cool.
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Offset Duct:
The Key To iNDr
This is what sets the iNDr system apart. In contrast to
conventional systems, which use a large fan near the intake port
to cool the engine, iNDr creates a "wind pathway" that naturally
introduces air into the system with a fan located further inside the
machine. Air, as we know, transmits heat, carries dust, and
vibrates with sound. Control the air, and all other problems can be
solved. This is what the "wind pathway" approach makes possible.
New Concept
Is Locked In!
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How iNDr Reduces Noise ■ Why We Say "Ultimate-Low-Noise"
Different noise standards apply to hydraulic excavators, depending on
engine output. For example, under EU Noise Emission Regulations Stage
2, an excavator with an engine output of 110kW (20-ton class) must
Noise Is Locked In! operate at a noise level of 103dB or less. But because iNDr has enabled
us to build excavators that are much quieter than regulatory requirements,
we needed a new term to show that conventional noise categories simply
Excavators make noise in many don't apply. This is why we say, "Ultimate Low-Noise."
different ways, including the engine,
the hydraulic system and travel noise.
The proportion of the total noise accounted
for by the cooling fan is actually quite large.
In most excavator designs, the fan is
located just inside the intake port in
order to maximize air flow. This means
that the sound of the fan can be heard
directly outside the machine. To solve
this problem, we offset the fan and 10dB Less!
moved it further in so that there's
no direct line between the fan and
The Realization of
the outside air. Sound waves Ultra-Quiet Operation
generated by the fan and engine These figures compare the iNDr system with a
hit several internal duct walls conventional SK235SR-2 machine, unloaded
and lose much of their energy and running in high idle, with measurements
taken one meter from the rear left side.
before reaching the outside.
In some cases, this innovative
design has reduced the noise level
at the intake port by more than 10dB
compared with previous excavator
models. That's right, 10dB: the seemingly
impossible goal our engineers set for
themselves at the start of their project. As a
result, we succeeded in building the world's
first ultra-quiet excavator.
Clean Operation Is and horizontally, with a wide front surface area and an accordion
structure that resists clogging.
Locked In!
Although passenger cars have radiators, few car owners
bother to clean them on a regular basis. But hydraulic
excavators are built to dig dirt. If they work on a dry day, they
spend many hours operating in a cloud of dust. If the cooling
components get clogged with dust, their heat-exchanging
efficiency drops, leading to the risk of overheating. To solve
this problem, the duct environment created by iNDr is kept ■ Visual Checking and Easy Cleaning
almost completely dust-free. This not only keeps the cooling
When checking and cleaning a conventional cooling system, one must
components running at top efficiency, but also keeps the air deal with several different components like the radiator, oil cooler and
cleaner at the engine's intake port. By removing the dust intercooler, which all must be handled in different ways. But with the iNDr
problem at the source, we've improved reliability and made filter, there's just one filter in one place. If it looks dirty during start-up
the machine easier to maintain. Operators no longer have to inspection, it can be cleaned easily and quickly.
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iNDr Has Everything
Locked In-
That's How It Opens
the Door to the Future!
The first small-tail-swing excavator fitted with iNDr hit
the market in 2007, marking the end of the introductory
chapter in iNDr development. But the real iNDr story is
just beginning. Low noise and easy maintenance are
two features in demand for every hydraulic excavator,
regardless of size. And the same is true for
environmental recycling machines. iNDr is the dream,
the future, and the wings to get there. We at KOBELCO
have no doubt that the iNDr tale will continue to be a
first-class success story.
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