Chapter No. 27 Quantities of Materials: Note

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Note :-

One cement bag weighs 50 Kg and measures 0.03472 cum.

Sr. No. Description Unit Quantities
Cement Fine Coarse
(Bags) aggregates aggregates
(cum) (cum)
1 2 3 4 5 6
27.1 Cement concrete :-

(i) M-20 cum 7.50 0.43 0.85

(ii) M-25 cum 8.50 0.43 0.85

(iii) M-30 cum 9.00 0.43 0.85

(iv) M-35 cum 9.50 0.43 0.85

(v) M-40 cum 10.00 0.43 0.85

(ii) 1:2:4 cum 6.50 0.45 0.90

(iii) 1 : 2 1/2 : 5 cum 5.30 0.46 0.91

(iv) 1:3:6 cum 4.50 0.47 0.94

(v) 1:4:8 cum 3.50 0.48 0.96

(vi) 1:5:10 cum 2.80 0.49 0.98

(vii) 1:6:12 cum 2.35 0.495 0.99

(viii) 1:8:16 cum 1.80 0.50 1.00

Lime Surkhi Ballast

(cum) (cum) (cum)
27.2 Lime concrete

(i) 1:2:8 (Brick ballast 0.13

40mm gauge) cum (76 Kg) 0.26 1.00

(ii) 16:24:100 (Brick

ballast 30mm 0.16
gauge) cum (93.54 Kg) 0.24 1.00

(iii) 16:24:100 (Brick

ballast 20mm 0.16
gauge) cum (93.54 Kg) 0.24 1.00

Cement Sand Bricks (Nos)

(Bags) (cum)
27.3 (a) Brick work in
cement sand mortar
with bricks of size
m :-

(i) 1:2 cum 3.45 0.24 480

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(ii) 1:3 cum 2.40 0.25 480

(iii) 1:4 cum 1.75 0.25 480

(iv) 1:5 cum 1.45 0.25 480

(v) 1:6 cum 1.20 0.25 480

(vi) 1:7 cum 1.00 0.25 480

Lime Surkhi Bricks (Nos) Sand

Qtl (cu m) (cu m)
(b) Brick work laid in
lime surkhi mortar
1:2 with bricks of
size 22.86cm x
11.11cm x 6.83cm

(i) 1:2 cum 0.70 0.24 480 -

(c) Brick work laid in

lime, surkhi, sand
mortar 1:1:1 with
bricks of size
22.86cm x 11.11cm
x 6.83cm cum 0.84 0.12 480 0.12

Cement Lime Sand Bricks (Nos)

(Bags) Qtl (cum)
(d) Brick work laid in
cement, lime, sand
mortar with bricks of
size 22.86cm x
11.11cm x 6.83cm

(i) 1:1:6 cum 1.20 0.29 0.25 480

(ii) 1:2:9 cum 0.80 0.39 0.25 480

(iii) 1:3:12 cum 0.61 0.44 0.25 480

(e) 115mm thick brick

wall laid in cement,
lime, sand mortar
1:1:6 with bricks size
of 22.86cm x
11.11cm x 6.83cm.

(i) 1:1:6 sqm 0.137 0.032 0.0286 55

Cement Sand Tiles

(Bags) (cum) (Nos)
27.4 (a) Brick work in
cement sand mortar
with tiles size 22.86
cm X 11.43cm x
3.81 cm

(i) 1:4 cum 2.85 0.40 780

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(ii) 1:5 cum 2.30 0.40 780

(iii) 1:6 cum 1.90 0.40 780

Cement Sand Tiles

(Bags) (cum) (Nos)
(b) Brick work in
cement sand mortar
with tiles size
30.48cm X 15.24cm
x 5.08 cm :-

(i) 1:4 cum 1.75 0.25 425

(ii) 1:6 cum 1.20 0.25 425

Cement Sand lime Bricks (Nos)

(Bags) (cum) (cum) Pucca Sundried
27.5 Gilafi masonry with jibi face
(1:5 mortar) cum 0.25 0.044 0.002 240 250

27.6 Brick work laid in mud-

mortar with jibi face (1:5
mortar) cum 0.32 0.054 - 480 -

Cement Sand Stone

(Bags) (cum) (cum)
27.7 Stone Masonry :

(i) Fine ashlar 1:3 cum 0.96 0.10 1.33

(ii) Fine ashlar 1:6 cum 0.48 0.10 1.33

(iii) Rough-tooled ashlar

1:3 cum 1.72 0.18 1.25

(iv) Rough-tooled ashlar

1:6 cum 0.86 0.18 1.25

(v) Block in course 1:4 cum 1.72 0.24 1.20

(vi) Block in course 1:5 cum 1.38 0.24 1.20

(vii) Block in course 1:6 cum 1.15 0.24 1.20

(viii) Squared rubble

masonry. 1:4 cum 2.15 0.30 1.10

(ix) Squared rubble

masonry. 1:5 cum 1.72 0.30 1.10

(x) Squared rubble

masonry. 1:6 cum 1.44 0.30 1.10

(xi) Random or
polygonal rubble 1:6
cum 1.67 0.35 1.10

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(xii) Boulder masonry 1:6
cum 1.90 0.40 1.10

(xiii) Random or
polygonal rubble 1:7
cum 1.44 0.35 1.10

(xiv) Random or
polygonal rubble 1:8
cum 1.24 0.35 1.10

Cement Sand
(Bags) (cum)
27.8 (a) Cement plaster
6mm thick :-

(i) 1:2 sqm 0.10 0.008

(ii) 1:3 sqm 0.08 0.008

(iii) 1:4 sqm 0.06 0.008

(b) Cement plaster

10mm thick :-

(i) 1:2 sqm 0.15 0.01

(ii) 1:3 sqm 0.12 0.012

(iii) 1:4 sqm 0.09 0.012

(c) Cement plaster

12.50mm thick :-

(i) 1:2 sqm 0.20 0.014

(ii) 1:3 sqm 0.16 0.016

(iii) 1:4 sqm 0.12 0.016

(iv) 1:5 sqm 0.094 0.016

(v) 1:6 sqm 0.078 0.016

(d) Cement plaster

20mm thick :-

(i) 1:2 sqm 0.30 0.021

(ii) 1:3 sqm 0.24 0.024

(iii) 1:4 sqm 0.18 0.024

(iv) 1:5 sqm 0.14 0.024

(v) 1:6 sqm 0.117 0.024

(e) Cement plaster

25mm thick :-

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(i) 1:2 sqm 0.40 0.028

(ii) 1:3 sqm 0.32 0.032

(iii) 1:4 sqm 0.24 0.032

(iv) 1:5 sqm 0.188 0.032

(v) 1:6 sqm 0.156 0.032

Cement Sand Lime

(Bags) (cum) (Kg)
27.9 (i) Cement lime plaster
12.5mm thick 1:1:6
mortar. sqm 0.08 0.016 1.55

(ii) Cement lime plaster

25mm thick 1:1:6
mortar. sqm 0.16 0.032 3.10

lime Surkhi
(Kg) (cum)
27.10 (a) Lime plaster
12.5mm thick 2
lime 3 surkhi. sqm 4.95 0.0128

Cement Sand Bitumen

(Bags) (cum) (kg)
(b)(i) 12.5 mm thick
cement plaster
damp proof course
1:3 with two coats of
bitumen laid hot and
sanded. sqm 0.16 0.016 1.65

(ii) 20mm thick cement

plaster damp proof
course 1:3 with two
coats of bitumen laid
hot and sanded.
sqm 0.24 0.024 1.65

Good Earth Old Bhusa Cow Dung

(cum) (Kg)

(c)(i) Mud plaster

12.50mm thick with
gobri leeping. sqm 0.35 23 L.S.

(ii) Mud plaster 25mm

thick with gobri
leeping. sqm 0.70 45 L.S.

Cement Sand
(Bags) (cum)
27.11 Flush or deep cement
pointing on brick walls or
brick on edge flooring :-

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(i) 1:2 sqm 0.044 0.003

(ii) 1:3 sqm 0.033 0.003

27.12 Flush cement pointing on

flat brick flooring :-

(i) 1:2 sqm 0.035 0.0024

27.13 Flush cement pointing on

underside of roof tiles :-

(30.48cm x 15.24cm x
1:2 mortar
sqm 0.026 0.0018

Lime Surkhi
(cum) (cum)

27.14 Lime pointing 2:3 flush or 0.0013

weathered and struck. sqm (0.90 kg) 0.0023

Cement Sand
(Bags) (cum)

27.15 Cement pointing 1:2 on

stone walls :-

(i) Flush sqm 0.065 0.0046

(ii) Raised sqm 0.130 0.009

(iii) On stone slab

pavement sqm 0.022 0.0015

27.16 Cement rendering on plaster

1mm thick.
sqm 0.025 -

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Lime (kg)
27.17 White washing :-

(i) One coat sqm 0.15

(ii) Two coats sqm 0.25

(iii) Three coats sqm 0.35

27.18 Colour washing :-

(i) One coat sqm 0.10

(ii) Two coats sqm 0.20

Cement Sand Tiles Aggregates

(Bags) (cum) (Nos) (cum)
27.19 Second class mud roofing

(i) When space

between battens is
filled with concrete
blocks. sqm 0.24 0.027 22 0.0026

(ii) When space

between battens is
filled with wooden
pieces. sqm 0.23 0.026 22 -

27.20 Tile terracing on roof (Tile

size 22.86 cm x 11.43 cm x
3.81 cm)
sqm 0.035 0.0049 37 -

Paints( ISI
27.21 Painting :-

(i) Two coats of

synthetic enamel
paint on new wood
or steel work. sqm 0.145

(ii) Two coats of ready,

mixed paint on new
wood or steel work.
sqm 0.122

(iii) Two coats of

synthetic enamel
paint on old wood or
steel work. sqm 0.118

(iv) Two coats of ready,

mixed paint on old
wood or steel work.
sqm 0.098

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(v) One coat of
synthetic enamel
paint on old wood or
steel work. sqm 0.065

(vi) One coat of ready

mixed paint on old
wood or steel work. sqm 0.054

(vii) Priming coat on

wood work. sqm 0.061

(viii) Priming coat on new

steel work. sqm 0.054

Red lead Turpentine Linseed Oil

Genuine Oil (Litre)
(Kg) (Litre)
(ix) Priming coat
consisting of red
lead mixed with
linseed oil and
turpentine oil in
equal proportion or
with genuine red
lead on steel work. sqm 0.085 0.0306 0.0306

(x) Two coats on iron

sheets with roofing
red, ready mixed
paint on new work to
give an even shade.
sqm 0.093 - -

Red lead Turpentine Linseed Oil

Genuine Oil (Litre)
(Kg) (Litre)
(xi) One coat on iron
sheet with roofing
red, ready mixed
paint on old work to
give an even shade.
sqm 0.059 - -

Paints( ISI

(xii) Two coats on iron

sheets with roofing
white, grey or green
ready mixed paint
on new work to give
an even shade.
sqm 0.15 - -

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(xiii) One coat on iron
sheets with roofing
white, grey or green
ready mixed paint
on new work to give
an even shade.
sqm 0.0947 - -

(xiv) Two coats with

aluminium paint on
new work to give an
even shade. sqm 0.093 - -

(xv) One coat with

aluminium paint on
new work to give an
even shade . sqm 0.0445 - -

(xvi) Two coats with anti-

corrosive bitumastic
paint on new work to
give an even shade
(with black enamel
sqm 0.1086 - -

(xvii) One coat with anti-

corrosive bitumastic
paints on old work to
give an even shade
(with black enamel
sqm 0.0543 - -

27.22 Solignum or creosote paint :-

(i) Two coats sqm 0.069

(ii) One coat sqm 0.039

27.23 Distempering (dry or oil-


(i) Two coats on new

work. sqm 0.171

(ii) One coat on old

work. sqm 0.073

(iii) Two coats on old

work. sqm 0.146

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Timber (cum)
Deodar Teak Kail

27.24 Door panelled, glazed or

glazed and panelled
(including chowkat)

(i) (40mm) thick sqm 0.049 -- 0.049

(ii) (35mm) thick sqm 0.045 0.038 0.045

(iii) (30mm) thick sqm 0.0418 0.0360 --

(iv) (25mm) thick sqm -- 0.0325 --

27.25 Battened and braced doors

(50mm) thick including
sqm 0.0565 -- --

27.26 Battened and framed doors

(including chowkat) :-
-- --

(i) (50mm) Thick sqm 0.060 -- --

(ii) (45mm) Thick sqm 0.057 -- --

27.27 Wire gauge door shutters

with out springs :-

(i) (35mm) thick sqm 0.0259 -- 0.0259

(ii) (30mm) thick sqm 0.0224 0.0214 0.0224

(iii) (25mm) thick sqm -- 0.0172 --

Cement Sand Tiles (30.48cm x 15.24cm x 5.08cm.)

(bags) (cum) (Nos)

27.28 Double layer tile lining

(13.36 cm thick) sqm 0.355 0.049 40

27.29 Single layer tile lining sqm 0.273 0.040 20

Note :- Materials for curing-drains

seepage drains, bed
sleepers and rungs to be
extra in case of item Nos
27.28 and 27.29.

Stone G.I. Wire No. 6 S.W.G

(cum) (4.75 mm)

27.30 Filling stone in wire-crates

(hand packed) cum 1.00 3.3kg per sqm of wire netting 15cm mesh.

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Note :- For other gauge of G.I. wire
No. 6 S.W.G (4.75mm) used
in item No. 27.30 weight per
sqm of netting (15cm) mesh
will vary accordingly.

27.31 Stone pitching. cum 1.00
Shingle or
s (10mm)

27.32 Dry grouting dry stone

pitching. cum 0.20


27.33 Cement mortar dry brick

pitching or flooring :-

(i) 7.5cm thick floor sqm 0.019

(ii) 11.50 cm thick floor

sqm 0.029

Note :- Quantities of cement for any

mortar ratio may be worked
out accordingly.

Cement Sand Shingle or Aggregate

(bags) (cum) (cum)

27.34 Cement grouting stone

ptiching :-

(i) 1:2:4 cum 1.45 0.10 0.20

(ii) 1:3:6 cum 0.96 0.10 0.20

Note :- For grouting with cement

mortar only use 0.36cum of
sand per cum of the
contents and work out the
quantity of cement according
to the mix used.

Cement Sand 15 percent Total Sand

(bags) (cum) extra sand (cum)
for wastage

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27.35 Cement Sand mortar :-

(i) 1:2 cum 13.63 0.96 0.14 1.10

(ii) 1:3 cum 9.60 1.00 0.15 1.15

(iii) 1:4 cum 6.89 1.00 0.15 1.15

Cement Sand 15 percent Total Sand

(bags) (cum) extra sand (cum)
for wastage

(iv) 1:5 cum 5.75 1.00 0.15 1.15

(v) 1:6 cum 4.80 1.00 0.15 1.15

No. of Cement in Sand Lime Surkhi

bricks of bags of (cum) (quintal) (cum)
size 50 Kg
22.86cm x (Bags)
11.11cm x
27.36 Flat brick paving laid dry
over 25mm thick mud
mortar grouted with sand.
10 sqm 364 -- 0.075 -- --

27.37 Dry brick on edge paving

sand grouted over 50mm
thick earth and mud plaster.
10 sqm 575 -- 0.15 -- --

27.38 First class dry flat brick

flooring templates over
rammed and dressed
foundations and to correct
longitudinal and cross
10 sqm 364 -- 0.075 -- --

27.39 First class dry brick on edge

flooring as described in item
no. 27.38
10 sqm 575 -- 0.15 -- --

27.40 First class flat brick paving

or flooring laid over and in
lime mortar/in cement sand
mortar 1:5 or 1:6 etc.

(i) In & on lime mortar 10 sqm 383 -- -- 0.74 0.125

(ii) In & on cement

sand mortar 1:6 10 sqm 383 0.599 0.144 -- --

(iii) In & on cement

sand mortar 1:5 10 sqm 383 0.718 0.144 -- --

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(iv) In & on cement
sand mortar 1:4 10 sqm 383 0.860 0.144 -- --

27.41 First class brick on edge

paving or flooring laid over
and in lime mortar/in cement
sand mortar 1:4, 1:5 or 1:6

(i) In & on lime mortar 10 sqm 617 -- -- 0.87 0.149

No. of Cement in Sand Lime Surkhi

bricks of bags of (cum) (quintal) (cum)
size 50 Kg
22.86cm x (Bags)
11.11cm x
(ii) In & on cement
sand mortar 1:6 10 sqm 617 0.714 0.171 -- --

(iii) In & on cement

sand mortar 1:5 10 sqm 617 0.856 0.171 -- --

(iv) In & on cement

sand mortar 1:4 10 sqm 617 1.025 0.171 -- --

No. of Cement in Sand

bricks of bags of (cum)
size 50 Kg
22.86cm x (Bags)
11.11cm x

27.42 Dry brick on edge paving

sand grouted over 50mm
thick rammed brick
aggregate 40mm gauge.
10 sqm 575 -- 0.15

27.43 Flat brick or tile flooring laid

in cement sand mortar 1:4
on 100mm thick cement
concrete 1:8:16 and 100mm
sand filling and cement
pointing 1:2 on top.
10 sqm 383 3.01 0.668

27.44 Brick on edge flooring laid in

cement sand mortar 1:4 in
75mm thick cement
concrete 1:8:16 and cement
pointing 1:2 on top.
10 sqm 617 2.725 1.570

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27.45 Flat brick or tile flooring laid
dry over bed of 6mm thick
cement sand mortar 1:6
grouted with cement sand
mortar 1:4 and top surface
to be cleaned with wire
brushes. 10 sqm 383 0.70 0.13

27.46 Laying flat brick soling in

road work.
10 sqm 383 -- --

27.47 Laying brick on edge soling

in road work. 10 sqm 617 -- --

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