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Thermosphere –Mesopause – Mesosphere – Stratopause- Stratosphere –Tropopause

 Lowest and thinnest layer 16 km at equator, 8 km at poles 90% of the
atmosphere’s mass Temperature decreases with altitude 6°C per kilometer Top of troposphere
averages –50°C/ Where weather occurs Boundary between the troposphere, and the
is called the tropopause

 Extends from 10 km to 50 km above the ground ,Less dense (less water

vapor) , Temperature increases with altitude ,Almost no weather occurrence,
,Upper boundary is called
 Extends to almost 80 km high , Gases are less dense. , Temperature
decreases as altitude increases. Gases in this layer absorb very little UV radiation.
 above the mesosphere and extends to almost 600 km high
,temperature increases with altitude , readily absorbs solar radiation , Temperature can go as
high as 1,500 °C , reflects radio waves.
 the interface between Earth and space , atoms and molecules can escape
to space.

 Structure of Atmosphere ;

protects Earth from harmful UV radiation
depletion is detrimental to life.

In the troposphere, ozone is a pollutant .
CFCs (pollutant).
 Ozone Depletion ;
 main cause is CFC pollution
 radiation from the sun causes the CFCs to break down
 releases one chlorine atom
 Chlorine atom reacts with ozone
(O3 ) molecules forming chlorine oxide(ClO) and oxygen gas ( O2).

 Global Warming ;
-An increase in Earth’s average surface temperature caused by an increase in greenhouse gases.
-caused by Greenhouse Effect.

 Greenhouse Effect ;
 the trapping of heat by gases in the atmosphere

Greenhouse gases
> carbon dioxide
> sulfur dioxide
> ozone
> CFCs
> water vapor

 Effects of Greenhouse Gas Pollution ;

Global warming
> ice in polar caps will begin to melt
> water in the ocean expands
> flooding in lowlands
and coastal areas
> changes in weather

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